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The new perspective ornamental peach varieties (Prunus mira Koehne. P. Davidiana (carr.) Franch., P. k)
Комар-Темна, Л. Д
Morphological and cultivation value characteristics description of new perspective ornamental peach varieties bred in Nikita Botanical Gardens has been given. The varieties were bred as a result of using genoplasm Persica vulgaris Mill, varieties with different type of flower, P. mira (Koehne) Koval, et Kostina and Amygdalus communis L. They differ in high ornamental idices in flowering period and in bioecilogical indexes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Referring to the method of maturity group determination for varieties and hybrids of Maize according to the FAO indices
Андрющенко, А. В | Кривицький, К. М
Analysis of the existing methods for earliness group determination of maize varieties and hybrids according to the FAO indices was conducted. Influence of the abiotic factors on earliness of 16 standard maize hybrids in all agroclimatic zones of Ukraine at nine State Canters for Plant Variety Examination and State Variety Testing Stations during 1999-2006 was analyzed. On the base of the research results, a new method of earliness group determination for varieties (hybrids) of maize without comparison with the standard hybrids has been developed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Crop yield and elements of breeding material of winter wheat (Tritikum aestivum L.) and relations between them
Жемела, Г. П | Баган, А. В
Crop capacity and productivity elements of winter wheat domestic sorts have been investigated. Valuable sources on the basis of given characteristics for getting selective material of high quality have been singled out. Correlation relations between crop capacity and productivity elements of winter wheat sorts have been established.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Studing of sweet corn (Zea mays L. ssp. saccharata Sturt) in the Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine
Янчук, А. В
In the Forest Steppe Zone of Ukraine studied 6 sorts and 3 hybrids of sweet com. According with results of research work the author came to the conclusion that sorts and hybrids distinguished some economic- important characteristics.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Productivity of apricot (Prunus armeniaka L.) and cherry-plum (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh) in untypical weather conditions
Антюфєєв, В. В | Фалькова, Т. В | Горіна, В. М
The untypical weather conditions during the extrema drought in 1993- 1994 have been described. Regularities of the accumulation and spending of the dry substance in leaves of varieties, signi ficantly different in productivity, weke considered depending on weather conditions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Vernalization requirement of winter bread wheat modern varieties (Tritikum aestivum L.)
Булавка, Н. В | Голик, Л. М
The study of vernalization requierement of winter bread wheat 87 modem varieties from Ukraine and Russia showed significant domination - 81.6% - of varieties with short vernalization requierement (30-40 days). Vernalization requierement differences among varieties from different climatic zones were revealed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Метод визначення стійкості пшениці озимої до вилягання і його застосування в селекції
Г. В. Мазільніков | Л. М. Голик | О. П. Хамула | В. А. Фоманюк | О. М. Кучеренко | В. І. Мельковська
З метою прогнозування небезпеки вилягання посівів розроблено і виготовлено апаратуру для визначення міцності соломини у фазах трубкування і колосіння. Наведено результати випробувань розробленої апаратури та її практичного використання.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Vernalization requirement of winter bread wheat modern varieties (Tritikum aestivum L.)
Н. В. Булавка | Л. М. Голик
The study of vernalization requierement of winter bread wheat 87 modem varieties from Ukraine and Russia showed significant domination - 81.6% - of varieties with short vernalization requierement (30-40 days). Vernalization requierement differences among varieties from different climatic zones were revealed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Crop yield and elements of breeding material of winter wheat (Tritikum aestivum L.) and relations between them
Г. П. Жемела | А. В. Баган
Crop capacity and productivity elements of winter wheat domestic sorts have been investigated. Valuable sources on the basis of given characteristics for getting selective material of high quality have been singled out. Correlation relations between crop capacity and productivity elements of winter wheat sorts have been established.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Results of primary study of the remote hybrids of nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsh var. Nucipersica (Suckow) Sc) and peach (Prunus persipa L. Batsh) with amygdalys ordinary (Amygdalus communis L.)
Є. П. Шоферістов | С. Ю. Цюпка
Created in Nikitskyi botanical garden Remote hybrids of nectarine and peach with almond ordinary can be used in Breeding of nectarine and peach fok high resistauce to fundi, as wengs for creation of varieties of nectarine with high drought resistance, sweet seed kernels, high contents of organic substance, and other important Breeding characteristics. Late blossoming hybrid forms can be used in Breeding of almond fok late time of flowering and selfcompatibility.
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