[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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[History of the "Control of air pollution society"] | Historique de l'APPA [Association pour la Prevention de la Pollution Atmospherique]
Sommer, M. (Association pour la Prevention de la Pollution Atmospherique, Paris (France))
Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France
Effects of air pollutants on mineral nutrition of Norway spruce and revitalization of declining stands in Austria
Katzensteiner, K. (Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur, Vienna (Austria). Inst. of Forest Ecology) | Glatzel, G. | Kazda, M. | Sterba, H.
Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands
The vegetation of the Fichtelgebirge: Origin, site conditions, and present status
Reif, A.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
Electricity in flux: sociotechnical change in the Dutch electricity system, 1970-2000
Hofman, P.S. | Marquart, N.E
Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands
Modulation of sociotechnical change as climate change challenge
Arentsen, M.J. | Eberg, J.W.
Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands
Ocean-climate variability and sea level in the North Atlantic region since AD 0
Plassche, O. van de
Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands