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Seasonal Variation and Spatial Distribution of Uranium in Sources of Water in Tonk District of Rajasthan, India
Bairwa, Avinash | Gupta, Ashok | Mishra, Vivek | Sahoo, Sunil | Tiwar, Shailesh | Menaria, Tejpal | Gupta, Kalpana
This study was undertaken to evaluate concentration of Uranium (U) in the drinking water of the Tonk district of Rajasthan (India). The main objective of the study is to determine the distribution of Uranium concentration and the geochemical behavior of Uranium in pre-monsoon (PRM) and post-monsoon (POM) drinking water samples. Uranium was measured by LED fluorimeter. Total 318 drinking water samples were collected for both seasons. It is observed that the water quality of all the samples is within the limits prescribed by WHO (30 µg/L) except a few, and can be used for domestic purposes. The Uranium concentration was found to be in the range 0.21 to 173.72 µg/L with a mean value of 8.58 µg/L in pre-monsoon and 0.21 to 162.34 µg/L with a mean value of 11.22 µg/L in post-monsoon samples. The geochemistry of the study area shows rock-water interaction. The order of average anionic concentration is found to be HCO3 – > Cl – > SO4 2– > NO3 –. Although no definite trend of seasonal variation in the concentration of U was observed, large samples have higher Uranium concentrations in post-monsoon than pre-monsoon.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Uranium in Groundwater: Distribution and Plausible Chemo-Radiological Health Risks Owing to the Long-term Consumption of Groundwater of Panchkula, Haryana, India
Tanwer, Naresh | Anand, Poonam | Batra, Neha | Kant, Krishan | Gautam, Yogender | Sahoo, Sunil
A comprehensive investigation was engaged to determine the spatial distribution of Uranium (U) and the consequential chemical and radiological health risk associated due to the consumption of groundwater containing U, in Panchkula district. A well-accepted technique of fluorescence of U estimation in an aqueous medium was employed having a detection limit of 0.50 µgL-1. The chemo-radiological health risk and water quality index was computed using a standard equation of concerned agencies to determine the suitability for human health. The concentration of U was observed to vary from 1.70 – 12.28 µgL-1 with the mean value of 5.89 µgL-1 The concentration of U was far below the standard prescribed limits as per World Health Organisation, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, and United Nation Environmental Protection Agency. Except nitrate and total alkalinity in few samples, all water quality paramters were within the recommended limit of BIS. The annual effective dose (AED), excess cancer risk (ECR), and lifetime average daily dose (LADD) indicated no potential health issue due to the consumption of groundwater of studied locations. The correlation was computed between U and various macro-anions and cations present in water samples. U was observed to have a significant weak positive correlation with total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), and salinity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analytical Solutions for Solute Transport from two-point Sources along Porous Media Flow with Spatial Dispersity involving Flexible Boundary Inputs, initial Distributions and Zero-order Productions
Tjock-Mbaga, Thomas | Ele Abiama, Patrice | Ema'a Ema'a, Jean Marie | Ben-Bolie, Germain Hubert
This study derives an analytical solution of a one-dimensional (1-D) Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE) for solute transport with two contaminant sources incorporating the source term. Groundwater velocity is considered as a linear function of space while the dispersion as a nth power of velocity and analytical solutions are obtained for , and . The solution is derived using the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) with a new regular Sturm-Liouville Problem (SLP). Analytical solutions are compared with numerical solutions obtained in MATLAB pedpe solver and are found to be in good agreement. The obtained solutions are illustrated for linear combination of exponential input distribution and its particular cases. The dispersion coefficient and temporal variation of the source term on the solute distribution are demonstrated graphically for the set of input data based on similar data available in the literature. As an illustration, model predictions are used to estimate the time histories of the radiological doses of uranium at different distances from the sources boundary in order to understand the potential radiological impact on the general public for such problem.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution of Snow and Groundwater on the Territory of Suburban Community Garden Plots of the Arkhangelsk Agglomeration (Northwest Russia)
Yakovlev, Evgeny | Zykova, Elena | Zykov, Sergey | Druzhinina, Anna | Ivanchenko, Nikolay
The article presents the results of a study of heavy metals in snow and groundwater within the industrially developed Arkhangelsk agglomeration, which is the largest among urban formations in the Arctic zone of Russia. This article describes the results of research on the territories of three suburban community garden plots used by residents of the cities of the Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk and Novodvinsk agglomeration for recreation, growing fruits and vegetables, picking wild berries and mushrooms, and short-term residence. In groundwater samples taken from wells, the average concentrations of heavy metals decrease in the following order: Fe > Mn > Zn > Cr > Ni > Cu > Ti > V > Pb > U > As > Co > Mo > Sb > Cd. A comparison of metal concentrations in groundwater with WHO and SanPiN standards showed that only Fe and Mn exceeded the permissible limits, for the rest of the studied metals, the concentrations were significantly below the permissible limits. The study of heavy metals in the snow showed a similar order of decrease in concentrations to groundwater and total concentrations of soluble metal fractions. This fact indicates the migration of heavy metals into groundwater after the spring snowmelt and the fact the main source of groundwater pollution is the atmospheric channel. According to the values of the total areal pollution of the snow cover with heavy metals, the most polluted are suburban garden plots in the area of the Arkhangelsk city – 216.91 mg/m2. The results of the principal component analysis showed that the main sources of snow cover pollution with heavy metals in the suburban areas of the Arkhangelsk agglomeration were thermal power plants, machine-building and metallurgical plants, a solid waste landfill, and vehicles. The calculation of the heavy metal pollution index for water did not reveal a significant anthropogenic impact. However, the indices assessing the amount of metals (heavy metal evaluation index), toxicity (heavy metal toxicity load), non-carcinogenic risk (hazard index), and carcinogenic risk indicate a high level of heavy metal pollution of the studied waters, as well as the unsuitability of groundwater and melted snow as drinking water. Metals such as Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, and Pb make the greatest contribution to the quality indices of the studied waters.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of Groundwater Based Public Drinking Water Supply System of Kamrup District, Assam, India using a Modified Water Quality Index
Goswami, Jayanta | Bhattacharjya, Rajib Kumar
This work aims to assess the Water Quality Index (WQI) of the groundwater-based public drinking water supply system of Kamrup District (Rural) of Assam, India. For assessing WQI, water samples have been collected, both raw water and treated water, from seventy-eight public drinking water supply projects over the district for comprehensive physicochemical analysis. The WQI was calculated based on the weightage derived from the literature survey and based on the doctors’ weightage. The derived WQI showed that the water quality falls from poor to very poor quality. However, the concentration of the water quality parameters except Iron, Fluoride, and Manganese are within the permissible limit in all the water supply projects. It shows that the WQI calculated based on the weightage derived, as stated above, is not displaying the actual water quality of the supplied water. As such, a modified method is proposed to calculate the WQI of the supplied water considering the permissible limit of the parameters in deriving the weightage for the parameters. The WQI values calculated using the modified method falls in the range of good water quality to poor water quality and shows the true water quality of the supplied water. The statistical analysis of the water quality parameters and WQI shows that the WQI has a very high correlation with Manganese with a coefficient of correlation value of 0.86, followed by 0.4 with Chloride and 0.34 with Fluoride.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of Salinity Hazard of Irrigation Water Quality in Monsoon Season of Batiaghata Upazila, Khulna District, Bangladesh and adaptation strategies
Shammi, Mashura | Karmakar, Bikash | Rahman, Md. | Islam, Md | Rahaman, Rashadur | Uddin, Khabir
Batiaghata Upazila, Khulna District in south-west coastal region of Bangladesh is the mostly saline affected area, where agriculture activities are mainly dependent on rainfall. 23 water samples from surface water and shallow tube well (STW) were collected in the monsoon season and analyzed for physico-chemical properties to classify them according to salinity hazard. Electrical Conductivity (EC) of both surface and groundwater samples were slightly higher than that of acceptable limit ( Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ in both surface and groundwater while the anions trend in both surface and groundwater of the study area were Cl¯ > SO42¯ > PO43¯. EC and TDS showed high positive correlation with Na+, K+ and Ca2+ with Cl¯ as confirmed from Correlation Matrix and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Most of the STW water samples compared to the surface water had higher Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP) values while Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) indicated the surface water and ground water with low sodium hazard. The Kelly’s ratio of STW water is more subjected to sodium hazard compared to surface water in the study area.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Radioactivity analysis in underground drinking water sources in Niger State University of Nigeria
Njinga, Raymond | Ibrahim, Viva | Ishoryiyi, Ibiale
The activity concentration of gross alpha and gross beta particles in four samples of borehole drinking water consumed in Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University (IBBU), Lapai, Niger State-Nigeria was measured, using a portable single channel gas free proportional counter (MPC2000B-DP) detector. This study focused on cancer related problems and the bio-data of the environment was discussed as well as the radiological effect of the water on consumers. Higher concentration of alpha and beta were observed in Hostel block A (DD) with values of 0.085 0.024 and 11.229 0.901 BqL-1, respectively. However, lower concentration of alpha and beta particles were observed in the Faculty of Management Science (AA) with values of 0.006 0.005 and 0.001 0.276 BqL-1, respectively. Out of the four sampling sites studied, only the Faculty of Management Science fall below the guideline levels of gross alpha (0.5 BqL-1) and gross beta (1.0 BqL-1) in drinking water, established by the World Health Organization. These results show that, consumption of groundwater from the other three major borehole sources, may pose significant radiological health hazards to the population.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) in River Water and Groundwater along Bharathapuzha River Basin, India
Kanjiyangat, Vivek
Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are widely used in industrial and commercial applications, leading to their release into the environment. The rapid industrialization and growing population in India make it a suitable case study to investigate PFOS contamination in environmental matrices. The purpose of this study is to investigate PFOS concentrations in river water and groundwater from several locations along the Bharathapuzha river basin and estimate PFOS intakes through drinking water. The highest PFOS level detected in the surface water is 1.3 ng/L and groundwater is 1.0 ng/L, which is significantly lower than the level of PFOS detected in major rivers of many developed countries. It is possible to attribute the low PFOS concentration to factors such as high annual precipitation, reduced industrial and municipal wastewater discharge, and relatively low emissions per capita in a region where agriculture is a major part of the economy. In addition, the daily intake of PFOS through drinking water in all age groups was below the safety threshold for cancer risk.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Characterization of Groundwater and Distribution of Fluoride in the Eastern Region of the Algerian Northern Sahara (Ouargla)
Abdellaoui, Aicha | Baouia, Kais | Saggai, Sofiane
In the eastern region of the Algerian Northern Sahara, the groundwater is the only resource for drinking water supply and irrigation. This study aimed to assess the physical-chemical quality of groundwater with exposition of the fluoride distribution in the eastern region of Algeria taking as case study Ouargla area. The sampling campaign was carried out in such a way to cover the exploited aquifers (Miopliocene and Senonian). Water temperature, pH, conductivity, hardness, alkalinity, principal ions (Sodium, Potassium Calcium, Magnesium, Bicarbonates, Nitrates, Sulfates, and Chlorides) and the fluoride content in the groundwater were measured and determined. Examination and validation of obtained results were by the use ionic balance method and the hydrochemical analysis by Piper, Stabler and Richards diagrams. The obtained results of our study show that the groundwater of the Ouargla area presents a chlorinated sodium and potassium facies. Moreover, the groundwater quality in the study area is of poor quality; it is hard and characterized by very high mineralization, The Richards' diagram indicates that the groundwater of the study area are unsuitable for irrigation. The spatial distribution of fluoride ions in groundwater of the terminal complex shows that fluoride levels in Ouargla exceed the World Health Organization standard.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of groundwater and surface water pollution by hazardous metals, using multivariate analysis and metal pollution index around the old Sidi Kamber mine, NE Algeria
khelfaoui, malika | Benaissa, Amina | Kherraf, Sihem | Madjram, Mohamed Salah | Bouras, Ibtissem | Mehri, karima
In order to evaluate the impact on water quality of the abandoned Sidi Kamber mine in Skikda, NE Algeria, Pb, Zn, Cd, Fe, Cu, Mn and Ni metals were collected at surface water and groundwater, from twenty eight sites located near the mine. Conventional hydrochemical methods, heavy metal pollution index (HPI) and multivariate statistical analysis techniques: correlation matrix (CM), principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were used. Surface water results show that El-Souk River has a high level of pollution, but Guenitra dam water is less contaminated. Regarding the groundwater results, the wells and springs are not suitable for drinking. The overall quality estimated by HPI values of surface and groundwater are poor; they may pose a potential health risk to the local population. The PCA and HCA suggest that surface water and groundwater are contaminated by two sources: anthropogenic and natural. According to the obtained results, surface water and groundwater pollution state of this area raises serious concerns about health and environment.
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