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Високоволокнистий сорт льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’
Л. М. Кривошеєва | В. I. Чучвага | О. Ю. Йотка | І. В. Верещагін
Мета. Створити новий пізньостиглий високопродуктивний сорт льону-довгунця з високою якістю волокна. Методи. Польовий, лабораторний, інструментально-технологічний, статистичний. Результати. За результатами досліджень визначено основні морфологічні, господарські та технологічні ознаки нового пізньостиглого сорту льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’. Встановлено, що цей сорт характеризується високими показниками врожайності соломи (5,9–6,1 т/га), насіння (0,78–0,86 т/га), всього волокна (1,61–1,74 т/га), в т. ч. довгого (1,05 т/га). Значний вміст усього волокна (27,9–30,7%) успішно поєднується з високою його якістю. Має високу стійкість проти вилягання, осипання насіння та середню стійкість проти антракнозу й фузаріозу. За результатами Державного сортовипробування у 2016 році сорт льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’ внесено до Державного реєстру сортів рослин, придатних для поширення в Україні. Висновки. Сорт льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’ поєднує високу врожайність соломи, насіння, волокна з високою якістю останнього та стійкістю проти вилягання і хвороб. Рекомендовано для вирощування в усіх льоносіючих регіонах України. Впровадження пізньостиглого високоврожайного сорту льону-довгунця ‘Есмань’ дасть можливість одержувати високі врожаї льонопродукції та сприятиме підвищенню ефективності вітчизняного льонарства.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Seed quality of winter wheat varieties after black fallow depending on organo-mineral fertilizer application in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
С. В. Авраменко
Purpose. To determine the effect of the basic organo-mineral fertilizer on the formation and stability of grain quality of winter wheat varieties in multiple crop rotation after black fallow as a predecessor. Methods. Field experiments were based on a multifactorial scheme using split-plot method with due regard to all requirements of the field experiment procedure, analysis of variance was used for statistical processing of the obtained results. Results. Investigation data was given concerning determination of grain quality indices in winter wheat varieties of different ecotypes after black fallow as a predecessor depending on organo-mineral fertilizer application in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. In average for the period of investigation (2011–2015), the highest protein content in winter wheat grains was formed in no treatment variant [in such varieties as ‘Doridna’ (14.1%), ‘Dykanka’ (14.3%) and ‘Levada’ (14.2%)] and in case of organo-mineral fertilizer application [in the varieties ‘Hordovyta’ (14.0%), ‘Kalyta’ (14.0%), ‘Dykanka’ (14.7%) and ‘Levada’ (14.6%)]. The highest content of crude gluten in grains, without regard for the variant of the experiment, was found in the following varieties as ‘Dykanka’ (24.9–25.1%) and ‘Levada’ (23.7–25.4%). Conclusions. It was established that the content of protein and crude gluten in grains as well as the falling number of winter wheat was highly dependent on such factors as the variety and the year of cultivation as compared to the fertilizer background. The following varieties as ‘Hordovyta’, ‘Mulan’, Dykanka’ and ‘Levada’ were very sensitive to the application of organo-mineral fertilizer for the protein content, while ‘Hordovyta’ (2.4%), ‘Levada’ (1.7%), ‘Borvii’ (1.2%) and ‘Mulan’ (1.1%) – for the crude gluten content.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Біохімічні показники насіння сочевиці залежно від елементів технології вирощування
О. І. Присяжнюк | О. В. Топчій | Т. В. Шевченко
Мета. Дослідити вплив строків сівби, мікродобрив та регуляторів росту на біохімічні показники насіння сочевиці. Методи. Польові, лабораторні. Результати. Наведено біохімічні показники якості насіння сочевиці залежно від строків сівби, дії мікродобрив, регуляторів росту та їх поєднання. На формування біохімічних показників насіння сочевиці впливають різні чинники. Вміст сирої клітковини в середньому за роки досліджень був 3,2–3,3% на контрольному варіанті, максимальні значення – 6,9% за застосування Реаком-СР-Бобові + Регоплант за 1-го строку сівби та 8,4% Квантум-Бобові за 2-го строку. На показник вмісту крохмалю в абсолютно сухій речовині насіння найбільше вплинуло застосування регулятора росту Стимпо – 56,5% у 1-й строк сівби та поєднання його з мікродобривом Квантум-Бобові – 54,3% у 2-й строк. Загалом за роки дослідження в насінні сочевиці сорту ‘Лінза’ вміст сирого протеїну був на рівні 26–28%. За комбінованого застосування мікродобрив і регуляторів росту 27,81% – Реаком-СР-Бобові + Стимпо за 1-го строку сівби та від 27,69% – Квантум-Бобові + Регоплант до 28,60% – Реаком-СР-Бобові за 2-го строку. Висновки. Встановлено максимальні показники вмісту сирої клітковини у варіантах з підживленням рослин у фазі бутонізації мікродобривом Квантум-Бобові – 4,5% за 1-го строку сівби і 10,8% за 2-го строку в 2016 р. Максимальний вміст крохмалю в насінні сочевиці в 2016 р. за обох строків сівби був у варіанті із підживленням у фазі бутонізації регулятором росту Стимпо – 58,0 та 55,8% відповідно. У 2017 р. кращі показники були у варіантах Квантум-Бобові та Квантум-Бобові + Регоплант – 55,1% за 1-го строку та у варіанті Реаком-СР-Бобові – 54,3% за 2-го строку. Вміст сирого протеїну в насінні сочевиці в 2016 р. у варіантах Реаком-СР-Бобові + Регоплант – 27,92% за 1-го строку сівби та Реаком-СР-Бобові + Стимпо – 29,93% за 2-го. У 2017 р. у варіанті Регоплант – 28,21% за 1-го та Квантум-Бобові – 28,39% за 2-го строку.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Features of formation of Miscanthus giganteus planting material depending on cultivation technology elements
В. А. Доронін | В. В. Дрига | Ю. А. Кравченко | В. В. Доронін
Purpose. To establish biological features of plants growth and development and the formation of Miscanthus giganteus planting material depending on the cultivation technology elements. Methods. Field, laboratory, visual, weight measuring, mathematical and statistical ones. Results. The features of the growth and development of the miscanthus bioenergy crop were investigated including the formation of planting material depending on the combined technology elements application during the planting time, namely: planting time, rhizome mass, the granules and the MaxiMarin absorbent gel. It was established that the increase in plant height and leaf area as well as the miscanthus stems formation was depended on both the rhizome planting time, their size, and the use of the absorbent. During three-year period, increase in plant height was more intensive and leaf area was largest in case of the absorbent application, as compared to the control during all phases of the development for the first and the second planting time regardless of rhizome mass. On the average, the largest leaf area – 1905,9 cm3 – was in the final stage of vegetation in the context of the second planting time for large rhizomes and application of granules and absorbent gel jointly. Increasing the ground mass due to plant height, leaf area and the number of stems benefited the photosynthesis productivity intensity, that influenced the root system increase, and consequently the output of the miscanthus planting material. It was found that there are direct strong correlation between these indices and the rhizome mass. Ground mass growing is contributed to the increase in the rhizome mass, and accordingly the output of the planting material – rhizome. In case of application of granules and absorbent gel jointly, the ground mass of the miscanthus was growing most intensively and accordingly the rhizome mass was the largest, which in the first year of small rhizomes planting was twice as much as compared to the control and was equal to 1090.5 g, for large rhizomes planting this index was respectively 2.4 times more and equal to 1763.9 g. During the second planting time, the application of granules and absorbent gel jointly resulted in the rhizomes mass increase for small rhizomes planting 1.9, large rhizomes – 2.1 times more as compared to the control. Conclusions. Direct strong correlations were established between the intensity of the ground mass growth – the height of plants, the number of leaves, leaf area, the number of buds and the rhizome mass. The growth of the ground mass of plants was contributed to the increase of the root system, and consequenly the output of planting material. In all stages of plant development, the increase of the rhizome mass was more intensive in case of the absorbent application regardless the time of rhizome planting, as compared to the control. The application of granules and absorbent jointly allowed to form the largest rhizome mass.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cross-resistance of cell lines and plant regenerants of winter triticale to abiotic stressors
С. В. Пикало | О. В. Дубровна | С. М. Гринів
Purpose. To analyze the level of cross-resistance of obtained salt- and osmotolerant cell lines and plants regenerants of winter triticale to osmotic and salt stresses. Methods. Cultures of tissue and organs in vitro, in vitro breeding, biochemical, statistical analysis. Results. It was established that the stability of cross-resistance trait display to saline and osmotic stresses in obtained cell lines of winter triticale was rather high – from 50 to 76% of calli have survived to the end of the sixth passage. It has been shown that despite the presence of sublethal concentrations of the stress-factor (mannitol/sodium chloride) in selective medium, stable cell lines of the triticale actively continued to grow and accumulate biomass. It was found that in the line ‘38/1296’ cell lines 5L/sl and 5L/os respectively were the most resistant to osmotic and salt stresses, and lines 1C/s1 and 1C/os respectively in the ‘Obrii’ variety, since they had the highest percent of living calli and biomass increment under the selective conditions and their plant regenerant – the highest level of survival after the impact of the abiotic stressors complex. The salt-resistant cell lines of both genotypes of winter triticale as compared to the control were also characterized by significantly higher free proline content under the selective factors impact. The results obtained may indicate that the cell lines and triticale plant regenerants have a genetically determined trait of resistance to stress factors. Conclusions. Verification of traits of resistance to abiotic stressors has shown a significantly high level of cross-tolerance of the obtained cell lines of both triticale genotypes for saline and osmotic stresses. Resistance to saline and osmotic stresses of cells separated in vitro was preserved in induced plants and at the organism level has increased tolerance to abiotic environmental factors. It is shown that due to the general non-specific mechanisms of resistance, the capacity of the callus cultures of triticale to resist to one abiotic stressor can lead to increased tolerance for another one.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Phytomeliorative properties of <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L. plants depending on varietal features of the culture
В. М. Кабанець | Л. М. Михальська | В. В. Швартау | В. М. Матус
Purpose. To investigate the varietal characteristics of the hemp plants for improving the quality indices of the soil they grow in, determine the amount of inorganic elements in the soil, level of their accumulation in plant stalkі and seeds. Methods. Field and spectrometric methods were basic. The results were processed using conventional methods in agriculture, crop growing and statistics. Variants of the experiment were as follows: varieties ‘Hliana’, ‘Hlesiia’: 1) soils; 2) stalks; 3) seeds. Schemes of experiments included: a) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; b) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm; c) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; d) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm. Results. The amount of the accumulation of alkaline earth metals and their compounds by seeds and stalks of hemp plants depending on their content in vegetation soils was determined. It was found that stalks of the ‘Hlesiia’ plant accumulated strontium (Sr) and its compounds far less than that of ‘Hliana’, whereas in the seeds of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety the content of this chemical element was higher comparing with the previous variety by 70 and 78%, respectively. The difference in the accumulation of barium (Ba) compounds in seeds of hemp plants was not significant, while the tissues of the plant stalks of the ‘Hliana’ variety accumulated its compounds significantly more as compared to the ‘Hlesiia’ variety. The degree of influence of the variety, feeding area and the maturity stage on the processes of magnesium compounds (Mg) accumulation by plants was not revealed. Plants of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety accumulated far less calcium (Ca) and its compounds in the stalk tissues as compared to the plants of the ‘Hliana’ variety: in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants with row spacing 45 cm (a) and d – plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) in the biological maturity stage 30,94 and 15,95 mg/kg more in the presence in soil and in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) and in the biological maturity stage with broad-sowing (45 cm) 34.54 and 24.19 mg/kg less in the presence in soil. Conclusions. The indices of accumulation of alkaline earth metals by hemp plants were significantly affected by the concentration of compounds of a certain chemical element in the arable layer, the level of energy (light) obtained by plants during vegetation, the varietal features of hemp, the stages of organogenesis of hemp plants and the specificity of their aboveground parts – stalks to accumulate these chemical elements as well as cumulate them by seeds. The varietal dependence as for accumulation of heavy metals by hemp plants tissues and seeds was established. In order to obtain environmentally friendly products, it is necessary to take into account the varietal features of plants concerning the ability to absorb and accumulate the relevant chemical elements and their compounds in the process of hemp cultivation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Method of propagation, stimulation of rhizomes growth <em>in vitro</em> culture and adaptation in the open ground for the genus <em>Miscanthus </em>representatives
С. М. Гонтаренко | С. О. Лашук
Purpose. To develop a method of propagation, stimulation of rhizomes growth in vitro culture for the genus Miscanthus representatives and their adaptation in the open field without the use of greenhouse complexes for acclimatization and completion of growing. Methods. Biotechnological procedures, mathematical and statistical analyses. Results. Prescription of nutrient medium was developed for explants inoculation, sprouts propagation, rhizomes growth stimulation in vitro. Such sterile explants as seeds, buds to be removed from rhizomes, parts of stems with bud were placed on modified media with mineral portion by Murashige and Skoog (MS) that contained 0,5–1 dose of macroelements and one dose of microelements, vitamins (10 mg/l of thiaminum, 1,0 mg/l of pyridoxine, 1,0 mg/l of nicotinic acid and 1,0 mg/l of ascorbic acid) supplemented with amino acids (250 mg/l of glutamic acid, 3 mg/l of tyrosine, 3 mg/l of arginine, 2 mg/l of hydroxyproline), plant growth regulators [0,5–1,0 mg/l of GA (gibberelline acid), 0,2 mg/l of 6-BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine, 0,1 mg/l of NAA (α-naphtylacetic acid)] in different variations. After seed germination, buds emerging and sprouts formation 1–2 cm in height, for propagation purpose they were passivated on the medium of other composition that differed from previous one by the content and ratio of growth regulators, especially by a high concentration of cytokinins [6-BAP (0,4–0,5 mg/l), kinetin (0,5 mg/l), adenine (0,5 mg/k)] in different variations in presence of GA (0,2 mg/l). In order to stimulate rhizomes growth, microclones were transferred on media with other composition and ratio growth regulators (6-BAP (0,2–0,3 mg/l) + GA (0,5–1,0 mg/l) or 6-BAP (0,2–0,3 mg/l) + GA (0,5–1,0 mg/l) + NAA (0,1 mg/l), in other words, with a high content of gibberellins. After the formation of rhizomes 10–15 cm in length, miscanthus plants were planted out in the open ground. Stimulation of rhizomes initiation and elongation on appropriate nutrient media before Miscanthus giganteus, M. sacchariflorus and M. sinensis planting in vivo resulted in 100% adaptation and 100% survival of plants in the winter period without the use of greenhouse complexes. Conclusions. The method of miscanthus propagation in vitro and adaptation in the open ground was developed that included stimulation of rhizomes growth and favoured the increase of their length on media supplemented with gibberelline that guaranteed 100% preservation of microplants to be propagated from in vitro culture during adaptation in the open ground and acclimatization in winter.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The results of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness
Г. В. Щипак | В. Г. Матвієць | Н. І. Рябчун | В. Г. Щипак
Purpose. Analysis of the process of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness by intraspecific hybridization method using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions. Methods. Dialectical investigation, field experiments, laboratory testing and statistical evaluation. Results. The results of breeding winter and alternate triticale varieties possessing a complex of valuable traits by the method of intraspecific hybridization of forms of different types of development using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions (Forest-Steppe – extremely arid Steppe) and at low temperatures were presented. During the years of research (1980–2005), 18 varieties were developed and transferred to the state testing, 17 of them were registered. Conclusions. Thus, the effective selection of highly productive genotypes with increased and high winter hardiness is possible from populations obtained by crossing hexaploid triticale of different types of development (winter triticale with spring and alternate ones) and contrasting level of frost and winter hardiness. During the period of 1980–2015, medium-tall and dwarf varieties of winter (‘Amfidyploid 256’, ‘Garne’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Timofey’, etc.) and alternate (‘Nikanor’, ‘Yaroslava’, ‘Plastun Volynskyi’) triticales were developed. They are superior to the standard varieties of soft winter wheat for the critical temperature of freezing by -0.5...- 2.0 °C, characterized by increased (up to 9–12 t/ha) grain yield of various quality depending on the purpose of use.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Potato market in Ukraine
С. І. Мельник | А. Л. Ковчі | Ю. Л. Стефківська | О. О. Кравчук | Т. В. Горицька
Purpose. To study Ukrainian potato market at the current stage of the development and determine its future prospects. Results. The features of Ukrainian potato market were determined. Production is almost fully provided by private households, meeting the needs of the domestic market. Main regions with the highest gross output and production of potatoes were defined. Ukraine is one of the major potato producing countries in the world. Today our country is not a key supplier or importer of this product because of the low export orientation of the industry, its technological backwardness, limited product range and the large number of small producers. Ukraine exports potato mainly to CIS countries, the highest share of potato import comes from the European Union. Now there are only a few large manufacturing companies in the market, which can be classified as industrial. Most potato varieties, officially permitted for dissemination in Ukraine, are classified as table ones and recommended for cultivation in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones. Achievements of the industry include the development of such very popular and promising trend as organic potato growing, which area in our country is one of the largest in the world. Conclusions. Potato produced in Ukraine is used for human consumption, animal feeding, planting and processing, its volumes are relatively stable. Large-scale industrial production of potato is not widely practiced because of low wholesale prices and high labor intensity of the cultivation process. During next few years, in view of current trends, production of potato and severe limitations of the domestic market for foreign operations will remain unchanged. A shift in emphasis in the product range – from fresh potato to processed food products should be a prospect for domestic industrial producers to improve their position in Ukraine and abroad.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Graphical analysis of adaptability of spring barley breeding lines in the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
В. М. Гудзенко | О. А. Демидов | С. П. Васильківський | С. С. Коляденко
Purpose. To define spring barley breeding lines with an optimal combination of yielding capacity and stability under different weather conditions in the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field studies, ANOVA, AMMI, GGE biplot analysis. Results. Hydrothermal regime during interphase periods of spring barley vegetation under conditions of The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS in 2012–2014 was characterized by significant variability, that facilitated detailed evaluation of the lines for productivity, stability, and resistance to abiotic and biotic factors. In the performance of an experiment, the highest average yielding capacity (5.87 t/ha) was noted in 2012, the lowest one (3.50 t/ha) was in 2013. As for these years, average yield of 4.63 t/ha was obtained in 2014. By applying AMMI and GGE biplot analysis, significant differences in response of the studied lines to variability of weather conditions was revealed. Using AMMI model, additive components of the main effects of the breeding lines and years of testing as well as multiplicative components of their interaction were characterized. GGE biplot genotypes ranking in relation to a hypothetical “ideal” genotype showed an absolute advantage of breeding line ‘Nutans 4540’ for yielding capacity and stability. In addition, breeding lines ‘Nutans 4241’ and ‘Nutans 4120’ were close to ideatype. Selected breeding lines were characterized by resistance and moderate resistance to leaf diseases and lodging. Conclusions. Use of AMMI and GGE biplot analysis to evaluate breeding lines at the final stages of breeding process allows to describe them thoroughly and graphically as well as differentiate them not only for average yielding capacity but also for their interaction with changing conditions during the years of testing. Breeding lines ‘Nutans 4540’, ‘Nutans 4241’, and ‘Nutans 4120’ to be identified for the stability of yielding capacity display in combination with other agronomic characters were transferred to the State variety testing as new spring barley varieties ‘MIP Myrnyi’, ‘MIP Saliut’, and ‘MIP Sotnyk’ respectively.
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