AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Increment of conifers and its air pollution-related tendencies in Ida-Viru and Laeaene-Viru counties


Ots, K. | Rauk, J. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia). Forest Research Inst.)

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Defoliation of conifers in the North Estonian industrial region


Ots, K. | Rauk, J. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia). Forest Research Inst.)

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Epicuticular waxes on the needles of Norway spruce and Scots pine in the area of the Kunda cement plant


Mandre, M. | Bogdanov, V. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia). Forest Research Inst.)

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Morphometric parameters of conifer needles and shoots in the areas near the Kunda cement plant


Ots, K. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia). Forest Research Inst.)

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Chronology of needle retention in Scots pine trees growing near the Ahtme Power Plant


Pensa, M. (University of Tartu, Tartu (Estonia). Inst. of Ecology)

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

On the geochemistry of soil humus horizon in North-East Estonia


Petersell, V. | Mottus, V. (Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn (Estonia))

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Temporal changes in atmospheric air pollution in industrial areas of Ida- and Laeaene-Viru counties


Liblik, V. | Pensa, M. | Kundel, H. (University of Educational Science, Tallinn (Estonia). Inst. of Ecology)

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Epiphytic macrolichens in the forests of North-East Estonia


Martin, L. | Martin, J. (Eurouniversity, Tallinn (Estonia))

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Air pollution impact on the content of carbohydrates in the needles of Norway spruce


Mandre, M. | Kloseiko, J. (Estonian Agricultural Univ., Tartu (Estonia). Forest Research Inst.)

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia

Forest condition in Estonia in 1988-99, defoliation and forest damages on Level I sample points


Karoles, K. | Ounap, H. | Pilt, E. | Terasmaa, T. | Kivits, H. (Estonian Centre of Forest Protection and Silviculture, Tartu (Estonia))

Estonian University of Life Sciences Library - Estonia