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Biodegradation of 17α-ethinylestradiol by heterotrophic bacteria
Larcher, Simone | Yargeau, Viviane
The presence of the synthetic estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in the environment is of increasing concern due to the endocrine disruption of aquatic organisms. Incomplete removal from wastewater (WW) is one of the main sources of EE2 in aquatic ecosystems, thus improving processes like biological WW treatment/activated sludge (AS) is becoming significantly important. There are opposing results regarding EE2 biodegradability by AS; one discrepancy is the efficacy of heterotrophic bacteria. This research demonstrated the ability of heterotrophs commonly present in AS (B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa, P. putida, R. equi, R. erythropolis, R. rhodochrous, R. zopfii) to remove EE2. R. rhodochrous was the most successful with no detectable EE2 after 48 h; the other bacteria achieved 21%–61% EE2 removal. No additive or synergistic effects were observed due to the combination of the bacterial cultures with maximum EE2 removals of 43% after 300 h.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Dissolved organic matter does not promote glyphosate degradation in auto-heterotrophic aquatic microbial communities
Artigas, Joan | Batisson, Isabelle | Carles, Louis
Environmental dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been proved to increase microbial population sizes and stimulate the degradation of some pesticide molecules. Among these molecules, the present study investigated the biodegradation of the herbicide glyphosate depending on photoautotrophs DOM supply in a microbial consortium isolated from river biofilms. Degradation experiments in the laboratory were performed in dark and light conditions, as well as after antibiotic supply, in order to characterize the eventual interactions between photoautotrophs and heterotrophs activity during glyphosate degradation. Fifty percent of the initial concentration of glyphosate (0.6 mM) was transformed into aminomethyl phosphonic acid (AMPA) after 9 days in presence or absence of light. Accordingly, the photoautotrophic DOM supply was not stimulating glyphosate degradation by microbial heterotrophs. This lack of response was probably explained by the low net primary production values and weak dissolved organic carbon production recorded in light treatments. The supply of the antibiotic drastically stopped glyphosate transformation demonstrating the central role of bacteria in the biodegradation of the herbicide. Glyphosate also modified the structure of prokaryotes assemblages in the consortium by increasing the relative abundances of Alphaproteobacteria and slightly decreasing those of Gammaproteobacteria. The chemoorganotrophic bacteria Phenylobacterium sp. (Alphaproteobacteria) was related to the transformation of glyphosate in our microbial consortium. The present study highlights the complexity of microbial interactions between photoautotrophs and heterotrophs in microbial assemblages that can contribute to the degradation of pesticides present in aquatic environments.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Metabolic diversity of the heterotrophic microorganisms and potential link to pollution of the Rouge River
Tiquia, S.M.
The heterotrophic microbial communities of the Rouge River were tracked using Biolog Ecoplates to understand the metabolic diversity at different temporal and spatial scales, and potential link to river pollution. Site less impacted by anthrophogenic sources (site 1), showed markedly lower metabolic diversity. The only substrates that were utilized in the water samples were carbohydrates. Sites more impacted by anthrophogenic sources (sites 8 and 9) showed higher metabolic diversity. Higher functional diversity was linked to the physico-chemical and biological properties of the water samples (i.e. higher concentrations of DO, DOC, chlorophyll, and bacterial density). Biolog analysis was found to be useful in differentiating metabolic diversity between microbial communities; in determining factors that most influence the separation of communities; and in identifying which substrates were most utilized by the communities. It can also be used as an effective ecological indicator of changes in river function attributable to urbanization and pollution.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Simultaneous energy harvest and nitrogen removal using a supercapacitor microbial fuel cell
Cai, Teng | Jiang, Nan | Zhen, Guangyin | Meng, Lijun | Song, Jialing | Chen, Gang | Liu, Yanbiao | Huang, Manhong
The insufficient removal of pollutants and bioelectricity production have become a bottleneck for high-concentration saline wastewater treatment through microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology. Herein, a novel supercapacitor MFC (SC-MFC) was constructed with carbon nanofibers composite electrodes to investigate pollutant removal ability, power generation, and electrochemical properties using real landfill leachate. The possible extracellular electron transfer and nitrogen element conversion pathways in the bioanode were also analyzed. Results showed that the SC-MFC had higher pollutant removal rates (COD: 59.4 ± 1.2%; NH₄⁺-N: 78.2 ± 1.6%; and TN: 77.8 ± 1.2%), smaller internal impedance Rₜ (∼6 Ω), higher exchange current density i₀ (2.1 × 10⁻⁴ A cm⁻²), and a larger catalytic current j₀ (704 μA cm⁻²) with 60% leachate than those with 10% and 20% leachate, resulting in a power output of 298 ± 22 mW m⁻². Ammonium could be incorporated by chemoautotrophic bacteria to produce organic compounds that could be further utilized by heterotrophs to generate power when biodegradable organic matters are depleted. Three conversion pathways of nitrogen might be involved, including NH₄⁺ diffusion from anode to cathode chamber, nitrification, and the denitrification process. Additionally, cyclic voltammetry tests showed that both the direct electron transfer (DET) and the mediator electron transfer in bioanode were involved and dominated by DET. The microbial analysis revealed that the bioanode was dominated by salt-tolerant denitrifying bacteria (38.5%), which was deduced to be the key functional microorganism. The electrochemically active bacteria decreased significantly from 61.7% to 4% over three stages of leachate treatment. Overall, the SC-MFC has demonstrated the potential for wastewater treatment along with energy harvesting and provides a new avenue toward sustainable leachate management.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Silver stress differentially affects growth of phototrophic and heterotrophic chrysomonad flagellate populations
Böck, Christina | Zimmermann, Sonja | Beisser, Daniela | Dinglinger, Sarah-Maria | Engelskirchen, Simone | Giesemann, Philipp | Klink, Saskia | Olefeld, Jana Laura | Rahmann, Sven | Vos, Matthijs | Boenigk, Jens | Sures, Bernd
Silver ions are among the predominant anthropogenic introduced pollutants in aquatic systems. As silver has effects on species at all trophic levels the community composition in aquatic habitats can be changed as a result of silver stress. The response of planktonic protists to environmental stressors is particularly important as they act both as producers and consumers in complex planktonic communities. Chrysomonad flagellates are of major interest, since this group includes heterotrophic, mixotrophic and phototrophic taxa, and therefore allows analysis of silver stress in organisms with contrasting nutritional strategies independent of a potential taxonomic bias. In a series of lab experiments, we compared the response of different trophic chrysophyte strains to low (5 μg L⁻¹), medium (10 μg L⁻¹) and high (20 μg L⁻¹) nominal Ag concentrations in combination with changes in temperature and light intensity (phototrophs), temperature and food concentration (heterotrophs), or a combination of the above settings (mixotrophs). All tested strains were negatively affected by silver in their growth rates. The phototrophic strains reacted strongly to silver stress, whereas light intensity and temperature had only minor effects on growth rates. For heterotrophic strains, high food concentration toned down the effect of silver, whereas temperatures outside the growth optimum had a combined stress effect. The mixotrophic strains reacted differently depending on whether their nutritional mode was dominated by heterotrophy or by phototrophy. The precise response pattern across all variables was uniquely different for every single species we tested. The present work contributes to a deeper understanding of the effects of environmental stressors on complex planktonic communities. It indicates that silver will negatively impact planktonic communities and may create shifts in their composition and functioning.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Dinoflagellates cyst assemblage concerning trophic index for eutrophication from major ports along the west coast of India
Rodrigues, R.V. | Patil, J.S. | Anil, A.C.
An overview of dinoflagellates cysts assemblage is presented as a trophic index for three monsoon-influenced estuarine and marine ports along the Indian coast. The cyst distribution (including harmful species) showed a trend of highest abundance and species number in highly eutrophicated estuarine (Cochin-south) followed by medium (New-Mangalore-central) and low (Kandla-north) levels of eutrophicated marine ports. The investigation revealed four new species in the region (Bitectatodinium spongium, Gonyaulax elongatum, Brigantedinium sp. and potential harmful species Blixaea quinquecornis-cyst similar to planktonic). Autotrophs dominance in the highly productive Cochin and New-Mangalore ports reveals that, in eutrophic systems, heterotrophs need not always be dominant. The indicator taxa (Polykrikos, Protoperidnium, and Lingulodinium) presence in high density indicated a eutrophic system. This study concludes cyst (species numbers/Fisher-α index/indicator species) as potential eutrophication proxies and emphasizes greater harmful-algal-bloom risks in the high trophic-index ports (Cochin and New-Mangalore).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Primary production in the Saudi coastal waters of the Arabian Gulf
Qurban, Mohammed A.
The Arabian Gulf is a warm (summer SST > 30 °C) and hypersaline (salinity > 40 psu at any time) marginal sea of the Indian Ocean. This paper reports on a 3-year study of seasonal and spatial changes of primary production and associated physico-chemical and biological parameters in the coastal waters of Saudi Arabia in the western Arabian Gulf. The primary production rates were low and yet showed a seasonality, with a major spring peak and a minor autumn peak, and a possible significant role for heterotrophs. While the strong relationships between the net changes of carbon uptake and nutrients between seasons showed a control of primary production by the availability of nutrients, the decrease in primary production between spring and summer when nutrients continued to increase suggests that the primary production at this time could have been controlled by higher ambient temperatures and intensities of incident light.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Role of intertidal microbial communities in carbon dioxide sequestration and pollutant removal: A review
Mandal, Abhishek | Dutta, Ahana | Das, Reshmi | Mukherjee, Joydeep
Intertidal microbial communities occur as biofilms or microphytobenthos (MPB) which are sediment-attached assemblages of bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, diatoms embedded in extracellular polymeric substances. Despite their global occurrence, they have not been reviewed in light of their structural and functional characteristics. This paper reviews the importance of such microbial communities and their importance in carbon dioxide sequestration as well as pollutant bioremediation. Global annual benthic microalgal productivity was 500 million tons of carbon, 50% of which contributed towards the autochthonous carbon fixation in the estuaries. Primary production by MPB was 27–234 gCm⁻²y⁻¹ in the estuaries of Asia, Europe and the United States. Mechanisms of heavy metal removal remain to be tested in intertidal communities. Cyanobacteria facilitate hydrocarbon degradation in intertidal biofilms and microbial mats by supporting the associated sulfate-reducing bacteria and aerobic heterotrophs. Physiological cooperation between the microorganisms in intertidal communities imparts enhanced ability to utilize polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pollutants by these microorganisms than mono-species communities. Future research may be focused on biochemical characteristics of intertidal mats and biofilms, pollutant-microbial interactions and ecosystem influences.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Insights into the Effect of Sludge Retention Times on System Performance, Microbial Structure and Quorum Sensing in an Activated Sludge Bioreactor
Li, Tianle | Li, Bo | Sun, Yuepeng | Wu, Guangxue
Effects of sludge retention times (SRTs) on system performance, microbial structure and quorum sensing in an activated sludge bioreactor were investigated. SRTs significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.05) affected the total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) removal. Significant (Tukey's HSD, p < 0.05) higher TIN removal efficiency was achieved at the SRT of 5 days (72.3%) than at SRTs of 15 (71.3%) and 25 (67.7%) days, respectively. This could be partially explained by the effect of SRT on the sludge properties, abundance of denitrifying bacterium and genes, and quorum sensing (QS) signals (e.g., N‐acyl‐L‐homoserine lactones (AHLs)). Specifically, a short SRT resulted in a high protein content in tightly bound extracellular polymeric substances (TEPS), which could be an indicator for compact sludge structure. Furthermore, denitrifying bacterium including Candidatus Competibacter, Thauera and Zoogloea and denitrifying genes including napAB, nirS, norB and nosZ were enriched at a short SRT. Moreover, N-decanoyl-L-homoserine lactone and N-3-(oxododecanoyl)-homoserine lactone were the dominating AHLs in the water, EPS and biomass phases of activated sludge and a particular high content of these AHLs was found in sludge at a short SRT. Based on the metagenomic results, functional microorganisms carried both nitrogen metabolism genes and AHLs synthesis genes, allowing their interactions with other autotrophs or heterotrophs through nitrogen conversion and QS signal exchange. Identification of QS and its possible roles in activated sludge systems under different operational conditions may provide potential strategies through QS regulation for enhancing system performance and microbial aggregation capability.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Acid phosphatase activity in freshwater ecosystems of western Cuba and its relationship with water quality
Larrea-Murrell, Jeny Adina | Romeu-Alvarez, Beatriz | Lugo-Moya, Daysi | Rojas-Badía, Marcia María
Enzyme activity plays an important role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. It is sensitive to changes in environmental conditions such as pH, temperature, and nutrient concentration. The objective of this work was to determine the acid phosphatase activity (AcPA) in the Almendares and San Juan rivers (western Cuba) and its relationship with physicochemical and microbiological indicators. For this purpose, AcPA, temperature, pH, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, concentration of nitrates, nitrites, ammonium, phosphates, total heterotrophs, enterococci, Escherichia coli, thermotolerant coliforms, chlorophyll a, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were determined at three sampling stations on the Almendares River and at three sampling stations on the San Juan River. In addition, the nutrient pollution index (NPI) and the N:P ratio were calculated. In both ecosystems, spatio-temporal variability was observed in the enzymatic activity. In the Almendares River (polluted ecosystem), AcPA was positively correlated with nitrate concentration and COD, while in the San Juan River (slightly contaminated ecosystem), the AcPA correlated negatively with the pH and NPI and positively with the concentrations of total heterotrophs, Escherichia coli, chlorophyll a, and the N:P ratio. These results show the impact of anthropogenic pollution on AcPA in freshwater ecosystems with a tropical climate.
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