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Scientific rationale for cos lettuce growing technology Lactuca sativa var. longifolia L. in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Лещук, Н. В | Хареба, В. В | Позняк, О. В | Свинарчук, О. В
Scientifically validated items of growing technology disclosed for cos lettuce marketable products in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Impact of environmental factors onto growth and development of Lactuca sativa var. longifolia L. plants. Sowing terms established for the seed of cos lettuce at field-seeded growing. Development parameters are quoted for plant productivity indices and marketable product indices for cos lettuce of national and foreign breeding. According to VCU characteristics a typical model has been designed for the cos lettuce indices of suitability for dissemination in Ukraine.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Traditional and modern breeding methods of Triticum aestivum L. in the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat
Кириленко, В. В
When creating Triticum aestivum L. varieties in V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, intervarietal crossing was used as the basis for classical method of hybridization. Parental pairs were selected according to environmental and geographical principles. Crossing of lines selected by certain adaptive characteristics among themselves and with the local breeding varieties are widely used. The method of induced mutagenesis is one of the main factor of the evolutionary process which increases hundreds of times the frequency of altered forms occurrence. Thermal mutagenesis – selection of winter forms from spring varieties – is based on low temperature effect on spring wheat varieties (it was developed by V. M. Remeslo, the member of the Academy of Sciences). Method of intervarietal selection in winter wheat breeding provides creation of new varieties of this crop through mass selection of the best plants from local populations. At present, 10 varieties of winter wheat are included into the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, one variety – into the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, seven varieties are passing state quality testing in these countries.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessing the impact of time of spring vegetation renewal on growth, development and productivity of soft winter wheat varieties
Уліч, О. Л | Ткачик, С. О | Хахула, В. С | Терещенко, Ю. Ф
Results of study focusing on impact of environmental factor – time of spring vegetation renewal (TSVR) of soft winter wheat on growth and development of plants, crop productivity and modern varieties response are presented. It is found that in the central part of the Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine this factor is important and it should be considered in planning of spring and summer care techniques, fertilizer system, especially at spring fertilizing, use of pesticides and growth regulators, in taking a decision on reseeding or underseeding of space plants. At the same time, it was determined that the environmental effect of TSVR was not occurred every year, thus it is not always possible to forecast the type of plant development. But in such years it is possible to influence the processes of plants growth, development and survival in spring and summer periods and the formation of their productivity by introducing such intensive technologies as differential crop tending, mineral nutrition optimization, the use of plant growth regulators, trace nutrients, weed, pest and disease control agents.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Considering the issue of aligning Ukrainian plant names. Communication 3. Names for Ribes L. species
Меженський, В. М
The nomenclature and the system of genus Ribes s.l., application of indigenous and introduced plant names, from which such commercial small fruit crops as gooseberry, black and red currant have been formed, is considered. Scientifi c names based on Ukrainian generic name Porichky are streamlined. Ukrainian names for 64 taxa at the rank of species and variety were given. For hybrids nothotaxa ×Ribelaria Mezhenskyj, nothosubg. nov. (= subg. Ribes × subg. Grossularia) and ×Сalocalyx Mezhenskyj, nothosect. nov. (= sect. Calobotrya × sect. Symplocalyx) were defi ned.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of growing technology elements on seed yield linseed
Янішевський, Л. І | Маційчук, В. М
The article presents the results of studies on the impact of time of sowing and seed rate linseed varieties on yield and seed quality in terms of the central Polessye.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The effectiveness of selection by kernel size of winter rye
Скорик, В. В
The kernel size of winter rye is a genetically determined characteristic as controlled by a series of multiple alleles and is available for artificial selection. As a result of long-term intensive selection average weight of 100 grains per plant increased from 2.94 to 6.94 g or 2.4 times. The implemented effectiveness of selection by 100 grains weight per plant towards increase was systemic, but it was also uneven. Throughout 42 generations the spans of quick response to directed selection were observed, lasting slowdowns and even reverses of average weight of 100 grains per plant. Prompt increase of the directed selection efficiency corresponded to the changes that induced relatively big impact, and formed a plateau as large kernel size reached high frequency. Variability of rye population at high pressure of the selection by 100 grains weight pert plant occurred predominately at normal distribution and along the display of negative asymmetry following the effect of extreme grades emergence outbreak. The highest average kernel size achieved was followed by further slowdown of 100 grains increase observed, nonetheless a heavy pressure of the selection. 42 generations displayed the greatest impact upon the breeding efficiency by denominated breeding differential (36%), selection intensity (22%), broad sense inheritance ratio (8%), narrow sense inheritance ratio (10%). Predicted and implemented selection efficiency over 42 generations matched in 37% of cases certifying thus an actual forecast of the breeding prediction.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Peculiarities of the genetically modified organisms’ detection in seed batches of rape (Brassica napus L.)
Король, Л. В | Гончарова, С. О | Піскова, О. В | Костенко, А. В | Коровко, І. І | Кожемякіна, Л. М
This paper presents the results of molecular studies on testing and evaluation of multiplex test systems for the genetically modified organisms’ (GMOs) identification by PCR in real time. For the detection of genetic modifications in plants of the cabbage family (Brassicaceae) screening of major regulatory sequences is insufficient, as in genetic engineering manipulations 35S promoter – of DNA-containing cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) is used, which presence in the test material can lead to false positive results. In this work the feasibility of testing for the presence of viral CaMV’s DNA and analysis of screened gene sequences of interest for the usage during the analysis of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) samples. It was established that the analysis of the presence/absence of a positive result for the CaMV 35S promoter is not giving complete answers to the absence of GMO in the sample. The appropriateness of GMO’s screening in rape seeds with NOS terminator and genes of interest.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of new self-fertile breeding samples of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.)
Башкірова, Н. В | Глибовець, А. О
Yield of modern varieties of valuable fodder crop lucerne is quite low - 0.2 - 0.3 t / ha. The reason - lack of cross-pollination due to the lack of insect pollinators. Under these conditions, the highest seed production plants are prone to selfpollinate. The results of the study of 26 new selffertile samples of alfalfa own selection. It was shown that 15 samples for seed yield higher than standard - grade Jaroslavna. The herbage yield of only four samples was lower than in the standard. The dry matter content of all samples was high - 22,1-25,5 %. The results obtained are allowed to select in hotbed of pre-strain testing samples with high levels of self-fertility, seed yield 0,24-0,29 t/ha, herbage for three mowing - 63,2-67,7 t/ha, high dry matters content, which will be used in future breeding process
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development and variability of soft winter wheat varieties in stress environmental conditions
Тищенко, В. М | Томіна, М. В | Дубенець, М. В
The article presents results of characteristics studying for generative and vegetative parts of soft winter wheat in the conditions of autumn moisture shortage and in the conditions of optimal moisture supply. During the period of studies a dramatic difference of the levels of generative and vegetative parts of plants has been observed. As a decreased level of characteristics development has been noted, so its increasing, in particular, among the varieties of generative part. within 7.2% (thousand seed weight) to 42.6% (seed weight per ear). It is found that efficient development of generative organs is subject to variety bushing capacity, in particular at spring. The article also shows that stress conditions of autumn period influence late emergence of seedlings; however, that goes along increased level of some characteristics development at generative part. Obviously, during such years the selection of breeding material as per ear yield would not be efficient. The article, for the purpose of excluding negative consequences of selection, pays special attention to such characteristics as that not affected by stress environmental conditions. This indicates genetic stability of those characteristics, so their use as marker characteristics in yield specific breeding is advised.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Perspectives of breeding fungal diseases resistant cultivars of nectarine (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. subsp. nectarina (Ait.) Shof.)
Шоферістов, Є. П | Цюпка, С. Ю | Іващенко, Ю. О
There are allocated some forms of distant hybrids with weak degree of fungal diseases lesion (Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul., Sphaerotheca pannosa (Lev.) var. persicae Woron., Clasterosporium carpophilum Aderh., Monilia cinerea Bonord. и Monilia fructigena Fr.) that are of practical interest for breeding such cultivars of peach and nectarine that will resist these pathogens.
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