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Norway spruce fine roots investigation in the West Beskids Mts.
Kodrik, M. (Slovenska Akademia Vied, Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Ustav Ekologie Lesa)
Physiological aspects of the health state of Norway spruce using different silvicultural concepts
Kmet, J. | Jaloviar, P. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Lesnicka Fakulta)
The sample trees from two stands managed by different management systems - shelterwood and selection systems, and two generations within each stand, were compared. The evaluation of the potential acidity and conductivity of dry-mass extracts (KSE) proved an adverse effect of environment on the maternal stand in the shelterwood forest. The KSE-values are systematically higher in samples taken from the young as well as mature sample trees in the selection forest. Despite the limited duration and extent of the investigations, a better ecological stability of the selection forest as compared with the shelterwood one was observed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biometrical relationships of volume increment to crown defoliation and other variables of spruce stands in the Oravska Polhora research site [Slovak Republic]
Smelko, S. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Lesnicka Fakulta)
This contribution deals with the relationship evaluated on the basis of 32 permanent monitoring plots. Tree volume increment as a total "brutto" and also as a pure "netto" change for 1 ha is defined. The first one includes also the influence of felling, mortality and increment ingrowth, second one includes only changes due to the growth process. Relationship of increment to stand variables is investigated bz stepwise regression. A more higher correlation to defoliation was found, less high to age, site index and altitude.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Hydric regime of mountainous spruce forest stand
Tuzinsky, L. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Lesnicka Fakulta)
Regeneration processes of a Norway spruce virgin forest of the Stata nature reserve Pilsko in the Oravian Beskids Mts. [Slovak Republic]
Saniga, M. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovak Republic). Lesnicka Fakulta)
Defect in formation of annual rings and forest damage due to air pollution in the region of Horna Orava [Slovak Republic]
Dursky, J. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovakia). Lesnicka Fakulta)
The condition of spruce forests from the silvicultural and physiological point of view in the area Oravska Polhora [Slovak Republic]
Saniga, M. | Kmet, J. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovakia). Lesnicka Fakulta)
Content of elements in the needles of Picea abies in the Kysuce region of the Beskids [Slovak Republic]
Kontrisova, O. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovakia). Fakulta ekologie a environmentalistiky) | Kontris, J. | Kovacova, M.
Water balance and precipitation quality in spruce ecosystem
Tuzinsky, L. (Lesnicky Vyskumny Ustav, Zvolen (Slovakia))
Monitoring results of Norway spruce crown defoliation in the area of Oravske Beskids Mts. [Slovak Republic]
Smelko, S. (Technicka Univ., Zvolen (Slovakia). Lesnicka Fakulta)