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olive oil mill wastewater abatement by anaerobic digestion followed by total solar evaporation
Tsonis, S.P. (Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras, Greece)
Static pile passive aeration composting of waste slurries
Zhan, W. | Fernandes, L. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of ottawa (Canada))
Chemical reactions of metals with humic material
Livens, F.R. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Merlewood Research Station, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria LA11 6JU (UK))
Loss of HCH [hexachlorocyclohexane] from surface soil layers under subtropical conditions
Kaushik, C.P. (Dep. Bio-Sci., Maharshi Dayanand Univ., Rohtak 124001, Haryana (India))
A multivariate, time series model to relate alfalfa responses to chronic, ambient sulfur dioxide exposures
Krupa, S.V. | Nosal, M. (Dep. Plant Path., Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 (USA))
Chernoff-Flury faces: a statistical means for representing multivariate response parameters of air pollution induced injury on plants
Schwela, D.H. | Krause, G.H.M. (Landesanstalt fur Immissionsschutz des Landes NW, Wallneyerstrasse 6, 4300 Essen 1 (Germany, F.R.))
Photochemical oxidant pollution and vegetation: effects of mixtures of gases, fog and particles
Olszyk, D.M. | Bytnerowicz, A. | Takemoto, B.K. (Statewide Air Pollution Research Center, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (USA))
The role of arginine decarboxylase in modulating the sensitivity of barley to ozone
Rowland-Bamford, A.J. | Borland, A.M. | Lea, P.J. | Mansfield, T.A. (Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YQ (UK))
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in an agricultural soil:long-term changes in profile distribution
Jones, K.C. | Stratford, J.A. | Tidridge, P. | Waterhouse, K.S. | Johnston, A.E. (Inst. Environmental and Biol. Sci., Univ. Lancaster, Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YQ (UK))
The effects of 2,4-D herbicide and organophosphorus insecticides on growth, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll a synthesis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (mt +)
Wong, P.K. | Chang, L. (Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT (Hong Kong))