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Methodical aspects of assessing grape breeding material
Л. В. Герус
Purpose. Developing methodical aspects of assessing grape breeding material in hybrid combinations for a number of indicators of adaptability and productivity. Methods. Breeding, hybridological, statistical ones. Results. Main requirements were determined for a new generation of table and technical grapes that was based on the set breeding task and patent searches, literary sources and Internet resources. 12 main indicators of adaptability, productivity and quality of products were analyzed, a high level of their display is required for pre-selection of grape seedlings for further study. Gradation from the lowest level of display of the above economic characters of grapes to the medium and high ones was developed. For their definition points-based system is used – the lowest level of display corresponds to one and three points, average – five, and high – seven and nine. As a result, studied plants can score 12 to 108 points. Variation in the plant evaluation over the years should not exceed 10 points. A seedling cannot be selected by the maximum level of displaying only one parameter, in the same manner as it shall be rejected with a minimum level of display of any of the said indicators. Seedlings that display a stable middle level of traits can be placed to the breeding nursery to study the level of display of the essential parameters and properties of the grafted culture. Conclusions. Criteria and basic parameters of genotypic values in hybrid combinations were determined. Plants that have been estimated in 60 points or higher may be considered as promising ones, that is those which require further studying. Valuable genotypes correspond to the level of 80–100, very valuable – of 101–108 points.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Критерії оцінки якості олії високоолеїнового соняшнику
М. В. Червоніс | О. І. Рибалка | І. Г. Топораш
Мета. Провести дослідження зразків соняшникової олії з різним вмістом олеїнової кислоти хроматографічним методом, показати можливість застосування відносно простих, експресних та ефективних фізичних методів для контролю вмісту олеїнової кислоти у процесі селекції гібридів соняшнику і в товарному виробництві під час визначення автентичності зразків високоолеїнової олії та розпізнавання її замінників. Методи. Загальноприйняті міжнародні методи ІСО, математико-статистичні. Результати. Проведено дослідження жирнокислотного складу соняшникової олії на газовому хроматографі за спрощеною процедурою, встановлено залежність ряду фізичних методів – заломлення на рефрактометрі, в’язкості та щільності – від жирнокислотного складу соняшникової олії, зокрема вмісту олеїнової кислоти. Висновки. Метод газової хроматографії виявився найінформативнішим та ефективним для контролю вмісту олеїнової кислоти на всіх етапах як селекційного процесу, так і в умовах товарного виробництва. Серед фізичних методів на особливу увагу заслуговують ті, що ґрунтуються на визначенні показників заломлення, кінематичної в’язкості та щільності, оскільки між ними та вмістом олеїнової кислоти в соняшниковій олії встановлено високу кореляційну залежність.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of adaptive capacity of spring wheat lines under conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
О. А. Демидов | С. О. Хоменко | І. В. Федоренко | Р. М. Близнюк | Є. А. Кузьменко
Purpose. Selecting spring wheat lines with increased adaptive capacity. Methods. Field experiments, statistical evaluation. Results. Lines of spring soft wheat with better adaptive capacity were identified (‘Erythrospermum 13-39’, ‘Lutescens 11-16’, ‘Lutescens 05-24’, ‘Lutescens 10-36’) and spring durum wheat (‘Melanopus 10-02’ (biotype II), ‘Melanopus 10-02’, ‘Melanopus 10-03’, ‘Hordeiforme 12-12’). Spring soft wheat varieties ‘Zlata’, ‘Dubravka’, ‘Oksamyt Myronivskyi’, ‘Bozhena’ and spring durum wheat varieties ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Magdalena’ with increased adaptive capacity were passed for State variety testing. Conclusions. With regard to the analysis of parameters of yield capacity and its variability under the influence of changing environmental factors, soft and durum spring wheat lines with increased adaptive capacity were identified. The best spring wheat lines for general adaptive capacity were passed for State variety testing. Soft spring wheat variety ‘Zlata’ and durum spring wheat variety ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, in 2014, and such soft spring wheat varieties as ‘Dubravka’, ‘Oksamyt Myronivskyi’, ‘Bozhena’ and spring durum wheat variety ‘Magdalena’, in 2015, were passed for State variety testing.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Агрономічна оцінка стійкості італійських сортів твердої пшениці до фузаріозу колоса та скринінг удосконалених за допомогою MAS ліній, відібраних за ознакою стійкості до фузаріозу колоса
Г. Бентівенга | М. Камеріні | А. Белoччі | М. Форнара | С. Меллоні | А. Спіна | Ф. Каранта | К. Аммар
Для оцінки стійкості до фузаріозу колоса в 2009 році 41 сорт твердої та м’якої пшениці, переважно з Італії, пройшов сортовипробування у CIMMYT (Міжнародний центр поліпшення кукурудзи та пшениці). Крім того, виконано оцінку впливу одного з основних QTL стійкості до фузаріозу колоса (Qfhs.ndsu-3BS QTL), вперше виявленого у китайського сорту пшениці м’якої ‘Sumai 3’, на хромосомі 3В, у 125 удосконалених ліній пшениці твердої BC4F6, отриманих шляхом схрещування з вихідним сортом пшениці м’якої ‘Sumai 3’ (68 ліній з ‘Sumai 3’ QTL та 57 ліній без цього QTL), були досліджені в однакових умовах штучного зараження. Для обох груп ділянки заражували під час цвітіння суспензією односпорових культур F. graminearum, підтримуючи вологість до 100%, щоб сприяти розвитку захворювання за допомогою системи дрібнодисперсного зволоження. Через тридцять днів після зараження підрахували кількість колосків, інфікованих F. graminearum, на колосі десяти рослин на кожній ділянці; пошкодження виразили показником зараження фузаріозом (кількість випадків ураження ступінь ураження / 100, де ступінь ураження = кількість інфікованих колосків / загальна кількість випадків ураження 100 та кількість інфікованого колосся / загальна кількість колосся 100). В обох випадках пізнє цвітіння було ключовим чинником, здатним обмежити ураженість хворобою. Попередні дані стосовно впливу Qfhs.ndsu-3BS QTL не виявили відмінності між двома групами вдосконалених ліній.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Academician M. M. Hryshko – the prominent Ukrainian expert in plant variety investigation
В. М. Самородов | О. М. Байрак | Н. В. Чувікіна | Д. Б. Рахметов | С. В. Клименко | Л. І. Буюн | Ю. В. Буйдін
The creative and organizational role of academician M. M. Hryshko was analyzed in studying the gene pool of plants in Ukraine and creating collection funds of the National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which has been named after this famous scientist since 1991. Investigations on introduction, acclimatization and breeding of plants were described embracing the period from post-war years to the present day. Information was given that concerns the results of the introduction and plant breeding in the early 1950s as reported by M. M. Hryshko and recent data on species and varietal diversity of cultivated ornamental, fruit, subtropical, agricultural (including energy, feed, vegetable, spice aroma, aromatic, technical, green manure, nectariferous) plants.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Medicinal plants: traditions and study prospects (devoted to the 100th anniversary of establishing the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants)
О. С. Дем’янюк | Л. А. Глущенко
Historical review was done concerning the formation and development of scientific research of the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants over the period 1916–2016. The main stages of experimenting in the direction of “medicinal plant cultivation’’ in Ukraine were covered. Role and importance of the Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants in the scientific and methodological support of such scientific directions as breeding, seed production, cultivation technologies, pharmacognosy in medicinal plant cultivation were shown. For the needs of the branch, over 100 species of introduced medicinal plants were studied at the Station and agricultural techniques of their growing were developed, in addition, more than 50 varieties of medicinal plants were created, a number of machines and devices for growing, harvesting and initial treatment of raw materials and seeds of the most important medicinal plants was designed. Other scientific achievements of the Station were mentioned and promising areas of medicinal plant research in Ukraine were outlined.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of stability and plasticity of new hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) under the conditions of Polissia and Steppe zones of Ukraine
Л. М. Присяжнюк | О. О. Шовгун | Л. В. Король | І. І. Коровко
Purpose. To select promising high productive maize hybrids of middle-early maturity group in terms of stability and plasticity of main economic characters. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, analytical procedure and statistical evaluation. Results. 14 maize hybrids recorded in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine in 2015 were studied for plasticity and stability of such traits as productivity, protein and starch content. Intensive highly-plastic hybrid ‘SI Tiptop’ was selected among the studied ones for productivity trait that can respond properly to changes of growing conditions. It was defined that for the starch content such hybrids as ‘SI Tiptop’, ‘SI Enigma’, ‘SI Arioso’, ‘Svich 38’, ‘Svich 35’, ‘HU 8653’, ‘Zdobutok’ and ‘SI Contrakt’ belonged to the intensive type and combined rather high values and the stability of the studied trait under variable conditions. The following hybrids as ‘NS 2642’, ‘DK S3016’, ‘Svich 38’, ‘NS 2632’ were qualified as intensive for protein content and appeared to be highly-plastic but stability values of this trait were low. ‘Svich 38’ hybrid was intensive simultaneously for two traits such as protein and starch content and showed rather high values of plasticity. ‘SI Tiptop’, ‘SI Enigma’ and ‘Svich 35’ were defined as hybrids of extensive type that provided stable protein content in adverse cultivation conditions. Conclusions. On the condition that intensive crop growing technologies should be used, for obtaining stable yields it is advisable to sow only highly-plastic hybrids that can adapt to unfavorable environmental factors, including ‘SI Tiptop’ – for productivity trait, ‘Zdobutok’ and ‘SI Kontrakt’ – for starch content, ‘MAC 24N‘, ‘NA 2642‘ and ‘Danubio’ – for protein content.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 6. Names of some subtribe Malinae Reveal taxa (information 6)
В. М. Меженський
Purpose. To analyse the Ukrainian nomenclature of subtribe Malinae representatives and improve terminological system of the Ukrainian names of a species and a generic levels and names of fruit crops. Results. There is a confusion in the Ukrainian names of plants of Cydonia-Chaenomeles–Pseudocydonia, Mespilus–Eriobotrya, Amelanchier–Cotoneaster. Considering the division of Sorbus s.l. on separate genera Sorbus s.str., Aria, Cormus, Chamaemespilus, Torminalis and availability of numerous hybrids with their involvement, the Ukrainian names for both taxa and nothotaxa of species and generic levels are offered, principles of their choice are also considered. Formation of the Ukrainian generic names on the basis of specific epithets leads to undesirable tautonomy. Aspects of derussification of the Ukrainian professional terminology are discussed. Conclusions. Ukrainian scientific generic and nothogeneric plant names for subtribe Malinae are transliterated/transcripted, borrowed as a calque of latin names or have their own origin, consisting of one or two words. The choice of the best variants of generic and species names from a number of possible ones has a temporal component and largely depends on experts who apply them and basic principles of choice. It is necessary to improve the modern Ukrainian plant nomenclature on a national basis involving the transformed Latin scientific names for introduced species and hybrids.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 7. Spelling the names of plant varieties.
В. М. Меженський
Purpose. To analyse the practice of transliteration of the Ukrainian cultivar names and rendering foreign names by means of the Ukrainian language, as well as special aspects of cultivar names spelling in special literature. Results. Cultivar names as a special category require preservation of primary graphics or sound type in the other language. This can be achieved by direct inclusion of the original name to the Ukrainian text or by practical transcribing, but not by transliteration or translation. Otherwise, Ukrainian names should be transliterated for inclusion to the texts in Latin characters. Transcription/transliteration in both directions is performed from the source language, though, as practice shows, in some Ukrainian publications the Russian is wrongly used as an intermediary language. Some national scientific publications ignore the recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants that is not conducive to the success of scientific communication in the globalized world. Conclusions. The foreign names of plant varieties should be entered into the Ukrainian text keeping the original spelling or by means of practical transcription. The loan of foreign names is performed by transcribing directly from the source language; if the language doesn’t have the Latin alphabet, Latinized name transcription is acceptable. Recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants that concern graphic highlighting of the cultivar names in the text enclosing them in single quotation marks and writing each word of a cultivar name with a capital letter should necessarily be applied in the foreign-language publications and extended to the Ukrainian special literature, at least, in terms of the use of single quotation marks. Ukrainian names should be transliterated only in accordance with the regulations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Promising new varieties in food corn assortment
Ю. В. Харченко | Л. Я. Харченко | С. М. Тимчук | В. В. Поздняков | Н. В. Кузьмишина
Purpose. Reporting peculiarities of new forms of edible corn and prospects for their use in food production that have been created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production on the base of the environmentally friendly method that uses biochemical effects of natural mutations of corn grain endosperm structure. Methods. Field study, laboratory analysis, mathematical and statistical evaluation. Results. Original series of inbred lines as well as promising varieties and hybrids of sugar and waxy corns were obtained. Varieties and hybrids are universally usable for obtaining both fresh and canned products, characterized by good taste, provide yields of up to 10 tons per hectare of commercial products and aimed to grow in various soil and climatic conditions. Brief economic and morphological characteristics of corn varieties and hybrids created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production were given. Conclusions. The use of biochemical effect of natural mutations of endosperm structure is cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for creating lines, varieties and hybrids of corn for direct consumption and processing into food products. ‘Biliavka’, ‘Nika’ varieties and ‘Binom F1’, ‘Solo F1’, ‘Twister F1’ hybrids created with the help of this method are promising for commercial use
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