AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

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Resultados 1-10 de 1,790

Seasonal Variation and Spatial Distribution of Uranium in Sources of Water in Tonk District of Rajasthan, India


Bairwa, Avinash | Gupta, Ashok | Mishra, Vivek | Sahoo, Sunil | Tiwar, Shailesh | Menaria, Tejpal | Gupta, Kalpana

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Uranium in Groundwater: Distribution and Plausible Chemo-Radiological Health Risks Owing to the Long-term Consumption of Groundwater of Panchkula, Haryana, India


Tanwer, Naresh | Anand, Poonam | Batra, Neha | Kant, Krishan | Gautam, Yogender | Sahoo, Sunil

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Analytical Solutions for Solute Transport from two-point Sources along Porous Media Flow with Spatial Dispersity involving Flexible Boundary Inputs, initial Distributions and Zero-order Productions


Tjock-Mbaga, Thomas | Ele Abiama, Patrice | Ema'a Ema'a, Jean Marie | Ben-Bolie, Germain Hubert

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution of Snow and Groundwater on the Territory of Suburban Community Garden Plots of the Arkhangelsk Agglomeration (Northwest Russia)


Yakovlev, Evgeny | Zykova, Elena | Zykov, Sergey | Druzhinina, Anna | Ivanchenko, Nikolay

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Assessment of Groundwater Based Public Drinking Water Supply System of Kamrup District, Assam, India using a Modified Water Quality Index


Goswami, Jayanta | Bhattacharjya, Rajib Kumar

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Assessment of Salinity Hazard of Irrigation Water Quality in Monsoon Season of Batiaghata Upazila, Khulna District, Bangladesh and adaptation strategies


Shammi, Mashura | Karmakar, Bikash | Rahman, Md. | Islam, Md | Rahaman, Rashadur | Uddin, Khabir

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Radioactivity analysis in underground drinking water sources in Niger State University of Nigeria


Njinga, Raymond | Ibrahim, Viva | Ishoryiyi, Ibiale

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) in River Water and Groundwater along Bharathapuzha River Basin, India


Kanjiyangat, Vivek

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Characterization of Groundwater and Distribution of Fluoride in the Eastern Region of the Algerian Northern Sahara (Ouargla)


Abdellaoui, Aicha | Baouia, Kais | Saggai, Sofiane

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Assessment of groundwater and surface water pollution by hazardous metals, using multivariate analysis and metal pollution index around the old Sidi Kamber mine, NE Algeria


khelfaoui, malika | Benaissa, Amina | Kherraf, Sihem | Madjram, Mohamed Salah | Bouras, Ibtissem | Mehri, karima

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)