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Assessment of combining ability for grain yield of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families of mixed germplasm
Гайдаш, О. Л
Purpose. Assessment and selection of self-pollinated S5 maize (Zea mays L.) families with high combining ability and wide adaptive capacity obtained on the basis of specially produced hybrids by crossing elite lines of various genetic plasms with the best main agronomic characters. Methods. Field studies, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. An amplitude of grain yield ranging from 5.96–10.96 t/ha (x = 8.44 t/ha) in 2013 to 2.67–7.59 t/ha (x = 5.08 t/ha) in 2014 was determined in the course of study of the testcrosses of self-pollinated S5 families. It was found that different response of genotypes of the studied testcrosses to the year conditions significantly affected the average yield level, which decreased in the stressful 2014 by 3.4 t/ha as compared to 2013. The results of the assessment based on the general and specific combining ability of new parent material of mixed germplasm were shown. A significant variability of the estimates of GCA (general combining ability) effects depending on the year conditions was observed in the course of study. A marked difference in the estimates of GCA effects based on the grain yield was revealed. They were persistently high in 19% of the best self-pollinated families in both years, 14% of the families had persistently low estimates of GCA effects, 67% changed their value depending on the genotype and year conditions. Conclusions. 17 best self-pollinated families with persistently high estimates of GCA, 6 families featuring high tolerance to drought and 4 families with persistently high variances of SCA were selected. The selected families will be used as a parent material in selection programs aimed to create new high performance hybrids.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]New spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’
О. А. Демидов | С. О. Хоменко | І. В. Федоренко | М. В. Федоренко | Р. М. Близнюк
Purpose. To create new competitive spring wheat varieties. Methods. Field study, laboratory test. Results. Based on the competitive variety trial, bread spring wheat line ‘Lutescens 07-26’ has been selected due to high values of such traits as resistance to fungal diseases, grain quality(protein content accounted for 15.0%), 1000 kernel weight (44.6 g) productivity (3.92 t/ha) and lodging resistance (9 points). In 2011, it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Panianka’ variety. Durum spring wheat line ‘Leukurum 08-11’ was characterized by a number of positive traits: quite a high productivity (3.05 t/ha), short stem (79 cm), resistance to fungal diseases and lodging(9 points), and in 2011 it was submitted to the State variety testing as ‘Diana’ variety. According to the results of the State variety testing in 2012–2014, spring wheat varieties ‘Panianka’ and ‘Diana’ in 2015 were put on the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. Conclusions. For farms in Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine, bread and durum spring wheat varieties were bred by V. M.Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine that demonstrated rather high potential of productivity and adaptability to stress conditions. This goes to prove that cultivation of domestic spring wheat varieties will promote formation of high and quality grain yields.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cis-, intra-, subgenesis, genome editing as modern technologies for modifying the crop genomes (review)
Н. Е. Волкова
Purpose. Reviewing the literature on modern technologies of genetic modification of crop genomes. Results. The current state of genetically modified plants creation is analyzed. The information on cis-, intra- and subgenic plants and their comparison with transgenic crops is given. Examples of cis- and intragenesis application for improving characteristics of crops are provided. Such state-of-the-art technology of crop genome modification as genome editing is considered. Conclusions. Technologies for producing cis-, intra-, subgenic plants are rapidly developing and resulting in crops of the 21st century that can solve the problem of food provision for a constantly growing world population with the least contrary to the public interest.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Стійкість сортів яблуні на карликовій підщепі та вставках в умовах теплового шоку
З. Є. Ожерельєва | Н. Г. Красова | А. М. Галашева
Мета. Вивчення параметрів водного режиму сортів яблуні, вирощених на карликовій підщепі 62-396 і вставках 62-396 і 3-17-38, протягом вегетаційного періоду у зв’язку з їхньою жаростійкістю. Методи. Польовий, статистичний, аналітичний. Результати. Встановлено високий рівень обводненості листя сортів яблуні від 71,5 до 73,1% на початку вегетації. Середній рівень обводненості листя у досліджуваних сорто-підщепних комбінацій яблуні від 62,8 до 65,5% зафіксовано в період інтенсивного росту пагонів, формування зав’язі й плодів (червень–серпень). Істотної різниці між сортами за обводненістю листя не встановлено. Дисперсійний аналіз виявив істотну достовірну відмінність за обводненістю листя між карликовою підщепою і вставками за р < 0,05. Встановлено, що в середньому за два роки сорт ‘Яблочный Спас’ після теплового шоку втрачав води менше, ніж ‘Орлинка’. При цьому у сортів виявили найбільшу водоутримувальну здатність на карликовій підщепі 62-396. Висновки. У процесі дисперсійного аналізу зафіксовано міжсортові відмінності за втратою води на 5% і 1% рівнях значущості. Достовірно доведено взаємовплив між сортами, карликовою підщепою і вставками за втратою води після теплового шоку при р < 0,05 і 0,01. Після впливу високотемпературного стресу (+50 °С) і насичення водою досліджувані сорто-підщепні комбінації яблуні були здатні відновлювати обводненість на високому рівні. З найбільшим потенціалом жаростійкості виділено сорто-підщепні комбінації ‘Яблочный Спас’ і ‘Орлинка’ на карликовій підщепі 62-396.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Plant DNA banks for genetic resources conservation (review)
Н. Е. Волкова
Purpose. Literature review of DNA banks creation as the current strategy of plant genetic resources conservation. Results. The current state of plant genetic resources conservation was analyzed in the context of the threat of genetic erosion. The importance of DNA banks was shown which function is to store DNA samples and associated products and disseminate them for research purposes. The main DNA banks in the world were described, including the Republican DNA Bank of Human, Animals, Plants and Microorganisms at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Stages of DNA banking were considered: tissue sampling (usually from leaves), cell destruction, DNA extraction, DNA storage. Different methods of tissue sampling, extraction and DNA storage were compared. The need for Plant DNA Bank creation in Ukraine was highlighted. Conclusions. DNA collections is an important resource in the global effort to overcome the crisis in biodiversity, for managing world genetic resources and maximizing their potential.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Characteristics of new varieties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Ю. О. Люта | Н. О. Кобиліна
Purpose. To analyse biochemical and economic characters of new tomato varieties adapted to the conditions of the south of Ukraine. Methods. Field study, laboratory testing, statistical analysis. Results. Intraspecific hybridization method followed by individual selection was used to create such new tomato varieties as ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ adapted to the conditions of the south, which are characterized by high yielding (69,2–78,0 t/ha), fruit quality (content of soluble dry matter 5,65–5,92%), drought (7,2–8,1 points) and heat (70,4–88,2%) resistance. All varieties are of intensive type, they require advanced agricultural technology, irrigation. Conclusions. New tomato varieties, namely ‘Naddnіprianskyi 1’, ‘Inguletskyi’, ‘Kimmeriiets’, ‘Sarmat’, ‘Taim’, ‘Legin’, ‘Kumach’ were entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. They are recommended for outdoor growing in the Steppe and Forest-Steppe zones of Ukraine.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 6. Names of some subtribe Malinae Reveal taxa (information 6)
В. М. Меженський
Purpose. To analyse the Ukrainian nomenclature of subtribe Malinae representatives and improve terminological system of the Ukrainian names of a species and a generic levels and names of fruit crops. Results. There is a confusion in the Ukrainian names of plants of Cydonia-Chaenomeles–Pseudocydonia, Mespilus–Eriobotrya, Amelanchier–Cotoneaster. Considering the division of Sorbus s.l. on separate genera Sorbus s.str., Aria, Cormus, Chamaemespilus, Torminalis and availability of numerous hybrids with their involvement, the Ukrainian names for both taxa and nothotaxa of species and generic levels are offered, principles of their choice are also considered. Formation of the Ukrainian generic names on the basis of specific epithets leads to undesirable tautonomy. Aspects of derussification of the Ukrainian professional terminology are discussed. Conclusions. Ukrainian scientific generic and nothogeneric plant names for subtribe Malinae are transliterated/transcripted, borrowed as a calque of latin names or have their own origin, consisting of one or two words. The choice of the best variants of generic and species names from a number of possible ones has a temporal component and largely depends on experts who apply them and basic principles of choice. It is necessary to improve the modern Ukrainian plant nomenclature on a national basis involving the transformed Latin scientific names for introduced species and hybrids.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Varietal features of lectin activity of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at the early stages of ontogenesis
Л. В. Чеботарьова
Purpose. To study the dynamics of soft winter wheat lectin activity in caryopsis and at the early stages of ontogenesis of varieties developed by Poltava State Agrarian Academy as well as investigate varietal differences depending on dynamic pH medium. Methods. Laboratory analysis, method of hemagglutination reaction, analytical approach, statistical evaluation. Results. A change in lectin activity was determined in samples of 14 soft winter wheat varieties in caryopsis and at the early stages of ontogenesis (on the third, seventh, tenth and twelfth day of seedlings emergence). High lectin activity was observed in samples of seven and ten days seedlings. This could be evidence of active participation of proteins in physiological and biochemical processes at the time of emerging wheat tillering node that can be important in forming adaptive reactions to stress. Wheat lectin activity variation for рН ranging between 4,0 and 8,0 that depended on a variety was defined for the first time. Conclusions. According to hemagglutination ability of wheat lectins, all varieties were divided into three groups: of high ability – 4 varieties, middle – 9 varieties, low – 1 variety. Varietal variability for the investigated trait can be used in breeding programs as marker trait. In most varieties variation of hemagglutination was observed at dilutions ranging between 1:2 and 1:256. Availability of two lectin agglutination peaks in acidic and alkaline media for seedlings was fixed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development of multiplex PCR system for identification of glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet
Л. М. Присяжнюк | Ю. В. Шитікова | О. О. Волчков
Purpose. To create a multiplex system for identification glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet by using PCR. Methods. Molecular genetic analysis. Results. The article presents the results of studies to determine the parameters of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in order to develop a multiplex system for identification of the structural elements of the design of transgenic gene cp 4 epsps, which provides tolerance to glyphosate. For amplicon target DNA sequences, the following values of temperature conditions of PCR were determined: step 1 (initial denaturation) 95 °C – 3 min; step 2 (specific reaction products accumulation): denaturation 95 °C – 45 s; hybridization of primers 55 °C – 50 s; elongation 72 °C – 1 min; number of cycles – 40; step 3 (final elongation) 72 °C – 6 min. A series of PCR were carried out for the purpose of selecting the optimal amount of DNA matrix for efficient estimate of transgenic sugar beet plants for the presence of specific sequences. Conclusions. To identify transgenic glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet, it is advisable to determine 35S promoter and gene cp 4 epsps in individual genotypes. It was found that during the selection of temperature parameters of multiplex reaction a 5 °C rise in primer hybridization temperature did not affect the identification of gene als that allowed to include specific primers for determination of this sequence as an internal control. Based on the results of test multiplex reactions, concentrations of dNTPs and Mg2+ ions were determined that allowed to exclude the possibility of non-specific fragments and false-negative results. The optimum amount of matrix DNA (100–150 ng) for an efficient estimate of transgenic sugar beet plants for the presence of specific sequences was determined. Obtained results allowed to develop a multiplex test system for identification of transgenic glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet which can be used for simultaneous determination of the 35S promoter, cp 4 epsps gene and als gene as an internal reaction control.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Breeding value of the second generation of soybean populations for «growing season» trait
О. З. Щербина | В. Г. Михайлов | О. О. Тимошенко | С. О. Ткачик
Purpose. Studying the inheritance of such trait of soybean (Glucine max (L.) Merrill) as growing season length in F2 and assessing hybrid combinations to identify more quick-ripening phenotypes as compared to parents. Methods. Laboratory test, mathematico-statistical evaluation. Results. In most crossbreeding combinations, when parents differed by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2, in one combination – early ripeness, in two combinations, when parents scarcely differed by growing season length, complementary effect was observed for this index. It was found that ‘Anzhelika’/‘Mageva’ combination generated the highest number of more quick-ripening forms than any of the parents (13.1%), a smaller number was identified in ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’ (6.4%) and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ (4.0%), and barely noticeable number was observed in ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’ combination (1.3%). Conclusions. In the following crossbreeding combinations as ‘Legenda’/‘Vizhion’, Legenda’/‘Korado’, ‘Legenda’/‘Ustia’, ‘Legenda’/‘Yelena’, ‘Yug-30’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 894’/‘Vizhion’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 894’/‘Annushka’, ‘Legenda’/‘Annushka’, ‘No. 441’/‘Gentleman’, ‘No. 441’/‘Vizhion’, ‘No. 441’/‘Annushka’, ‘Anzhelika’/‘Gentleman’ and ‘Anzhelika’/‘Prypiat’ when parents considerably and insignificantly differ by growing season length, late ripeness was dominated in F2. ‘Ustia’/‘Vizhion’ and ‘Yug-30’/‘ Vizhion’ crossbreeding combinations in which parents hardly differ by growing season, complementary effect was observed in F2 for this index.
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