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Suitability for processing of carrot (Daucus carota L.) roots of different varieties
Завадська, О. В | Бобось, І. М | Дяденко, Т. В
The article presents summary of studying the efficiency of dry carrot production when growing in the conditions of Ukraine’s Forest-Steppe subject to a variety. A complex assessment has been completed for fresh and dried products of 10 different varieties and hybrids of carrots on the content of basic biochemical, economic and biological indicators in order to highlight the best suited for drying. Varieties have been singled out, which roots display the highest yield, best marketability, accumulate the most of dry matter, sugars, etc. A close direct correlation between the weight of roots and their marketability has been established. An evaluation of the tested roots for complex organoleptic characteristics has been completed. It is proved that carrot drying is profitable. The yield and dry matter content in roots are key influence factors on profitability of dry carrot production. By the set of parameters under studying varieties most suitable for drying, Krasniy Velikan and Dlinnaia Krasnaia, have been selected. Profitability of their drying exceeds 40%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Growth and development of sugar sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum L. Pers.) plants at different terms of sowing and seeding depth in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Герасименко, Л. А
The article features the results of research on phenological observations, biometric parameters of growth and development of the plants of sugar sorghum Silosnoe 42 variety during the vegetation at different terms of sowing and seeding depth in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. In particular, we show data on ground germination capacity of the seeds, the duration of the interphase periods, tillering, plant height and the diameter of the stem. It was established that the planting of sugar sorghum in mid-May (the third sowing date) to the seeding depth of 4...6 cm enabled better plant development, as well as in these conditions the maximum values of plant growth and development were registered compared to the other test editions. Therefore, were would suggest the third term of sowing and seed depth 4...6 cm for growing the crop in this area.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Correlative connechons anong quantitative features in Savoy Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. var.sabauda Lizg) and Red Cabbage (Brassika olleccae L. convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. capitata L. f. rubra (L.) Thell)
Жук, О. Я | Федосій, І. О | Волошина, О. І
The article provides research results of the correlation analysis on Savoy Cabbage and Red Cabbage varieties and hybrids as recommended for cultivation in steppe of Ukraine, looking for increased production and diversification of vegetable crops, improvement of their quality. Direct and inverse correlations of quantitative features have been completed. The best standards are selected for Savoy Cabbage: Dafni F1 in early-ripening hybrid, Chifteyn Savoy variety in middle-ripening group, Vertyu 1340 in middle-late group, and there is Saga F1 RS hybrid late-ripening group. There is strong cross-correlation dependence registered for Red Cabbage was in Olena variety among a group middle-ripening group, Gako 741 variety in middle-ripening group, Kalibos, Dauerrot, in the group of middle-late varieties, and Milana, Langendeyker, Langendeyker red, Granat, Pozdnyaya Krasavisa, Maxilla and Autoro F1 and Fuego hybrids of F1 in late-ripening group.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Inheritance nature for the trait of resistance to neck rot in hybrid combinations of common onion under the conditions of Nosivka Variety Texting Station
Горган, Н. О
The article highlights the results of studying hybrid combinations of common onion to the Botrytis allii Munn pathogen. It is found out that as for the combinations being studied the resistance to pathogen was inherited as dominant, intermediate or recessive trait. Better resistance to neck rot was inherent in the hybrid combinations which parents comprised resistant and immune varieties, insofar as the determination of inheritance coefficient has indicated F1 hybrids have this characteristic expression dependant by 50 to 78% on the parental plant (h2 =0,50–0,78). Studying the determination of the impact of both parental components on inheritance of the resistance to B. allii pathogen showed that the regression coefficient subject to hybrid combination fell within R = 0,12–0,39, while the resistance coefficient within 0,24–0,78, respectively. Efficiency of selection is proved by the trait of resistance to neck rot based on the populations of Grandina х Mavka, Olina х Grandina, Grandina х Skvyrska і Skvyrska х Grandina, as their respective inheritance coefficient reached the level of 0,42 to 0,78.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Methodological aspects of applying histogram and variation curve of morphological traits of Maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids
Лещук, Н. В | Таганцова, М. М | Стадніченко, О. А
The article provides methodological ground (method of morphological description) for identification of qualitative, quantitative and pseudo-qualitative characteristics of maize hybrids (Zea mays L) disclosing methodological facets of practical appliance for histogram and variation curve of morphological characteristics of the phenotype by uniformity test and unveiling the link between quantitative characteristics of the ear and economically valuable indices of plant productivity. Target of the research has covered physiological and biochemical processes of plant productivity development into relevant phenological growth and development stages followed by relevant observations and records of vegetative and generative organs of maize. The field examination results obtained are processed with mathematical and statistical methods with the view of searching for margins (min and max) of confidence intervals and in order to verify reliability of the research results with the view of follow-up construction of histogram and variation curve.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Erecting the system of vertical finical equalization in Ukraine
Козенко, А. О | Дроща, П. В | Данюк, Т. А
The article analyzes range of problems related to the erection and development of vertical financial equalizing on the background of processes that have triggered after Ukraine acquired its sovereignty. The basic stages and trends of the development are detected for the vertical financial equalizing in Ukraine, which essentially corresponded to the changes in arrangement of inter-budget relations. It is proved that the currently available trends in the development of inter-budget relations in Ukraine have been associated with the stages of vertical financial equalizing in Ukraine. The current system for financial vertical equalization in Ukraine is self-contradictory and slows down social and economical development of the country. Taking this into account the proposals were established as regards the main approaches to further reforming of the system of vertical financial equalization in Ukraine in terms of its shifting to the market economy, setting budget laws of the country in conformity to the legislation on the structure of executive power and local governments, as well as other acts of law determining their functions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The transgenosis main directions in vegetable and melon production: theory and practice
Лещук, Н. В | Шаюк, Л. В | Майстер, Н. В
The article deals with priority directions of vegetable and melon plants selection. The wide varieties of alien genetic information transferring methods during the transgenic plants creation of vegetable and melon species are grounded. The essence of the new hybrids identification method as genetic engineering products: kind of cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, lettuce seed, pea Pisum sativum), common bean, eggplant and capsicum is revealed. The transgenosis main directions of botanical taxa varieties of vegetable and melon plants on condition of the international and national practice holding are proved. The international practice of the state approbation and registration of genetically engineered structures in biological objects (plant varieties) and in their processed products are studied. A monitoring about food and pharmaceutical substances based on genetically modified varieties and hybrids structures of vegetable and melon plants have been held.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Consumption values of apple (Malus domestica Borhk) fruits subject to plantation construction
Заморський, В. В
In the conditions of Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine a long term (1977 to 2007) research were conducted over the construction of apple plantations of different pomology varieties using vegetative low height shoots and low height insertions. The analyzes of consumption values of Aidarder pomology variety yield throughout the entire fruit-bearing span certified that the major part of the harvest consisted of the fruits of the highest and the first commercial grades. Consumption qualities of Aidarder variety fruits over the early vegetation span significantly exceeded relevant indices registered for the period of 16 to 19 years of vegetation. That is, where the total of the highest and first grades ranged within 66% to 80% of the full harvest weight, two cuttings being grown, at the age of thirteen, then, as the age of the plantation was increasing the was decreasing, eventually to the range of 63% to 68% of the full weight of the fruits. Comparison of the data obtained on fruits marketability against the yield level over relevant period exposed a renowned in horticulture trend of marketability decrease due to high yield. As regards the planting constructions where the lo height insertions are used the Aidarder variety displayed higher marketability of fruits, however, the trend was not absolute. In some variants of the test (11 years old trees free of insertion, cutting in winter dates applied) the Rubinove Duky variety provided greater by 6,8% amount of higher quality fruits. The research over consumption value of the apple fruits has shown that these were changing irrespective of the construction and the age of the plantings. The augment of the first and the highest commercial grades is only possible with low height cuttings or insertions applied at summer dates for the procedure of cutting. The weight of apple fruits depended on the varietal properties and were increasing in the constructions of low height constructions as long as low height M.9 insertion was in use.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Quality of fresh and dry onion (Аllium cepa L.) products for different
Скалецька, Л. Ф | Завадська, О. В | Дяденко, Т. В
The article features results of studying suitability to processing for various varieties of onion as grown in the conditions of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. A complex assessment has been completed for fresh products of onion for 9 different varieties by the content of basic biochemical, biological, economic, organoleptic characteristics with the view of determining the most suitable for drying. Varieties are singled out , which bulbs accumulate the biggest dry matter, sugar, C vitamin content and display the highest yield of consumable products. Assessment of dry products against the set of organoleptic and technological indicators has been completed. This revealed loss of basic biochemical components of onions during drying and long-term storage of dried products, as well as established increasing of the content of dry matters and acids and decreasing of that of sugars and vitamin C while storing the dried onion. The set of examined parameters
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Developing collection of winter wheat (Triticum saestivum L.) varieties of example characteristics when conducting DUS-test
П. М. Василюк
The article offers summary of the studies of variety collections development for soft winter wheat varieties of example characteristics. This establishes that these varieties create an important and indispensible condition for recognizing, describing and identifying the varieties in the course of due diligence DUS qualifying examination and for resolving the issue of extending legal protection for plant varieties. For the purpose of extending plant variety collection with example characteristics the studies shall have ongoing constant nature thus contributing to the collections with new morphological characteristics of newly registered or common knowledge varieties that could be carriers of certain characteristics expression as long as these are no included into the Institute database. This will enable scientists, experts and specialists of plant variety examination facilities and breeders to conduct examination and provide them with auxiliary working material for determination of the state of expression of morphological characteristics when describing and identifying plant varieties and apply in the wild characteristics ad properties which are correlated with VCU parameters.
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