AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Resultados 1-10 de 17

The impact of nitrogen deposition on acid grasslands in the Atlantic region of Europe


Stevens, Carly J. | Dupre, Cecilia | Dorland, Edu | Gaudnik, Cassandre | Gowing, David J.G. | Bleeker, Albert | Diekmann, Martin | Alard, Didier | Bobbink, Roland | Fowler, David | Corcket, Emmanuel | Mountford, J. Owen | Vandvik, Vigdis | Aarrestad, Per Arild | Muller, Serge | Dise, Nancy B. | Open University | Lancaster Environment Centre ; Lancaster University | University of Bremen | Universiteit Utrecht / Utrecht University [Utrecht] | Biodiversité, Gènes & Communautés (BioGeCo) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Bordeaux (UB) | Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) | Radboud University [Nijmegen] | Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) | Department of Biology ; University of Washington [Seattle] | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) | Université Paul Verlaine - Metz (UPVM) | Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) | European Science Foundation; DfG (Germany); NERC (United Kingdom); NWO (The Netherlands); INRA; ADEME; Aquitaine Region (France)

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

The impact of nitrogen deposition on acid grasslands in the Atlantic region of Europe


Stevens, Carly J. | Duprè, Cecilia | Dorland, Edu | Gaudnik, Cassandre | Gowing, David J.G. | Bleeker, Albert | Diekmann, Martin | Alard, Didier | Bobbink, Roland | Fowler, David | Corcket, Emmanuel | Mountford, J Owen | Vandvik, Vigdis | Aarrestad, Per Arild | Muller, Serge | Dise, Nancy B.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Mechanism and role of seeded native grasses to immobilize nitrogen on harvested blanket peat forests for protection of water courses


Asam, Zaki-ul-Zaman | O’Driscoll, Connie | Abbas, Mohsin | O’Connor, Mark | Waqas, Muhammad | Rehan, Mohammad | Nizami, Abdul-Sattar | Xiao, Liwen

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Field-scale study of the influence of differing remediation strategies on trace metal geochemistry in metal mine tailings from the Irish Midlands


Perkins, William T. | Bird, Graham | Jacobs, Suzanne R. | Devoy, Cora

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Heathland Restoration on Former Agricultural Land: Effects of Artificial Acidification on the Availability and Uptake of Toxic Metal Cations


Green, I. | Stockdale, J. | Tibbett, M. | Díaz, Ángela

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A Potential Solution to Mitigate Phosphorus Release Following Clearfelling in Peatland Forest Catchments


O’Driscoll, Connie | Rodgers, Michael | O’Connor, Mark | Asam, Zaki-ul-Zaman | Eyto, Elvira de | Poole, Russell | Xiao, Liwen

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Long-term persistence of seeded grass species: an unwanted side effect of ecological restoration


Rydgren, Knut | Auestad, Inger | Hamre, Liv Norunn | Hagen, Dagmar | Rosef, Line | Skjerdal, Gudrun

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Coupled pot and lysimeter experiments assessing plant performance in microbially assisted phytoremediation


Nicoară, Andrei | Neagoe, Aurora | Stancu, Paula | de Giudici, Giovanni | Langella, Francesca | Sprocati, Anna Rosa | Iordache, Virgil | Kothe, Erika

National Agricultural Library - United States of America