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Vulnerability to the impact of temperature variability on mortality in 31 major Chinese cities
Yang, Jun | Zhou, Maigeng | Li, Mengmeng | Liu, Xiaobo | Yin, Peng | Sun, Qinghua | Wang, Jun | Wu, Haixia | Wang, Boguang | Liu, Qiyong
Few studies have analyzed the health effects of temperature variability (TV) accounting for both interday and intraday variations in ambient temperature. In this study, TV was defined as the standard deviations of the daily minimum and maximum temperature during different exposure days. Distributed lag non-linear Poisson regression model was used to examine the city-specific effect of TV on mortality in 31 Chinese municipalities and provincial capital cities. The national estimate was pooled through a meta-analysis based on the restricted maximum likelihood estimation. To assess effect modification on TV-mortality association by individual characteristics, stratified analyses were further fitted. Potential effect modification by city characteristics was performed through a meta-regression analysis. In total, 259 million permanent residents and 4,481,090 non-accidental deaths were covered in this study. The effect estimates of TV on mortality were generally increased by longer exposure days. A 1 °C increase in TV at 0–7 days' exposure was associated with a 0.60% (95% CI: 0.25–0.94%), 0.65% (0.24–1.05%), 0.82% (0.29–1.36%), 0.86% (0.42–1.31%), 0.98% (0.57–1.39%) and 0.54% (−0.11-1.20%) increase in non-accidental, cardiovascular, IHD, stroke, respiratory and COPD mortalities, respectively. Those with lower levels of educational attainment were significantly susceptible to TV. Cities with dense population, higher mean temperatures, and relative humidity and lower diurnal temperature ranges also had higher mortality risks caused by TV. This study demonstrated that TV had considerable health effects. An early warning system to alert residents about large temperature variations is recommended, which may have a significant impact on the community awareness and public health.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Heatwave and infants' hospital admissions under different heatwave definitions
Xu, Zhiwei | Crooks, James Lewis | Black, Deborah | Hu, Wenbiao | Tong, Shilu
Data on the health impacts of heatwaves in infants are limited, and this study aimed to examine how heatwaves affect hospital admissions in infants.A quasi-Poisson generalized additive model was used to assess the effects of heatwaves on hospital admissions in infants from 1st January 2005 to 31st December 2015 in Brisbane, Australia, using a series of heatwave definitions after controlling for possible confounders. A case-only analysis was conducted to examine the possible modification effects of personal and community characteristics on the heatwaves effects on infants' hospital admissions.There was no significant increase in infants' hospital admissions when heatwave intensity was defined as mean temperature ≥90th percentile or ≥95th percentile of the mean temperature across the study period. When heatwave intensity increased to ≥97th percentile, infants' hospital admissions increased significantly (RR: 1.05, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.10), and this increase raised with the increase of heatwave duration. No modification effect of gender, indigenous status, or Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) level on heatwave effect was observed.Infants in Brisbane were sensitive to intense heatwaves, and future heat early warning system based on a local evidence-based heatwave definition is needed to protect infants from heatwave impacts. Community-based heatwave adaptation programs aiming at raising the awareness of the adverse health impacts of intense heatwaves among infants' caregivers may relieve the postnatal health care demand in infants.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Response of multi-metric indices to anthropogenic pressures in distinct marine habitats: The need for recalibration to allow wider applicability
Fitch, Jayne E. | Cooper, Keith M. | Crowe, Tasman P. | Hall-Spencer, Jason M. | Phillips, Graham
Sustainable exploitation of coastal ecosystems is facilitated by tools which allow reliable assessment of their response to anthropogenic pressures. The Infaunal Quality Index (IQI) and Multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI) were developed to classify the ecological status (ES) of benthos for the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The indices respond reliably to the impacts of organic enrichment in muddy sand habitats, but their applicability across a range of pressures and habitats is less well understood. The ability of the indices to predict changes in response to pressures in three distinct habitats, intertidal muddy sand, maerl and inshore gravel, was tested using pre-existing datasets. Both responded following the same patterns of variation as previously reported. The IQI was more conservative when responding to environmental conditions so may have greater predictive value in dynamic habitats to provide an early-warning system to managers’. Re-calibration of reference conditions is necessary to reliably reflect ES in different habitats.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Environmental DNA-based profiling of benthic bacterial and eukaryote communities along a crude oil spill gradient in a coral reef in the Persian Gulf
Oladi, Mahshid | Leontidou, Kleopatra | Stoeck, Thorsten | Shokri, Mohammad Reza
Coral reef ecosystems in the Persian Gulf are frequently exposed to crude oil spills. We investigated benthic bacterial and eukaryote community structures at such coral reef sites subjected to different degrees of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollution using environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding. Both bacterial and eukaryote communities responded with pronounced shifts to crude oil pollution and distinguished control sites, moderately and heavily impacted sites with significant confidentiality. The observed community patterns were predominantly driven by Alphaproteobacteria and metazoans. Among these, we identified individual genera that were previously linked to oil spill stress, but also taxa, for which a link to hydrocarbon still remains to be established. Considering the lack of an early-warning system for the environmental status of coral reef ecosystems exposed to frequent crude-oil spills, our results encourage further research towards the development of an eDNA-based biomonitoring tool that exploits benthic bacterial and eukaryote communities as bioindicators.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development of an on-site early warning water quality monitoring system for pesticide detection by absorption and photo-induced fluorescence
Bakhoum, Jean-Pierre | Diop, Ndeye A. | Bodian, El Hadji T. | Mbaye, Olivier M. A. | Diaw, Pape. A. | Cissé, Lamine | Gaye-Seye, Mame D. | Thiare, Diene D. | Coly, Atanasse | Le Jeune, Bernard | Giamarchi, Philippe
This paper describes prototypes of an on-site early warning water quality monitoring system (EWWQMS) for pesticide quantification in natural waters by fluorescence and absorbance. As many pesticides are not naturally fluorescent, this EWWQMS uses UV irradiation to transform these compounds into highly fluorescent photoproducts and obtain sufficient sensitivity. To obtain a better specificity, the system uses four UV LEDs at different wavelengths to excite the fluorescent photoproducts. For pesticides that are not sensitive to photoconversion, the EWWQMS prototypes also use UV absorption for their quantification, thus offering a wider application range. A first system uses a diode array spectrometer for detection. A second system uses a higher resolution spectrometer and an intensified CCD camera detection to increase sensitivity. Analytical applications were conducted for the determination of fipronil, acetamipride, cyprodinil, trifluraline and pendimethaline in water using both the EWWQMS prototypes. The analytical performances of these new systems are good compared with other photo-induced fluorescence methods already published. Limits of detection without pre-concentration are in the range of 0.2 to 3 ng mL⁻¹ and the recovery values range from 95 to 108%. These results show that the EWWQMS prototypes can be used as an alert system to protect industrial plants from pesticide contaminations that exceed the capabilities of their cleaning processes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Procaine penicillin alters swimming behaviour and physiological parameters of Daphnia magna
Bownik, Adam | Ślaska, Brygida | Bochra, Justyna | Gumieniak, Katarzyna | Gałek, Kinga
Procaine penicillin (PP) is a β-lactam antibiotic widely used in human and veterinary medicine. Although PP is detected in surface water, little is known on its effects on aquatic invertebrates. Our aim was to determine the influence of PP on swimming behaviour (track density, swimming speed, turning angle, hopping frequency) and physiological activity (oxygen consumption, heart rate, thoracic limb movement) of a freshwater invertebrate Daphnia magna exposed to PP at concentrations of 11.79 mg/L, 117.9 mg/L and 1179 mg/L for 2 h and 24 h. The results showed no mortality; however, reduction of swimming activity manifested by the decreased track density, swimming speed and turning angle noted in Daphnia exposed to all the concentrations of PP. Increase of oxygen consumption was observed after 2-h exposure; however, decrease of this parameter was found after 24 h. PP also reduced heart rate and thoracic limb movement in a concentration-dependent manner. The results suggest that the antibiotic should not induce mortality; however, it may affect swimming behaviour and physiological parameters of Daphnia magna particularly inhabiting aquaculture facilities with intensive antibiotic treatment. On the basis of the present results, we also suggest higher sensitivity of behavioural and physiological parameters of cladocerans than the commonly used endpoints: mortality or immobilisation and their possible application as a part of early warning systems in monitoring of surface water toxicity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of DDT contamination in house rat as a possible bioindicator in DDT-sprayed areas from Ethiopia and South Africa
Yohannes, Yared Beyene | Ikenaka, Yoshinori | Ito, Gengo | Nakayama, Shouta M. M. | Mizukawa, Hazuki | Wepener, V. | Smit, Nico J. | Van Vuren, J. H. J. (Johannes Hendrik Janse) | Ishizuka, Mayumi
Ethiopia and South Africa are among the few countries to still implement indoor residual spraying with dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) for malaria vector control. In this study, we investigated the levels and ecological risks of DDT and its metabolites in liver tissues of house rat, as a sentinel animal, for providing an early warning system for public health and wildlife intervention from Ethiopia and South Africa. The results showed that ΣDDT concentration ranged from 127 to 9155 μg/kg wet weight, and the distribution order of DDT and its metabolites in the analyzed liver samples was p,p′-DDD > p,p′-DDE >> p,p′-DDT, o,p′-DDT, and o,p′-DDD. The risk assessment indicated a potential adverse impact on humans, especially for pregnant women and children, because they spend majority of their time in a DDT-sprayed house. The ecological assessment also showed a concern for birds of prey and amphibians like frogs. This study is the first report on DDT contamination in liver tissues of house rats from Ethiopia and South Africa, and henceforth, the data will serve as a reference data for future studies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Key indicator tools for shallow slope failure assessment using soil chemical property signatures and soil colour variables
Rashidi Othman, | Hasni, Shah Irani | Baharuddin, Zainul Mukrim | Hashim, Khairusy Syakirin Has-Yun | Mahamod, Lukman Hakim
Slope failure has become a major concern in Malaysia due to the rapid development and urbanisation in the country. It poses severe threats to any highway construction industry, residential areas, natural resources and tourism activities. The extent of damages that resulted from this catastrophe can be lessened if a long-term early warning system to predict landslide prone areas is implemented. Thus, this study aims to characterise the relationship between Oxisols properties and soil colour variables to be manipulated as key indicators to forecast shallow slope failure. The concentration of each soil property in slope soil was evaluated from two different localities that consist of 120 soil samples from stable and unstable slopes located along the North-South Highway (PLUS) and East-West Highway (LPT). Analysis of variance established highly significant difference (P < 0.0001) between the locations, the total organic carbon (TOC), soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil texture, soil chromaticity and all combinations of interactions. The overall CIELAB analysis leads to the conclusion that the CIELAB variables lightness L*, c* (Chroma) and h* (Hue) provide the most information about soil colour and other related soil properties. With regard to the relationship between colour variables and soil properties, the analysis detected that soil texture, organic carbon, iron oxide and aluminium concentration were the key factors that strongly correlate with soil colour variables at the studied area. Indicators that could be used to predict shallow slope failure were high value of L*(62), low values of c* (20) and h* (66), low concentration of iron (53 mg kg⁻¹) and aluminium oxide (37 mg kg⁻¹), low soil TOC (0.5%), low CEC (3.6 cmol/kg), slightly acidic soil pH (4.9), high amount of sand fraction (68%) and low amount of clay fraction (20%).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Molecular probes and microarrays for the detection of toxic algae in the genera Dinophysis and Phalacroma (Dinophyta)
Edvardsen, Bente | Dittami, Simon M. | Groben, René | Brubak, Sissel | Escalera, Laura | Rodríguez, Francisco | Reguera, Beatriz | Chen Jixin, | Medlin, Linda K.
Dinophysis and Phalacroma species containing diarrheic shellfish toxins and pectenotoxins occur in coastal temperate waters all year round and prevent the harvesting of mussels during several months each year in regions in Europe, Chile, Japan, and New Zealand. Toxicity varies among morphologically similar species, and a precise identification is needed for early warning systems. Molecular techniques using ribosomal DNA sequences offer a means to identify and detect precisely the potentially toxic species. We designed molecular probes targeting the 18S rDNA at the family and genus levels for Dinophysis and Phalacroma and at the species level for Dinophysis acuminata, Dinophysis acuta, and Dinophysis norvegica, the most commonly occurring, potentially toxic species of these genera in Western European waters. Dot blot hybridizations with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified rDNA from 17 microalgae were used to demonstrate probe specificity. The probes were modified along with other published fluorescence in situ hybridization and PCR probes and tested for a microarray platform within the MIDTAL project ( ). The microarray was applied to field samples from Norway and Spain and compared to microscopic cell counts. These probes may be useful for early warning systems and monitoring and can also be used in population dynamic studies to distinguish species and life cycle stages, such as cysts, and their distribution in time and space.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]On the successful use of a simplified model to simulate the succession of toxic cyanobacteria in a hypereutrophic reservoir with a highly fluctuating water level
Fadel, Ali | Lemaire, BrunoJ. | Vinçon-Leite, Brigitte | Atoui, Ali | Slim, Kamal | Tassin, Bruno
Many freshwater bodies worldwide that suffer from harmful algal blooms would benefit for their management from a simple ecological model that requires few field data, e.g. for early warning systems. Beyond a certain degree, adding processes to ecological models can reduce model predictive capabilities. In this work, we assess whether a simple ecological model without nutrients is able to describe the succession of cyanobacterial blooms of different species in a hypereutrophic reservoir and help understand the factors that determine these blooms. In our study site, Karaoun Reservoir, Lebanon, cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon ovalisporum and Microcystis aeruginosa alternatively bloom. A simple configuration of the model DYRESM-CAEDYM was used; both cyanobacteria were simulated, with constant vertical migration velocity for A. ovalisporum, with vertical migration velocity dependent on light for M. aeruginosa and with growth limited by light and temperature and not by nutrients for both species. The model was calibrated on two successive years with contrasted bloom patterns and high variations in water level. It was able to reproduce the measurements; it showed a good performance for the water level (root-mean-square error (RMSE) lower than 1 m, annual variation of 25 m), water temperature profiles (RMSE of 0.22–1.41 °C, range 13–28 °C) and cyanobacteria biomass (RMSE of 1–57 μg Chl a L⁻¹, range 0–206 μg Chl a L⁻¹). The model also helped understand the succession of blooms in both years. The model results suggest that the higher growth rate of M. aeruginosa during favourable temperature and light conditions allowed it to outgrow A. ovalisporum. Our results show that simple model configurations can be sufficient not only for theoretical works when few major processes can be identified but also for operational applications. This approach could be transposed on other hypereutrophic lakes and reservoirs to describe the competition between dominant phytoplankton species, contribute to early warning systems or be used for management scenarios.
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