[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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[Effects of reduced supplies of plant nutrients to recipients [water pollution, eutrophication]]
Ahl, T.
The Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences - Norway
[Choice of fertilizer application methods [band placement] and fertilization time, and split fertilizer applications [effect on fertilizer utilization, nutrient losses, pollution]]
Siman, G.
The Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences - Norway
[Soil phosphorus fractions and biologically available phosphorus in erosion material [soil runoff]]
Persson, G.
The Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences - Norway
[Leaching of plant nutrients [nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium] from cultivated soil in Sweden [pollution, groundwater, surface water]]
Gustafson, A. (Sveriges Lantbruksuniv., Uppsala (Sweden). Avd. foer Vattenvaard)
The Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences - Norway
[Phosphorus erosion from arable land [and forest land, snowmelt losses, Sweden]]
Ulen, B.
The Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences - Norway
[Sedimentation basins in watercourses [lakes, dams, effects of pollution, eutrophication]]
Alasaarela, E.
The Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences - Norway
[Pesticides in drinking water [list of pesticides]]
Eriksson, S.
Det Biovidenska belige Fakultets bibliotek - Denmark
International symposium on the control of air pollution in the working environment, Stockholm (Sweden), 6-8 September, 1977
National Agricultural Library - United States of America
Liming as a measure to improve soil and tree condition in areas affected by air pollution
Andersson, Folke | Persson, T.
National Agricultural Library - United States of America