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[Investigations of water quality of the water micro-reservoir on the Gvozdacka reka river (catchement of the Ibar river), [Serbia, Yugoslavia], using the algas as the bioindicators]
Obuskovic, Lj. | Obuskovic, M. (Institut za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Cerni", Beograd (Yugoslavia))
The river Gvozdac (Serbia, Yugoslavia) is a small hill water current. It is situated on the mountain Goc and it belongs to the river basin of the river Ibar. During 1965, water micro-reservoir "Gvozdac" on the river Gvozdac was built for the hydroenergetic purposes, with the capacity of about 30,000 cubic meter and the maximum depth, in the present situation of about 2.5 m. Algological and saprobiological enquires have been performed on the water micro-reservoir, on the very river Gvozdac, on the river Ribnica and on some smaller stagnant waters on the given area, in the period between 1988-1994. The analysis have been shown that under the influence of antropogenic factors changes became apparent in the confluence and structure of algae flora as well as a degradation of water quality. The example of water micro-reservoir on the river Gvozdac indicates the destructive processes which are being developed in water micro-reservoirs and which should be stopped, as the significance of the small stagnant waters are not only in keeping and improvement of qualities of greater aquatorials and water tributaries of the river basins but also in the storing of biodiversity of aquatic assotiations in river basins (as well as in algae flora as one of the components).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Contribution to the knowledge of qualitative composition of macrozoobenthos and quality of water of the Crvena Reka river [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Zivic, I. (Bioloski fakultet, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Institut za zoologiju) | Markovic, Z. | Brajkovic, M.
The investigations of the macrozoobenthos of the Crvena Reka river (Serbia, Yugoslavia), left tributary to the Nisava river, were performed during July in 1999. Samples were collected from 15 localities, from the spring of the Crvena Reka river (originating from Toponicka and Vetska rivers) to the lower course, the aim being to investigate the diversity of macrozoobenthos of these running waters which had not been investigated. The community of macroinvertebrates of the Crvena Reka river and the streams, which make it, consists of 54 determined taxa (at species and genus level) from 16 animal groups. Larvae of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera have the greatest diversity, each having ten determined taxa. The middle course of the Topnicka river (locality T4) is characterized by the greatest diversity (25 taxa), while the springs (due to constant ecological parameters) have poor diversity with two and one determined taxa in locality V1 and V2, respectively. The water quality of the investigated river and streams, which make it, on the basis of the results of saprobiological analysis, is of beta-mezosaprobic quality, i.e. second class of quality in most localities.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Summer aspect of zooplankton and microzooperiphyton of some water course in the Republic of Srpska [Bosnia and Herzegovina]]
Bobic, M. (Institut za vode Republike Srpske, Bijeljina - Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina))
In the scope of the Program of surface water quality examinations in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), hydrometric measurements and water quality examinations had been realized, where zooplankton and microzooperiphyton researches have been performed. Sampling were performed in the period from 6th to 20th May 2000, at 13 water courses with taken in total 21 samples. In qualitative structure of examined fauna, Rotatoria, Cladocera and Copepoda groups were treated, with ascertained in total 109 taxa from 41 genus. In qualitative structure periphyton taxa are predominant. On the basis of bioindicatory species structure it is noticed that dominant species are oligasaprobic and oligobetamesosaprobic character.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The progress and perspectives of ILTER research in Poland
Zalewski, M. (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland). International Centre for Ecology)
The general conclusions of Warsaw ILTER meeting was that following ILTER philosophy, ecological processes integrity can be maintained on the basis of profound knowledge on the rate of changes, hierarchy of driving forces and resistance and resilience of ecosystems. To achieve such complex understanding of these processes there is a need , first to collect and analyze broad spectrum of data possibly standardized by methodology and next permanently exchange information with coordinators from other countries and regions. As a consequence the participants suggested to extend the initial number of 6 sites situated mostly at National Parks and MAB Biosphere Reserve by the new sites representing broader scope of ecosystems and wider range of its anthropogenic modifications. This should allow to define the regional hierarchy of factors deteriorating the ecological systems and create better scope for comparative studies for global environment
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Towards integrated national modelling with particular reference to the environmental effects of nutrients
Alkemade, J.R.M. | Grinsven, J.J.M. van | Wiertz, J. | Kros, J. (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven (Netherlands))
Effects of eutrophication in drainage ditches
Janse, J.H. | Puijenbroek, P.J.T.M. van (RIVM, Laboratory of Water and Drinking Water Research, P.O. Box 1, NL-3720 BA Bilthoven (Netherlands))
Reef degradation and coral biodiversity in Indonesia: effects of land-based pollution, destructive fishing practices and changes over time
Edinger, E.N. | Jompa, J. | Limmon, G.V. | Widjatmoko, W. | Risk, M.J. (School of Geography and Geology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1 (Canada))
Changes in the bottom macrofauna structure invertebrata in lower course of the River Veternica [Serbia] | Промене у структури макрофауне дна инвертебрата у доњем току реке Ветернице [Србија]
Живић, Н.В., Природно-математички факултет, Косовска Митровица (Serbia) | Јовић, Ј., Природно-математички факултет, Ниш (Serbia) | Миљановић, Б., Природно-математички факултет, Нови Сад (Serbia)
Research macroinvertebrates in the lower reaches of the River Veternica was conducted during 2008 in spring and summer season on nine sites, in period of reduced outflow of water from the Lake Barje, when the water level is often reduced to the biological minimum. The presence of 91 taxa from 13 groups of macrozoobenthos was detected. Groups of Diptera, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera were presented with 18, while Megaloptera, Plesoptera and Nematomorpha with one taxon each. The spring has been allocated 69 and 70 taxa in summer. The average was separated 17 taxa. Average number of macrozoobenthos was 1440 ind/square m per site. The few types of macroinvertebrates were very abundant at the site before the river confluence into the South Morava River. Insects made up 66.4% of the total number of individuals, especially the numerous groups of Diptera with 45.7%, while the share of the group Aquatic amounted 31%. The largest shares of the total abundance of taxa were as follows: Chironomus thumma with 28.16%, Limnedrilus hoffmeisteri with 11.2% and Tubifex tubifex with 6.89% and Caenis macrura from 5.2%. The structural parameters indicate that diversity of macrozoobenthos reduces in downstream direction, reflecting degradation of ecosystems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Macrozoobenthos analysis of River Temstica [Serbia] | Analiza makrozobentosa reke Temštice [Srbija]
Miljanović, B., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Petrović, J., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Milin, M., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Lukovac, I., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia) | Matović, N., Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia)
The research of benthic fauna was done in part of the River Temstica, the right tributary of Nisava. Sampling was conducted on four sites, between 10 and 18 July 2010. Quantitative and qualitative analysis revealed the presence of eight groups of macroinvertebrates. The most frequent groups were Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera. Lower presence was shown by the groups of Coleoptera, Chironomidae, Turbellaria, Hydracarina. The greatest species diversity was characterized by order Trichoptera, while the largest number of individuals was characterized by order Diptera. There has been stated a 10 new taxa for this aquifer, with a new taxonomic group – Hydracarina. It is necessary to conduct further research of this river, with a need to analyze more samples from several locations (to conduct a research of the entire river, including the river mouth), and through the annual seasonal dynamics.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Monitoring of phytobenthos on the Montenegrin coast | Monitoring fitobentosa u Crnogorskom podmorju
Mačić, V., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro) | Kljajić, Z., Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Montenegro)
Monitoring of phytobenthos was performed seasonally, on five locations of Montenegrin coast for the purpose of environmental monitoring. Locations with highest biodiversity were Budva and Stari Ulcinj, while the poorest one was Kotor. Regression of seagrass Posidonia oceanica was observed on the Krasici location.
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