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Locating and quantifying multiple landfills methane emissions using aircraft data
Gasbarra, D. | Toscano, P. | Famulari, D. | Finardi, S. | Di Tommasi, P. | Zaldei, A. | Carlucci, P. | Magliulo, E. | Gioli, B.
A mass balance approach to quantify methane (CH4) emission of four co-located landfills by means of airborne measurements and dispersion modelling was proposed and assessed. By flying grids at different heights above the landfills, atmospheric CH4 densities and wind components were measured along the edges and inside the study atmospheric volume, in order to calculate mass flows in the along- and across-wind directions. A steady-state Gaussian dispersion model was applied to build the concentration fields associated to unit emission from each landfill, while the contribution of each one to the total emission was assessed using a General Linear Model approach, minimizing the difference between measured and modeled mass flows. Results showed that wind spatial and temporal variability is the main factor controlling the accuracy of the method, as a good agreement between measured and modeled mass flows was mainly found for flights made in steady wind conditions. CH4 emissions of the entire area ranged from 213.5 ± 33.5 to 317.9 ± 90.4 g s−1 with a mean value of 252.5 ± 54.2 g s−1. Contributions from individual sources varied from 17.5 to 40.1 g m−2 day−1 indicating a substantial heterogeneity of the different landfills, which differed in age and waste composition. The proposed method was validated against tower eddy covariance flux measurements made at one of the landfills, revealing an overall agreement within 20%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Improved estimation of air pollutant emissions from landing and takeoff cycles of civil aircraft in China
Zhou, Ying | Jiao, Yufang | Lang, Jianlei | Chen, Dongsheng | Huang, Cheng | Wei, Peng | Li, Shengyue | Cheng, Shuiyuan
Civil aircraft emissions during landing and takeoff (LTO) are important air pollutant sources, but have been given insufficient attention in China. Accurate estimation of these emissions is limited by a lack of important parameters, such as detailed flight information and the dynamic time in climb and approach modes during LTO that are dependent on mixing layer height (MLH). We developed a flight-time/flight-height relationship using real-time height information in Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay data, and then calculated the actual time for each flight in those two modes based on the actual MLH from meteorological observation. Hourly emissions of civil aircraft were then estimated based on the database of each flight. Total emissions of NOx, CO, SO2, HC and PM from LTO cycles of domestic flights in China during 2015 were 37.78 Gg, 30.25 Gg, 12.00 Gg, 2.38 Gg and 0.75 Gg, respectively. Substantial monthly, daily and hourly variations of emissions due to the flight schedule as well as MLH were calculated. Large differences were found between the new estimation and emissions calculated based on traditional method. Compared with the emissions estimated based on default parameter obtained from International Civil Aviation Organization, the average difference of annual emission among airports with new estimation for various pollutants was approximately 30.3% in climb mode and 81.4% in approach mode; compared with the emissions estimated based on the method proposed by China National Guide, the average difference of annual emission among airports were 37.4% (NOx), 8.4% (CO), 73.1% (HC) and 58.1% (PM) during LTO process. The monthly airport-specific emissions per LTO were also proposed. These can provide necessary and meaningful support for the revision of the values in National Guide.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impacts of transportation sector emissions on future U.S. air quality in a changing climate. Part I: Projected emissions, simulation design, and model evaluation
Campbell, Patrick | Zhang, Yang | Yan, Fang | Lu, Zifeng | Streets, David
Emissions from the transportation sector are rapidly changing worldwide; however, the interplay of such emission changes in the face of climate change are not as well understood. This two-part study examines the impact of projected emissions from the U.S. transportation sector (Part I) on ambient air quality in the face of climate change (Part II). In Part I of this study, we describe the methodology and results of a novel Technology Driver Model (see graphical abstract) that includes 1) transportation emission projections (including on-road vehicles, non-road engines, aircraft, rail, and ship) derived from a dynamic technology model that accounts for various technology and policy options under an IPCC emission scenario, and 2) the configuration/evaluation of a dynamically downscaled Weather Research and Forecasting/Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system.By 2046–2050, the annual domain-average transportation emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ammonia (NH3), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are projected to decrease over the continental U.S. The decreases in gaseous emissions are mainly due to reduced emissions from on-road vehicles and non-road engines, which exhibit spatial and seasonal variations across the U.S. Although particulate matter (PM) emissions widely decrease, some areas in the U.S. experience relatively large increases due to increases in ship emissions. The on-road vehicle emissions dominate the emission changes for CO, NOx, VOC, and NH3, while emissions from both the on-road and non-road modes have strong contributions to PM and SO2 emission changes. The evaluation of the baseline 2005 WRF simulation indicates that annual biases are close to or within the acceptable criteria for meteorological performance in the literature, and there is an overall good agreement in the 2005 CMAQ simulations of chemical variables against both surface and satellite observations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Organophosphate and brominated flame retardants in Australian indoor environments: Levels, sources, and preliminary assessment of human exposure
He, Chang | Wang, Xianyu | Thái Phong, | Baduel, Christine | Gallen, Christie | Banks, Andrew | Bainton, Paul | English, Karin | Mueller, Jochen F.
Concentrations of nine organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) and eight polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were measured in samples of indoor dust (n = 85) and air (n = 45) from Australian houses, offices, hotels, and transportation (buses, trains, and aircraft). All target compounds were detected in indoor dust and air samples. Median ∑₉OPFRs concentrations were 40 μg/g in dust and 44 ng/m³ in indoor air, while median ∑₈PBDEs concentrations were 2.1 μg/g and 0.049 ng/m³. Concentrations of FRs were higher in rooms that contained carpet, air conditioners, and various electronic items. Estimated daily intakes in adults are 14000 pg/kg body weight/day and 330 pg/kg body weight/day for ∑₉OPFRs and ∑₈PBDEs, respectively. Our results suggest that for the volatile FRs such as tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) and TCIPP, inhalation is expected to be the more important intake pathway compared to dust ingestion and dermal contact.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Responses of reconstituted human bronchial epithelia from normal and health-compromised donors to non-volatile particulate matter emissions from an aircraft turbofan engine
Delaval, Mathilde N. | Jonsdottir, Hulda R. | Leni, Zaira | Keller, Alejandro | Brem, Benjamin T. | Siegerist, Frithjof | Schönenberger, David | Durdina, Lukas | Elser, Miriam | Salathe, Matthias | Baumlin, Nathalie | Lobo, Prem | Burtscher, Heinz | Liati, Anthi | Geiser, Marianne
Health effects of particulate matter (PM) from aircraft engines have not been adequately studied since controlled laboratory studies reflecting realistic conditions regarding aerosols, target tissue, particle exposure and deposited particle dose are logistically challenging. Due to the important contributions of aircraft engine emissions to air pollution, we employed a unique experimental setup to deposit exhaust particles directly from an aircraft engine onto reconstituted human bronchial epithelia (HBE) at air-liquid interface under conditions similar to in vivo airways to mimic realistic human exposure. The toxicity of non-volatile PM (nvPM) from a CFM56-7B26 aircraft engine was evaluated under realistic engine conditions by sampling and exposing HBE derived from donors of normal and compromised health status to exhaust for 1 h followed by biomarker analysis 24 h post exposure. Particle deposition varied depending on the engine thrust levels with 85% thrust producing the highest nvPM mass and number emissions with estimated surface deposition of 3.17 × 10⁹ particles cm⁻² or 337.1 ng cm⁻². Transient increase in cytotoxicity was observed after exposure to nvPM in epithelia derived from a normal donor as well as a decrease in the secretion of interleukin 6 and monocyte chemotactic protein 1. Non-replicated multiple exposures of epithelia derived from a normal donor to nvPM primarily led to a pro-inflammatory response, while both cytotoxicity and oxidative stress induction remained unaffected. This raises concerns for the long-term implications of aircraft nvPM for human pulmonary health, especially in occupational settings.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Meteorological patterns, technical validation, and chemical comparison of atmospheric dust depositions and bulk sand in the Arabian Gulf region
Elsayed, Yehya | Kanan, Sofian | Farhat, Ahmad
This study reports seasonal variations of meteorological parameters, atmospheric dust and dust-borne heavy metals concentrations measured, over a period of two years, next to two major airports (Dubai International Airport and Abu Dhabi International Airport) in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. On-line monitoring stations were installed at each location next to dust samplers used to frequently collect PM2.5 and PM10 on Teflon filters for metal analysis. Clear seasonal variation in meteorological parameters were identified. The particulate matter concentrations depicted from the two locations were continuously monitored. The PM2.5 concentration ranged from 50 to 100 μg/m³ on normal days but reached 350–400 μg/m³ per day during mild storms. The PM10 levels ranged between 100 and 250 μg/m³ during normal days and spiked to 750 μg/m³ during mild storms. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDS) revealed the presence of significant amounts of alkali and alkaline earth metals, which pose potential harm to aircraft engines. ICP analysis showed the presence of heavy and toxic metals in concentrations that may pose harm to human health. Bulk sand samples from Abu Dhabi sites showed chemical similarities to the atmospheric dust samples. The concentrations of heavy metals, PM2.5, and PM10 are at levels that require further monitoring due to their impact on human health. The two years meteorological monitoring, with the seasonal variations, provided additional regional data in the Arabian Gulf. Furthermore, the study concluded that Sand and Dust storms (SDS) occur more frequently at the northern Arabian Gulf compared to its southern region. The chemical correlation between atmospheric dust and regional desert sand suggests the localized origin of the smaller dust particles that may form by breaking apart of the ground sand grains. As a result of the ongoing urbanization in the region, it is essential to collect additional data from various locations for a longer period of time.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Long-term exposure to traffic noise and mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological evidence between 2000 and 2020
Cai, Yutong | Ramakrishnan, Rema | Rahimi, Kazem
We aimed to update the evidence-base of long-term noise exposures from road, rail, and aircraft traffic on both non-accidental and cardiovascular mortality.A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted following PRISMA guidelines. The literature was searched using PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and EMBASE for the period between January 01, 2000 and October 05, 2020. 13 studies were selected for final review. The risk of bias and overall quality of evidence was evaluated using a pre-defined list of criteria. Risk estimates from each study were converted into per 10 dB higher of Ldₑₙ for each traffic source. Inverse-Variance heterogeneity (I-Vhet) meta-analysis was used to pool these individual risk estimates, along with assessment of heterogeneity and publication bias. Sensitivity analyses include using random-effect model and leave-one-out meta-analysis. Subgroup analyses by study design and noise exposure assessment were conducted to explore potential sources of heterogeneity.For road traffic, the pooled relative risk (RR) per 10 dB higher Ldₑₙ for mortality from non-accidental causes was 1.01 (95% CI: 0.98, 1.05) (5 studies, I² = 78%), CVD was 1.01 (95% CI: 0.98, 1.05) (5 studies, I² = 41%), ischemic heart disease (IHD) was 1.03 (95% CI: 0.99, 1.08) (7 studies, I² = 46%), and stroke was 1.05 (95% CI: 0.97, 1.14) (5 studies, I² = 62%). The overall quality of evidence for most meta-analyses was rated as very low to low, except for CVD or IHD mortality, for which the quality of evidence was rated as moderate. A possible threshold of 53 dB was visually suggested for CVD-related mortality from road traffic noise in the trend analysis. For aircraft noise, pooled estimates were based on fewer studies and varied by mortality outcomes.Evidence of long-term exposure to traffic noise on mortality remains weak except the association between road traffic noise and IHD mortality. High-quality longitudinal studies are required to better characterise mortality effects of traffic noise.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Relative contributions of a major international airport activities and other urban sources to the particle number concentrations (PNCs) at a nearby monitoring site
Pirhadi, Milad | Mousavi, Amirhosein | Sowlat, Mohammad H. | Janssen, Nicole A.H. | Cassee, Flemming R. | Sioutas, Constantinos
In this study, the positive matrix factorization (PMF) source apportionment model was employed to quantify the contributions of airport activities to particle number concentrations (PNCs) at Amsterdam Schiphol. Time-resolved particle number size distributions in parallel with the concentrations of auxiliary variables, including gaseous pollutants (NOₓ and CO), black carbon, PM₂.₅ mass, and number of arrivals/departures were measured for 32 sampling days over a 6-month period near Schiphol airport to be used in the model. PMF results revealed that airport activities, cumulatively, accounted for around 79.3% of PNCs and our model segregated them into three major groups: (i) aircraft departures, (ii) aircraft arrivals, and (iii) ground service equipment (GSE) (with some contributions of local road traffic, mostly from airport parking lots). Aircraft departures and aircraft arrivals showed mode diameters <20 nm and contributed, respectively, to 46.1% and 26.7% of PNCs. The factor GSE/local road traffic, with a mode diameter of around 60–80 nm, accounted for 6.5% of the PNCs. Road traffic related mainly to the surrounding freeways was characterized with a mode diameter of 30–40 nm; this factor contributed to 18.0% of PNCs although its absolute PNCs was comparable with that of areas heavily impacted by traffic emissions. Lastly, urban background with a mode diameter at 150–225 nm, had a minimal contribution (2.7%) to PNCs while dominating the particle volume/mass concentrations with a contribution of 58.2%. These findings illustrate the dominant role of the airport activities in ambient PNCs in the surrounding areas. More importantly, the quantification of the contributions of different airport activities to PNCs is a useful tool to better control and limit the increased PNCs near the airports that could adversely impact the health of the adjacent urban communities.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Aircraft soot from conventional fuels and biofuels during ground idle and climb-out conditions: Electron microscopy and X-ray micro-spectroscopy
Liati, A. | Schreiber, D. | Alpert, P.A. | Liao, Y. | Brem, B.T. | Corral Arroyo, P. | Hu, J. | Jonsdottir, H.R. | Ammann, M. | Dimopoulos Eggenschwiler, P.
Aircraft soot has a significant impact on global and local air pollution and is of particular concern for the population working at airports and living nearby. The morphology and chemistry of soot are related to its reactivity and depend mainly on engine operating conditions and fuel-type. We investigated the morphology (by transmission electron microscopy) and chemistry (by X-ray micro-spectroscopy) of soot from the exhaust of a CFM 56-7B26 turbofan engine, currently the most common engine in aviation fleet, operated in the test cell of SR Technics, Zurich airport. Standard kerosene (Jet A-1) and a biofuel blend (Jet A-1 with 32% HEFA) were used at ground idle and climb-out engine thrust, as these conditions highly influence air quality at airport areas. The results indicate that soot reactivity decreases from ground idle to climb-out conditions for both fuel types. Nearly one third of the primary soot particles generated by the blended fuel at climb-out engine thrust bear an outer amorphous shell implying higher reactivity. This characteristic referring to soot reactivity needs to be taken into account when evaluating the advantage of HEFA blending at high engine thrust. The soot type that is most prone to react with its surrounding is generated by Jet A-1 fuel at ground idle. Biofuel blending slightly lowers soot reactivity at ground idle but does the opposite at climb-out conditions. As far as soot reactivity is concerned, biofuels can prove beneficial for airports where ground idle is a common situation; the benefit of biofuels for climb-out conditions is uncertain.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Empirical analysis of the effect of descent flight path angle on primary gaseous emissions of commercial aircraft
Turgut, Enis T. | Usanmaz, Oznur | Rosen, Marc A.
In this study, the effects of descent flight path angle (between 1.25° and 4.25°) on aircraft gaseous emissions (carbon monoxide, total hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides) are explored using actual flight data from aircraft flight data recording system and emissions indices from the International Civil Aviation Organization. All emissions parameters are corrected to flight conditions using Boeing Fuel Flow Method2, where the ambient air pressure, temperature and humidity data are obtained from long-term radiosonde data measured close to the arrival airport. The main findings highlight that the higher the flight path angle, the higher the emission indices of CO and HC, whereas the lower the emissions index of NOx and fuel consumption. Furthermore, during a descent, a heavier aircraft tends to emit less CO and HC, and more NOx. For a five-tonne aircraft mass increase, the average change in emissions indices are found to be −4.1% and −5.7% (CO), −5.4% and −8.2% (HC), and +1.1% and +1.6% (NOx) for high and low flight path angle groups, respectively. The average emissions indices for CO, HC and NOx during descent are calculated to be 24.5, 1.7 and 5.6 g/kg of fuel, whereas the average emissions for descending from 32,000 ft (9.7 km) and 24,000 ft (7.3 km) are calculated to be 7–8 kg (CO), ∼0.5 kg (HC) and ∼3 kg (NOx).
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