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Resultados 21-30 de 113
Legal protection for plant varieties in Ukraine
В. В. Волкодав
Interpretation of the main regulations of low of Ukraine "About protection of rights for plant varieties", regulating property and unproperty relations, which arise while reception, use, protection, alienations and stopping of act of right for plant variety in state.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Selection of the melon (cucumis melo I.) new varieties for generating of ultra early-ripe crop in the South of Ukraine
Н. В. Лещук | Є. В. Свіргун
Essence of ultra early-rape harvest generation of melon's fruitage in conditions of the South of Ukraine by selection of new varieties and hybrids (Cucumis melo L.) is explained. Influence of terms of the melon picking-off to the open ground on the fruitage generating, and on their quality.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The current matters of adaptation of the Ukrainian Laws to the EU legislation in the sphere of plant variety right enforcement
О. В. Жмурко | Є. В. Тисячний | Н. Б. Якубенко
The analysis of the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of plant variety rights" in relation to the provisions of plant variety right enforcement as for their correspondence to the Council Regulation N 2100/94
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]New approaches in the organization of state registration of plant varieties and their rights for fruit, berry, nuciferous crops and vine
О. М. Гончар | С. О. Ткачик
Organizing measures in the scope of Ukraine are given, that provide the procedure of the state registration and their rights for fruit, berry, nuciferous species and vine. The expediency of the state registration of fruit and berry crops is grounded as a whole in Ukraine on the basis of the experience of the leading world’s countries. Powers of the State Service on Right Protection for Plant Varieties, Ukrainian Institute of Pant Variety Examination and Applicant were determined in the procedure of the registration of plant varieties and their rights for fruit, berry, nuciferous crops and vine.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficiency of lupine's variety resources use in Ukraine
В. В. Волкодав | С. О. Ткачик
The analysis of the structure of State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine is presented. The descriptions of new lupine's varieties important for economic use are given. The state of new varieties introduction in production and ways of improving of the soil fertility with a low humus content and the overcoming of crisis in the forage sphere are shown.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Хімічний склад люцерно-злакових травосумішок залежно від способу сівби, їх видового складу й удобрення
В. І. Іскра
Розглядаються питання зміни хімічного складу люцерно- злакових травосумішок залежно від способу сівби, видового складу й удобрення.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The use of winter wheat initial material of west-european ecotype and its role in creation of high adaptive vагіеtіеs
М. П. Чебаков | Г. Д. Лебедєва | В. А. Власенко
The genealogy of the separate sorts of mild winter of International Breeding Research Laboratory V. N. Remeslo Mironovka Institute of Wheat were analyzed. And sources of forming the sings, providing their high adaptability, were also found . it is shown that the main role in sort productivity, their stabilityto sickness and to unfavourable factors of environment played a starting material of west-european ecotype.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The State Service on Right Protection for Plant Varieties activity at the present stage of development
В. В. Волкодав | О. М. Гончар | О. В. Захарчук | М. І. Кісіль
The cost-effectiveness of examination institutions activity of the State System on Plant Variety Protection was developed on the macro level. At the present stage there is an urgent necessity to provide with general methods to solve the tasks of the state scientific-technical program of plant variety examination.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficacy of hybrids in order to establish competitive varieties of soft winter wheat
С. О. Хоменко
The article describes data of experimental researches carried out in V.M. Remesla Miroonovskiy Wheat Institute. The data provides evidence that treatment of hybrids with mutagens in order to get new source material is efficient for winter wheat breeding, and it allows to obtain new competitive lines and varieties of winter wheat.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The winter wheat varieties for intensive technologies
Л. І. Уліч | В. М. Лисікова
The morphological and agrobiological characteristics and qualities, the potential of the new registered winter wheat varieties, which are suitable for intensive technologies have been learned.
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