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Simulated effects of dryland cropping intensification on soil organic matter and greenhouse gas exchanges using the DAYCENT ecosystem model
Del Grosso, S. | Ojima, D. | Parton, W. | Mosier, A. | Peterson, G. | Schimel, D.
We present evidence to show that DAYCENT can reliably simulate soil C levels, crop yields, and annual trace gas fluxes for various soils. DAYCENT was applied to compare the net greenhouse gas fluxes for soils under different land uses. To calculate net greenhouse gas flux we accounted for changes in soil organic C, the C equivalents of N2O emissions and CH4 uptake, and the CO2 costs of N fertilizer production. Model results and data show that dryland soils that are depleted of C due to conventional till winter wheat/fallow cropping can store C upon conversion to no till, by reducing the fallow period, or by reversion to native vegetation. However, model results suggest that dryland agricultural soils will still be net sources of greenhouse gases although the magnitude of the source can be significantly reduced and yields can be increased upon conversion to no till annual cropping.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Measurement of N2O emissions over the whole year is necessary for estimating reliable emission factors
Shang, Ziyin | Abdalla, Mohamed | Kuhnert, Matthias | Albanito, Fabrizio | Zhou, Feng | Xia, Longlong | Smith, Pete
Nitrous oxide emission factors (N₂O-EF, percentage of N₂O–N emissions arising from applied fertilizer N) for cropland emission inventories can vary with agricultural management, soil properties and climate conditions. Establishing a regionally-specific EF usually requires the measurement of a whole year of N₂O emissions, whereas most studies measure N₂O emissions only during the crop growing season, neglecting emissions during non-growing periods. However, the difference in N₂O-EF (ΔEF) estimated using measurements over a whole year (EFwy) and those based on measurement only during the crop-growing season (EFgₛ) has received little attention. Here, we selected 21 studies including both the whole-year and growing-season N₂O emissions under control and fertilizer treatments, to obtain 123 ΔEFs from various agroecosystems globally. Using these data, we conducted a meta-analysis of the ΔEFs by bootstrapping resampling to assess the magnitude of differences in response to management-related and environmental factors. The results revealed that, as expected, the EFwy was significantly greater than the EFgₛ for most crop types. Vegetables showed the largest ΔEF (0.19%) among all crops (0.07%), followed by paddy rice (0.11%). A higher ΔEF was also identified in areas with rainfall ≥600 mm yr⁻¹, soil with organic carbon ≥1.3% and acidic soils. Moreover, fertilizer type, residue management, irrigation regime and duration of the non-growing season were other crucial factors controlling the magnitude of the ΔEFs. We also found that neglecting emissions from the non-growing season may underestimate the N₂O-EF by 30% for paddy fields, almost three times that for non-vegetable upland crops. This study highlights the importance of the inclusion of the non-growing season in the measurements of N₂O fluxes, the compilation of national inventories and the design of mitigation strategies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Glyphosate and AMPA, “pseudo-persistent” pollutants under real-world agricultural management practices in the Mesopotamic Pampas agroecosystem, Argentina
Primost, Jezabel E. | Marino, Damián J.G. | Aparicio, Virginia C. | Costa, José Luis | Carriquiriborde, Pedro
In the Pampas, public concern has strongly risen because of the intensive use of glyphosate for weed control and fallow associated with biotech crops. The present study was aimed to evaluate the occurrence and concentration of the herbicide and its main metabolite (AMPA) in soil and other environmental compartments of the mentioned agroecosystem, including groundwater, in relation to real-world agricultural management practices in the region. Occurrence was almost ubiquitous in solid matrices (83–100%) with maximum concentrations among the higher reported in the world (soil: 8105 and 38939; sediment: 3294 and 7219; suspended particulate matter (SPM): 584 and 475 μg/kg of glyphosate and AMPA). Lower detection frequency was observed in surface water (27–55%) with maximum concentrations in whole water of 1.80 and 1.90 μg/L of glyphosate and AMPA, indicating that SPM analysis would be more sensitive for detection in the aquatic ecosystem. No detectable concentrations of glyphosate or AMPA were observed in groundwater. Glyphosate soil concentrations were better correlated with the total cumulative dose and total number of applications than the last spraying event dose, and an increment of 1 mg glyphosate/kg soil every 5 spraying events was estimated. Findings allow to infer that, under current practices, application rates are higher than dissipation rates. Hence, glyphosate and AMPA should be considered “pseudo-persistent” pollutants and a revisions of management procedures, monitoring programs, and ecological risk for soil and sediments should be also recommended.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Copper in the sediment and sea surface microlayer near a fallowed, open-net fish farm
Loucks, Ronald H. | Smith, Ruth E. | Fisher, Clyde V. | Brian Fisher, E.
Sediment and sea surface microlayer samples near an open-net salmon farm in Nova Scotia, were analysed for copper. Copper is a constituent of the feed and is an active ingredient of anti-foulants. The salmon farm was placed in fallow after 15years of production. Sampling was pursued over 27months. Elevated copper concentrations in the sediments indicated the farm site as a source. Bubble flotation due to gas-emitting sediments from eutrophication is a likely process for accumulating copper in the sea surface microlayer at enriched concentrations. Elevated and enriched concentrations in the sea surface microlayer over distance from the farm site led, as a result of wind-drift, to an enlarged farm footprint. The levels of copper in both sediments and sea surface microlayer exceeded guidelines for protection of marine life. Over the 27months period, copper levels persisted in the sediments and decreased gradually in the sea surface microlayer.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of aquaculture fallowing on the recovery of macrofauna communities
Zhulay, Irina | Reiss, Katrin | Reiss, Henning
The fallowing period is a management measure in aquaculture where the production is paused for a few months to reduce the impact on the benthic environment. We studied the effects of different fallowing periods on the recovery of macrofauna at two salmon farms in Norway. The macrofauna at the farm stations were characterised by high abundances of opportunistic taxa (e.g. Capitella spp.), low diversity and significantly different community structure compared to reference sites. The fallowing initiated macrofauna recovery at both farm stations, indicated by a decline of dominant opportunistic taxa after 2months. Significant changes in taxa composition occurred only after 6months, although indications of disturbance were still evident. Surprisingly, no corresponding spatial or temporal differences were found in the sediment parameters such as redox, TOC and pH. The results suggest that macrofauna is a more sensitive indicator and that the seasonal timing of fallowing may affect recovery dynamics.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of soil improvement technology on soil quality in solar greenhouse
Xiao, Wan-li | Wang, Zhe-xin | Wu, Feng-zhi | Zhou, Xin-gang
Currently, cucumber cultivation is mainly through monoculture, as continuous culture leads to the decrease of crop yield and soil quality. In order to improve soil quality to achieve continuous monocultures, soil physicochemical properties, microbial biomass, content of phenolic compounds, and the size of bacterial, fungal, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and Fusarium oxysporum were first evaluated in cucumber monoculture solar greenhouse. Soil improvement technology, including catch wheat (CW), calcium cyanamide disinfection (LN), and straw reactor technology (SR) during summer fallow period, was compared with conventional fallow (CK). Results showed that CW, LN, and SR all significantly increased soil pH, and LN and SR increased soil electrical conductivity (EC); however, CW decreased soil EC. Meanwhile, LN increased soil available N content significantly and SR increased available P content significantly. CW had negative effect on the accumulation of soil available nutrients, conversely, CW and SR had positive effect on the accumulation of microbial biomass carbon (MBC). All the treatments increased the total phenol content in the soil compared with CK. While CW increased the size of bacteria, AOB in the soil inhibited fungal and wilt pathogen size. LN also increased the size of soil bacteria and reduced the size of fungi. The comprehensive evaluation of all treatments showed that CW could control soil nutrient loss and improve the continuous cropping soil, making the soil transform from fungi to bacteria type. All the treatments accelerate the accumulation of phenolic compound, while whether or not developing autotoxicity requires further investigation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Eco-compensation in China: achievement, experience, and improvement
Jiangyi, Liu | Shiquan, Dou
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) provide innovative solutions for global environmental governance. China, the largest developing country, always faces severe ecological and environmental problems. China created an eco-compensation mechanism that combines the PES mechanism with the government’s standardized management, which has achieved remarkable results. Government-led, social participation, and market-oriented operation are its main characteristics. More importantly, the mechanism helps China achieve its anti-poverty goals. Part of its experiences has been transformed into formal institutions, i.e., farmland fallow and rotation policies. However, some problems have also plagued further development, such as the lack of environmental property rights, the single source of funds, and the shortage of standardized ecological value assessment technology. We suggest that it is necessary to improve the stability of China’s eco-compensation mechanism. The achievement of China’s eco-compensation mechanism provides helpful guidance for other developing countries. For example, it is enhancing the role of government administrative power and the flexibility of the system through the policy “sandbox,” i.e., the policy pilot, encouraging the participation of multi-stakeholder groups, and so on. Last but most important, the policy and institutions must be closely integrated with the nation’s state for it to be sustainable.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mulberry trees conserved soil and protected water quality in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
Liu, Yun | Willison, J. H Martin | Wan, Pan | Xiong, Xing-zheng | Ou, Yang | Huang, Xiao-hui | Wu, Jingchun | Zhou, Hao | Xu, Qiao | Chen, Guohui | Xili, Yuanzi | Nie, Jiasheng
China's Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) was designed to restore perennial plant cover on sloping land in western China, in part to protect the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). In this study, we examined use of white mulberry (Morus alba L.) in the SLCP to protect water quality and conserve soil. We established nine runoff monitoring plots divided among three categories (vegetable farming, fallow control, and mulberry plantation) on a bank of the Liangtan River situated at the western margin of the TGR. The land had been used previously by farmers for growing vegetables. We found that soil loss and surface water runoff were lowest in the mulberry plots and highest in the vegetable plots. We used inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) to assess the concentration of selected heavy metal pollution indicators (Zn, Hg, As, Ni, Pb, Cr, Cd, and Cu) in the monitoring plot soils at the beginning of the experiment in May 2009. The heavy metals were assessed again at the end of the experiment in October 2012, and we found that the concentrations of these pollutants had been reduced in all fallow and mulberry plots, and to the greatest extent in the mulberry plots. We found that levels of Hg, Pb, and Cu increased in the vegetable plots. For these reasons, we conclude that riparian mulberry plantations are useful for reducing rapid runoff of storm water, conserving soil, and sequestering heavy metal pollutants in the TGR region.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Removal of alachlor in anoxic soil slurries and related alteration of the active communities
Lauga, Béatrice | Girardin, Nicolas | Karama, Solange | Le Ménach, Karyn | Budzinski, Hélène | Duran, Robert
Despite the implication of anaerobic soil communities in important functions related to C and N biogeochemical cycles, their responses to pesticides are rarely assessed. This study focused on the impact of alachlor, a chloroacetanilide herbicide, on two agricultural soils differing in their land use (fallow and corn-cultivated) in order to investigate the potential adaptation of anaerobic or facultative anaerobic soil microorganisms from fields with long history of herbicide use. The experiment was performed by developing slurries in anoxic conditions over 47 days. Changes in the community structure assessed through terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S rRNA genes clearly showed a shift in the bacterial community of the cultivated soil, whereas the modification of the microbial community of the fallow soil was delayed. In addition, the analysis of alachlor degradation capacities of the two anaerobic communities indicated that 99 % of alachlor was removed in anoxic slurries of cultivated soil. Both these results suggested the preexistence of microorganisms in the cultivated soil able to respond promptly to the pesticide exposure. The composition of the anaerobic active community determined by 16S rRNA transcript analysis was mainly composed of strictly anaerobic Clostridia and the facultative anaerobe Bacilli classes. Some genera, described for their role in herbicide biodegradation were active in alachlor-treated slurries, whereas others were no longer detected. Finally, this study highlights, when triggered, the important diversity of the anaerobic community in soil.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Year-round film mulching system with monitored fertilization management improve grain yield and water and nitrogen use efficiencies of winter wheat in the dryland of the Loess Plateau, China
Li, Tingliang | Xie, Yinghe | Gao, Zhiqiang | Hong, Jianping | Li, Li | Meng, Huisheng | Ma, Hongmei | Jia, Junxiang
Year-round film mulching in winter wheat field facilitates rainwater storage in summer fallow period and reduces water evaporation in growing reason, and then increases water use efficiency in the dryland of the Loess Plateau, China. Optimized fertilization further promotes fertilizer utilization efficiencies. In this study, plastic film mulching was extended from plant growth season to summer fallow, and fertilizers were applied by monitoring soil nutrient availability. Field trials were conducted in the dryland of the Loess Plateau over 4 years by using four types of cultivation to investigate the effects of year-round plastic film mulching with monitored fertilization on utilization efficiencies of rainwater and nitrogen (N), and winter wheat yield. The four types of cultivation were farmer practice (FP), ridge-furrow with plastic film mulching system plus conventional fertilization(RPCF), ridge-furrow with plastic film mulching system plus monitored fertilization (RPFM), and flat soil surface with plastic film mulching system plus monitored fertilization (FPFM). Our results indicate that the average yield of winter wheat in RPFM and FPFM treatments was 4491 kg ha⁻¹. Compared with FP treatment, the combined effects of monitored fertilization and film mulching(RPFM and FPFM treatments) could increase grain yield in the range of 24.7 to 42.1%. The film mulching extended to the fallow season increased the water storage in 2 m depth of soil profile, and the amount of soil water storage in the summer fallow period increased by 27 to 30% in FPFM treatment than FP treatment. After 4-year consecutive planting of wheat, the accumulation of nitrate-N in 2 m soil reached 277 kg·ha⁻¹ in the FP treatment, which is 87.7% higher than of the level at the beginning of the experiment. Seventy-five percent of nitrate-N was distributed in the soil layer of 0–120 cm. In addition, the residual nitrate-N showed downward leaching with rainfall during the experiment. The RPFM and FPFM treatments reduced the apparent loss and residual levels of soil N, whereas increased its apparent mineralization compared with FP treatment. The FPFM treatment exhibited a greater utilization of residual nitrate-N from previous years and showed a higher amount of the mineralized N from soil organic matter, therefore leading to a relatively high apparent utilization rate of N (56.7%). Considering both grain yield production and utilization efficiencies of water and N, FPFM with year-round mulching was the most effective cultivation measure for winter wheat in the Loess Plateau.
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