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Tissue distribution of phthalates in celery under different cultivation patterns and associated dietary exposure
Zhao, Fang | Ma, Zhihong | Ping, Hua | He, Zhaoying | Li, Bingru | Gao, Yuan | Li, Cheng
To investigate tissue distribution, spatial difference, temperature variation, and potential health risks of PAEs in vegetables, celery was used as a model plant. Celery samples were collected from open fields and greenhouses from two provinces in China over four seasons. Celery tissues were analyzed for 16 PAE compounds by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. The total content of PAEs was 89.0–1130.3 μg kg⁻¹ dry weight (dw) in stems and 155.0–2730.8 μg kg⁻¹ dw in leaves. Concentrations of PAEs in celeries showed notable spatial differences (P < 0.05), and the levels in samples from open fields were lower than those in samples from plastic greenhouses. In celeries from greenhouses, higher PAE concentrations were observed for plants grown at high temperatures than in plants grown at low temperatures. Discrepancies in tissue distribution indicated different uptake pathways of PAE contaminants. Risk assessments to humans found that both carcinogenic risks and non-carcinogenic risks of PAEs via celery consumption were at an acceptable level. Further research should consider other exposure pathways of PAEs and pay special attention to reducing PAE contents in vegetables.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Uptake and translocation of 14C-Carbamazepine in soil-plant systems
Li, Ming | Ding, Tengda | Wang, Haiyan | Wang, Wei | Li, Juying | Ye, Qingfu
Carbamazepine (CBZ) is an antiepileptic drug that is frequently detected in wastewater treatment plants, soil and plants after irrigation with treated wastewater or application of biosolids. However, little information is available on the fate and uptake of CBZ in edible vegetables. In this study, radioautographic visualization of the ¹⁴C distribution revealed that ¹⁴C-CBZ can be taken up by all three ready-to-eat vegetables. Furthermore, a mass-balance study was conducted to evaluate the dynamic processes of the uptake and translocation of CBZ by ¹⁴C labeling. ¹⁴C-CBZ was gradually taken up with the growth of vegetables, with maximum uptake ratios of 2.19 ± 0.15, 2.86 ± 0.24 and 0.25 ± 0.05% of applied ¹⁴C in celery, carrot and pak choi, respectively. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs) based on ¹⁴C measurements ranged from 7.6 to 26.1 for celery, 3.6–12.9 for carrot, and 4.4–44 for pak choi. ¹⁴C-CBZ was easily translocated from the roots to the leaves and/or stems. The amendment of biosolids had a significant inhibitory effect on the uptake and translocation of ¹⁴C-CBZ from soil.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Genotypic variation in cadmium concentration and nutritional traits of main celery cultivars of China
Zhou, Qiyao | Wang, Qiong | Huang, Lukuan | Ma, Luyao | Wu, Yingjie | Jiang, Yugen | Feng, Ying
Due to the increasing concerns of heavy metal contamination in greenhouse soil, the safe production of vegetables, especially leafy vegetables, is largely limited. In this study, the cadmium (Cd) concentration and major nutritional qualities of 23 main celery cultivars from China were compared in a greenhouse experiment. Large genotypic differences in biomass, cadmium accumulation and nutrition traits were observed. The biomass of cultivars Hongqin (HQ), Jialifuniyadiwangxiqin (JZ), Jinhuangqincai (JH) and Shanqincai (SQ) was significantly higher than that of the others. The Cd concentration in the edible part ranged from 0.53 to 2.56 mg·kg⁻¹ DW, of which SQ exhibited the lowest Cd concentration. In addition, SQ had the lowest Cd transport factor (TF) and bioconcentration factor (BCF), followed by Liangfengyuqin (LF). Simultaneously, both genotypes had a relatively higher chlorophyll content and vitamin C concentration and lower cellulose content. Therefore, the two genotypes SQ and LF were selected as promising candidates for growth in a moderately Cd-contaminated greenhouse to achieve safe production. Further correlation analysis and redundancy analysis showed that the Cd concentration in the edible part was positively correlated with the cellulose content but negatively correlated with the vitamin C concentration. The results of celery variety screening provide a safe production strategy for moderately polluted greenhouse vegetable soils.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Strontium Uptake and Effects in Hydroponically Cultivated Celery
Yan, Dong | Ding, Kuke | He, Yingxue | Fan, Li | Wang, Shuifeng | Jiang, Xiaoyan
The artificial radionuclide ⁹⁰Sr is the main radionuclide in radioactive environmental pollution. In this study, celery was cultured in a laboratory hydroponics system for 21 days with strontium (Sr) levels of 0 (control), 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 mM. The changes in the Sr contents in celery leaves and roots as well as the translocation factor (TF) values (ratio of the Sr concentration in aerial plant parts to that in roots) under different Sr concentrations were studied. Additionally, the effects of Sr stress on the absorption of six nutrients, the chlorophyll content, and the biomass of the celery were investigated. The results showed that the Sr contents in celery leaves and roots increased with the increasing Sr concentration in the hydroponic solution, but the increase of the Sr concentration in roots slowed under the 10 mM Sr treatment. The mean TF values ranged from 0.40 ± 0.01 to 1.12 ± 0.17. With the increase in Sr concentration in the hydroponic medium, the contents of calcium, iron, and potassium in the celery leaves were significantly reduced, and the absorption of calcium, iron, and magnesium by roots was significantly inhibited. Compared with the control, sulfur concentration in celery roots increased significantly under the Sr treatments increasing except the 10 mM Sr treatment. The changes in chlorophyll content were consistent with those of celery biomass, and the values of both these parameters were high under the 5 mM Sr treatment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Phytoavailability, bioaccumulation, and human health risks of metal(loid) elements in an agroecosystem near a lead-zinc mine
Luo, Liqiang | Shen, Yating | Wang, Xiaofang | Chu, Binbin | Xu, Tao | Liu, Ying | Zeng, Yuan | Liu, Jian
Soil near a Pb-Zn-Mn mine was polluted by mining, which may have an impact on human health via the food chain. To evaluate the pollution effects, arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in vegetables were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission and mass spectrometry. Lead species were analyzed by X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES). Phytoavailability of the elements was evaluated by bioaccumulation of the elements, the sequential extraction procedure, Pb species, and plant uptakes. The target health quotient (THQ) was calculated to evaluate the human health risks. It was found that (1) high concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, and Pb were detectable in vegetables, and bioaccumulation was in the order of Mn > Zn > Cr > Pb > Cu > As > Cd; (2) phytoavailability of the elements was controlled mainly by the soluble fraction, and a linear relationship observed between the soluble fraction and bioaccumulation; (3) a new Pb-fulvic acid complex (Pb-FA) was identified by XANES in rhizosphere soil, and high content of Pb organic matter (60%) and soluble Pb (18%) were found; (4) both Cd and Zn accumulated in both of the Amaranthaceae and the Apiaceae families, indicating that the plants in the same family have the same bioaccumulation trend for the elements in the same group; (5) agricultural activities and plant growing increased phytoavailability of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by decreasing the residual and raising the soluble and extractable fractions; (6) arsenic is top of the high health risks, followed by Pb, Cd, and Mn. Coriander, celery, and spinach were the top three highest health risks in the area.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Rate Uptake of Three Common Pharmaceuticals in Celery, Apium Graveolens
Schroeder, Lauren M. | Blackwell, Brett | Klein, David | Morse, Audra N.
Recent droughts in the southwestern United States have heightened the interest in using more reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation. Treated wastewater effluent is a source of irrigation water and contains many pharmaceutical microcontaminants. Currently, there is little knowledge on if these microconstituents will enter food crops and if so where they will be found within the plant. For this experiment, the uptake of 17α-ethynylestradiol, fluoxetine HCl (Prozac®), and ibuprofen within different sections of a celery stalk over a 24-h time period was examined. Results found that all of these pharmaceuticals were taken up into the celery stalks within 24 h. Ibuprofen was found to have reached concentrations of 1 μg/g within the leaves in just 1 h. Metabolites of the ibuprofen were also detected at all locations within the stalk for all time periods. The concentration of EE2 in the submerged section of the stalk was found to increase from 0.031 to 0.911 μg/g of celery in just 23 h. The EE2 began to rise higher within the stalk to reach a concentration of 8.94 ng/g about 6 in above the base after 24 h. Fluoxetine HCl concentrations rose to 0.832 μg/g of celery within the submerged section of the stalk during the 24 h. After 12 h, fluoxetine HCl was detected within the bottom 4 in of the stalk. EE2, fluoxetine HCl, and ibuprofen all exhibit potential for uptake within food crops. Further studies on additional food crops and pharmaceuticals would be required to assess the full risk posed to human eating food crops irrigated with treated wastewater effluent.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biosolids inhibit uptake and translocation of 14C-carbamazepine by edible vegetables in soil
Li, Ming | Ding, Tengda | Wang, Haiyan | Wang, Wei | Ye, Qingfu | Li, Juying
Biosolids are regarded as a major source of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in soil and may lead to their accumulation in plants and potential human risks through dietary intake. Using ¹⁴C labeling, we explored the effect of biosolids on the uptake and tissue distribution of carbamazepine (CAB) by three ready-to-eat vegetables (i.e., carrot, celery, and pak choi) under greenhouse conditions. The ¹⁴C-CAB was consistently detected in vegetables and plant tissues with bioconcentration factors in a range of 1.28–37.69, and it was easily translocated from root to leaf and/or stem with translocation factors > 1. The inhibition on the uptake and accumulation of ¹⁴C-labeled carbamazepine from soil by the addition of biosolids was consistently observed, and such inhibitory effect was related to the biosolid amendment rates, the category of vegetable, and the plant growth stages. The influence of biosolids on behavior of CAB and other emerging pollutants in the soil-plant system should be considered in their environmental risk assessment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Human health risk assessment of pesticide residues in market-sold vegetables and fish in a northern metropolis of China
Fang, Yanyan | Nie, Zhiqiang | Yang, Yanmei | Die, Qingqi | Liu, Feng | He, Jie | Huang, Qifei
With growing concerns about food safety and stricter national standards in China, attention has focused on vegetables and fish as they are an important part of the Chinese daily diet, and pesticide residues can accumulate in these foodstuffs. The local consumption habits of vegetables and fish were determined using questionnaires distributed in the major regions of the northern metropolis. Then, the samples of fruit-like vegetables, leafy and root vegetables, and five species of fish (freshwater and marine) were collected from supermarkets and traditional farmers’ markets in the city. The concentrations and profiles of pesticide residues (hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT), and endosulfan) in the samples were determined and compared. For the vegetables, the concentration ranges of ΣDDT, ΣHCH, and Σendosulfan were not detectable (ND) to 10.4 ng/g fresh weight (f.w.), ND to 58.8 ng/g f.w., and ND to 63.9 ng/g f.w., respectively. For the fish samples, the corresponding values were 0.77–25.0 ng/g f.w., 0.02–1.42 ng/g f.w., and 1.22–22.1 ng/g f.w., respectively. Only one celery sample exceeded the maximum residue limits (MRLs) of HCH residues set by Chinese regulations (GB2763-2014). The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) and hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using data from the recently published Exposure Factors Handbook for the Chinese Population. The EDIs and HRs showed that the levels of organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in vegetables and fish in this area are safe.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Uptake and accumulation of antimicrobials, triclocarban and triclosan, by food crops in a hydroponic system
Mathews, Shiny | Henderson, Shannon | Reinhold, Dawn
Commonly used in personal care products, triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) are two chemicals with antimicrobial properties that have recently been recognized as environmental contaminants with the potential to adversely affect human health. The objective of the study described herein was to evaluate the potential of food crops to uptake TCC and TCS. Eleven food crops, grown in hydroponic nutrient media, were exposed to a mixture of 500 μg L⁻¹TCC and TCS. After 4 weeks of exposure, roots accumulated 86–1,350 mg kg⁻¹of antimicrobials and shoots had accumulated 0.33–5.35 mg kg⁻¹of antimicrobials. Translocation from roots to shoots was less than 1.9 % for TCC and 3.7 % for TCS, with the greatest translocation for TCC observed for pepper, celery, and asparagus and for TCS observed for cabbage, broccoli, and asparagus. For edible tuber- or bulb-producing crops, the concentrations of both TCC and TCS were lower in the tubers than in the roots. Exposure calculations using national consumption data indicated that the average exposure to TCC and TCS from eating contaminated crops was substantially less than the exposure expected to cause adverse effects, but exceeded the predicted exposure from drinking water. Exposure to antimicrobials through food crops would be substantially reduced through limiting consumption of beets and onions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]From wetland to farm and back again: phosphorus dynamics of a proposed restoration project
Steinman, Alan D. | Ogdahl, Mary E.
We studied the phosphorus dynamics in a former wetland, which had been converted to a celery farm, and now consists of two shallow, flooded ponds that are being proposed for aquatic habitat restoration. However, like many agricultural areas, this site is plagued by phosphorus legacy issues. Proposed restoration includes hydrologic reconnection of these ponds to its adjacent stream, which are now isolated from one another by an earthen berm, to create a wetland complex. One of the two flooded ponds was partially dredged, whereas the other one has remained undredged. Water column, sediment pore water, and sediment total phosphorus concentrations were significantly greater in the undredged pond compared to the dredged pond, but in both cases phosphorus levels in the water columns (mean TP 929 vs. 133 μg/L in undredged vs. dredged ponds, respectively) would exacerbate downstream water quality issues if hydrologic reconnection occurred without first addressing the phosphorus issue. Sediment isotherm and maximum sorption data indicated that the sediments are close to phosphorus saturation in the undredged pond; simulated dredging of the cores revealed that exposure of deeper sediment layers would increase sorption capacity. Pore water SRP concentrations increased with sediment depth and were significantly greater in the undredged vs. dredged pond at both the 1–4-cm depth (2249 vs. 112 μg/L) and 14–17-cm depth (5506 vs. 222 μg/L). This study provides a framework for other projects that need to balance the competing demands of habitat restoration vs. water quality when restoring wetlands that have been converted to agricultural production.
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