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Uptake, toxicity, and maternal transfer of cadmium in the oribatid soil mite, Oppia nitens: Implication in the risk assessment of cadmium to soil invertebrates
Fajana, Hamzat O. | Jegede, Olukayode O. | James, Kyle | Hogan, Natacha S. | Siciliano, Steven D.
Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal of concern in contaminated sites because of its high toxicity to soil biota and humans. Typically, Cd exposure is thought to be dominated by dissolved Cd in soil pore water and, thus, dermal uptake. In this study, we investigated the uptake, toxicity, and maternal transfer of Cd in a standard soil invertebrate, the oribatid mite (Oppia nitens), which is common to boreal and temperate ecozones. We found total soil Cd predicted Cd uptake in adult and juvenile O. nitens with no significant uptake from pore water by juvenile mites. Cadmium significantly inhibited juvenile production and recruitment as well as reduced adult fecundity. Adult O. nitens maternally transferred 39–52% of their Cd body burden to juveniles (tritonymphs) while the maternally-acquired Cd accounted for 41% of the juvenile internal Cd load. Our results suggest that dermal adsorption of metal ions is not important for O. nitens and that maternal transfer of Cd in soil invertebrates has ecological and toxicological implications for populations of soil invertebrates. Maternal transfer should be incorporated as a criterion in setting environmental soil quality guidelines (SQGE) for cadmium and other non-essential heavy metals.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of sewage sludge addition to Norway spruce seedlings on nitrogen availability and soil fauna in clear-cut areas
Nieminen, Jouni K. | Räisänen, Mikko
Anaerobically digested and composted sewage sludge (CSS) has been suggested to be a slow-release fertilizer in forestry and an alternative to quick-release inorganic fertilizers. The effects of CSS with or without added carbohydrate on inorganic nitrogen availability and on soil animals were tested in two Norway spruce plantations. Half of the seedlings were individually fertilized with CSS, and the rest were left as controls. Solid sucrose was added to half of the fertilized and untreated seedlings. Soil samples were taken in the autumn in the first and the second year after the treatments. CSS increased soil NH4–N (2100%), the proportion of soil NO3–N, and the N concentration of spruce needles. CSS greatly reduced the abundances of enchytraeids, tardigrades and collembolans, but increased the proportion and abundance of bacterial-feeding nematodes irrespective of carbohydrate addition. A better stabilization method needs to be developed before CSS can be used as a forest fertilizer.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Varroa mite and deformed wing virus infestations interactively make honey bees (Apis mellifera) more susceptible to insecticides
Zhu, Yu-Cheng | Yao, Jianxiu | Wang, Yanhua
Varroa mite is one of the major adverse factors causing honey bee population decline. In this study, Varroa destructor-infested and uninfested honey bee colonies were established by selective applying miticide (Apivar® amitraz). Mite population was monitored monthly (April–October 2016), and deformed wing virus (DWV) loading was detected seasonally (April, July, and October). Four immunity- and two physiology-related gene expressions, natural mortality, and susceptibility to five insecticides were comparatively and seasonally examined in field-collected honey bee workers. Results showed that Apivar-treated bee colonies had minor or undetectable mite and DWV (using RT-qPCR) infestations in whole bee season, while untreated colonies had substantially higher mite and DWV infestations. In untreated colonies, Varroa mite population irregularly fluctuated over the bee season with higher mite counts in Jun (318 ± 89 mites dropped in 48 h) or August (302) than that (25 ± 4 or 34) in October, and mite population density was not dynamically or closely correlated with the seasonal shift of honey bee natural mortality (regression slope = −0.5212). Unlike mite, DWV titer in untreated colonies progressively increased over the bee season, and it was highly correlated (R² = 1) with the seasonal increase of honey bee natural mortality. Significantly lower gene expressions of dor, PPO, mfe, potentially PPOa and eat as well, in untreated colonies also indicated an association of increased DWV infestation with decreased physiological and immunity-related functions in late-season honey bees. Furthermore, bees with lower mite/DWV infestations exhibited generally consistently lower susceptibilities (contact and oral toxicities) to five representative insecticides than the bees without Apivar treatment. All of these data from this study consistently indicated an interaction of Varroa/viral infestations with insecticide susceptibilities in honey bees, potentially through impairing bee's physiology and immunity, emphasizing the importance of mite control in order to minimize honey bee decline.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ozone exposure of field-grown winter wheat affects soil mesofauna in the rhizosphere
Schrader, Stefan | Bender, Jürgen | Weigel, Hans-Joachim
A 2-year open-top chamber experiment with field-grown winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Astron) was conducted to examine the effects of ozone on plant growth and selected groups of soil mesofauna in the rhizosphere. From May through June in each year, plants were exposed to two levels of O3: non-filtered (NF) ambient air or NF+ 40 ppb O3 (NF+). During O3 exposure, soil sampling was performed at two dates according to different plant growth stages. O3 exposure reduced above- and below-ground plant biomass in the first year, but had little effect in the second year. The individual density of enchytraeids, collembolans and soil mites decreased significantly in the rhizosphere of plants exposed to NF+ in both years. Differences were highest around anthesis, i.e. when plants are physiologically most active. The results suggest that elevated O3 concentrations may influence the dynamic of decomposition processes and the turnover of nutrients. Ozone reduced the individual densities of enchytraeids, collembolans and soil mites in the rhizosphere of winter wheat indirectly via the plant–soil-system.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of copper smelting air pollution on the mites (Acari) associated with young Scots pine forests polluted by a copper smelting works at Giogów,Poland. I. Arboreal mites
Seniczak, Stanisław | Dąbrowski, Janusz | DŁUGOSZ, JACEK
The arboreal mites and epiphytes in young Scots pine forests (plant association Leucobryo-Pinetum) polluted by a copper smelting works at Głogów, were investigated. The concentration of heavy metals in Scots pine bark and epiphytes increased towards the pollution source. Copper was accumulated mainly by algae, but lead was accumulated mainly by lichens; these epiphytes accumulated more heavy metals than tree bark. A high concentration of heavy metals was harmful to mites, especially to Oribatida, and to lichens, but algae tolerated these pollutants. The number of oribatid species decreased towards the pollution source, along with the increasing concentrations of heavy metals in tree bark and epiphytes. Among mites, the following categories were distinguished: a) sensitive to heavy metals, b) sensitive to a high concentration but tolerant of small concentrations and c) tolerant of these metals. The mites inhabited mainly the lower section of trees.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Risk assessment of low-temperature biochar used as soil amendment on soil mesofauna
Gruss, Iwona | Twardowski, Jacek P. | Latawiec, Agnieszka | Medyńska-Juraszek, Agnieszka | Królczyk, Jolanta
Biochar as a carbon-rich highly porous substance has been proposed for use in agriculture and horticulture as a soil amendment. One of the main concerns of this application of biochar is its potential contamination with heavy metals (HMs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The aim of this research was to access the environmental risk of biochar used as a soil amendment on soil mesofauna (mites and springtails). We conducted both field and laboratory experiments with the use of wood-chip biochar from low-temperature (300 °C) flash pyrolysis. Biochar was free from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and the concentration of all tested toxic compounds was very low or even under the level of detection. Both the results of field and laboratory studies show no toxic effects on soil mesofauna. In the field studies, the biochar application of 50 t/ha in maize and oilseed rape crops significantly increased the mean number of mesofauna. This change probably resulted from improved soil chemical properties (in particular organic carbon content and cation exchange capacity) upon biochar addition. The results of the avoidance test with the use of springtail species Folsomia candida showed the possible short-term toxicity risk from a dose of 5%. The results of the reproduction test indicate the negative response of F. candida from the rate of 25% (higher than the field dose, which corresponds to 10% in laboratory tests). The reason for the short-term toxicity might be the considerable increase in soil pH after biochar addition. To our knowledge, this is the first study that has looked so widely into the effect of biochar on soil mesofauna. We encourage further studies into the risk assessment of biochar on soil organisms in both a controlled laboratory environment and in the open field.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biological activity of the metal-rich post-flotation tailings at an abandoned mine tailings pond (four decades after experimental afforestation)
Feketeová, Zuzana | Hulejová Sládkovičová, Veronika | Mangová, Barbara | Šimkovic, Ivan
In the spring 2012, post-flotation tailings of the inactive impoundment Lintich (Slovakia) were sampled. In the impoundment sediment and also in its surrounding, we detected concentration of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and Ba exceeding limiting values. We detected low values of the microbial biomass carbon and microbial activity in the impoundment sediment (LiS) and its dam (DAM) along with potential respiration stayed relatively low and therefore also substrate availability index and metabolic quotient (qCO₂) were higher in the control sample (REF) than in the LiS and the DAM. The low qCO₂ level indicates that microbial community, despite of dangerously high levels of heavy metals in sediment, is still able to sufficiently utilize sources of available organic carbon. Anyway, we could doubt function of the metabolic index as universal indicator of environment conditions, regarding the anthropogenic substrates. We confirmed changes in composition of the mite communities along gradient dam—impoundment. The percentage of eudominant, recendent, and subrecendent species increased at the expense of dominants and subdominants, all together with decreasing diversity and equitability of the community. We identified species Chamobates borealis, Carabodes rugosior, Metabelba propexa, and Pergalumna nervosa with negative respond under the heavy metal stress. Species Adoristes ovatus was indifferent and Dissorhina sp., Hafenrefferia gilvipes, and Oppiella nova prospered under the loaded conditions. Forty years after experimental afforestation, we expect specific community of actively surviving microorganisms and Oribatida species detected in the DAM are usual in the greatly degraded habitats or on sites in the early succession.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Thymol as an alternative to pesticides: persistence and effects of Apilife Var on the phototactic behavior of the honeybee Apis mellifera
Carayon, Jean-Luc | Téné, Nathan | Bonnafé, Elsa | Alayrangues, Julie | Hotier, Lucie | Armengaud, Catherine | Treilhou, Michel
Thymol is a natural substance increasingly used as an alternative to pesticides in the fight against the Varroa destructor mite. Despite the effectiveness of this phenolic monoterpene against Varroa, few articles have covered the negative or side effects of thymol on bees. In a previous study, we have found an impairment of phototaxis in honeybees following application of sublethal doses of thymol—lower or equal to 100 ng/bee—under laboratory conditions. The present work shows the same behavioral effects on bees from hives treated with Apilife Var®, a veterinary drug containing 74 % thymol, with a decrease in phototactic behavior observed 1 day after treatment. Thus, thymol causes disruption of bee phototactic behavior both under laboratory conditions as well as in beehives. The bee exposure dose in treated hives was quantified using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS), giving a median value of 4.3 μg per body 24 h after treatment, with 11 ng in the brain. The thymol level in 20 organic waxes from hives treated with Apilife Var® was also measured and showed that it persists in waxes (around 10 mg/kg) 1 year after treatment. Thus, in the light of (1) behavioral data obtained under laboratory conditions and in beehives, (2) the persistence of thymol in waxes, and (3) the high load on bees, it would appear important to study the long-term effects of thymol in beehives.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of spontaneous vegetation in stormwater infiltration system clogging
Gonzalez-Merchan, Carolina | Barraud, Sylvie | Bedell, Jean-Philippe
The paper presents the role of spontaneous vegetation on the hydraulic performance of an infiltration basin. The objective of the research was more particularly to study this role of different types of spontaneous vegetation found in situ in an infiltration basin near Lyon. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of three areas covered by Phalaris arundinacea, Polygonum mite, Rumex crispus and similar non-vegetated zones was compared. Eight field campaigns were carried out from July 2010 to May 2011 in order to compare the performance of each type of vegetation and its evolution over time. The results suggest a positive impact of vegetation on hydraulic performance in particular in summer during the growth of the plants. The hydraulic conductivity in this period was twice to four times higher than in bare areas or in vegetated zones during the plant rest periods. Some species were also found more appropriate to limit clogging (Phalaris arundinacea) likely due to its specific structure and growth process.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Formulation and characterization of garlic (Allium sativum L.) essential oil nanoemulsion and its acaricidal activity on eriophyid olive mites (Acari: Eriophyidae)
Mossa, Abdel-TawabH. | Afia, SaharI. | Mohafrash, SamiaM. M. | Abou-Awad, BadawiA.
Green and nanoacaricides including essential oil (EO) nanoemulsions are important compounds to provide new, active, safe acaricides and lead to improvement of avoiding the risk of synthetic acaricides. This study was carried out for the first time on eriophyid mites to develop nanoemulsion of garlic essential oil by ultrasonic emulsification and evaluate its acaricidal activity against the two eriophyid olive mites Aceria oleae Nalepa and Tegolophus hassani (Keifer). Acute toxicity of nanoemulsion was also studied on male rats. Garlic EO was analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and the major compounds were diallyl sulfide (8.6%), diallyl disulfide (28.36%), dimethyl tetrasulfide (15.26%), trisulfide,di-2-propenyl (10.41%), and tetrasulfide,di-2-propenyl (9.67%). Garlic oil nanoemulsion with droplet size 93.4 nm was formulated by ultrasonic emulsification for 35 min. Emulsification time and oil and surfactant ratio correlated to the emulsion droplet size and stability. The formulated nanoemulsion showed high acaricidal activity against injurious eriophyid mites with LC₅₀ 298.225 and 309.634 μg/ml, respectively. No signs of nanoemulsion toxicity were noted in treating rats; thus, it may be considered non-toxic to mammals. Stability of garlic oil nanoemulsion, high acaricidal activity, and the absence of organic toxic solvents make the formulation that may be a possible acaricidal product. Results suggest the possibility of developing suitable natural nanoacaricide from garlic oil.
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