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Transfer of elements into boreal forest ants at a former uranium mining site
Roivainen, Päivi | Muurinen, Saara-Maria | Sorvari, Jouni | Juutilainen, Jukka | Naarala, Jonne | Salomaa, Sisko
Ants can influence ecological processes, such as the transfer of elements or radionuclides, in several ways. For example, they redistribute materials while foraging and maintaining their nests and have an important role in terrestrial food webs. Quantitative data of the transfer of elements into ants is needed, e.g., for developing improved radioecological models. In this study, samples of red wood ants (genus Formica), nest material, litter and soil were collected from a former uranium mining site in Eastern Finland. Concentrations of 33 elements were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy/Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Estimated element concentrations in spruce needles were used as a proxy for studying the transfer of elements into ants via aphids because spruces host the most important aphid farms in boreal forests. Empirically determined organism/medium concentration ratios (CRs) are commonly used in radioecological models. Ant/soil CRs were calculated and the validity of the fundamental assumption behind the of use of CRs (linear transfer) was evaluated. Elements that accumulated in ants in comparison to other compartments were cadmium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc. Ant uranium concentrations were low in comparison to soil, litter, or nest material but slightly elevated in comparison to spruce needles. Ant element concentrations were quite constant regardless of the soil concentrations. Non-linear transfer models could therefore describe the soil-to-ant transfer better than conventional CRs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Confidence intervals and sample size for estimating the prevalence of plastic debris in seabird nests
Evidence is accumulating about the impacts of plastics on marine life. The prevalence of plastics in seabird nests has been used as an indicator of levels of this pollutant in the ocean. However, the lack of a framework for defining sample sizes and errors associated with estimating the prevalence of plastic in nests prevents researchers from optimising time and reducing impacts of fieldwork. We present a method to determine the confidence intervals for the prevalence of debris in seabird nests and provide, for the first time, information on the prevalence of these items in nests of the Hartlaub’s gull Larus hartlaubii, the African penguin Spheniscus demersus, the great white pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus, and the white-breasted cormorant Phalacrocorax lucidus in South Africa. The method, based on observations and resampling simulations and tested here for nests of 12 seabird species from 15 locations worldwide, allows for straightforward hypothesis testing. Appropriate sample sizes can be defined by combining this method with a Bayesian approach. We show that precise estimates of prevalence of debris in nests can be obtained by sampling around 250 nests. Smaller sample sizes can be useful for obtaining rough estimates. For the Hartlaub’s gull, the African penguin, the great white pelican, and the white-breasted cormorant, debris were present in 0.75%, 3.00%, 6.41%, and 25.62% of the respective nests. Our approach will help researchers to determine errors associated with the prevalence of debris recorded in seabird nests and to optimise time and costs spent collecting data. It can also be applied to estimate confidence intervals and define sample sizes for assessing prevalence of plastic ingestion by any organism.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Blood concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in an avian predator endemic to southern Africa: Associations with habitat, electrical transformers and diet
Garcia-Heras, Marie-Sophie | Arroyo, Beatriz | Simmons, Robert E. | Camarero, Pablo R. | Mateo, Rafael | Mougeot, Francois
Persistent pollutants such as organochlorine compounds (OCs) have been highlighted as a cause of population decline in avian predators. Understanding patterns of OCs contamination can be crucial for the conservation of affected species, yet little is known on these threats to African raptors. Here we report on OC concentrations in an endangered predator endemic to southern Africa, the Black Harrier Circus maurus. Blood samples were collected in 2012–2014 from wild nestlings (n = 90) and adults (n = 23) in south-western South Africa, where agriculture and urbanization have developed rapidly since the 1950s. Polychlorinated biphenyl (ΣPCB) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ΣDDT, for p,p’-DDT + p,p’-DDE) were detected in 79% and 84% of sampled individuals, respectively, with varying concentrations among demographic groups: nestlings had significantly higher ΣPCB and p,p’-DDT concentrations than adults, while adults had higher levels of p,p’-DDE than nestlings. Levels of ΣPCB significantly increased with an index of electric transformer density, a measure of the number and power of electric transformers around active nests. We propose this index as a useful tool for assessing ΣPCB exposure risk in other wildlife. Levels of p,p’-DDE significantly increased with the proportion of wetlands within the breeding territory, and also with the proportion of bird biomass in the diet. No association was found between OC levels and the protected area status of nesting sites. Physiological effects of contaminants were also manifest in increased white blood cell counts with higher p,p’-DDT levels. Heterophil to lymphocyte ratio increased with higher ΣPCB levels, suggesting increased physiological stress and reduced immunity in contaminated individuals. Our results suggest that OCs are still a current cause of concern for endangered Black Harriers, as well as other sympatric predators.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Use of nest bundles to monitor agrochemical exposure and effects among cavity nesting pollinators
Peterson, Eric M. | Thompson, Kelsey N. | Shaw, Katherine R. | Tomlinson, Caleb | Longing, Scott D. | Smith, Philip N.
Cavity nesting bees are proficient and important pollinators that can augment or replace honey bee pollination services for some crops. Relatively little is known about specific pesticide concentrations present in cavity nesting insect reed matrices and associated potential risks to cavity nesting bees. Nesting substrates (Phragmites australis reeds in bundles) were deployed in an agriculturally intensive landscape to evaluate colonization and agrochemical exposure among cavity nesting pollinators over two consecutive field seasons. Composition of insect species colonizing reeds within nest bundles varied considerably; those placed near beef cattle feed yards were dominated by wasps (93% of the total number of individuals occupying reed nest bundles), whereas nest bundles deployed in cropland-dominated landscapes were colonized primarily by leaf cutter bees (71%). All nesting/brood matrices in reeds (mud, leaves, brood, pollen) contained agrochemicals. Mud used in brood chamber construction at feed yard sites contained 21 of 23 agrochemicals included in analysis and >70% of leaf substrate stored in reeds contained at least one agrochemical. Moxidectin was most frequently detected across all reed matrices from feed yard sites, and moxidectin concentrations in nonviable larvae were more than four times higher than those quantified in viable larvae. Agrochemical concentrations in leaf material and pollen were also quantified at levels that may have induced toxic effects among developing larvae. To our knowledge, this is the first study to characterize agrochemical concentrations in multiple reed matrices provisioned by cavity-nesting insects. Use of nest bundles revealed that cavity nesting pollinators in agriculturally intensive regions are exposed to agrochemicals during all life stages, at relatively high frequencies, and at potentially lethal concentrations. These results demonstrate the utility of nest bundles for characterizing risks to cavity nesting insects inhabiting agriculturally intensive regions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Human waste used as nesting material affects nest cooling in the clay-colored thrush
Corrales-Moya, Josué | Barrantes, Gilbert | Chacón-Madrigal, Eduardo | Sandoval, Luis
The internal temperature of nests largely depends on the materials used in their construction because the characteristics of each material affect the isolation of nest walls. In urban environments, the availability of natural materials for nest building decreases, while the availability of artificial materials increases. Therefore, many urban bird species use more artificial materials for nest building inside cities, which may affect the thermal properties of the nest. We conducted an experiment to measure the effect of artificial materials included as part of the nest structure, on nest thermoregulation. We used as a model, nests of the clay-colored thrush (Turdus grayi), an urban bird species that have been reported using artificial nest materials. In our experiment, we measured how variation in artificial materials mass affects the nest cooling rate in a climate-controlled room. We found that artificial materials increased the cooling rate of clay-colored thrush nests, compared with nests with only natural materials. This result is especially relevant because showed a negative direct effect of the use of artificial material for nest building in birds. Considering that the availability of artificial material is increasing in urban areas, while natural material is decreasing, it is expected that the negative effect of using artificital material for nest construction would increase in the clay-colored thrush and other city bird species.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of artificial light at night on the nest-site selection, reproductive success and behavior of a synanthropic bird
Wang, Jhih-Syuan | Tuanmu, Mao-Ning | Hong, Zhiming
Understanding how artificial light at night (ALAN) impacts wildlife is increasingly important because more and more species are colonizing urban areas. As most of the bird studies on ALAN use controlled light set inside or around nest-boxes, the ecological effect of ALAN resulting from in situ streetlight on birds remains contentious. The barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) often builds open nests on buildings, which are directly exposed to varying intensity of ALAN, and thus provides a good system to examine the effect of in situ ALAN on birds. By examining the nest-site selection, reproductive success and behavior of barn swallows under various ALAN intensity in Taipei City, we found a positive effect of ALAN on their fledging success; nonetheless, such effect was only found in the swallows’ first brood, but not second one. We also found that parent birds in the nests with higher ALAN intensity had higher feeding rates and more extended feeding time past sunset, which were likely stimulated by the increased begging behavior of their chicks. The night-feeding behavior might contribute to the increased fledging success, especially at the early breeding season. Interestingly, despite of the reproductive benefits obtained from ALAN, we found that the barn swallows did not select nest sites regarding ALAN intensity. The weak nest-site selection perhaps result from the complex life history interactions involving ALAN and/or confounding factors associated with ALAN in cities. This study improves our understanding of how urban birds, especially open-nesting ones, respond to in situ ALAN and provides useful information for developing urban conservation strategies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury species in the nests and bodies of soil-feeding termites, Silvestritermes spp. (Termitidae, Syntermitinae), in French Guiana
Diouf, Michel | Sillam-Dussès, David | Alphonse, Vanessa | Frechault, Sophie | Miambi, Edouard | Mora, Philippe
Mercury pollution is currently a major public health concern, given the adverse effects of mercury on wildlife and humans. Soil plays an essential role in speciation of mercury and its global cycling, while being a habitat for a wide range of terrestrial fauna. Soil fauna, primarily soil-feeding taxa that are in intimate contact with soil pollutants are key contributors in the cycling of soil mercury and might provide relevant indications about soil pollution. We studied the enrichment of various mercury species in the nests and bodies of soil-feeding termites Silvestritermes spp. in French Guiana. Soil-feeding termites are the only social insects using soil as both shelter and food and are major decomposers of organic matter in neotropical forests. Nests of S. minutus were depleted in total and mobile mercury compared to nearby soil. In contrast, they were enriched 17 times in methylmercury. The highest concentrations of methylmercury were found in body of both studied termite species, with mean bioconcentration factors of 58 for S. minutus and 179 for S. holmgreni relative to the soil. The assessment of the body distribution of methylmercury in S. minutus showed concentrations of 221 ng g⁻¹ for the guts and even higher for the gut-free carcasses (683 ng g⁻¹), suggesting that methylmercury is not confined to the gut where it was likely produced, but rather stored in various tissues. This enrichment in the most toxic form of Hg in termites may be of concern on termite predators and the higher levels in the food chain that may be endangered through prey-to-predator transfers and bioaccumulation. Soil-feeding termites appear to be promising candidates as bio-indicators of mercury pollution in soils of neotropical rainforest ecosystems.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Life in a polluted world: A global review of anthropogenic materials in bird nests
Jagiello, Zuzanna | Dylewski, Łukasz | Tobolka, Marcin | Aguirre, José I.
Human pressure exerts a significant influence on animals and the environment. One of its consequences, plastic pollution is considered one of the major threats to fauna as well as a significant conservation issue. In this research, we examined the global pattern of one example of avian behavior in response to pollution—namely, the incorporation of anthropogenic materials into nests—as well as the existing knowledge on this subject. Based on 25 articles, we studied 51 populations, involving 24 bird species, and checked 10,790 nests; as a result, we found that incorporation of debris is correlated with increasing human influence on the environment, measured as the Human Footprint Index. Moreover, the probability of debris incorporation is higher in terrestrial than in marine species. We also identified knowledge bias in favor of marine as opposed to terrestrial species: namely, marine species attract more scientific attention than terrestrial. Furthermore, research approaches to these two ecosystems differ. Undeniably, the factors which influence debris incorporation by birds, the scale of this behavior, and particular forms of use of debris in bird nests are aspects which require long-term standardized research. This is the first global review paper on debris incorporation by birds to demonstrate a close link to human pressure as a driver.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Nest-defense behaviors in fathead minnows after lifecycle exposure to the antidepressant venlafaxine
Parrott, Joanne L. | Metcalfe, Christopher D.
Venlafaxine is an antidepressant and anti-anxiety drug that has been detected in municipal wastewater at low μg/L concentrations. In this study, the nest-defense behavior of adult male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) was observed in fish exposed for a full lifecycle to venlafaxine nominal concentrations of 0.88, 8.8, and 88 μg/L (i.e. 1, 9.3, 75 μg/L mean measured concentrations). Nest-defense behaviors quantified were the time taken to contact a dummy intruder fish (on a flexible stick, held near each nest) and the number of contacts made during a 1 min period. In male fathead minnows exposed to venlafaxine over a full lifecycle at environmentally relevant nominal concentrations (i.e. 0.88 and 8.8 μg/L) no significant effects were observed in behavior. However, in males exposed over a full lifecycle to the highest concentration of venlafaxine (i.e. 88 μg/L), nest-defense behaviors were increased in males with empty nests, as shown by the significantly elevated percentage of empty-nest males that made contact with the dummy intruder fish (89%) relative to the lower percentage of contacts (65%) among the Control males (p = 0.046). Lifecycle exposure to high venlafaxine (88 μg/L) caused males to over-protect their empty nests. Environmental venlafaxine concentrations are approximately 70 x lower than this, so it is unlikely that behavioral changes from venlafaxine exposure would occur in the environment. Normal nest defense behaviours in control males varied, depending on whether they were protecting empty nests or nests with eggs. Compared to Control males with empty nests, more Control males with eggs in their nests made contact with the dummy intruder fish (p = 0.014), contact was faster (i.e. <10 s, p = 0.011), and they hit the dummy intruder fish more times in 1 min (p = 0.031) This study is the first to assess reproductive behaviors in fish exposed to an antidepressant over a full lifecycle.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Experimental manipulation of dietary arsenic levels in great tit nestlings: Accumulation pattern and effects on growth, survival and plasma biochemistry
Sánchez-Virosta, Pablo | Espín, Silvia | Ruiz, Sandra | Salminen, Juha-Pekka | García-Fernández, Antonio J. | Eeva, Tapio
Arsenic (As) is a ubiquitous metalloid classified as one of the most hazardous substances, but information about its exposure and effects in free-living passerines is lacking. The aim of this study is to elucidate the effect of an As manipulation experiment on survival, growth and physiology of great tits (Parus major). Wild P. major nestlings inhabiting an unpolluted area were dosed with water, 0.2 or 1 μg g⁻¹ d⁻¹ of sodium arsenite (Control, Low and High As groups), whereas those living in a metal-polluted area were dosed with water (Smelter group). Birds accumulated As in tissues (liver, bone and feathers) in a dose-dependent way. Nestlings exposed to 1 μg g⁻¹ d⁻¹ of sodium arsenite showed reduced number of fledglings per successful nest, and those exposed to 0.2 μg g⁻¹ d⁻¹ had reduced wing growth, which could have post-fledging consequences such as increased predation risk. These results suggest that the LOAEL for effects on nestling survival and development in great tits is likely equal to or below 1 μg g⁻¹ d⁻¹. However, limited effects on the biochemical parameters evaluated were found. It has been shown that As may produce oxidative stress and tissue damage, so further research exploring this issue will be carried out in a future study.
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