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Biotransformation of tetrabromobisphenol A dimethyl ether back to tetrabromobisphenol A in whole pumpkin plants
Hou, Xingwang | Yu, Miao | Liu, Aifeng | Li, Yanlin | Ruan, Ting | Liu, Jiyan | Schnoor, Jerald L. | Jiang, Guibin
As the metabolites of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), tetrabromobisphenol A mono- and di-methyl ethers (TBBPA MME and TBBPA DME) have been detected in various environmental media. However, knowledge of the contribution of plants to their environmental fates, especially to the interactions between TBBPA DME and TBBPA, is quite limited. In this study, the metabolism and behaviors of TBBPA DME was studied with pumpkin plants through 15-day hydroponic exposure. The TBBPA were also studied separately using in-lab hydroponic exposure for comparison. The results showed that more TBBPA DME accumulated in pumpkin roots and translocated up to stems and leaves compared with TBBPA. Transformation of TBBPA DME occurred later and more slowly than that of TBBPA. Interconversion between TBBPA DME and TBBPA was verified in intact plants for the first time. Namely, TBBPA DME can be biotransformed to TBBPA MME (transformation ratio in mole mass, TRMM 0.50%) and to TBBPA (TRMM 0.53%) within pumpkin; and TBBPA can be biotransformed to TBBPA MME (TRMM 0.58%) and to TBBPA DME (TRMM 0.62%). In addition, two single benzene-ring metabolites, 2,6-dibromo-4-(2-(2-hydroxyl)-propyl)-anisole (DBHPA, TRMM 3.4%) with an O-methyl group and 2,6-dibromo-4-(2-(2-hydroxyl)-propyl)-phenetole (DBHPP, TRMM 0.57%) with an O-ethyl group, were identified as the transformation products in the TBBPA exposure experiments. The transformation and interconversion from TBBPA DME back to TBBPA is reported as a new pathway and potential source for TBBPA in the environment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fate and O-methylating detoxification of Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in two earthworms (Metaphire guillelmi and Eisenia fetida)
Chen, Xian | Gu, Jianqiang | Wang, Yongfeng | Gu, Xueyuan | Zhao, Xiaopeng | Wang, Xiaorong | Ji, Rong
Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is the world's most widely used brominated flame retardant but there is growing concern about its fate and toxicity in terrestrial organisms. In this study, two ecologically different earthworms, Metaphire guillelmi and Eisenia fetida, were exposed to soil spiked with 14C-labeled TBBPA for 21 days. M. guillelmi accumulated more TBBPA than E. fetida, evidenced by a 2.7-fold higher 14C-uptake rate and a 1.3-fold higher biota-soil accumulation factor. Considerable amounts of bound residues (up to 40% for M. guillelmi and 18% for E. fetida) formed rapidly in the bodies of both earthworms. 14C accumulated mostly in the gut of M. guillemi and in the skin of E. fetida, suggesting that its uptake by M. guillelmi was mainly via gut processes whereas in E. fetida epidermal adsorption predominated. The TBBPA transformation potential was greater in M. guillelmi than in E. fetida, since only 5% vs. 34% of extractable 14C remained as the parent compound after 21 days of exposure. Besides polar metabolites, the major metabolites in both earthworms were TBBPA mono- and dimethyl ethers (O-methylation products of TBBPA). Acute toxicity assessments using filter paper and natural soil tests showed that the methylation metabolites were much less toxic than the parent TBBPA to both earthworms. It indicated that earthworms used O-methylation to detoxify TBBPA, and M. guillelmi exhibited the higher detoxification ability than E. fetida. These results imply that if only the free parent compound TBBPA is measured, not only bioaccumulation may be underestimated but also its difference between earthworm species may be misestimated. The species-dependent fate of TBBPA may provide a better indicator of the differing sensitivities of earthworms to this environmental contaminant.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sorption isotherms of brominated diphenyl ethers on natural soils with different organic carbon fractions
Liu, Wenxin | Li, WeiBo | Xing, Baoshan | Chen, JiangLin | Tao, Shu
Sorption isotherms of BDE-28 and BDE-47 on natural soils with different contents of soil organic matter (SOM) were investigated. Due to low water solubility of BDEs and resulted narrow ranges of aqueous equilibrium concentration, the linear distribution model showed similar and good fitting efficiency to the linear portion of nonlinear Freundlich curve. For the same sample, the linear and nonlinear model fitting sorption coefficients were close. At the statistically significant level of 0.05 or 0.1, significant relationships of total organic carbon fraction (fOC) with the fitting sorption coefficients can be observed. As for BDE-28, the relationships of fOC and SOM fractions with the single point partition coefficients at different aqueous concentrations of BDEs were significant; while for BDE-47, the relationships became less significant or insignificant, especially at higher aqueous concentrations. The findings in this study may facilitate more understanding on transport and fate of studied BDEs in soil systems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Bioaccumulation and bioavailability of polybrominated diphynel ethers (PBDEs) in soil
Liang, Xianwei | Zhu, Shuzhen | Chen, Peng | Zhu, Lingyan
Earthworms were exposed to artificially contaminated soils of DE-71 and DE-79 to investigate the bioaccumulation and bioavailability of PBDEs in soil. All major congeners were bioavailable to earthworms. The uptake and elimination rate coefficients of PBDEs decreased with their logKows. The biota soil accumulation factors of PBDEs also declined with logKow. These may be due to the large molecular size and the high affinity of PBDEs to soil particles. The concentrations extracted by Tenax for 6 h correlated very well with those found in earthworms, suggesting that the bioavailability of PBDEs in soil is related to the fraction of rapid desorption from soil. This also indicates that 6 h Tenax extraction is a good proxy for the bioavailability of PBDEs to earthworms in soil. The BSAFs of PBDEs in aged soil decreased 22-84% compared to freshly spiked soil, indicating that aging may diminish the bioavailability of PBDEs in soil significantly.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of dietary 2,2′, 4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) exposure on medaka (Oryzias latipes) swimming behavior
Sastre, Salvador | Fernández Torija, Carlos | Carbonell, Gregoria | Rodríguez Martín, José Antonio | Beltrán, Eulalia María | González-Doncel, Miguel
A diet fortified with 2,2′, 4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47: 0, 10, 100, and 1000 ng/g) was dosed to 4–7-day-old post-hatch medaka fish for 40 days to evaluate the effects on the swimming activity of fish using a miniaturized swimming flume. Chlorpyrifos (CF)-exposed fish were selected as the positive control to assess the validity and sensitivity of the behavioral findings. After 20 and 40 days of exposure, the locomotor activity was analyzed for 6 min in a flume section (arena). The CF positive control for each time point were fish exposed to 50 ng CF/ml for 48 h. Swimming patterns, presented as two-dimensional heat maps of fish movement and positioning, were obtained by geostatistical analyses. The heat maps of the control groups at time point 20 revealed visually comparable swimming patterns to those of the BDE-47-treated groups. For the comparative fish positioning analysis, both the arenas were divided into 15 proportional areas. No statistical differences were found between residence times in the areas from the control groups and those from the BDE-47-treated groups. At time point 40, the heat map overall patterns of the control groups differed visually from that of the 100-ng BDE-47/g-treated group, but a comparative analysis of the residence times in the corresponding 15 areas did not reveal consistent differences. The relative distances traveled by the control and treated groups at time points 20 and 40 were also comparable. The heat maps of CF-treated fish at both time points showed contrasting swim patterns with respect to those of the controls. These differential patterns were statistically supported with differences in the residence times for different areas. The relative distances traveled by the CF-treated fish were also significantly shorter. These results confirm the validity of the experimental design and indicate that a dietary BDE-47 exposure does not affect forced swimming in medaka at growing stages.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Altitudinal distributions of BDE-209 and other polybromodiphenyl ethers in high mountain lakes
Bartrons, Mireia | Grimalt, Joan O. | Catalan, Jordi
The present study shows the occurrence of 2,2′,3,3′,4,4′,5,5′,6,6′-decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in microbial biofilms of Pyrenean and Tatra high mountain lakes despite its low vapor pressure and high hydrophobicity. Aerosol air transport is therefore a feasible mechanism for BDE-209 accumulation in sites up to 2688 m above sea level. This compound and other PBDEs exhibit altitudinally-dependent distribution involving higher concentrations with increasing mountain lake elevation. However, the apparently very high enthalpies of the concentration gradients observed, including BDE-209, suggest that bacterial anaerobic debromination also plays a significant role in the resulting altitudinal distributions. This microbial mechanism explains the relative abundances of PBDEs and their within lake differences between rocky and sediment microbial biofilms, thereby showing that the altitudinal pattern observed is not purely due to water temperature control on bacterial activity but also to changes in the availability of anaerobic microenvironments which increase with increasing lake productivity at lower altitudes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Transformation of PBDE mixtures during sediment transport and resuspension in marine environments (Gulf of Lion, NW Mediterranean Sea)
Salvadó, Joan A. | Grimalt, Joan O. | López, Jordi F. | Durrieu de Madron, Xavier | Heussner, Serge | Canals, M. (Miquel)
Polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in superficial sediments from the Gulf of Lion were studied. They were largely predominated by BDE 209 (98.7% of all PBDEs) indicating that the main source of these pollutants was the commercial mixture deca-BDE. This compound and the less brominated BDE exhibited a southwestward decreasing concentration gradient following the dominant marine currents and bottom relief, e.g. the Mud Belt, the submarine canyons and the Open Continental Slope. All PBDEs exhibited statistically significant correlations confirming the common origin. However, a progressive transformation of the dumped BDE 209 was identified showing a depletion paralleled by increases of the less brominated BDEs (from 8.6% to 22%). These less brominated compounds were accumulated at about 100–140km away from the Rhone prodelta, e.g. at the end of the submarine canyons, evidencing that these transformation compounds can be accumulated at long distances from the dumping sites in the marine system.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]PBDD/F impurities in some commercial deca-BDE
Ren, Man | Peng, Ping’an | Cai, Ying | Chen, Deyi | Zhou, Lin | Chen, Pei | Hu, Jianfang
The study presented the concentrations and distributions of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polybrominated dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs) as impurities in some commercial decabromodiphenyl ether (DBDE) mixtures that were produced by several manufacturers. The total concentrations of 12 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octa-BDD/F congeners were found to be in the range of 3.4–13.6 (mean 7.8)μg/g, averagely accounting for 99% of total PBDD/Fs. OBDF was the prevailing congener, followed by 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpBDF. In addition, OBDD and 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxBDF were also obviously detectable. The total concentrations of PBDD/Fs varied both between the manufacturers and between the lots. On the basis of the global demand for the commercial DBDE in 2001, the annual potential emissions of PBDD/Fs were calculated coarsely to be 0.43 (range: 0.21–0.78)tons. The major dioxin congeners, OBDF and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpBDF, presenting in DBDE, were estimated to be formed from BDE-209, BDE-206, and/or BDE-207 via an intra-molecular elimination of Br₂/HBr.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Different profiles of naturally produced and anthropogenic organohalogens in the livers of cetaceans from the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific Ocean
Fujii, Yukiko | Kato, Yoshihisa | Kozai, Mai | Matsuishi, Takashi | Harada, Kouji H. | Koizumi, Akio | Kimura, Osamu | Endo, Tetsuya | Haraguchi, Koichi
Levels and profiles of naturally produced halogenated bipyrroles (Br4Cl2-DBP and Cl7-MBP), methoxylated tetrabromodiphenyl ethers (6-MeO-BDE47), anthropogenic perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were investigated in the livers of 14 cetaceans from the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific Ocean. The concentrations of Br4Cl2-DBP (4 to 4900 ng/g-wet), Cl7-MBP (16 to 3960 ng/g-wet) and 6-MeO-BDE47 (7 to 190 ng/g-wet) were higher in the order of killer whales > toothed whales > baleen whales. Profiles of PFASs were dominated by perfluoroundecanoic and perfluorotridecanoic acids (10 to 540 ng/g-wet), sum of which accounted for 70% of total measured PFASs. Regional difference was observed for Cl7-MBP and PFASs, which were higher in the Sea of Japan, whereas Br4Cl2-DBP was in the North Pacific Ocean. Specific accumulation pattern of these natural contaminants in cetaceans around northern Japan could help compare the exposure profile of PFASs and POPs among other geographic regions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Endocrine effects of methoxylated brominated diphenyl ethers in three in vitro models
Hu, Wei | Liu, Hongling | Sun, Hong | Shen, Ouxi | Wang, Xinru | Lam, Michael H.W. | Giesy, John P. | Zhang, Xiaowei | Yu, Hongxia
Methoxylated brominated diphenyl ethers (MeO-BDEs) in aquatic environments have been found to be primarily of natural origin in the marine environment and not from biotransformation of synthetic PBDEs. Two of the eight MeO-PBDEs (2′-MeO-BDE-68 and 6-MeO-BDE-47) that were detected in anchovy from the Yangtze River Delta, were natural products from marine organisms. So 2′-MeO-BDE-68 and 6-MeO-BDE-47 were chosen to study the potential to modulate androgen, estrogen, or thyroid hormone receptor- (AR, ER, ThR) mediated responses by use of reporter gene assays. 2′-MeO-BDE-68 was antiandrogenic at 50μM, estrogenic at 10μM and antiestrogenic at 10 and 50μM (IC₅₀=4.88μM). 2′-MeO-BDE-68 enhanced luciferase expression by 5nM T3 at 50μM. 6-MeO-BDE-47 exhibited potent antiandrogenicity at 1μM and greater (IC₅₀=41.8μM) and possessed estrogenic activity at 10μM and antiestrogenic activity at 10 and 50μM (IC₅₀=6.02μM).
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