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Screening of winter triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture
Пикало, С. В | Дубровна, О. В
Purpose. To conduct in vitro screening of different genotypes of winter triticale for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture. Methods. Plant tissue culture in vitro, in vitro breeding, statistical analysis. Results. It was found that the increase of sodium chloride concentration from 0.6 to 1.5% resulted in inhibition of the callus culture growth in all genotypes that was indicative of the toxic effect of the stress factor. It turns out that 1.2% sodium chloride concentration allowed to differentiate triticale genotypes for salt tolerance. The line ‘38/1296’ appeared to be the most resistant to salinity stress because under breeding conditions calli of this genotype were characterized by higher morphogenetic potential, had the highest crude mass increase, and plants-regenerants were obtained only from explants of this line after cultivation on the medium containing 1.5% sodium chloride. The ‘ADM 11’ variety was the most sensitive to saline stress as mass necrosis and lack of regenerative ability in its calli were observed under breeding conditions. In the studied forms, genotypic dependence of morphogenesis processes in vitro culture was registered. From the induced calli, plants-regenerants were obtained, and their completion of growing, root development and transfer to in vivo conditions were optimized. Conclusions. Genotypic response to salinity stress in the culture of shoot apical meristems of winter triticale was expressed by various crude mass increase and different morphogenetic potential on exposure to a stress factor. The line ‘38/1296’ can be used as a valuable material for further breeding of winter triticale. The culture of shoot apical meristems is recommended to apply as a test system for screening of triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity stress
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The use of less common grass varieties as a factor of increasing forage lands productivity
В. Д. Бугайов | В. В. Бугайов | І. В. Смульська
Purpose. To assess introduced samples of drought-resistant species of perennial grasses, select a promising parent material and create on its base high-yielding varie ies with economic characters. Methods. Field experiment, laboratory testing. Results. The results of studies on introduction and breeding were given aimed to improve drought tolerance of non-traditional perennial grasses under the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Based on the selected parent material, varieties were created by the use of hybridization and ecotype breeding methods and then entered into the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine, among them: intermediate wheatgrass (Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski) – ‘Hors’, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.) – ‘Petrivskyi’; meadow brome (Bromus riparia Rehm.) – ‘Boian’; slender wheatgrass (Roegneria trachycaulon (Link) Nevski) – ‘Coumb’. As compared with conventional, relatively drought-tolerant species of smooth brome (Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub) – ‘Mars’, increment of dry matter content of these species in the extreme drought conditions of 2011 was increased by 1,52–3,73 t/ha. Under more sufficient moistening conditions of 2012, slender wheatgrass ‘Columb’ was at the level of the сheck variety in terms of this indicator. Other varieties exceeded it by 1.44–3.22 t/ha. The data was given including seed productivity and sowing quality indicators, after-ripening duration and economic fitness of seeds. Conclusions. The use of the recommended varieties of drought-resistant species of perennial grasses as part of grass mixtures will increase significantly the productivity of grasslands and pastures in the current context of climate change.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Dependence of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce (<em>Lactuca sativa</em> L.) varietis on the concentration of microfertilizer Avatar-1
В. Б. Кутовенко | Н. П. Костенко | М. В. Баранець
Purpose. To investigate the variability of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties depending on the concentration of microfertilizer Avatar-1. Methods. Field study, biometric technique, comparative approach, statistical evaluation, generalization. Results. Dependence of the plant height, the diameter of the leaf rosette, the number of leaves per plant, the leaf area of plants on the concentration of microfertilizer Avatar-1 was defined. Investigations of cutting lettuce ‘Afitsyon’ and ‘Concord’ varieties by Dutch breeding were conducted in 2016–2017 in the collection sites of the department of vegetable growing in the scientific-experimental field “Fruit and vegetable garden” of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. In order to determine dependence of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce varieties on the concentration of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1, the following scheme was used for the both varieties: variant 1 – water (control); variant 2 – 0,10% solution; variant 3 – 0,25% solution; variant 4 – 0,50% solution. Plants were treated with microfertilizer three times during the vegetative period. Alterations of plant biometrics of cutting lettuce ‘Afitsyon’ and ‘Concord’ varieties depending on the concentration of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 was studied. Conclusions. It was found that in case of three-time plant treatment with complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 at the time of harvesting, the best plant biometrics was registered in variant 3 (concentration 0,25%) for the both ‘Afitsyon’ and ‘Concord’ varieties of cutting lettuce. The height of plants of the cutting lettuce in ‘Afitsyon’ variety exceeded this figure in ‘Concord variety by 1,1–1,4 cm. The concentration of microfertilizer had no significant effect on the diameter of the leaf rosette of ‘Concord’ variety (25,1–25,9 см). The diameter of the leaf rosette of ‘Afitsyon’ variety was 26,0–28,7 cm. In cutting lettuce, the largest leaf area per plant was registered in ‘Afitsyon’ variety (3516.5 cm2/plant ) in case of plants treatment with 0,25% solution of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 that exceeded this figure in ‘Concord’ variety by 660 cm2/plant. The best plant biometrics of cutting lettuce of the studied varieties and optimal concentration of complex microfertilizer Avatar-1 (0.25% solution) was defined that is important for improving agricultural cultivation techniques.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Optimization of tobacco variety model to increase seed productivity
О. І. Савіна | О. М. Ковалюк | К. А. Шейдик
Purpose. To develop a tobacco variety model with optimal inflorescence traits such as size and shape that will allow to increase seed productivity of the crop. Methods. Statistical and mathematical (correlative, regressive) ones. Results. Basic collection consisting of 282 variety samples registered in the National Genetics Center was evaluated, optimal parameters of inflorescence were defined that can provide a high seed yield. During statistical analysis, correlation matrix was developed with the purpose to highlight traits that correlate with inflorescence productivity. According to the results of correlation analysis, a strong relationship between the width and height of inflorescence (r = 0,773±0,038) was established. Somewhat weaker correlation was observed when modeling regressive relation between inflorescence height and width, where regression showed the medium relationship. Regression equation of these traits is as follows: y = 0,5585x + 8,4649. Inflorescence density (r = 0,646), height (r = 0,556) and width (r = 0,527) also had quite a high positive effect on seed productivity. The results of regression analysis pointed to the fact that there were a linear relationship between inflorescence size and seed productivity. Conclusions. Among 282 samples of basic tobacco collection, 29 varieties with high seed productivity was defined which can be used in the breeding process, and ‘Sobolchskyi 15/21’, ‘Ergo 23’, ‘C-11’, ‘Sygarnyi 99’ varieties were selected for large-scale implementation into the production of raw material of cigar type.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Obtaining plant Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack and Miscanthus sinensis Andersson in vitro culture by indirect morphogenesis
С. М. Гонтаренко | С. О. Лашук
Purpose. To obtain Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack and Miscanthus sinensis Andersson in vitro culture by indirect morphogenesis. Methods. Biotechnological procedures, mathematical and statistical analyses. Results. Composition of nutrient medium was developed intended for induction of callusogenesis from Miscanthus seeds with a poor germination and viability of seedlings – Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium was modified for the amount of macroelements (half-dose) that was supplemented with amino acids (300 mg/l of glutamic acid, 50 mg/l of aspartic acid, 5 mg/l of tyrosine, 3 mg/l of arginine, 2 mg/l of hydroxyproline) and plant growth regulators [2,5 mg/l of 2.4D (2.4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), 0,6 mg/l of BAP (6-Benzyl-aminopurine) and 0,3 mg/l of ABA (Abscisic acid)]. Composition of nutrient medium was developed for regeneration of microplants from callus – agar MS medium was modified for the amount of macroelements (half-dose) supplemented with vitamins: 10 mg/l of thiaminum, 1,0 mg/l of pyridoxine, 1,0 mg/l of nicotinic acid (by White), 1,0 mg/l of ascorbic acid, 250 mg/l of glutamic acid, 2,0 mg/l of BAP, 0,3 mg/l of NAA (Naphthaleneacetic acid). On this medium, 100% regeneration of M. sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack and 50% regeneration of M. sinensis Andersson was obtained. Due to media modification aimed at initiating callusogenesis and microplants regeneration, reproduction factor of M. sinensis was increased 20 times at the average, M. sacchariflorus – 35–40 times. Conclusions. Plants of M. sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hack and M. sinensis Andersson were obtained in vitro culture by initiation of callusogenes and microplants regeneration from the Miscanthus seeds with poor germination and viability on nutrient media of certain composition.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Типування сортів сої культурної (<i>Glycine max </i>(L.) Merr.) за мікросателітним маркером <i>Satt100</i> гена <i>Е7</i> фотоперіодичної чутливості
Н. Е. Волкова | Н. А. Мізерна
Мета. Провести типування сортів сої культурної (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) української та закордонної селекції за мікросателітним маркером Satt100 гена Е7 фотоперіодичної чутливості. Методи. Виділення ДНК з проростків на колонках із сорбуючою мембраною; полімеразна ланцюгова реакція; горизонтальний гель-електрофорез; визначення розмірів продуктів ампліфікації за програмою «GelAnalyzer 2010a». Результати. За допомогою аналізу мікросателітного локусу Satt100, який є маркером гена Е7, проведено типування 15 сортів сої. Встановлено наявність продуктів ампліфікації розміром 133, 149 та 168 п.н., що маркують рецесивний та домінантний алелі гена Е7 відповідно. Усі досліджені сорти, крім сорту ‘Одеська 150А’, були гомогенними за мікросателітним локусом Satt100. Генотипи восьми сортів мали рецесивний алель е7, шести – домінантний алель Е7. Порівняли наявність певного алеля гена Е7 у генотипі сорту з належністю до групи стиглості. Відмічено зв’язок для сортів з вегетаційним періодом до 100 діб: усі чотири сорти цієї групи мали алель е7 та для сортів із вегетаційним періодом понад 110 діб: для всіх чотирьох сортів цієї групи характерні фрагменти ампліфікації локусу Satt100, що маркують домінантний алель. Із семи середньоранніх сортів чотири мали рецесивний алель е7, а три – домінантний Е7. Наведено інформацію про отримання різними науковцями фрагментів ампліфікації неоднакових розмірів, але при цьому виявлено тенденцію щодо зв’язку більш високомолекулярних фрагментів з домінантним, а низькомолекулярних – з рецесивним алелем. Висновки. За результатами типування за мікросателітним маркером Satt100 гена Е7 фотоперіодичної чутливості для 15 сортів сої визначено наявність рецесивного або домінантного алеля гена Е7. Для більшості зразків встановлено відповідність наявності певного алеля гена Е7 та тривалості вегетаційного періоду. Наявність фрагментів ампліфікації різного розміру, характерних для рецесивного алеля, свідчить про необхідність сиквенування та біоінформатичного аналізу фрагментів ампліфікації локусу Satt100.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Consumptive qualities of different potato varieties
М. М. Фурдига | Ю. Я. Верменко | Т. Д. Сонець
Purpose. To summarize results of studying consumptive qualities of different varieties of potato and define basic characteristics which allow to subsume them under specific economic categories. Methods. Field study, laboratory test, summarizing, analytical approach. Results. Potato varieties entered in the State register of plant varieties suitable to dissemination in Ukraine and new ones especially to be bred at the Institute of Potato Growing of NAAS were studied during the period of 2005–2016 for such basic economic characters as consumptive quality of tubers, content of starch, dry matters, protein, sugar, vitamins, carotenoids and mineral substances as well as aminoacids, color of flesh, suitability for industrial manufacturing of potato products and for purpose of technology. Attention was paid to the good prospects to use varieties with purple, blue and red potato tuber flesh with high antioxidant capacity. Potato varieties with above characteristics and their complex combination were defined and described. The requirements of processing industry for potato as a raw material for manufacturing of potato food were given. Conclusions. The major criterion for consumptive qualities of a potato variety and correspondingly division for the commercial use is consumptive quality of tubers, especially content of essential nutrients and their favorable combination, improved taste and cooking quality, high antioxidant capacity, suitability for potato products manufacturing and use for purpose of technology. Potato varieties can be divided for economic purposes into edible, suitable for potato products manufacturing, technical and multipurpose ones.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]KASP<sup>TM</sup> genotyping technology and its use in genetic-breeding programs (a study of maize)
Н. Е. Волкова | В. М. Соколов
Purpose. To review publications relating to the key point of the genotyping technology that is competitive allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (which is called now Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR, KASPTM) and its use in various genetic-breeding researching (a study of maize). Results. The essence of KASP-genotyping, its advantages are highlighted. The requirements for matrix DNA are presented, since the success of the KASP-analysis depends on its quality and quantity. Examples of global projects of plant breeding for increasing crop yields using the KASP genotyping technology are given. The results of KASP genotyping and their introduction into breeding and seed production, in particular, for determining genetic identity, genetic purity, origin check, marker-assisted selection, etc. are presented using maize as an example. It is demonstrated how genomic selection according to KASP genotyping technology can lead to rapid genetic enhancement of drought resistance in maize. Comparison of the effectiveness of creating lines with certain traits (for example, combination of high grain yield and drought resistance) using traditional breeding approaches (phenotype selection) and molecular genetic methods (selection by markers) was proved that it takes four seasons (two years in case of greenhouses) in order to unlock the potential of the plant genotype using traditional self-pollination, test-crossing and definitions), while using markers, the population was enriched with target alleles during one season. At the same time, there was no need for a stress factor. Conclusions. KASP genotyping technology is a high-precision and effective tool for modern genetics and breeding, which is successfully used to study genetic diversity, genetic relationship, population structure, genetic identity, genetic purity, origin check, quantitative locus mapping, allele mapping, marker-assisted selection, marker-assisted breeding. It is expedient and timely to introduce KASP genotyping technology in our country to solve a wide range of modern genetics, breeding, seed production tasks.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Peculiarities in covering the requirements for seed material of sorghum crops
С. І. Мельник | М. М. Гаврилюк | Г. М. Каражбей | Н. В. Курочка | Т. В. Дудка
Purpose. To assess the demand for sorghum seed material and sufficiency of domestic seeds. Results. The analysis of the State register for the period of 2002–2012 showed that there was the tendency not only towards increasing quantity of sorghum crops in general but their substitution by hybrids of foreign breeding. During the period from 2002 to 2017, 72 sorghum varieties were entered on the State register in total, among them only 12 varieties were of domestic breeding, the rest 60 was presented by foreign breeding institutions. Investigation results allowed to determine that the production of base and prebase seeds of sorghum in 2010 amounted to 1,3 t, in 2016 was 43 t. During the same period the production of sugar sorghum increased from 0,2 to 12,0 t, grass sorghum – from 4,0 to 83 t. In 2017, requirements of acreage of such crops as grass sorghum and broomcorn were completely satisfied by the amount of grown seeds. At the same time, the need for seeds of sorghum and sugar sorghum can not be covered completely at the expense of domestic varieties reproduction. In 2017, general demand for sorghum seeds was 400,5 t, among which only 42,0 t was of domestic production. The rest demand for seeds will be met at the expense of import of foreign breeding seeds into the country to be grown and prepared for sowing abroad. Conclusions. In the Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine, there are 72 sorghum varieties among them only 12 varieties were of domestic breeding, that is 17%, as compared to 83% of recommended great sorghum varieties of foreign breeding. In Ukraine, the area occupied by sorghum cultivation was 22,8 thou ha in 2005, up to 2017 it increased to 89,0 thou ha, and accordingly the demand for seeds run up from 102,6 to 400,5 t. The area occupied by the sugar sorghum in 2005 amounted to only 2,6 thou ha, in 2017 – 20,0 thou ha, that accordingly determined increase of demand for seed material from 13,0 to 99,9 t. In 2017, the part of the area where domestic hybrids of sorghum are growing was 10%, hybrids of sugar sorghum – 12%, that was indicative of very poor situation with domestic varieties dissemination.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Studying the potential of the initial potato material with the aim of breeding for drought resistance
Т. М. Олійник | О. В. Сідакова | Н. А. Захарчук | Н. В. Симоненко
Purpose. To evaluate and select hybrids, varieties of the parental nursery of the breeding process, biotechnological lines and wild species of potato for physiological parameters of drought resistance. Methods. Physiological and biochemical, selection ones, statistical data processing. Results. The data is given concerning the evaluation of the water retaining and water regeneration capacity of potato leaves of promising hybrids of competitive and ecological test, varieties of the parental nursery, biotechnological lines and wild species and their integral indicator of drought resistance. The studied samples were grown in the nurseries of field selection crop rotation. Accordingly, the initial material with the highest drought resistance value has been defined. Among the evaluated material, eight hybrids of the competitive and ecological test have been selected (drought resistance coefficient was ranging from 59.4% to 84.8%) and five biotechnological lines of ‘Hlazurna’ and ‘Dorohin’ varieties (drought resistance coefficient was in the range of 55.5% to 67.5%). As for wild species, almost half of the samples (47.8%) were characterized by a high coefficient of drought resistance (from 55 to 78%). Selected samples with high values of drought resistance were recommended to use as a source and drought resistance donors when creating new potato varieties. Conclusions. The initial potato material (hybrids, varieties, biotechnological lines and wild species) with high values of drought resistance (55.0–84.8%) has been selected. These samples are recommended to use in the breeding process when creating new drought resistance potato varieties.
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