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Sugar beets combinability analyzes throghut two cycles of recurrent breeding
М. О. Корнєєва | Л. В. Фалатюк
Yield and sugar content genetic analyzes for hybrids developed engaging pollinating lines of the first and the second inbred generations throughout two cycles of recurrent breeding has underpinned the determination of regularities for combinability expression in crossing components and the change of their gene interaction types. This unveiled the lack of correlation between the parents descriptions as selected from groups that displayed contrast combining of productivity components and the lines combinability derived thereof. This provided a ground for correcting the breeding technology of the development of MS hybrids through the exclusion of individual polarization as phenotype based breeding method with replacing this by the assessment of economical value of the topcrossing components. The genetic value was determined for pollinator lines of І1 first hybrid generation by productivity components derived from multiple seed populations by Ulad breeding. 7 economically valuable lines were derived from U752 population by yield and 17 by sugar content, whereas 6 and 10 limes were derived from КМ2, respectively . This provided a ground for the development of synthetic varieties that displayed yield and sugar content characteristics improved, respectively, by 9,4 and 2,4% (U752 initial population ) and by 4,4 and 8,3% ( КМ2 initial population) compared to group standard. The structure of genetic variability of MS hybrids productivity as developed engaging І2 .first and second inbred generation. In the genotype variation of characteristics of hybrids derived from І1 pollinators of recurrent breeding first cycle the additive effects of both parental forms prevailed, and as regards the hybrids developed engaging І2 pollinators of the second cycle of recurrent breeding non-additive effects of the components interaction prevailed. In the second cycle of recurrent breeding 7 І2 lines valuable for combining were singled out, which had high general combinability by yield, and 8 were singled out by sugar content. 5 lines were singled out: U752/5/7, U752/84/3, КМ2/33/4, КМ2/34/7, КМ2/75/4, which combined high general combinability by yield and sugar content at once. Heterosis effect of hybrid combinations was subject to total fusion of additive and non-additive effects of the genes controlling quantitative characteristics of the productivity. The best hybrids yield engaging І2, pollinator lines selected out of U752 and КМ2 multi-seed populations ranged within 104...117,3%, sugar content – 102,4...106,0%, while that of synthetic varieties – 113,4 and 103,6% (U752) and 106,7 and 109,3% (КМ2), respectively, against the group standard.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Apomixis and the problem of obtaining haploids and homozygote diploids in pear (Pyrus communis L.)
Є. О. Долматов | В. Є. Джафарова
The article highlights results of research over simulative apomixes in pear and its utilization for obtaining haploids and homozygote diploids. It has been established that over 50% pear varieties with failed remote hybridization are capable of generating seeds of apomictic origin producing diploid plants. Genotypes displaying maximal inclination to apomixes have been singled out. Apomictic pear seedlings obtained from foreign pollination within the limits of the same combination are inherent in profound morphological diversity. Fruit-bearing apomicts originated from one and the same maternal plant differ to the same extent as hybrid seedlings of the same family. Genetic markers have enabled to establish that these are embryo sacs in which meiosis has completed that give rise to apomictic seeds. In vitro method as used for the purpose of increasing apomictic plants output has been illustrated. The greatest induction of apomictic shoots in vitro has been reached by alternation of BAP cytokinin at concentration of 1mg/l and 2 mg/l on the background of GA3 amounting to 1,5 mg/l. Grafting with shoots in vitro on non-sterile rootstocks of pear (Pyrus communis) has increased the output of plants up to 80%. A cytological assessment of 9 apomictic samples is provided. The cytological analysis of samples of apomictic forms has certified the presence of simulative haploid parthenogenesis in pear.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Auxin activity of piсloram in callusogensis- and morphogenesis of apple (Malus do- mestica borkh.) anthers.
В. Є. Джафарова
Callusogensis and morphogenesis of anthers of apple scab resistant varieties have been studied, with picloram applied. Auxin activity of this preparation has been revealed as in the darkness so in the light. The callusogenesis efficiency of studied varieties varied from 26,0 to 83,3% subject to the concentration of picloram in the darkness and from 11,3 to 74,9% in the conditions of low light. We consider 4 mg/l in the medium to be an optimal level of piloram concentration so far as this concentration provides the best callusogenesis indices of the tested apple varieties. The callus formed in the darkness in the medium with picloram is knobby and dense of white or milky color. The callus formed in the light is intensively green or greenishwhite, denser, with distinctly outlined meristem hearths. Morphological characters of calluses obtained in the medium of picloram are stable over years. The roots of Yubiley Moskvy variety have been induced under auxin:cytokinin ratio 1 : 2 (picloram : BAP, cytokinin). The roots of Svezhest cultivar were obtained under auxin : cytokinin ratio 3:9 (picloram : BAP, kinetin). Formation of four buds was recored in Orlovskoye polesie variety under auxin : cytokinin ratio 1:20.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Potato varieties dynamics (Solanum tuberosum L.), suitable for dissemination in Ukraine during the 1991-2013 period
П. М. Василюк | А. А. Подгаєцький | Н. В. Кравченко | З. Б. Києнко
The analysis of dynamics entering into the State Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, potato varieties during the period of 1991–2013.The magnificent differences in the total numbers of varieties, including foreign and national breeding are determined. The certain period of years with relatively equal number of varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine is revealed. Simultaneously their number has increased 4.7 times for the entire period. The Scientific Institutions have been established, and their share of varieties is considered to be the biggest one in the Register, although the varieties of the most Breeding Institutions performed their competitiveness in recent years. The different ratio between foreign countries varieties and firms on number suitable for distribution in Ukraine has been set. It concerns their total number, having increased during the period of 1991 – 2013 12.3 times.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Aroma peculiarities of apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) and cherry-plum (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) flowers
В. М. Горіна | О. О. Ріхтер | Б. О. Виноградов
In the component composition of volatile solutions determining fragrance of the flowers in apricot and cherry-plum varieties and Prunus brigantiaca Vill. x Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. hybrids there are 36 highest hydrocarbons and benzaldehyde that prevail. There are fewer amounts of the solutions which scare bees (benzaldehyde) in the fragrance of cherry-plum varieties as compared to the flowers of apricot and hybrids. At the same time, the content of tricosane, pentacosane, docosane, heneycosane, eicosane, nonadecan that probably attract bees is higher in the cherry-plum flowers than in the fragrance of apricot and hybrid flowers. The average three years yield of cherry-plum plants (Nikitska Zhovta 10,7 and Salgirskaya Rumjanaya 28,5 t/ ha) is higher than for apricot (Recolte de Schatene 0,3; Rodnik 2,9; Ananasniy Tsurupinsky 7,4 t/ha) and hybrids (8110 – 5,2; 8098 – 6,4 t/ha) that could be explained with better pollination of flowers and better fruit formation. Prevailing components of flower aroma of these plants and their possible link with yield of the objects in questions have been analyzed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Seed quality and productive characteristics of O-type sugar beet lines under low temperatures
В. В. Поліщук
500 O-type lines of sugar beet hybrid components were studied according to their main economically valuable characteristics, namely, one-seed structure, germination readiness, productivity, sugar content and sugar yield. 13 best features were determined, herewith one-seed structure of most tested genotypes was observed at the level of 92-99% which appeared to be of nearly the same level during all the years of the research. On that ground they were included into the program for further research. The weight of seeds of the researched numbers ranged from 13,3 to 22,2 gr. The productivity of the researched O-type lines varied from 40,1 to 45,2 tons per hectare. Herewith, the highest productivity index was observed in 664bk 6 line with the average index 42,7 tons per hectare which ensured sugar yield 7,59 tons per hectare. The results of the research into the influence of low temperatures on seed germination readiness and capacity of O-type sugar beet lines were given. All the researched materials readily respond to conditions of germination and the seed germination readiness and germination capacity directly depend on the temperature. However, high indices of seed germination readiness and capacity under low temperatures is an essential feature of parent breeding materials in the breeding process while creating new hybrids which can be grown by means of intensive technologies. This will make it possible to sow heterosis sugar beet hybrids in earlier terms. It was suggested to use the best lines as parent components for development of heterosis hybrids which are able to ensure seed germination under low temperatures.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Researching morphological characters of rye (Secale cereale L.) and sorghum bicolor (Sorghum bicolor L.)
Г. М. Каражбей | С. М. Гринів | О. І. Безручко | Л. В. Камінська
The article highlights key issues of the development of collection of varieties displaying example characteristics of sorghum bicolor and rye. It displays their applicability and value. In order to develop the varietal collections of rye and sorghum bicolor as a methodical tool of varietal examination on distinctness, uniformity and stability, a scrutiny has been given to the morphologic description, morphologic description of plant varieties systematization, as well as field examinations on the facilities of the Poltava and Zhitomir state centers for variety testing. The work undertaken has resulted into the establishment of common knowledge rye, sorghum bicolor varieties collections encompassing 330 and 30 varieties, respectively. A morphologic analyzes of common knowledge varieties enabled to single varieties displaying example characters out of the majority of grades of identification characteristics expression. In particular, for sorghum bicolor of 199 grades as set by the Text Guidelines, varieties with example characteristics were selected for 135 grades by 40 identification characters, while in rye for 81grades out of 99 grades existing by 19 identification characteristics. For each crop Lists of varieties displaying example characters were created, with example referencing to characteristic number and state of its expression indicated, namely of 16 sorghum bicolor varieties and 18 varieties of the rye. The common knowledge variety collections established could be considered as a tool for identifying local differences, i.e. in the scale of Ukraine partially embracing CIS and Europe.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A selection and seed-grower are a substantial factor of increase to the productivity of oil-bearing cultures
В. В. Кириченко | В. П. Коломацька | О. І. Рудник-Іващенко
Analysis of oilseeds in Ukraine, including sunflower, soybean, winter and spring rape, mustard, linseed, sesame, spring false flax, safflower. Presented research-based elements of the technology of cultivation. Described seed of oilseeds. Named most promising varieties of these crops. Disclosed their productive and qualitative potential. The above varietal structure of oilseeds in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine for years. In order to ensure stable population of oil and food, which include oil, and for the implementation of programs related to soil fertility, scientifically grounded recommended area of oilseeds in Ukraine for 2013–2015 years, ha.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Consumption values of apple (Malus domestica Borhk) fruits subject to plantation construction
В. В. Заморський
In the conditions of Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine a long term (1977 to 2007) research were conducted over the construction of apple plantations of different pomology varieties using vegetative low height shoots and low height insertions. The analyzes of consumption values of Aidarder pomology variety yield throughout the entire fruit-bearing span certified that the major part of the harvest consisted of the fruits of the highest and the first commercial grades. Consumption qualities of Aidarder variety fruits over the early vegetation span significantly exceeded relevant indices registered for the period of 16 to 19 years of vegetation. That is, where the total of the highest and first grades ranged within 66% to 80% of the full harvest weight, two cuttings being grown, at the age of thirteen, then, as the age of the plantation was increasing the was decreasing, eventually to the range of 63% to 68% of the full weight of the fruits. Comparison of the data obtained on fruits marketability against the yield level over relevant period exposed a renowned in horticulture trend of marketability decrease due to high yield. As regards the planting constructions where the lo height insertions are used the Aidarder variety displayed higher marketability of fruits, however, the trend was not absolute. In some variants of the test (11 years old trees free of insertion, cutting in winter dates applied) the Rubinove Duky variety provided greater by 6,8% amount of higher quality fruits. The research over consumption value of the apple fruits has shown that these were changing irrespective of the construction and the age of the plantings. The augment of the first and the highest commercial grades is only possible with low height cuttings or insertions applied at summer dates for the procedure of cutting. The weight of apple fruits depended on the varietal properties and were increasing in the constructions of low height constructions as long as low height M.9 insertion was in use.
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