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Вплив фізичних і хімічних мутагенів на зимостійкість і ураження "чорноколосицею" рослин М2 сортів пшениці ярої при сівбі її восени
Л. М. Голик
Наведено результати досліджень з впливу фізичних і хімічних мутагенів на зимостійкість і ураження рослин М2 сортів ярої пшениці, занесених до Державного реєстру сортів України, при сівбі їх восени.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Genetic variety of maize in China
Лі Цзінь | В. Л. Жемойда | А. К. Пархоменко | О. С. Макарчук
Main directions and results of Research on genetic diversity of maize in China and their practical use in breeding are represented.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The ways of State food security
В. В. Волкодав | О. В. Захарчук
The article revealed the attempt to open the ways of State food security and the role of State support forming the national varieties resources.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The regressional analysis in selection of the sugar beet inbred lines
М. О. Корнєєва | М. В. Власюк | І. В. Власюк | Т. Г. Опанасенко
The use of regression analysis for estimation of inbred lines is a breeding - oriented method, as it indicates scientifically grounded stages of the further breeding studying of these lines and a strategy of their use. Admissible levels of inbred depression of agriculturally valuable characters are limited in lines of the Verkhnyachka and Lgov geneplasms by two - three generations of self - pollinations, which testifies to the necessity "to keep" the characters of sufficient basis. Linearity of changes of values of the characters with the advancing of inbreeding shows the absence of epistasis or the weakness of their effects which makes suitable the use of an additive-dominant model for determining breeding-genetical value of inbred lines with the aim of their purposeful hybridization for obtaining genetically determined heterosis in F1.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficacy of hybrids in order to establish competitive varieties of soft winter wheat
С. О. Хоменко
The article describes data of experimental researches carried out in V.M. Remesla Miroonovskiy Wheat Institute. The data provides evidence that treatment of hybrids with mutagens in order to get new source material is efficient for winter wheat breeding, and it allows to obtain new competitive lines and varieties of winter wheat.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Вивчення клонових підщеп кісточкових порід у колекційному маточнику
М. С. Шевчук | В. В. Кондратюк | В. О. Стрельніков
Вивчено генетичну колекцію клонових підщеп кісточкових форм на предмет укорінення за метамерністю розміщення живців та термінах їх заготівлі, продуктивності маточних дерев, зимостійкості кореневої системи, слаборослості.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Peculiarities of rape plant identification features manifestation and their use during formation of national variety sources
Н. В. Лещук | М. М. Таганцова | С. Л. Мельничук
Scientific approaches to formation of national variety sources of spring and winter barley by State Registration of new varieties and their right protection.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Characteristics of the coefficients stability signs in the dynamical series with different duration
З. Д. Сич
There has been studied the Levis coefficients stability in very short dynamical series. It has been established that we can study the ecological stability of variety even in two years test. There has been pointed the growth absolutly coefficients in long test. Estimation of variety to demand three statistical characteristics - mean, coefficients of stability and elasticity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development of MS sugar beet hybrids with low content of K+ and Na+
М. О. Корнєєва | М. В. Власюк | І. В. Власюк
On the basis of cyclic crosses, on the background of two pollen sterile testers, the combining ability for the content of K+ and Na+ ions of 20 pollinators with different levels of hibreeding (of Verkhnyachka, Lgov and Veseliy Podil origins) was studied. The pollinators were differentiated for their genetic value and the strategy for their further breeding improvement was established. Two hybrid combinations were found in which the low content of simultaneously 2 types of K + and Na+ ions was essentially proved. These characters in hybrids mostly depend on GCA of the pollinators.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Bread-making features of flour and role of external temperature factor in their extimation
Л. О. Турченюк | О. І. Шевченко | О. О. Шовгун
Variations in bread volume output in accordance with external temperature factor which balancing increases obtained information reliability are considered.
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