[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Air pollution across boundaries | Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (1979)
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
The State of transboundary air pollution
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
Ecosystem analysis of a shallow sound in the Baltic - a joint field experiment by the Askoe group [Sweden]
Jansson, B.O. | Wulff, F. (Stockholms Univ. (Sweden). Zoologiska Inst.)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Sweden
Chemical analytical aspects on oil pollution in the Baltic
Rudling, L. (Institutet foer Vatten- och Luftvaardsforskning, Stockholm (Sweden))
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Sweden
Report on the second Session of GESAMP Working Group on the Scientific Basis for Disposal of Waste into the Sea, Copenhagen, 5-11 October 1974. Scientific criteria for the selection of sites for dumping of wastes into the sea
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
Nuclear techniques in environmental pollution
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
[Questions on the preservation of coastal waters on the basis of a study of hydrodynamic factors (diffusion of pollutant substances by currents and turbulence)]
Konovalova, I.Z.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy
Prediction and regulation of air pollution | Prognoz i regulirovanie zagri︠a︡znenii︠a︡ atmosfery. English
Berli︠a︡nd, M. E.
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
Dispersion and forecasting of air pollution
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
The share of microorganisms in the pollution and the self-purification processes in water
Daubner, Imrich
National Agricultural Library - United States of America