AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

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Earthworm half-pipe assay: A new alternative in vivo skin corrosion test using invertebrates


Kwak, Jin Il | Kim, Haemi | An, Youn-Joo

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Disruptive effects of chlorpyrifos on predator-prey interactions of Ceratophrys ornata tadpoles: Consequences at the population level using computational modeling


Salgado Costa, Carolina | Rimoldi, Federico | Pantucci Saralegui, Morena J. | Rubio Puzzo, M Leticia | Trudeau, Vance L. | Natale, Guillermo S.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Temporal trends and interannual variation in plastic ingestion by Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Ardenna carneipes) using different sampling strategies


Lavers, Jennifer L. | Hutton, Ian | Bond, Alexander L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The utility of vitellogenin as a biomarker of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in molluscs


Trần, Thị Kim Anh | Yu, Richard Man Kit | Islam, Rafiquel | Nguyen, Thi Hong Tham | Bui, Thi Lien Ha | Kong, Richard Yuen Chong | O'Connor, Wayne A. | Leusch, Frederic D.L. | Andrew-Priestley, Megan | MacFarlane, Geoff R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Investigating microplastic trophic transfer in marine top predators


National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Predicting criteria continuous concentrations of 34 metals or metalloids by use of quantitative ion character-activity relationships–species sensitivity distributions (QICAR–SSD) model


Mu, Yunsong | Wu, Fengchang | Chen, Cheng | Liu, Yuedan | Zhao, Xiaoli | Haiqing Liao, | Giesy, John P.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of single and combined exposures of gold (nano versus ionic form) and gemfibrozil in a liver organ culture of Sparus aurata


Barreto, A. | Carvalho, A. | Silva, D. | Pinto, E. | Almeida, A. | Paíga, P. | Correira-Sá, L. | Delerue-Matos, C. | Trindade, T. | Soares, A.M.V.M. | Hylland, K. | Loureiro, S. | Oliveira, M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Assessing ecological literacy and its application based on linguistic ecology: a case study of Guiyang City, China


Ha, Changchen | Huang, Guowen | Zhang, Jiaen | Dong, Shumin

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Analysis of Critical Success Factors to Design E-waste Collection Policy in India: A Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach


Siṃha, Śailendra | Dasgupta, Mani Sankar | Routroy, Srikanta

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Ecological perspectives on water, food, and health security linkages: the Minamata case in Japan


Sarker, Ashutosh

National Agricultural Library - United States of America