AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Resultados 1-6 de 6

Contents of heavy metals in the sediments of fish-ponds and their possible mobility because of changing physical-chemical factors of environment


Kezic, V. | Lompar, O. | Lehoczki, I. | Tohati, L. | Stanic, A. | Jovanic, S. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja, Subotica (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Heavy metals in soil and possibility of pollution of water resources [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Ristic, R. | Kadovic, R. | Knezevic, M. | Nikic, Z. | Belanovic, S. (Sumarski fakultet, Beograd (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Phytoplankton as indicator of the Tisza river [Serbia, Yugoslavia] pollution


Brankovic, D. | Budakov, Lj. (Zavod za zastitu prirode Srbije, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Odeljenje u Novom Sadu)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Some of trace elements in the water of Bokakotorska Bay [Adriatic sea, Montenegro, Yugoslavia]


Joksimovic, D. | Kljajic, Z. | Filipovic, S. (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Kotor (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju mora)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Accumulation and redistribution of trace metals in soils affected by diffuse atmospheric deposition | Accumulation et redristribution d'éléments traces métalliques dans des sols soumis à des retombées atmosphériques diffuses


Semlali, R. ((Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Versailles (France). Centre de Versailles Grignon, Unité de Science du Sol)) | van Oort, F. | Denaix, L. | Loubet, M.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Fluxes of heavy metals deposition on the snow of the French Alps during the 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 winter periods. Methodology and preliminary results


Veysseyre, A. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Saint Martin d'Heres (France). Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Geophysique de l'Environnement) | Ferrari, C. | Elichegaray, C. | Ebner, P. | Boutron, C.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France