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Ukraine's Market of Plant Varieties: Soybean (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.).
О. І. Безручко | О. В. Колесніченко
The article displays economical value, as well as directions of use for valuable protein crop, soybean, as well as growth rate of its production during recent years in the world scale and in our country, establishment of its varietal resources in Ukraine. Complete description for new soybean varieties listed in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine is provided for those having Official Description.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Drought-resistance elements and heat-resistance of scab-immune apple (Mains domestica Borkh.) cultivars
Ю. Д. Гончарук
The author has reserched the resistance of scab-immune apple cultivarsbelonging to different ecological and geographical groups to unfavorable water regime conditions and temperature stressors in summer. The comparative studies of their drought and heat-resistance have been carried out. According to the complex of the water regime idexes the cvs "Orlovskoye Polyesye", "Florina", "Imant", "Amulet" and "Vitos" have been seleted as the most drought-adapted and higt heat-resistant.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Methodological Aspects of Parental Lines of Maize Identification (Zea mays L.) in the Course of Soil and Laboratory Varietal Control.
М. М. Таганцова
The article explains the aim and objectives of parental components of maize hybrids identification in the course of soil varietal control. Scientific background has been provided to methodological aspects of comparative evaluation of morphological characteristics on control plots for the purpose of establishing authenticity of maize hybrids circulated at the market.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Гібридологічний аналіз тригібридного схрещування жита озимого (Secаle cereale L.)
В. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | І. М. Давидюк | С. С. Неїжпапа | П. В. Харченко | О. О. Бутунець | З. О. Мазур | І. І. Майстер
У F2 проведено гібридологічний аналіз 80 сімей реципрокних гібридів від схрещування зразків жита з ознаками високорослості, звисаючої листкової пластинки, воскового нальоту (hlhlElElWcWc (сорт В’ятка 2) з новим донором альтернативних ознак – домінантної короткостеблості, рецесивних еректоїдності і відсутності воскового нальоту на листках і стеблах (HlHlelelwcwc). Дослід проведено за однаковою схемою у трьох екологічних місцях: Носівській СДС, Верхняцькій СДС і Волинському ІАПВ. Вперше отримані результати, які відповідають тригібридній схемі розщеплення відповідно до 27;9;9;9;3;3;3;1, повсюдно в цілому. Аналіз достовірно підтвердив розщеплення по трьох парах незалежних генів.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Inheritance of Quantitative Characteristics F2 of Three-Hybrid Crossing of Winter Rye (Secale cereale L.) under Different Environmental Conditions.
В. В. Скорик | Н. В. Симоненко | І. М. Давидюк | С. С. Неїжпапа | П. В. Харченко | О. О. Бутунець | З. О. Мазур | І. І. Майстер
Genetic and statistical analyzes of ten quantitative characteristics inheritance of reciprocal populations F2 of three-hybrid crossing by plant height, leaf blade electroidy and absence of glaucosity on the plants of Winter Rye in three breeding institutions – Nosivskiy Variety Testing Station (VTS), Verhnianskiy VTS and Volynskiy Institute APV. Major portion of phenotype variation has been determined by environmental factors. Genotype variability of those characteristics is predetermined by effects of domination and epitasis, so the breeding aimed at acquirement of heterosis effect when ZKZ (ЗКЗ) and SKZ (СКЗ) are applied is expected to be promising.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Identification of Soft Wheat Genotypes by Height in the Course of DUS Examination of Varieties
Л. І. Улич
The article presents summary of the research of inheritance issues, as well as permanency and polylithism of soft wheat plants, and utilization of the above trait for identification of genotypes in the course of DUS examination of varieties. Relation of height of plants to their resistance to lodging and crops productivity has been studied. Expediency has been grounded for setting respective agro- ecological conditions enabling the plant height to fall within the limits of genetically conditioned optimum for every variety.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analyzes of National Varietal Resources of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.).
М. В. Мілієнко
The article considers national varietal sources of sugar beets, namely the progress of their generation, as well as general characteristics of productivity. Main trends in breeding reflecting the needs of society are highlighted. Importance of official qualifying examination for generating high-quality varietal diversity aimed at meeting the needs of national beetroot industry is emphasized.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Agriculture in Ancient and its influence on Development of Agronomics and Welfare of the States
В. В. Шелепов | О. В. Бачкала
On the basis of literary sources history of origin and development of agriculture is rotined in Ancient. The first Civilizations arose up on fat streamside lands of the large rivers: Nile, Euphrates, tiger, Inda, Ganga and other Earths and plenty of water are fertile during an overflow, a warm climate allowed to Ancient civilizations to grow 2-3 harvests in a year. For the receipt of high harvests, a man had to study the modes of overflow of the rivers, look after heavenly bodies, determine the areas of scopes and terms of leadthrough of the field works. The decision of these questions resulted in the origin of agronomics, astronomy, mathematics. Large harvests were instrumental in the origin of peculiar, enriching of the states, to development of trade and culture on the whole. Riches of country and overpopulation resulted in the origin of wars which one states perished as a result of, second – blossomed. Scientists consider that a high culture, intensive exploitation of soils and aggressiveness of man, brought the most Ancient Civilizations over to the ecological crisis and their elimination.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ecological Flexibility of Peach Varieties (Persica vulgaris Mill.) in Steppe Climatic Zone
З. С. Шпак
Assessment is provided to ecological flexibility and stability of Peach Varieties in Steppe zone by results of indices obtained in three years of studying with application of regression analyzes. Varieties highly flexible against climatic conditions of growth environment have been pointed out.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Formation of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) new cultivars yield in the Ukrainian Right -Bank Lisosteppe
В. М. Остапенко | О. П. Лушпіган
The authors present the results of estimating seven raspberry cultivars - 'Novokutaivs'ka'(c), 'Phenomen' (c), 'Sanya', 'Perseya', 'Gusar', 'Kryepysh' and 'Strunka' - concerning their capability of forming yield depending on the cultivation year weather conditions. The cv 'Gusar' has been selected which had the highest yield of high-quality berries for two years of researches (2009-2010).
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