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Detection of colonies of Anaplasma marginale in salivary glands of three Dermacentor spp infected as nymphs or adults
Stiller, D. | Kocan, K.M. | Edwards, W. | Ewing, S.A. | Hair, J.A. | Barron, S.J.
Salivary glands from males of 3 Dermacentor species (D andersoni, D variabilis and D occidentalis) that were infected with either the Virginia or Idaho isolate of Anaplasma marginale as nymphs or adults were examined for colonies of A marginale by use of light and electron microscopy. Prior to dissection of salivary glands, exposed ticks were held at 25 C for 15 to 18 days, followed by a 3-day incubation at 37 C. Ticks of 2 species transmitted A marginale to calves; the third tick species was confirmed infected by demonstration of typical colonies in tick gut cells, but transmission was not attempted; Colonies of A marginale were seen with light microscopy in salivary glands of all 3 species of ticks; they were located in acinar cells that contained simple granules. Colonies varied morphologically from small, compact ones to larger structures that contained distinct organisms and often were adjacent to the host cell nucleus. Electron microscopy confirmed that the colonies were rickettsial organisms. Morphologic features of A marginale varied and included reticulated forms, forms with electron-dense centers, and small particles; these various forms were similar to those described previously in midgut epithelial cells of ticks. We believe that the organism seen within tick salivary glands may replicate in the glands before its transmission to the vertebrate host.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Antibody response of pseudorabies virus subunit-vaccinated pigs to viral nucleocapsid proteins following low-dose virus challenge of immunity
McGinley, M.J. | Platt, K.B.
The antibody response to pseudorabies virus nucleocapsid proteins (NCP) was evaluated by the western immunoblot analysis before and after challenge of immunity by nasal inoculation of 10(2.3) plaque-forming units of virus in 10 pigs that had been vaccinated with pseudorabies virus envelope glycoproteins. Antibody to 5 NCP with molecular mass of 140, 63, 41, 34, and 23 kD was first detected in vaccinated and nonvaccinated pigs on day 14 after challenge of immunity. Antibody to 2 of the 5 NCP continued to be detected through day 113 in 9 of 10 vaccinated pigs. Beyond day 32, antibody to NCP was not detected in 1 vaccinated pig. The 23-, 34-, and 41-kD proteins were the most immunogenic. Antibody to each of these proteins was first detected on day 14 in 10, 10, and 8 pigs, respectively. Seven, 6, and 8 pigs, respectively, were antibody-positive for these proteins on day 113. The 140- and 63-kD proteins were the least immunogenic. Antibody to these proteins was detected in 8 and 9 pigs, respectively, on day 14, and in 4 and 5 pigs, respectively, on day 113. Chi-square analysis for dependency indicated that the antibody response to the 140- and 63-kD proteins was interdependent. These results suggested that combinations of NCP may be useful as non-vaccine diagnostic antigens.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analysis of muscle elements, water, and total lipids from healthy dogs and Labrador Retrievers with hereditary muscular dystrophy
Mehta, J.R. | Braund, K.G. | McKerrell, R.E. | Toivio-Kinnucan, M.
Skeletal muscles from healthy dogs and Labrador Retrievers with hereditary muscular dystrophy were examined morphologically and histochemically and were analyzed biochemically for Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Cl-, total muscle water, and total neutral lipid content. Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used for elemental quantitation of hydrochloric acid tissue extracts. Muscle samples from dystrophic dogs contained substantially increased concentrations of Na+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, and Cl-, and a considerable reduction in the content of K+ and Mg2+ compared with samples from healthy dogs. Total muscle water and total fat content was higher in muscles from dystrophic dogs. Most muscle samples from dystrophic dogs had a type-2 fiber deficiency and an increase in number of fibers with internalized nuclei.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of xylazine and/or butorphanol or neostigmine on myoelectric activity of the cecum and right ventral colon in female ponies
Rutkowski, J.A. | Ross, M.W. | Cullen, K.
Effects of xylazine HCl (0.5 mg/kg of body weight, IV) and/or butorphanol tartrate (0.04 mg/kg, IV) or neostigmine methylsulfate (0.022 mg/kg, IV) on myoelectric activity of the cecum and right ventral colon were studied in 4 conscious female ponies. Eight bipolar Ag/AgCl electrodes were sequentially placed on the seromuscular layer of the cecum (6 electrodes) and right ventral colon (2 electrodes). Recordings began 30 minutes before and continued for 90 minutes after drug administration. Each drug or drug combination was studied on 2 occasions in each pony. Two major patterns of coordinated spike bursts were identified. A series of coordinated spike bursts began at the cecal base and was conducted to the cecal apex (pattern I). A series of coordinated spike bursts began at the cecal apex, traversed the cecum, cecocolic orifice, and right ventral colon and was termed a progressive pattern (pattern II). Xylazine administration caused a significant decrease in patterns I and II for 20 minutes (P less than 0.05). Butorphanol tartrate administration caused a significant decrease in the progressive pattern for 10 minutes (P less 0.05) without affecting the orally directed pattern. Administration of the combination of xylazine/butorphanol significantly decreased the frequency of pattern I for 40 minutes (P less than 0.05) and pattern II for 30 minutes (P less than 0.05). Neostigmine administration caused a significant increase in the frequency of pattern II for 30 minutes (P less than 0.05) without affecting pattern I (P greater than 0.05). Changes in conduction velocity of pattern I or II or the duration of spiking activity were not significantly different because of any treatment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of dietary source of phosphorus on fecal and urinary excretion of phosphorus and other minerals by male cats
Finco, D.R. | Barsanti, J.A. | Brown, S.A.
Twelve male cats were fed 2 diets that differed in the source of P. In diet 1 (1.4% P), 62.7% of P originated from poultry, meat, and fish meal, and the remainder from other organic ingredients of food. In diet 2 (1.6% P), 63.5% of P was derived from neutral monobasic/dibasic salts, and the remainder from other organic ingredients of the food. The P intake was nearly the same with both diets, but there was a significant (P less than 0.05) difference between diets in the percentage of ingested P that was excreted in the urine (14.7 +/- 5.3% for diet 1; 34.9 +/- 8.4% for diet 2), and in 6-day urinary P excretion (774 +/- 290 mg for diet 1; 2,004 +/- 556 mg for diet 2). The P concentrations in urine samples obtained by cystocentesis after cats ate were significantly (P less than 0.05) higher when cats were fed diet 2 than when those same cats were fed diet 1. Plasma P concentrations increased after ingestion of diet 2, but were unchanged after ingestion of diet 1. Seemingly, urinary excretion of P was markedly influenced by dietary composition. Diets with the same P content have potential for different biologic effects because of differences in availability of P.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Induction of Escherichia coli mastitis in cows fed selenium-deficient or selenium-supplemented diets
Erskine, R.J. | Eberhart, R.J. | Grasso, P.J. | Scholz, R.W.
Ten Holstein heifers were fed a selenium-deficient (SeD) diet (0.04 mg of Se/kg on a total ration dry-matter basis) 3 months before calving and throughout their first lactation. A selenium-supplemented (SeS) diet (2 mg of Se/head/d) was fed to a group of 10 heifers. In about the 14th week of lactation, the cows were challenge-exposed to Escherichia coli by administering 15 to 40 colony-forming units (CFU) into 1 mammary gland. Selenium concentration microgram/ml) in blood around the time of challenge exposure was 0.033 +/-0.002 (mean +/- SEM) in SeD and 0.132 /-0.006 in SeS cows. Infections were established in all challenge-exposed quarters. The frequency of quarter atrophy and agalactia, and reduction in whole-udder milk yield in the first 4 days after challenge exposure, were greater (P < 0.05) in the SeD cows. Log10 peak bacterial concentrations in milk were higher (P < 0.05) in SeD (7.63 +/- 0.34 CFU/ml) than in SeS cows (5.57 0.66 CFU/ml). Mean log bacterial concentration was significantly higher (P < 0.05) from 12 to 20 hours after challenge exposure in SeD than in SeS cows. Duration of infection was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in SeD (162.0 +/- 12.0) than in SeS cows (114.4 +/- 18.0 hours). Milk somatic cell counts increased significantly more slowly (P < 0.05) in SeD than in SeS cows from 8 to 16 hours after challenge exposure. Ratios of milk somatic cells to bacteria in milk were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in SeD than in SeS cows at l2 and 16 hours after challenge exposure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Antibodies to bovine serum albumin in swine sera: implications for false-positive reactions in the serodiagnosis of African swine fever
Escribano, J.M. | Pastor, M.J. | Sanchez-Vizcaino, J.M.
Antibodies to bovine serum albumin were detected in swine sera by use of an immunoblotting technique. Such sera had false-positive reactions, as determined by results of African swine fever virus serodiagnostic techniques when bovine serum albumin was a contaminant in the soluble cytoplasmic antigen obtained from infected cells cultured in the presence of bovine serum. The soluble cytoplasmic antigen obtained from cell cultures infected with African swine fever virus in the presence of porcine serum did not react with the false-positive sera and, therefore, was used for African swine fever virus serodiagnostic methods, with 0% false-positive results.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of the agar gel immunodiffusion test for diagnosis of subclinical paratuberculosis in cattle
Sherman, D.M. | Bray, B. | Gay, J.M. | Bates, F.
Concurrent bacteriologic culture of feces and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) testing was performed on all cows and bred heifers over 14 months old in 10 dairy herds during a 32-month period to determine the effectiveness of the AGID test for the detection of subclinical paratuberculosis. Herds were sampled 5 times and, when possible, culled animals were tested again at slaughter. During 5 herd-wide samplings, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was isolated from 139 fecal specimens obtained from 109 cattle. Results of the AGID test were simultaneously positive 40 of 139 times (28.8%). Thirty-six of the 109 cattle (33.0%) determined to be infected had a positive AGID test result at some point during the 5 herd-wide samplings. When results of tests performed at time of slaughter were included, 117 cattle were identified as infected by culture methods; 55 of these (47.0%) were AGID test-positive at some point during the study. The upper limit of the maximal false-positive rate for the AGID test was 2.1%. On the basis of colony counts from cultures, subclinically infected cows shedding higher numbers of M paratuberculosis in the feces were more likely to have positive AGID test results (P less than 0.0001). In known infected cattle, neither the culture nor AGID test results were consistently positive on repeated testing. Of 48 official calfhood paratuberculosis vaccinates tested as adults, 3 had positive AGID test results and in 1 of these, M paratuberculosis was also isolated from the feces, indicating that the rate of false-positive AGID test results in calfhood vaccinates is low.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Hematologic changes induced by intravenous administration of diacetoxyscirpenol in pigs, dogs, and calves
Coppock, R.W. | Hoffman, W.E. | Gelberg, H.B. | Bass, D. | Buck, W.B.
Diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) was given IV to pigs (0, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg of body weight), cattle (0 and 0.5 mg/kg), and dogs (0 and 0.5 mg/kg). Blood was collected and hemograms were done at 0.5-hour intervals for 8 hours. The animals were euthanatized at 8 hours after treatment, and bone marrow samples were taken and examined by light microscopy. Moderate to severe necrosis of bone marrow hematopoietic elements was found in animals given DAS. The sequential increase in the type and number of abnormal cells in the blood suggested a successive destruction of the hematopoietic elements. A marked left shift in the neutrophil population was found in animals given DAS. Metarubricytes and large platelets were found in the blood of animals given DAS. Lymphocytes were replaced with immature cells. Pathologic changes were most severe in the pigs given a dosage of 1.0 mg of DAS/kg. The order of species sensitivity to DAS was pigs greater than dogs much greater than cattle.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of normal triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine concentrations in llamas (Lama glama)
Smith, B.B. | Pearson, E.G. | León, J.
Basal serum triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) concentrations have not been established for the llama (Lama glama). In addition, changes in T3 and T4 concentrations in response to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) administration have not been determined, making clinical evaluation of problems referable to thyroid dysfunction difficult. In study 1, basal T3 and T4 concentrations were determined in serum samples collected from 132 clinically healthy llamas. The llamas were allotted to 3 groups: mature intact or neutered males (group I, n = 25), nonpregnant sexually mature females (group II, n = 21), and pregnant females (group III, n = 86). A mean concentration and a 95% confidence interval were computed for each group. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that a single confidence interval range (0.45 to 4.18, mean = 1.37 ng T3/ml) adequately defined the normal T3 concentrations for all groups. An ANOVA indicated that the T4 concentrations for the female populations (groups II and III) could be combined with a normal confidence interval range of 39 to 204 ng/ml (mean = 88 ng/ml), whereas a separate range (70 to 220 ng/ml, mean = 124 ng/ml) was determined for the male population. An ANOVA indicated that a single confidence interval range (0.0066 to 0.0321, mean = 0.0146) adequately defined the normal T3/T4 ratio for all groups. In study 2, T3 and T4 concentrations were evaluated in 10 healthy llamas immediately preceding and at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24 hours after the IV administration of 3 IU of TSH/44 kg of body weight. The T3 and T4 concentrations were significantly higher by 2 hours after TSH administration in both groups. Peak T3 and T4 concentrations were observed at 4 and 8 hours, respectively, after TSH administration. When normalized with respect to serum T3 concentrations in samples collected immediately prior to TSH administration, the maximal increase in predicted T3 concentration was 4.06-fold (80% confidence interval range = 2.99- to 5.50-fold) at 4 hours after TSH administration. The maximal increase in predicted normalized T4 concentration was 2.32-fold (80% confidence interval range = 1.76- to 3.05-fold) at 8 hours after TSH administration. The TSH-stimulated increases in T3 and T4 concentrations at 4 hours were clearly distinguishable from values in samples obtained before TSH administration.
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