AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Resultados 81-90 de 210

Evaluation of the immune response of cattle to leptospiral bacterins [Leptospira interrogans].


Tripathy D.N. | Hanson L.E. | Mansfield M.E.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Hemoconcentration and erythrocyte fragility in chickens exposed to heat and dehydration [compared with camels, stress].


Yagil R. | Luchtenstein C. | Meyerstein N.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Evaluation of the efficacy of fospirate-treated collars against the brown dog tick [Rhipicephalus sanguineus].


Bradley R.E. | Eidelberg A.J.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Laboratory summary of Brucella isolations [from cattle] and typing: 1975 [Bacterial diseases].


Harrington R. Jr. | Brown G.M.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Taenia saginata cysticerci in muscles of beef cattle.


Juranek D.D. | Forbes L.S. | Keller U.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America

Effect of temperature on survival of free-living stages of Haemonchus contortus [in sheep fecal pellets].


Todd K.S. Jr. | Levine N.D. | Boatman P.A.

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America