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Sediment quality in the iron gate reservoir [Serbia, Serbia&Montenegro]. [Preliminary communication from scientific-research project]
Damjanovic, M. | Babic-Mladenovic, M. (Institut za vodoprivredu Jaroslav Cerni, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro))
Regular monitoring of water quality of the Danube river in the backwater zone includes analysis of the sediment. It is well known that sediment is a sink place for the non degradable compounds and it reveales the long term water quality status in the reservoir. This paper presents the general results on the Iron Gate reservoir siltation. as well as some data regarding pollution level, based on investigations carried in the period of 2001-2002. The investigations included organic load of the sediment, heavy metals and organic pollutants content. The degree of pollution is evaluated on the basis of various criteria, also compared to results of previous case studies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of preozonation on natural organic matter removal from groundwater by coagulation and flocculation processes
Agbaba, J. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Departman za hemiju) | Dalmacija, B. | Klasnja, M. | Ivancev-Tumbas, I.
The paper deals with pilot-scale investigations of the effect of preozonation on NOM removal from groundwater by coagulation and flocculation processes. It was found that the preozonation increased the efficiency of organic matter removal by coagulation and flocculation from 23.6 to 47.2% as judged on the basis of KMnO4 values. From the aspect of the change of content of trihalomethanes precursors preozonation exhibits both the positive and negative effects if their content in the water after coagulation is considered in dependence of the applied ozone dose. The obtained values siggest the necessity of careful optimization of the processes of preozonation, coagulation, and flocculation, especially from the aspect of the change in content of the precursors of disinfection byproducts.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Dependence of trihalomethanes forming on contents of natural organic matters in coagulated water
Bajevic, Lj. (Visa tehnicka skola, Zrenjanin (Serbia and Montenegro)) | Karlovic, E. | Jasin, D. | Agbaba, J. | Djeric, J.
The paper deals with determining the dependence of trihalomethanes forming (chloroform, bromdichlormethane, dibromchlormethane and bromoform) on the contents of natural organic matters from groundwater. The analyses was made bay calculating correlation of trihalomethanes forming potential (THMPF) with UV absorbance and permanganate number as surogates parameters for defining in content NOM in water. These were used to observe the changes in the content of organic matters after coagulation. A good correlation of THMPF, PF chloroform and UV absorbance (254 nm) (coeficient of correlation 0.72 and 0.87) was observed as well as a good with UV absorbance (254 nm) (coeficient of correlation - 0.88) and with PN (coeficient of correlation - 0.80) in coeficient of correlation in bromated trihalomethanes forming.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]MIEX (magnetized ion exchange) resin technology for natural organic matter removal and disinfection by-products reduction in potable water - preview
Milenkov, Lj. (JKP Vodovod, Bor (Serbia)) | Petrovic, B. (JP za izgradnju i eksploataciju RVS Bogovina, Bor (Serbia)) | Gardic, V. (Institut za bakar Bor, Bor (Serbia)) | Stankovic, S. (Institut za bakar Bor, Bor (Serbia))
Conventionally treatment method in potable water preparing, such as coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation and filtration has been shown reduction in efficiency of the contents of natural organic matter. There has been developed many alternative NOM removal technologies, in recent years. It has been made significant research effort in finding optimal drinking water treatment for NOM range reduction prior disinfection, that can minimise the formation of disinfection by-products and reduce the residual required to control bacterial regrowth in the distribution system, which is a consequence of coagulant with humic matter settling. Conventionally treatment modified by MIEX resin appliance meet the current water quality standards, with significant reduction of the coagulant quantity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-][Nutrients determination in the river Tisza [Serbia] sediment during the period of 2004-2005]
Crnkovic, N. (Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia). Sektor zastite zivotne sredine, Laboratorija i Kvalitet voda) | Mijovic, S. (Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod Srbije, Beograd (Serbia). Sektor zastite zivotne sredine, Laboratorija i Kvalitet voda)
Within the pollutant analysis in sediments the total organic carbon (TOC) content is determined, as well as nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. In addition to this form carbon may be present as elemental or inorganic ones, as the crucial issue for sample preparation. Total phosphorus content was determined after sample digestion with sulphuric and perchloric acid. Organic nitrogen values were determined according the Kjeldahl method. Concentrations of TC, TOC, TIC, total P, organic N and total N in river Tisza sediment samples from sites Martonos, Novi Becej and Titel during 2004 and 2005 were presented.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Formation of ozonation byproducts in groundwater subjected to aeration/preozonation and coagulation
Agbaba, J. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia)), E-mail: | Dalmacija, B. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia)) | Klasnja, M. (Tehnoloski fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia))
This work considers the effect of the ozonation process on formation of aldehydes in groundwater pretreated by aeration/preozonation (2.0 g O3/cubic meter) and coagulation with polyaluminium-chloride (5 and 10 g Al/cubic meter). Experiments were carried out on a semi-industrial plant of 2 cubic meter/h capacity. It was found that in the course of ozonation NOM content shows a decrease (up to 54% TOC), whereas content of aldehydes increases by 1.0-14 microgram/L, depending on the water pretreatment and applied ozone dose. The most prominent changes in specific aldehydes content during ozonation were detected after applying ozone dosages of 0.5-2.0 mg O3/mg TOC.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Formation of ozonation byproducts in the groundwater subjected to preozonation and coagulation
Agbaba, J.(Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro)) | Dalmacija, B. | Klasnja, M. | Ivancev-Tumbas, I.
The work considers the effect of the ozonization process on the change of contents of natural organic matter (NOM) and formation of byproducts in the groundwater pretreated by preozonation (2.0 g O3/cubic m) and coagulation with polyaluminium-chlorosulfate (5 and 10 g Al/cubuc m). Experiments were carried out on a semi-industrial plant of capacity of 2 cubic m/h, using groundwater with a high content of NOM (5.1 mg/l TOC). It was found that in the course of ozonization NOM content shows a decrease (18-64%), as well as the potential of formation of trihalomethanes, PFTHM (12-59%), whereas content of aldehydes increases by 3.0-7.7 microgram/l, depending on the water pretreatment and applied ozone dose. It was found correlation between specific aldehyde content and decrease of the specific PFTHM (r=0.815-0.998).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Removal of natural organic matter from water using the ozone-biologically activated carbon system
Agbaba, J.(Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Departman za hemiju) | Dalmacija, B. | Klasnja, M. | Ivancev-Tumbas, I.
The paper presents the results of a pilot study of the combined process of ozonation and filtration through biologically activated carbon to remove residual organic matter in the process of drinking water production. It was established that the application of these procedures resulted in the removal in average of 74% PB, 50% TOC, 60% of total aldehydes, and 54% PFTHM, the result being a consequence of the adsorption/biosorption processes involved.
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