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Effects on aflatoxin M1 residues in milk by addition of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate to aflatoxin-contaminated diets of dairy cows
Harvey, R.B. | Phillips, T.D. | Ellis, J.A. | Kubena, L.F. | Huff, W.E. | Petersen, H.D.
Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS), an anticaking agent for agricultural feeds, was added to aflatoxin (AF)-contaminated diets of 3 lactating dairy cows and evaluated for its potential to reduce aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) residues in milk. During phase I, cows were fed alternating diets that consisted of 200 microgram of AF/kg of feed for 7 days, 0.5% HSCAS plus 200 microgram of AF/kg of feed for 7 days, and feed with the HSCAS removed for a final 7 days. The AFM1 milk concentrations from the intervals with HSCAS added to diets were compared with those times when HSCAS was absent. The presence of 0.5% HSCAS in feed containing 200 microgram of AF/kg reduced AFM1 secretion into the milk by an average of 0.44 microgram/L (from pretreatment of 1.85 microgram/L to 1.41 microgram/L with HSCAS, a 24% reduction). Following a 10-day period of noncontaminated feed consumption and no AFM1 residues in the milk, phase II of the study was begun. The same experimental design as phase I was used, but the dosages of HSCAS and AF were changed to 1.0% and 100 microgram/kg of feed, respectively. The addition of 1.0% HSCAS in feed containing 100 microgram of AF/kg decreased AFM1 content in the milk by an average of 0.40 microgram/L (from a pretreatment of 0.91 microgram/L to 0.51 microgram/L when HSCAS was present, a 44% reduction). These findings suggest that HSCAS, a high-affinity sorbent compound for AF in vitro, is capable of reducing the secretion of AFM1 into milk.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparative study of colonizing and noncolonizing Campylobacter jejuni
Meinersmann, R.J. | Rigsby, W.E. | Stern, N.J. | Kelley, L.C. | Hill, J.E. | Doyle, M.P.
Campylobacter jejuni A74/O and A74/C are congenic strains. An oral dose of 10(5) organisms of strain A74/C colonizes chicken intestines. Strain A74/O, from which A74/C is derived, does not colonize the chicken intestines with an oral dose of 10(5) organisms. In this study, the congenic bacteria were compared to identify possible colonization mechanisms. Differences were not observed in plasmid content or by HindIII, Pst I, Acc I, HincII, Ava I, Ava II, Xba I, and BamHI restriction enzyme digestion of total DNA. Transmission electron microscopy of negatively stained samples revealed no differences between the strains. Sections of cecal tissue from nonfed day-of-hatch chicks were cultured with each strain for 2 hours and then examined by light and electron microscopy. Both strains caused necrosis of villus epithelial cells. Immunofluorescent or silver staining revealed strain A74/C located deep in numerous epithelial crypts, but strain A74/O only was present in one sample mixed with sloughed necrotic cells. Similarly, organisms were detected by transmission electron microscopy deep in crypts in tissues cultured with A74/C, but not A74/O. Cells of A74/C detected in crypts did not appear to associate with epithelial cells. The strains did not differ in chemotactic behavior to mucin or fucose.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pathophysiologic effects of Ostertagia ostertagi in calves and their prevention by strategic anthelmintic treatments
Xiao, L. | Gibbs, H.C. | Yang, Zhunhe
Pathophysiologic effects of Ostertagia ostertagi infection and their prevention by strategic anthelmintic treatments were studied in 3 groups each of 6 steer calves. Group-1 calves were noninfected controls. Group-2 calves were inoculated with 100,000 third-stage larvae on the 1st and 28th days of the experiment and grazed on pasture initially free of contamination. Group-3 calves were on a similar regimen as those in group 2, but were also treated with ivermectin 9 days after each larval inoculation. Group-2 calves had increased plasma pepsinogen and gastrin values and decreased weight gains, and total serum protein and albumin concentrations from the 2nd week of infection onward. They were anemic at 10 to 12 weeks and had lower carcass and meat quality at slaughter. Strategic anthelmintic treatments were effective in preventing these effects and calves in groups 1 and 3 had similar performances. On the basis of our findings, high pepsinogen values were related to worm burdens, whereas high gastrin concentrations were related to gastric lesions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Association of environmental air contaminants with disease and productivity in swine
Donham, K.J.
A cross-sectional epidemiologic study associating air quality with swine health was conducted on 28 swine farms in southern Sweden. Correlation of housing air environment to swine diseases and productivity (data collected over the preceding 12 months) were investigated. The most prevalent swine health problems detected at slaughter were pneumonia and pleuritis. In farrowing and nursery operations, the most prevalent problem was neonatal pig mortality. Several air contaminants (dust, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and microbes) were found to be correlated with these swine health problems. Maximal safe concentrations of air contaminants were estimated on the basis of dose-response correlation to swine health or human health problems. Recommended maximal concentrations of contaminants were: dust, 2.4 mg/m3; ammonia, 7 ppm; endotoxin, 0.08 mg/m3; total microbes, 10(5) colony-forming units/m3; and carbon dioxide, 1,540 ppm. The overall quality of the ventilation system was correlated with lower concentration of ammonia, carbon dioxide, microorganisms, and endotoxin, but not with dust concentrations. High animal density was related to high ammonia and air microbe concentrations. Animal density measured as kilograms of swine per cubic meter (compared with kilograms of pig weight or swine per square meter) had the highest correlation to animal health and air contaminants.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Uterine and fetal dynamics during early pregnancy in mares
Griffin, P.G. | Ginther, O.J.
Fetal activity and mobility and changes in diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in the uterine horns were studied in mares between days 69 and 81 of pregnancy by use of transrectal ultrasonography (n = 12) and transcervical videoendoscopy (n = 8). The insertion tube of the videoendoscope was positioned within the allantoic sac to permit viewing of the fetus and entrance to each uterine horn. Each uterine horn was divided ultrasonographically into 3 segments of equal length, and the horns were designated on the basis of side of umbilical attachment (cord vs noncord horns). The diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in the cornual segments increased (P < 0.05) over the cranial (18.6 +/- 1.9 mm), middle (35.6 +/- 2.9 mm), and caudal (51.7 +/- 4.4 mm) segments, but differences between cord and noncord horns were not evident. Dynamic changes in diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in cornual segments (ultrasonography) and at the entrance to each uterine horn (videoendoscopy) were detected (no significant difference between methods). During continuous videoendoscopic viewing (17 to 60 min/mare), extreme changes in allantoic fluid compartment diameter (76 to 100% of maximum to 0 to 25% of maximum or vice-versa) occurred an equivalent of 2.6 times/h/horn entrance; changes had an average duration of 3.4 minutes. A change from 100% (maximal diameter) to 0% (no visible lumen) or vice-versa occurred an equivalent of 1.3 times/h/horn entrance. Sometimes the uterine wall was so closely constricted around the fetal-amniotic unit that no intervening allantoic fluid was ultrasonographically detectable, whereas at other times, the uterus in the same location was widely dilated. Results indicated that extensive allantoic fluid shifts were associated with frequent diameter changes in various segments of the uterus. On the basis of 30-second activity trials every 10 minutes, the fetus was active 27% and was quiet 73% of the time (combined ultrasonographic and videoendoscopic data). Activity sometimes involved only movements of extremities, head, or mouth, whereas at other times, a sudden burst of intense whole-body activity was observed. The vigorous whole-body movements buoyed the fetus into the allantoic fluid, and movements of the extremities often caused the fetus to push away from the allantoic wall, resulting in marked changes in location, recumbency, and presentation (direction faced by fetus). Several instances were observed during videoendoscopic examination, in which the fetal-amniotic unit appeared to be forced through a constricted horn entrance into the allantoic fluid compartment at the dilated uterine body. On the basis of continuous videoendoscopic viewing, the fetus changed locations among the major portions of the uterus (body and each horn), on average, 5.0 times/h. Changes in recumbency and presentation occurred, on average, 10.5 and 5.0 times/h, respectively. The frequency of type of recumbency decreased (P < 0.005) as follows: lateral, 23 of 39 (59%); dorsal, 15 of 39 (38%); and ventral, 1 of 39 (3%). Frequency of cranial, caudal, and transverse presentation was not different between cord and noncord horn. Caudal presentation was more common (P < 0.005) when the fetus was in a uterine horn (47/70, 67%) than when it was in the uterine body (15/50, 30%; combined ultrasonographic and videoendoscopic data). Transverse presentation was more common (P < 0.005) when the fetus was in the uterine body (14/50, 28%) than when it was in a horn (4/70, 6%). Results indicated that the early stage equine fetus (days 69 to 81) is extremely mobile within the allantoic fluid, with frequent (several times per hour) changes in location, recumbency, and presentation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biochemical study of repair of induced osteochondral defects of the distal portion of the radial carpal bone in horses by use of periosteal autografts
Vachon, A.M. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Keeley, F.W.
Periosteal autograft were used for repair of large osteochondral defects in 10 horses aged 2 to 3 years old. In each horse, osteochondral defects measuring 1.0 X 1.0 cm2 were induced bilaterally on the distal articular surface of each radial carpal bone. Control and experimental defects were drilled. Periosteum was harvested from the proximal portion of the tibia and was glued into the principal defects, using a fibrin adhesive. Control defects were glued, but were not grafted. Sixteen weeks after the grafting procedure, the quality of the repair tissue of control and grafted defects was assessed biochemically. Total collagen content and the proportion of type-II collagen were determined. Galactosamine and glucosamine contents also were determined. From these measurements, contents of chondroitin and keratan sulfate and total glycosaminoglycan, and galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio were calculated. All biochemical variables were compared with those of normal equine articular cartilage taken from the same site in another group of clinically normal horses. Total collagen content was determined on the basis of 4-hydroxyproline content, using a colorimetric method. The proportions of collagen types I and II in the repair tissue were assessed by electrophoresis of their cyanogen bromide-cleaved peptides on sodium dodecyl sulfate slab gels. Peptide ratios were computed and compared with those of standard mixtures of type-I and type-II collagens. Galactosamine and glucosamine contents were determined by use of ion chromatography. In general, the biochemical composition of repair tissue of grafted and nongrafted defects was similar, but clearly differed from that of normal articular cartilage. Total glycosaminoglycan content, galactosamine and glucosamine contents, and galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio of grafted and nongrafted defects were all significantly (P < 0.05) less than corresponding values in normal equine articular cartilage. By contrast, total collagen content of neocartilaginous tissues of grafted and nongrafted defects was greater than that of normal articular cartilage, although the difference was not significant. The proportion of type-I and type-II collagens in repair tissue in grafted and nongrafted defects was 70 and 30%, respectively. The fibrous nature of the repair tissue reported in a companion morphologic and histochemical study was substantiated by the biochemical results. We concluded that use of periosteal autograft did not improve the healing of osteochondral defects.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]In vitro and in vivo evaluation of effects of a heptanoyl tripeptide, FK-565, on porcine macrophage and lymphocyte function
Chitko, C.G. | Chapes, S.K. | Thaler, R.C. | Nelssen, J.L. | Anderson, G.A. | Clough, E.R. | Blecha, F.
A series of experiments was performed in vitro and in vivo to determine the influence of FK-565, a heptanoyl tripeptide, on lymphocyte and macrophage function in swine. Compared with values for control cultures, mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte blastogenesis and interleukin-2 production were unaffected in cells preincubated with 0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 microgram of FK-565/ml. Natural killer cell activity was increased by preincubation with 1.0 microgram of FK-565/ml; however, this increase was not statistically significant. In vitro treatment of porcine alveolar macrophages with FK-565 did not enhance cytolytic activity or bactericidal activity. In in vivo experiments, FK-565 given orally to pigs at concentrations of 6 or 60 microgram-kg-l.-d-1 for 5 days did not affect lymphocyte blastogenesis, interleukin-2 production, or alveolar macrophage bactericidal activity. A trend toward increased natural killer cell activity was evident in pigs treated with FK-565. In contrast, pigs treated with 6 microgram-kg-1.-d-1 had significantly (P less than 0.01) decreased alveolar macrophage cytolytic activity. These data indicate that at the dosages tested, FK-565 is not a suitable immunomodulator for enhancement of nonspecific immunity in swine.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cutaneous laser-Doppler velocimetry in nine animal species
The assessment of cutaneous microcirculation by laser-Doppler velocimetry (LDV) has been primarily limited to human studies. The purpose of this investigation was to establish normal values in various species and anatomic sites for blood flow, velocity, and volume as determined by LDV. Microcirculation was measured with a laser-Doppler velocimeter in 54 animals, 6 healthy animals from each of 9 species. The standard sites used were the buttocks, convex surface of the ear, metacarpal pad, humeroscapular junction, thoracolumbar junction, ventral portion of the abdomen, dorsal metacarpus (hooved animals), and ventral surface of the tail (horse). Significant differences in blood flow, velocity, and volume were measured between species and sites within species. The ventral portion of the abdomen consistently had the highest relative blood flow across all species except the monkey. Measurements in the canine metacarpal pad had a high SD, possibly indicating the stratum corneum and epidermis to be too thick for LDV. Our findings provide baseline data in several species, with application of LDV in comparative dermatologic research.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Salmonella enteritidis infection in chickens
Kim, C.J. | Nagaraja, K.V. | Pomeroy, B.S.
An ELISA was developed and tested for its ability to detect antibodies against Salmonella enteritidis in chickens. Various features of the ELISA were evaluated and optimized. The outer membrane protein antigens selected by use of the protein immunoblotting method made the assay specific and sensitive. The assay was evaluated in chickens experimentally infected with S enteritidis. Blood samples collected at weekly intervals after experimental infection with S enteritidis were analyzed by ELISA. Results of the ELISA were compared with those of conventional serum plate and microagglutination tests. The ELISA was more sensitive and specific in the detection of S enteritidis infection than the other 2 conventional tests.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Characterization of proteins in sporulated and unsporulated Eimeria maxima oocysts
Pote, L.M. | Ainsworth, A.J. | Brown, J.E. | Haney, J.A.
Proteins in sporulated and unsporulated oocysts of Eimeria maxima were characterized, using monoclonal antibodies (MAB), ELISA, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and protein (western) immunoblotting techniques. Three MAB (EM1, EM2, and EM4) were produced against proteins of sporulated oocysts. The ELISA results indicated that EM1 was reactive with sporulated oocyst proteins, EM2 was reactive with sporulated and unsporulated oocyst proteins, and EM4 was reactive with unsporulated oocysts and proteins. Separation of proteins in E maxima sporulated and unsporulated oocysts by SDS-PAGE indicated that sporulated oocysts had proteins of approximately 200 kilodaltons (kD) and distinct protein bands at 21.5 and 45 kD. Using SDS-PAGE, unsporulated oocysts had less-distinct high molecular weight protein bands (> 200 kD), compared with sporulated oocysts, and a distinct protein band at 31 kD. Use of all 3 MAB yielded negative results in western blot analysis of fractions obtained by SDS-PAGE.
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