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Selection value of nonpubescent soybean lines [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] for different uses
Білявська, Л. Г | Білявський, Ю. В | Діянова, А. О | Гарбузов, Ю. Є
Purpose. Create a new source material of soybeans without pubescence, determine its selection value for the efficient use of processed products in animal nutrition, which will ensure high productivity of the latter. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of seeds are important economic and valuable features. The lack of pubescence on plants is unique. Methods. Field, special, laboratory and mathematical-statistical. Results. The minimum fat content of 20.88% was observed in the seeds of the non-pubescent variety ‘Kobra’, 23.73% in the line No 305, and 25.02% in the line No 22. The varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Antratsyt’ had a high fat content – 24.08–25.83%. The protein content in the green mass of promising lines was very low – up to 16%. The fat content was in the range of 2.1–5.3% with the maximum value in the lines No 3 and No 7 – 4.67–5.26%. The protein content in ‘Anakonda’ seeds and No 1 and No 9 lines was 36–37%, in standard varieties – at the level of 29.5–35.63%. A comparison of new non-pubescent lines with standard varieties and the most productive varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Adamos’, which are included in the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine and meet the requirements for efficient use in fodder production. Conclusions. Lack of pubescence in soybean plants is an extremely rare and atypical phenomenon. There are no such varieties in the state register of plant varieties of Ukraine. More than 50 non-pubescent lines exceed the indicators of economic suitability of national standards and modern varieties. Lines No 4, No 5, No 7, No 8, which had more than 15% protein in the green mass, should be involved in the selection process to create fodder varieties. The ‘Anakonda’ line has a nutritional value with a minimum content of linolenic acid in the oil (6.08%). Increased oleic acid content was observed in varieties ‘Adamos’ (35.01%), ‘Diamant’ (33.53%), ‘Ametyst’ (31.39%).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Selection value of nonpubescent soybean lines [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] for different uses
Л. Г. Білявська | Ю. В. Білявський | А. О. Діянова | Ю. Є. Гарбузов
Purpose. Create a new source material of soybeans without pubescence, determine its selection value for the efficient use of processed products in animal nutrition, which will ensure high productivity of the latter. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of seeds are important economic and valuable features. The lack of pubescence on plants is unique. Methods. Field, special, laboratory and mathematical-statistical. Results. The minimum fat content of 20.88% was observed in the seeds of the non-pubescent variety ‘Kobra’, 23.73% in the line No 305, and 25.02% in the line No 22. The varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Antratsyt’ had a high fat content – 24.08–25.83%. The protein content in the green mass of promising lines was very low – up to 16%. The fat content was in the range of 2.1–5.3% with the maximum value in the lines No 3 and No 7 – 4.67–5.26%. The protein content in ‘Anakonda’ seeds and No 1 and No 9 lines was 36–37%, in standard varieties – at the level of 29.5–35.63%. A comparison of new non-pubescent lines with standard varieties and the most productive varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Adamos’, which are included in the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine and meet the requirements for efficient use in fodder production. Conclusions. Lack of pubescence in soybean plants is an extremely rare and atypical phenomenon. There are no such varieties in the state register of plant varieties of Ukraine. More than 50 non-pubescent lines exceed the indicators of economic suitability of national standards and modern varieties. Lines No 4, No 5, No 7, No 8, which had more than 15% protein in the green mass, should be involved in the selection process to create fodder varieties. The ‘Anakonda’ line has a nutritional value with a minimum content of linolenic acid in the oil (6.08%). Increased oleic acid content was observed in varieties ‘Adamos’ (35.01%), ‘Diamant’ (33.53%), ‘Ametyst’ (31.39%).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Selection value of nonpubescent soybean lines [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] for different uses | Селекційна цінність неопушених ліній сої [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] для різних напрямів використання
Білявська, Л. Г. | Гарбузов, Ю. Є. | Білявський, Ю. В. | Діянова, А. О.
Purpose. Create a new source material of soybeans without pubescence, determine its selection value for the efficient use of processed products in animal nutrition, which will ensure high productivity of the latter. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of seeds are important economic and valuable features. The lack of pubescence on plants is unique.Methods. Field, special, laboratory and mathematical-statistical.Results. The minimum fat content of 20.88% was observed in the seeds of the non-pubescent variety ‘Kobra’, 23.73% in the line No 305, and 25.02% in the line No 22. The varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Antratsyt’ had a high fat content – 24.08–25.83%. The protein content in the green mass of promising lines was very low – up to 16%. The fat content was in the range of 2.1–5.3% with the maximum value in the lines No 3 and No 7 – 4.67–5.26%. The protein content in ‘Anakonda’ seeds and No 1 and No 9 lines was 36–37%, in standard varieties – at the level of 29.5–35.63%. A comparison of new non-pubescent lines with standard varieties and the most productive varieties ‘Diamant’ and ‘Adamos’, which are included in the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine and meet the requirements for efficient use in fodder production.Conclusions. Lack of pubescence in soybean plants is an extremely rare and atypical phenomenon. There are no such varieties in the state register of plant varieties of Ukraine. More than 50 non-pubescent lines exceed the indicators of economic suitability of national standards and modern varieties. Lines No 4, No 5, No 7, No 8, which had more than 15% protein in the green mass, should be involved in the selection process to create fodder varieties. The ‘Anakonda’ line has a nutritional value with a minimum content of linolenic acid in the oil (6.08%). Increased oleic acid content was observed in varieties ‘Adamos’ (35.01%), ‘Diamant’ (33.53%), ‘Ametyst’ (31.39%). | Мета. Створити новий вихідний матеріал сої без опушення, визначити його селекційну цінність для ефективного використання продуктів переробки в годівлі тварин, що забезпечить отримання високої продуктивності останніх. Важливими господарсько-цінними ознаками при цьому є кількісні та якісні показники насіння. Відсутність опушення рослин є унікальним.Методи. Польові, спеціальні, лабораторні та математично-статистичні. Результати. Мінімальний уміст жиру в насінні – 20,88% відзначено в неопушеного сорту ‘Кобра’, у ліній № 305 та № 22 – 23,73 і 25,02% відповідно. Високим умістом жиру характеризувалися сорти ‘Алмаз’ і ‘Антрацит’ – 24,08 і 25,83%. Уміст білка в зеленій масі перспективних ліній був дуже низьким – до 16%. Уміст жиру був у межах від 2,1 до 5,3% з максимальними значеннями в ліній № 3 і № 7 – 4,67 і 5,26% відповідно. Уміст білка в насінні ‘Анаконда’ та ліній № 1 і № 9 був на рівні 36–37%, у сортів-стандартів – 29,57–35,63%. Порівняно нові лінії без опушення із сортами-стандартами та найурожайнішими сортами ‘Алмаз’ і ‘Адамос’, які занесені до Державного реєстру сортів рослин України та відповідають вимогам ефективного використання в кормовиробництві.Висновки. Відсутність опушення в рослин сої – надзвичайно рідкісне й нетипове явище. У Держреєстрі такі сорти відсутні. Понад 50 неопушених ліній культури перевищують показники господарської придатності національних стандартів і сучасних сортів. У процесі створення нових сортів з підвищеним умістом жиру в насінні доцільно використовувати неопушені лінії № 305 (23,73%) і № 22 (25,02%). Для створення кормових сортів у селекційний процес слід залучати лінії № 4, № 5, № 7, № 8, які мали в зеленій масі понад 15% протеїну. Високою харчовою цінністю характеризується лінія ‘Анаконда’ з мінімальним умістом в олії ліноленової кислоти (6,08%). Підвищений уміст олеїнової кислоти відзначено в сортів ‘Адамос’ (35,01%), ‘Алмаз’ (33,53%), ‘Аметист’ (31,39%).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Plant DNA banks for genetic resources conservation (review)
Волкова, Н. Е
Purpose. Literature review of DNA banks creation as the current strategy of plant genetic resources conservation. Results. The current state of plant genetic resources conservation was analyzed in the context of the threat of genetic erosion. The importance of DNA banks was shown which function is to store DNA samples and associated products and disseminate them for research purposes. The main DNA banks in the world were described, including the Republican DNA Bank of Human, Animals, Plants and Microorganisms at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Stages of DNA banking were considered: tissue sampling (usually from leaves), cell destruction, DNA extraction, DNA storage. Different methods of tissue sampling, extraction and DNA storage were compared. The need for Plant DNA Bank creation in Ukraine was highlighted. Conclusions. DNA collections is an important resource in the global effort to overcome the crisis in biodiversity, for managing world genetic resources and maximizing their potential.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Plant DNA banks for genetic resources conservation (review)
Н. Е. Волкова
Purpose. Literature review of DNA banks creation as the current strategy of plant genetic resources conservation. Results. The current state of plant genetic resources conservation was analyzed in the context of the threat of genetic erosion. The importance of DNA banks was shown which function is to store DNA samples and associated products and disseminate them for research purposes. The main DNA banks in the world were described, including the Republican DNA Bank of Human, Animals, Plants and Microorganisms at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Stages of DNA banking were considered: tissue sampling (usually from leaves), cell destruction, DNA extraction, DNA storage. Different methods of tissue sampling, extraction and DNA storage were compared. The need for Plant DNA Bank creation in Ukraine was highlighted. Conclusions. DNA collections is an important resource in the global effort to overcome the crisis in biodiversity, for managing world genetic resources and maximizing their potential.
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