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Effect of non-optimum ambient temperature on cognitive function of elderly women in Germany
Zhao, Qi | Wigmann, Claudia | Areal, Ashtyn Tracey | Altug, Hicran | Schikowski, Tamara
Non-optimum ambient temperature has been associated with a variety of health outcomes in the elderly population. However, few studies have examined its adverse effects on neurocognitive function. In this study, we explored the temperature-cognition association in elderly women. We investigated 777 elderly women from the German SALIA cohort during the 2007–2010 follow-up. Cognitive function was evaluated using the CERAD-Plus test battery. Modelled data on daily weather conditions were assigned to the residential addresses. The temperature-cognition association over lag 0–10 days was estimated using multivariable regression with distributed lag non-linear model. The daily mean temperature ranged between −6.7 and 26.0 °C during the study period for the 777 participants. We observed an inverse U-shaped association in elderly women, with the optimum temperature (15.3 °C) located at the 68th percentile of the temperature range. The average z-score of global cognitive function declined by −0.31 (95%CI: 0.73, 0.11) for extreme cold (the 2.5th percentile of temperature range) and −0.92 (95%CI: 1.50, −0.33) for extreme heat (the 97.5th percentile of temperature range), in comparison to the optimum temperature. Episodic memory was more sensitive to heat exposure, while semantic memory and executive function were the two cognitive domains sensitive to cold exposure. Individuals living in an urban area and those with a low educational level were particularly sensitive to extreme heat. In summary, non-optimum temperature was inversely associated with cognitive function in elderly women, with the effect size for heat exposure particularly substantial. The strength of association varied by cognitive domains and individual characteristics.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Burden of dust storms on years of life lost in Seoul, South Korea: A distributed lag analysis
Jung, Jiyun | Yi, Ŭn-mi | Myung, Woojae | Kim, Hyekyeong | Kim, Ho | Lee, Hyewon
Although dust storms have been associated with adverse health outcomes, studies on the burden of dust storms on deaths are limited. As global warming has induced significant climate changes in recent decades, which have accelerated desertification worldwide, it is necessary to evaluate the burden of dust storm-induced premature mortality using a critical measure of disease burden, such as the years of life lost (YLL). The YLL attributable to dust storms have not been examined to date. This study investigated the association between Asian dust storms (ADS) and the YLL in Seoul, South Korea, during 2002–2013. We conducted a time-series study using a generalized additive model assuming a Gaussian distribution and applied a distributed lag model with a maximum lag of 5 days to investigate the delayed and cumulative effects of ADS on the YLL. We also conducted stratified analyses using the cause of death (respiratory and cardiovascular diseases) and sociodemographic status (sex, age, education level, occupation, and marital status). During the study period, 108 ADS events occurred, and the average daily YLL was 1511 years due to non-accidental causes. The cumulative ADS exposure over the 6-day lag period was associated with a significant increase of 104.7 (95% CI, 31.0–178.5 years) and 34.4 years (4.0–64.7 years) in the YLL due to non-accidental causes and cardiovascular mortality, respectively. Sociodemographic analyses revealed associations between ADS exposure and the YLL in males, both <65 and ≥ 65 years old, those with middle-level education, and the unemployed, unmarried, and widowed (26.5–83.8 years). This study provides new evidence suggesting that exposure to dust storms significantly increases the YLL. Our findings suggest that dust storms are a critical environmental risk affecting premature mortality. These results could contribute to the establishment of public health policies aimed at managing dust storm exposure and reducing premature deaths.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Vulnerability mapping and risk analysis of sand and dust storms in Ahvaz, IRAN
Boloorani, Ali Darvishi | Shorabeh, Saman Nadizadeh | Neysani Samany, Najmeh | Mousivand, Alijafar | Kazemi, Yasin | Jaafarzadeh, Nemat | Zahedi, Amir | Rabiei, Javad
In this work, a sand and dust storm vulnerability mapping (SDS-VM) approach is developed to model the vulnerability of urban blocks to SDS using GIS spatial analysis and a range of geographical data. The SDS-VM was carried out in Ahvaz, IRAN, representing one of the most dust-polluted cities in West Asia. Here, vulnerability is defined as a function of three components: exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of the people in the city blocks to sand and dust storms. These components were formulated into measurable indicators (i.e. GIS layers) including: PM₂.₅, wind speed, distance from dust emission sources, demographic statistics (age, gender, family size, education level), number of building floors, building age, land surface temperature (LST), land use, percentage of literate population, distance from health services, distance from city facilities (city center, shopping centers), distance from infrastructure (public transportation, main roads and highways), distance from parks and green spaces, and green area per capita. The components and the indicators were weighted using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Different levels of risks for the components and the indicators were defined using ordered weighted averaging (OWA). Urban SDS vulnerability maps at different risk levels were generated through spatial multi-criteria data analysis procedure. Vulnerability maps, with different risk levels, were validated against field-collected data of 781 patients hospitalized for dust-related diseases (i.e. respiratory, cardiovascular, and skin). Results showed that (i) SDS vulnerability map, obtained from the developed methodology, gives an overall accuracy of 79%; (ii); regions 1 and 5 of Ahvaz are recognized with the highest and lowest vulnerabilities to SDS, respectively; and (iii) ORness equal to 0 (very low risk) is the optimum SDS-VM risk level for decision-making to mitigate the harmful impacts of SDS in the deposition areas of Ahvaz city.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Perfluoroalkyl substances exposure and risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome related infertility in Chinese women
Wang, Wei | Zhou, Wei | Wu, Ziyuan | Liang, Fan | Li, Yan | Zhang, Jun | Cui, Linlin | Feng, Yan | Wang, Yan
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a family of synthetic, fluorinated organic compounds. They have been widely used in industrial applications and consumer products and widespread in the environment, wildlife and human. Experimental and epidemiologic evidence suggested that PFASs are capable of interfering with endocrine processes and have potential reproductive and developmental toxicities. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), one of the main reasons of female infertility, is a common endocrine disorder in reproductive age women. We performed a case-control study to evaluate associations between PCOS-related infertility and PFASs concentrations in plasma. A total of 180 infertile PCOS-cases and 187 healthy controls were recruited from the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Shandong University. Blood specimens were collected at enrollment and analyzed for ten PFASs using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Multivariable logistic regression procedure was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each PFAS. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) were the dominant PFASs in the plasma of participants, with the median concentration of 5.07 ng/mL and 4.05 ng/mL, respectively. The median levels of individual PFAS were not significantly different between PCOS-cases and controls. While adjusted for the potential confounders (age, BMI, household income, education level, employment status, age at menarche, menstrual volume), the plasma concentration of perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA), a 12 carbons lengths of perfluorocarboxylic acids, was associated with a significantly increased risk of PCOS-related infertility (medium vs low tertile: OR = 2.36, 95% CI: 1.12, 4.99, P = 0.02; high vs low tertile: OR = 3.04, 95% CI: 1.19, 7.67, P = 0.02), with the P trend 0.01. No significant relationship was observed between PCOS-related infertility and other PFAS analytes in the adjusted model, despite perfluoroundecanoic acid showed a negative association (P trend 0.03). The potential reproductive health effects of PFASs and the underlying mechanisms merit further investigation in the future.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Increased risk of phthalates exposure for recurrent pregnancy loss in reproductive-aged women
Liao, Kai-Wei | Guo, Baolin | Huang, Han-Bin | Chang, Jung-Wei | Chiang, Hung-Che | Huang, Po-Chin
Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is the termination of pregnancies, usually before 20 weeks of gestation, and is defined as the loss of two or more pregnancies. In Taiwan, after 2011 di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) exposure episode, more reproductive-aged women still expose to high levels of DEHP and di-butyl phthalate (DBP) than have women of other age groups. Phthalates might be involved in the RPL pathogenesis. This study assessed the association of phthalate exposure with RPL risk in reproductive-aged Taiwanese women.This study recruited 103 patients diagnosed by a physician with RPL of unknown etiology and 76 controls from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a medical center in southern Taiwan between August 2013 and August 2017. Urine samples were analyzed for 11 phthalate metabolites through liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry; subsequently, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis were performed to determine the main sources of phthalate exposure. Finally, multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the RPL risk.The creatinine-unadjusted median levels of mono-iso-butyl phthalate (MiBP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP), and mono-(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (MECPP) in RPL/control were 9.8/5.3, 27.2/13.1, 11.4/8.1, and 12.9/9.5 ng/mL, respectively; furthermore, ΣDBPm and ΣDEHPm in RPL/control were 0.18/0.10 and 0.15/0.12 nmol/mL, respectively. PCA revealed three primary components of phthalate exposure: diethyl phthalates (DEP), DEHP, and DBP. Plastic food container use and medication were identified as the main phthalate exposure sources. After adjustment for potential confounding factors (urinary creatinine, age, age at menarche, education, and plastic food container use), we found that the urinary level of ΣDBPm was significantly associated with elevated risk for RPL (OR = 2.85, p = 0.045).Our findings supported the hypothesis that exposure to phthalates increases RPL risk. The development of a strategy to reduce phthalate exposure among reproductive-aged women should be emphasized.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Socio-demographic, lifestyle, and dietary determinants of essential and possibly-essential trace element levels in adipose tissue from an adult cohort
Rodríguez-Pérez, Celia | Vrhovnik, Petra | González-Alzaga, Beatriz | Fernández, Mariana F. | Martin-Olmedo, Piedad | Olea, Nicolás | Fiket, Željka | Kniewald, Goran | Arrebola, Juan P.
There is increasing evidence linking levels of trace elements (TEs) in adipose tissue with certain chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes or obesity). The objectives of this study were to assess concentrations of a selection of nine essential and possibly-essential TEs in adipose tissue samples from an adult cohort and to explore their socio-demographic, dietary, and lifestyle determinants. Adipose tissue samples were intraoperatively collected from 226 volunteers recruited in two public hospitals from Granada province. Trace elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Se, V, and Zn) were analyzed in adipose tissue by high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS). Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, diet, and health status by face-to-face interview. Predictors of TE concentrations were assessed by using multivariable linear and logistic regression. All TEs were detected in all samples with the exception of Se (53.50%). Iron, zinc, and copper showed the highest concentrations (42.60 mg/kg, 9.80 mg/kg, and 0.68 mg/kg, respectively). Diet was the main predictor of Cr, Fe, Mo, and Se concentrations. Body mass index was negatively associated with all TEs (β coefficients = −0.018 to −0.593, p = 0.001–0.090) except for Mn and V. Age showed a borderline-significant positive correlation with Cu (β = 0.004, p = 0.089). Residence in a rural or semi-rural area was associated with increased Co, Cr, Fe, Mo, Mn, V and Zn concentrations and with β coefficients ranging from 0.196 to 0.544 (p < 0.05). Furthermore, individuals with higher educational level showed increased Cr, Co, Fe and V concentrations (β coefficients = 0.276–0.368, p = 0.022–0.071). This is the first report on the distribution of these TEs in adipose tissue and on their determinants in a human cohort and might serve as an initial step in the elucidation of their clinical relevance.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Public perception and attitude towards chemical industry park in Dalian, Bohai Rim
He, Guizhen | Chen, Chunci | Zhang, Lei | Lü, Yonglong
Recent decade has witnessed accelerating expansion of chemical industry and increasing conflicts between the local citizens, governmental authorities and project developers, especially in some coastal and port cities in China. Development and transformation of chemical industrial parks has been adopted as a national initiative recently. However, there is a paucity of research examining public perspectives on chemical industrial parks and their risks. Aiming to understand public perception, attitude, and response and the factors underlying the support/acceptance of chemical industry park, this paper investigated 418 residents neighboring to two chemical industrial parks, Dalian in Bohai Rim through face-to-face questionnaire survey. The results showed the knowledge of the respondents on the chemical industrial parks development was very limited. The respondents had complex perceptions on the environmental impacts, risks control, social-economic benefits, and problem awareness. The current levels of information disclosure and public participation were very low. The central governmental official (44.3%) was the most trustworthy group by the respondents. Only 5.5% and 23.2% of the respondents supported the construction of a new CIP nearby and far away their homes, whilst 13% thought new CIP project as acceptable. The spearman correlation analysis results showed a strong NIMBY effect (Not In My Backyard). Factor analysis results demonstrated five latent factors: knowledge, benefit, information, trust, and participation. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated how socio-demographic differences and five latent factors might impact on the support/acceptance of the chemical industrial parks. Education level, trust, information, and participation were significant predictors of public support/acceptance level. This study contributes to our limited knowledge and understanding of public sentiments to the chemical industry parks in China.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Association of in utero exposure to organochlorine pesticides with thyroid hormone levels in cord blood of newborns
Luo, Dan | Pu, Yabing | Tian, Haoyuan | Wu, Weixiang | Sun, Xin | Zhou, Tingting | Tao, Yun | Yuan, Jing | Shen, Xiaoli | Feng, Yaqian | Mei, Surong
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) had been widely used in agriculture and disease prevention from the 1940s–1960s. Currently, OCPs are raising global concerns due to their associated prevalent contamination and adverse health effects, such as endocrine disruption. Several epidemiological studies have explored the underlying association of OCPs on thyroid hormone (TH) status in adults and newborns, but the results of studies performed on newborns are often inconclusive. This exploratory study was conducted with the purpose of assessing the potential association of the prenatal exposure to OCPs with the concentrations of TH in the cord blood of newborns from China. Cord blood and information on demographic characteristics were collected from 115 newborns between November 2013 and June 2014. The exposure levels of 17 OCPs were measured with a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and TH levels including free triiodothyronine (FT3), free thyroxine (FT4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were detected using electrochemiluminescence immunoassay methods. After adjusting for confounding factors (the age of pregnant mothers, education level, monthly household income, parity, and sex of the newborns), we found marginally significant inverse associations of cord plasma measurements of ∑hexachlorcyclohexanes (∑HCHs), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-di(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (ρ,ρ′-DDE) and methoxychlor with FT4 levels, but not with FT3 and TSH levels. Moreover, higher cord plasma levels of aldrin, dieldrin, ∑dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (∑DDTs), ∑Drins, and ∑OCPs were found to be related to the increase in cord plasma TSH levels after the adjustment for confounders. The results of this exploratory study indicate that in utero exposure to certain OCPs may affect TH status in newborns, and therefore, pose potential effects on early human development. Further research, with larger sample sizes, should be conducted to confirm these findings.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Association between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and long-term exposure to air pollution: Evidence from the first epidemic wave in China
Zheng, Pai | Chen, Zhangjian | Liu, Yonghong | Song, Hongbin | Wu, Chieh-Hsi | Li, Bingying | Kraemer, Moritz U.G. | Tian, Huaiyu | Yan, Xing | Zheng, Yuxin | Stenseth, Nils Chr | Jia, Guang
People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, or hypertension have a high risk of developing severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and of COVID-19 mortality. However, the association between long-term exposure to air pollutants, which increases cardiopulmonary damage, and vulnerability to COVID-19 has not yet been fully established. We collected data of confirmed COVID-19 cases during the first wave of the epidemic in mainland China. We fitted a generalized linear model using city-level COVID-19 cases and severe cases as the outcome, and long-term average air pollutant levels as the exposure. Our analysis was adjusted using several variables, including a mobile phone dataset, covering human movement from Wuhan before the travel ban and movements within each city during the period of the emergency response. Other variables included smoking prevalence, climate data, socioeconomic data, education level, and number of hospital beds for 324 cities in China. After adjusting for human mobility and socioeconomic factors, we found an increase of 37.8% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 23.8%–52.0%), 32.3% (95% CI: 22.5%–42.4%), and 14.2% (7.9%–20.5%) in the number of COVID-19 cases for every 10-μg/m³ increase in long-term exposure to NO₂, PM₂.₅, and PM₁₀, respectively. However, when stratifying the data according to population size, the association became non-significant. The present results are derived from a large, newly compiled and geocoded repository of population and epidemiological data relevant to COVID-19. The findings suggested that air pollution may be related to population vulnerability to COVID-19 infection, although the extent to which this relationship is confounded by city population density needs further exploration.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Children exposure to inorganic and organic arsenic metabolites: A cohort study in Northeast Italy
Bocca, Beatrice | Pino, Anna | Brumatti, Liza Vecchi | Rosolen, Valentina | Ronfani, Luca | D’Aversa, Jenny | Ruggieri, Flavia | Petrucci, Francesco | Calamandrei, Gemma | Barbone, Fabio | Alimonti, Alessandro
The aim of this study was to provide urinary levels of total arsenic (TAs) and As species as arsenobetaine (AsB), arsenocholine (AsC), inorganic As (i.e., [As(III)+As(V)]), methylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) in 7 year-old-children (n = 200) enrolled in the Northern Adriatic Cohort II (NACII), a prospective cohort in a coastal area of Northeast Italy. TAs was determined by sector field-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS) and AsB, AsC, As(III), As(V), MMA and DMA by ion chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (IC-ICP-MS). The geometric mean (GM) for TAs was 12.9 μg/L and for [iAs + MMA + DMA] was 4.26 μg/L. The species AsB (GM of 5.09 μg/L) and DMA (GM of 3.20 μg/L) had the greatest percentage contribution to TAs levels; a greater percentage contribution from AsB is seen at TAs >10 μg/L and from DMA at TAs <10 μg/L. Urinary [iAs + MMA] levels were positively associated with [iAs + MMA + DMA] and DMA with AsB levels. Fish, shellfish and crustaceans consumption increased the AsB and TAs levels, while rice intake, mothers’ education level and selenium (Se) concentration influenced the DMA concentration. Children have a high capacity to metabolize and detoxify the iAs because of the higher secondary methylation index (ratio DMA/MMA) with respect to primary methylation index (ratio MMA/iAs). In addition, the median level of [iAs + MMA + DMA] in the whole population of children was lower than the Biomonitoring Equivalent (BE) value for non-cancer endpoints. Also the Margin of Safety (MOS) value based on the population median was greater than 1, thus the exposure to the toxicologically relevant As species was not likely to be of concern.
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