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Control of the mobility of heavy metals in soil from disposal of bio-solid and olive by-product ashes using waste additives
Vamvuka, D. | Papaiōannou, G. | Alexandrakis, S. | Stratakis, A.
In compliance to European Union directives to reuse urban wastes as secondary fuels, the aim of present work was to investigate and control the environmental impact from disposal of ashes generated by combustion of a bio-solid, an olive by-product and their blend. Two waste materials were admixed with the ash and their performance as potential stabilizers was assessed. Metals and ions leached through a soil were measured.The results showed that dissolution of some alkaline substances raised the pH of water effluents, decreasing the extractability of heavy metals from the ashes. In some cases Cr and As leached reached hazardous levels. Upon addition of waste materials to ash, the concentration of Cr in liquid extracts was reduced by 35–97%, while that of Cu and As by 100%. All heavy metal values measured in the leachates were decreased to values below legislation limits. The mineralogy, the chemistry and the pH of solids involved were key factors for the retention of elements.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Chemical and spectroscopic analysis of organic matter transformations during composting of pig manure
Hsu JennHung | Lo ShangLien (Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, 71 Chou-Shan Road, Taipei (Taiwan))
[Risk assessment of pollution components leached from cinders]
Thygesen, N. | Larsen, F. | Hjelmar, O.
Plant availability of lead, cadmium, and boron in amended coal ash
Schwab, A.P. (Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS (USA). Dept. of Agronomy) | Tomecek, M.B. | Ohlenbusch, P.D.
The short-term effects of wood-ash amendment on forest soils
Unger, Y.L. (Maine Univ., Orono, ME (USA). Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences) | Fernandez, I.J.
Phosphorus availability to corn from wood ash-amended soils
Erich, M.S. (Maine Univ., Orono, ME (USA). Dept. of Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences) | Ohno, T.
The effect of refuse incinerator fumes on the lead and cadmium content of experimentally exposed corticolous lichens
Gombert, S. (Joseph Fourier Univ., Grenoble (France). Centre de Biologie Alpine) | Asta, J.
Fly ashes as an amendment in cultivated soils
Cervelli, S. (Istituto per la Chimica del Terreno, Pisa (Italy)) | Petruzzelli, G. | Perna, A.
The liming of forest soils in Finland
Derome, J. | Paetilae, A. (The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vanda (Finland))
Influence of the ash basin "Drazeljevo" on the reservoir Vrba water quality [The Republic of Srpska (Bosnia&Herzegovina)]
Vasiljevic, M. (Institut za zastitu zdravlja Srbije "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut", Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)) | Maljevic, E. | Karadzic, V. | Vasiljevic, V. | Nikic, Z.
According to the plans, the town of Gacko tends to be water supplied from the water reservoir Vrba located at the river Vrba. About 150 to 200 m away is located ash basin. All ash basin area is oriented to the water reservoir and leaking water going directly to the water reservoir. The leaking water has high pH value, alkalinity, high content of sodium, potassium and sulphates. There are some heavy metals, but their concentrations are not significant. The influence of those contaminated water on the lake water quality is only little evident because of the high dilution rate.
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