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Resultados 81-90 de 545
Local and systemic influence of toxic levels of airborne ozone on the inflammatory response in rats
Chmielewska-Krzesińska Małgorzata | Wąsowicz Krzysztof
Ozone is not harmful itself; however, it directly oxidises biomolecules and produces radical-dependent cytotoxicity. Exposure to ozone is by inhalation and therefore the lungs develop the main anti-inflammatory response, while ozone has an indirect impact on the other organs. This study investigated the local and systemic effects of the ozone-associated inflammatory response.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigation of the prevalence of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae in Southern Xinjiang, China
Zhao Jin-yu | Du Yi-zhou | Song Ya-ping | Zhou Peng | Chu Yue-feng | Wu Jun-yuan
It is very important to monitor the infection of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae as a potential threat to the sheep industry. Southern Xinjiang is a major sheep breeding base in China, however, there is no relevant information concerning the infection of the region’s ovine stock with this bacteria at present. This study aimed to address this knowledge gap.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]High-throughput sequencing in vaccine research
Pasik Katarzyna | Domańska-Blicharz Katarzyna
The world of vaccines has changed tremendously since the time of Louis Pasteur. In the present day, it is regarded as vaccinology, a discipline which includes not only the knowledge of vaccine production, strategies for its delivery and influence on the clinical course of disease and the response of the host immune system but also regulatory, ethical, economic and ecological aspects of their use. A hundred years after Pasteur created the first vaccine, there was another scientific breakthrough of great importance in this field, i. e. Sanger sequencing. Progress in genome sequencing and other molecular techniques over the intervening 40 years has been enormous. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) platforms and bioinformatics tools are becoming widely available, falling in cost, and results are achieved very quickly. They enable the construction of modern vaccines, as well as the assessment of their safety, effectiveness and impact on the host organism and the environment. These techniques can also provide a tool for quality control of vaccines. Unprecedented possibilities are opened up by the HTS technique, but limiting factors on its implementation have to be contended with such as lack of reference materials and problems with method optimisation or validation. In the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic, a significant role is allotted to this sequencing technique while an effective vaccine against the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 is sough.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Canine leishmaniasis prevalence in the Slovenian dog population
Kotnik Tina | Moreno Javier | Šoba Barbara | Krt Brane | Skvarč Miha | Vergles Rataj Aleksandra | Gorišek Bajc Maja | Ravnik Verbič Urša
Leishmaniasis is a life-threatening zoonosis of which dogs are the major reservoir and sandflies are the vectors. Until now, the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in the Slovenian dog population was unknown.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Luteolin attenuates cognitive dysfunction induced by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion through the modulation of the PI3K/Akt pathway in rats
He Haitao | Chen Xi
In our study, we evaluated the beneficial effect of luteolin in the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in rat models induced by cerebral hypoperfusion by two-vessel occlusion (2-VO).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]New insights into the prevalence and phylogenetic diversity of Cysticercus ovis isolates in sheep from Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Ahmad Mohammed Aram
Although ovine cysticercosis is not a zoonotic problem, it results in substantial economic losses due to the condemnation of infected tissues or entire carcasses. This study aimed to record preliminary data on the prevalence, and phylogenetic diversity of Cysticercus ovis isolates from slaughtered sheep in the province of Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Environmental contamination of free-range hen with dioxin
Mikołajczyk Szczepan | Pajurek Marek | Warenik-Bany Małgorzata | Maszewski Sebastian
The transfer of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from a contaminated environment into the food chain is a serious consumer safety problem. As part of the Polish National Surveillance Program of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in food of animal origin, a concentration of PCDD/Fs of 4.61 ± 0.75 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat was determined in a sample of free-range eggs, which exceeded the permitted limit of 2.5 pg WHO-TEQ/g. The aim of the study was to investigate the source of the egg contamination and the risk for the eggs’ consumers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The preventive role of Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) in immune and oxidative insults in a stress-induced rat model
Seyidoğlu Nilay | Köşeli Eda | Gurbanlı Rovshan | Aydın Cenk
There is a balance between oxidative stress, antioxidant capacity and immune response. Their roles in physiological and behavioural mechanisms are important for the maintenance of the organism’s internal equilibrium. This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant effects of the exogenous alga Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) in a stress-induced rat model, and to describe its possible mechanism of action.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence of genetically modified soybean in animal feedingstuffs in Poland
Sieradzki Zbigniew | Mazur Małgorzata | Król Beata | Kwiatek Krzysztof
Globally, genetically modified (GM) crops were grown on 191.7 million hectares in 2018, which were mostly sown with soybean, maize, cotton, oilseed rape, and rice. The most popular traits introduced through genetic modification include herbicide and pest insect resistance. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify genetically modified soybean used in animal feed in Poland.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of the usefulness of image reconstruction in the oblique and double-oblique sagittal planes for magnetic resonance imaging of the canine cranial cruciate ligament
Przeworski Adam | Adamiak Zbigniew | Nowicki Michał | Mieszkowska Marta | Tobolska Angelika | Głodek Joanna
The aim of the study was to determine the quality and significance of the magnetic resonance image of the canine knee after reconstruction in the oblique and double-oblique sagittal plane. This reconstruction and 3D images are rarely used in common protocols due to the longer study time they require. The study aimed to demonstrate significance for such diagnostic images in specific sequences in order to stimulate consideration of their more frequent use in diagnosis of diseases of the cruciate ligament in dogs.
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