AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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New insights into particle-bound trace elements in surface snow, Eastern Tien Shan, China


Huang, Ju | Wu, Guangjian | Zhang, Xuelei | Zhang, Chenglong

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The prevalence of toxic hotspots in former Soviet countries


Sharov, P. O. (Petr O.) | Dowling, Russell | Gogishvili, Megi | Jones, Barbara | Caravanos, Jack | McCartor, Andrew | Kashdan, Zachary | Fuller, Richard

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Environmental Kuznets curve revisit in Central Asia: the roles of urbanization and renewable energy


Zhang, Shun

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Organochlorine pesticides in placenta in Kyrgyzstan and the effect on pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn health


Toichuev, Rakhmanbek Mamatkadyrovich | Zhilova, Liudmila Victorovna | Paizildaev, Timur Rashidinovich | Khametova, Madina Shavkatovna | Rakhmatillaev, Abdygapar | Sakibaev, Kyialbek Sherikbaevich | Madykova, Zhanyl Akhmedovna | Toichueva, Asel Uezbekovna | Schlumpf, M. (Margret) | Weber, Roland | Lichtensteiger, W. (Walter)

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Assessment and review of organochlorine pesticide pollution in Kyrgyzstan


Toichuev, Rakhmanbek Mamatkadyrovich | Zhilova, Liudmila Victorovna | Makambaeva, Gulsanam Bakhtiyarovna | Payzildaev, Timur Rashidinovich | Pronk, W. (Wouter) | Bouwknegt, Matthijs | Weber, Roland

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Panel estimation for renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, economic growth, CO2 emissions, the composite trade intensity, and financial openness of the commonwealth of independent states


Rasoulinezhad, Ehsan | Saboori, Behnaz

National Agricultural Library - United States of America