AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

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Resultados 1-10 de 19

Influence of environmental factors on the response of a natural population of Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Cladocera) to spinosad and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis in Mediterranean coastal wetlands


Duchet, C. | Caquet, Th | Franquet, E. | Lagneau, C. | Lagadic, L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A rapid bioassay for detecting saxitoxins using a Daphnia acute toxicity test


Ferrão-Filho, Aloysio Da S. | Soares, Maria Carolina S. | Magalhães, Valéria Freitas de | Azevedo, Sandra M.F.O.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Adverse effects of erythromycin on the structure and chemistry of activated sludge


Louvet, J.N. | Giammarino, C. | Potier, O. | Pons, M.N.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The profile of antibiotics resistance and integrons of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing thermotolerant coliforms isolated from the Yangtze River basin in Chongqing


Chen, Hao | Shu, Weiqun | Chang, Xiaosong | Chen, Ji-an | Guo, Yebin | Tan, Yao

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Identification and quantification of a novel nitrate-reducing community in sediments of Suquía River basin along a nitrate gradient


Reyna, Luciana | Wunderlin, Daniel Alberto | Genti-Raimondi, Susana

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Detection of antibiotic resistance and tetracycline resistance genes in Enterobacteriaceae isolated from the Pearl rivers in South China


Tao, Ran | Ying, Guang-Guo | Su, Hao-Chang | Zhou, Hong-Wei | Sidhu, Jatinder P.S.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Ozone fumigation (twice ambient) reduces leaf infestation following natural and artificial inoculation by the endophytic fungus Apiognomonia errabunda of adult European beech trees


Olbrich, Maren | Knappe, Claudia | Wenig, Marion | Gerstner, Elke | Häberle, Karl-Heinz | Kitao, Mitsutoshi | Matyssek, Rainer | Stich, Susanne | Leuchner, Michael | Werner, Herbert | Schlink, Katja | Müller-Starck, G (Gerhard) | Welzl, Gerhard | Scherb, Hagen | Ernst, Dieter | Heller, Werner

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Interactions between plant and rhizosphere microbial communities in a metalliferous soil


Epelde, Lur | Becerril, José M. | Barrutia, Oihana | González-Oreja, José A. | Garbisu, Carlos

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Plant and fungal biodiversity from metal mine wastes under remediation at Zimapan, Hidalgo, Mexico


Pilar Ortega-Larrocea, María del | Xoconostle-Cázares, Beatriz | Maldonado-Mendoza, Egnacio E. | Carrillo González, Rogelio | Hernández-Hernández, Jani | Díaz Garduño, Margarita | López-Meyer, Melina | Gómez-Flores, Lydia | González-Chávez, Ma. del Carmen A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Differential fate of erythromycin and beta-lactam resistance genes from swine lagoon waste under different aquatic conditions


Knapp, Charles W. | Zhang, Wen | Sturm, Belinda S.M. | Graham, David W.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America