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Stochastic determination of the spatial variation of potentially pathogenic bacteria communities in a large subtropical river
Zhou, Lei | Liu, Li | Chen, Wei-Yuan | Sun, Ji-Jia | Hou, Shi-Wei | Kuang, Tian-Xu | Wang, Wen-Xiong | Huang, Xian-De
Understanding the composition and assembly mechanism of waterborne pathogen is essential for preventing the pathogenic infection and protecting the human health. Here, based on 16S rRNA sequencing, we investigated the composition and spatial variation of potentially pathogenic bacteria from different sections of the Pearl River, the most important source of water for human in Southern China. The results showed that the potential pathogen communities consisted of 6 phyla and 64 genera, covering 11 categories of potential pathogens mainly involving animal parasites or symbionts (AniP), human pathogens all (HumPA), and intracellular parasites (IntCelP). Proteobacteria (75.87%) and Chlamydiae (20.56%) were dominant at the phylum level, and Acinetobacter (35.01%) and Roseomonas (8.24%) were dominant at the genus level. Multivariate analysis showed that the potential pathogenic bacterial community was significantly different among the four sections in the Pearl River. Both physicochemical factors (e.g., NO₃–N, and suspended solids) and land use (e.g., urban land and forest) significantly shaped the pathogen community structure. However, spatial effects contributed more to the variation of pathogen community based on variation partitioning and path analysis. Null model based normalized stochasticity ratio analysis further indicated that the stochastic process rather than deterministic process dominated the assembly mechanisms by controlling the spatial patterns of potential pathogens. In conclusion, high-throughput sequencing shows great potential for monitoring the potential pathogens, and provided more comprehensive information on the potentially pathogenic community. Our study highlighted the importance of considering the influences of dispersal-related processes in future risk assessments for the prevention and control of pathogenic bacteria.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Co-application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer promotes rice performance, decreases cadmium availability, and shapes rhizosphere bacterial community in paddy soil
Zhang, Li | He, Yulei | Lin, Dasong | Yao, Yanpo | Song, Ningning | Wang, Fangli
Cadmium (Cd) contamination in soil has posed a great threat to crop safety and yield as well as soil quality. Biochar blended with nitrogen fertilizer have been reported to be effective in remediating Cd-contaminated soil. However, the influence of co-application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer on the Cd bioavailability, rice yield and soil microbiome remains unclear. In this study, eight different treatments including control (CK), 5% biochar (B), 2.6, 3.5, 4.4 g/pot nitrogen fertilizers (N1, N2 and N3), and co-application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizers (BN1, BN2, BN3) were performed in a pot experiment with paddy soil for observations in an entire rice cycle growth period. Results showed single N increased soil available Cd content and Cd uptake in edible part of rice, while the soil available Cd content significantly decreased by 14.8% and 7.4%–11.1% under the B, BN treatments, and the Cd content in edible part of rice was significantly reduced by 35.1% and 18.5%–26.5%, respectively. Besides, B, N and BN treatments significantly increased the yield of rice by 14.3%–86.6% compared with CK, and the highest yield was gained under BN3 treatment. Soil bacterial diversity indices (Shannon, Chao1, observed species and PD whole tree index) under N2, N3 were generally improved. Cluster analysis indicated that bacterial community structures under BN treatments differed from those of CK and single N treatments. BN treatments enhanced the abundances of key bacterial phylum such as Acidobacteria, positively associated with yield, and increased the abundance of Spirochaetes, negatively correlated to soil available Cd and Cd uptake of rice. Furthermore, the regression path analysis (RPA) revealed that pH, organic matter (OM), alkaline hydrolysis of nitrogen (AHN) and available Cd were the major properties influencing Cd content in edible part of rice. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that pH and available Cd played key role in shaping soil bacterial community. Thus, BN is a feasible practice for the improvements of rice growth and remediation of Cd-polluted soil.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatiotemporal dynamic changes of antibiotic resistance genes in constructed wetlands and associated influencing factors
Zhang, Ling | Yan, Changzhou | Wang, Dapeng | Zhen, Zhuo
A better understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics and influencing factors of sulfonamide antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) distribution in subsurface flow constructed wetlands is essential to improve the ARGs removal efficiency. The spatiotemporal dynamics of sulfonamide ARGs were explored in the vertical upflow subsurface flow constructed wetland (VUSFCW). The results showed that the absolute abundance of ARGs presented a trend of bottom layer > middle layer > top layer. The relative abundance of ARGs decreased significantly from the bottom layer to the middle layer, but increased in the top layer. The bottom layer was the main stage to remove ARGs. The absolute abundance of ARGs at each point in summer was significantly higher than that in winter. Based on the spatiotemporal distribution of ARGs, the internal mechanism of ARGs dynamic change was explored by the partial least square path analysis model. The results showed that physical-chemical factors, microorganisms and antibiotics indirectly affected the spatiotemporal distribution of ARGs mainly through mobile genetic elements. The indirect influence coefficients of physical-chemical factors, microorganisms and antibiotics on the spatiotemporal distribution of ARGs were 0.505, 0.221 and 0.98 respectively. The direct influence coefficient of MGEs on the spatiotemporal distribution of ARGs was 0.895. The results of network analysis showed that the potential host species of ARGs in summer were more abundant than those in winter. The selection mode of sulfonamide ARGs to potential hosts was nonspecific. There is a risk of sulfonamide ARGs infecting pathogens in VUSFCW. Fortunately, VUSFCW has proven effective in reducing the absolute abundance of ARGs and the potential risk of pathogens carrying ARGs. These findings provide a model simulation and theoretical basis for effectively reducing the threat of ARGs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Quantifying the contribution rates of sulfonamide antibiotics removal mechanisms in constructed wetlands using multivariate statistical analysis
Zhang, Ling | Yan, Changzhou | Qi, Ran | Yang, Fan
The removal of antibiotics in subsurface flow constructed wetlands is performed through various removal mechanisms, such as adsorption, hydrolysis, microbial degradation and plant uptake. However, the contribution rates of the removal mechanisms in constructed wetlands are still not well studied. This study conducted a series of experiments and used multivariate statistical analysis to determine contribution rates for substrate adsorption, hydrolysis, and microbial degradation. Multiple stepwise regression analysis indicated that specific surface area and salt content were the main factors influencing sulfonamide adsorption, while temperature and pH were the main factors influencing sulfonamide hydrolysis. Variance partitioning analysis showed that the influence of physical-chemical factors was greater than that of nutrients on the microbial community. Partial least squares path analysis showed that the path coefficients of microbial degradation, adsorption and hydrolysis for sulfonamides removal in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands were 0.6339, 0.3608 and 0.0351, respectively, while the corresponding path coefficient were 0.5658, 0.4707 and 0.1079 in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands, respectively. This means that microbial degradation contributes the most to the removal of sulfonamides in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Enhanced microbial degradation may be a powerful measure to improve the removal of sulfonamides. These results will be helpful for understanding the removal mechanism of antibiotics and will provide a definite direction for pertinently improving sulfonamide removal efficiency in constructed wetlands.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of soil contamination with heavy metals during an intensive urbanization period (1989–2018) in southern China
Li, Cheng | Sanchez, Georgina M. | Wu, Zhifeng | Cheng, Jiong | Zhang, Siyi | Wang, Qi | Li, Fangbai | Sun, Ge | Meentemeyer, Ross K.
This three-decade long study was conducted in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), a rapidly urbanizing region in southern China. Extensive soil samples for a diverse land uses were collected in 1989 (113), 2005 (1384), 2009 (521), and 2018 (421) for heavy metals of As, Cr, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn. Multiple pollution indices and Structural Equation Models (SEMs) were used in attribution analysis and comprehensive assessments. Data showed that majority of the sampling sites was contaminated by one or more heavy metals, but pollutant concentrations had not reached levels of concerns for food security or human health. There was an increasing trend in heavy metal contamination over time and the variations of soil contamination were site-, time- and pollutant-dependent. Areas with high concentrations of heavy metals overlapped with highly industrialized and populated areas in western part of the study region. A dozen SEMs path analyses were used to compare the relative influences of key environmental factors on soil contamination across space and time. The high or elevated soil contaminations by As, Cr, Ni, Cu and Zn were primarily affected by soil properties during the study period, except 1989–2005, followed by land use patterns. Parent materials had a significant effect on elevated soil contamination of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and overall soil pollution during 1989–2005. We hypothesized that other factors not considered in the present study, such as atmospheric deposition, sewage irrigation, and agrochemical uses, may be also important to explain the variability of soil contamination. This study implied that strategies to improve soil physiochemical properties and optimize landscape structures are viable methods to mitigate soil contamination. Future studies should monitor pollutant sources identified by this study to fully understand the causes of heavy metal contamination in rapidly industrialized regions in southern China.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The temporal variation of SO2 emissions embodied in Chinese supply chains, 2002–2012
Yang, Xue | Zhang, Wenzhong | Fan, Jie | Li, Jiaming | Meng, Jing
Whilst attention is increasingly being focused on embodied pollutant emissions along supply chains in China, relatively little attention has been paid to dynamic changes in this process. This study utilized environmental extended input-output analysis (EEIOA) and structural path analysis (SPA) to investigate the dynamic variation of the SO2 emissions embodied in 28 economic sectors in Chinese supply chains during 2002–2012. The main conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) The dominant SO2 emission sectors differed under production and consumption perspectives. Electricity and heat production dominated SO2 emissions from the point of view of production, while construction contributed most from the consumption perspective. (2) The embodied SO2 emissions tended to change from the path (staring from consumption side to production side): “Services→Services→Power” in 2002 to the path: “Construction and Manufacturing→Metal and Nonmetal→Power” in 2012. (3) Metal-driven emissions raised dramatically from 15% in 2002 to 22% in 2012, due to increasing demand for metal products in construction and manufacturing activities. (4) Power generation was found to result in the greatest volume of production-based emissions, a burden it tended to transfer to upstream sectors in 2012. Controlling construction activities and cutting down end-of-pipe discharges in the process of power generation represent the most radical interventions in reducing Chinese SO2 emissions. This study shed light on changes in SO2 emissions in the supply chain, providing a range of policy implications from both production and consumption perspectives.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Catchment to sea connection: Impacts of terrestrial run-off on benthic ecosystems in American Samoa
Variation in water quality can directly affect the composition of benthic assemblages on coral reefs. Yet, few studies have directly quantified nutrient and suspended particulate matter (SPM) to examine their potential impacts on benthic community structure, especially around high oceanic islands. We assessed the spatio-temporal variation of nutrients and SPM across six sites in American Samoa over a 12-month period and used exploratory path analysis to relate dissolved inorganic nutrients, land use, and natural and anthropogenic drivers to benthic assemblages on adjacent shallow reefs. Multivariate analyses showed clear gradients in nutrient concentrations, sediment accumulation and composition, and benthic structure across watersheds. Instream nutrients and land uses positively influenced reef flat nutrient concentrations, while benthic assemblages were best predicted by wave exposure, runoff, stream phosphate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen loads. Identifying locality-specific drivers of water quality and benthic condition can support targeted management in American Samoa and in other high islands.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Metabolic rate allometry in intertidal mussels across environmental gradients: The role of coastal carbonate system parameters in mediating the effects of latitude and temperature
Labra, Fabio A. | San Martín, Valeska A. | Jahnsen-Guzmán, Nicole | Fernández, Carolina | Zapata, Javier | García-Huidobroro, M Roberto | Duarte, Cristian | García-Herrera, Claudio | Vivanco, Juan F. | Lardies, Marco A. | Lagos, Nelson A.
We assess the role of direct and indirect effects of coastal environmental drivers (including the parameters of the carbonate system) on energy expenditure (MR) and body mass (M) of the intertidal mussel, Perumytilus purpuratus, across 10 populations distributed over 2800 km along the Southern Eastern Pacific (SEP) coast. We find biogeographic and local variation in carbonate system variables mediates the effects of latitude and temperature on metabolic rate allometry along the SEP coast. Also, the fitted Piecewise Structural Equation models (PSEM) have greater predictive ability (conditional R² = 0.95) relative to the allometric scaling model (R² = 0.35). The largest standardized coefficients for MR and M were determined by the influence of temperature and latitude, followed by pCO₂, pH, total alkalinity, and salinity. Thus, physiological diversity of P. purpuratus along the SEP coast emerges as the result of direct and indirect effects of biogeographic and local environmental variables.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mercury Drives Metal Stress Response in Red Spruce Foliage in High-Elevation Appalachian Forests of New England, USA
Gawel, James E. | Cline, E. C. | Kmail, Zaher | Hunter, Sharon | Cesa, Rebecca | Ferro, Andrea R.
The dieback of Picea rubens Sarg. (red spruce) in the Appalachian Mountains of New England has been correlated with emissions transported from the Great Lakes region, including acids, metals, and oxidants. In 1994–1995, metal stress in red spruce foliage evidenced by phytochelatin concentrations increased with red spruce damage index in spruce-fir dominated stands in high elevation forests. In this study, we revisited those same forests after two decades to examine metal stress impacts on high-elevation forests following reductions in atmospheric pollutant loading. We measured metal concentrations in soils, lichens, and foliage, and concentrations of phytochelatin and its precursors in foliage of red spruce trees at 1000 m along a west–east transect from New York to New Hampshire, and along an 800–1000 m elevational transect on Whiteface Mountain, NY. Path analysis showed that foliar Hg had a direct positive effect on foliar phytochelatins, metal-binding peptides produced by the metal stress response in plants. Essential metals Cu and Zn decreased the concentration of Hg in foliage. However, we could not determine the relative importance of atmospheric vs soil pathways for metal exposure. While metal stress was still occurring on Whiteface Mountain in 2013, the overall visual health of red spruce trees across the region was significantly improved compared to 1993–1995. Thus, although metal stress is still measurable in red spruce, the physiological impact may be lessened by decreases in the deposition of metals and acids, thus providing evidence of positive forest health outcomes from improvements in regional air quality in the Northeastern US.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Decomposition of China’s regional carbon emission paths: an analysis of environmental input and output considering regional development differences [Erratum: September 2022, v.29(41), p.62560]
Sun, Xueying | Ma, Xiaojun | Shi, Feng | Han, Miaomiao | Xie, Haiyang | He, Yuan
At present, the imbalance in regional development and carbon emissions are the two major challenges that China faces in terms of achieving high-quality development. This paper takes regional development differences as the starting point. First, we adopt the improved CRITIC method to measure the comprehensive development level of 30 regions in China and use K-means clustering to divide the 30 regions into five development levels. Second, the structural path analysis for environmental input–output analysis (EIOA-SPA) model is used to quantify the transfer of carbon emissions between sectors in various regions. Finally, a comprehensive analysis is performed based on the development characteristics of each region and the decomposition results of the carbon emission paths. Then, more precise carbon emission reduction strategies are proposed for the development of different regions in China. The results show that first, the development gap between regions in China has improved, and the development of the central and western regions has achieved remarkable results. However, differences between the north and the south and the gap between coastal and inland regions still exist. Second, the direct carbon emissions of regions with different levels of development are mainly derived from high energy-consuming sectors, especially the production and supply of electricity and heat sector. Third, there are certain differences in the indirect carbon emission pathways of regions with different development levels. The transportation, storage, and postal sector in high developed regions have obvious driving effects on carbon emissions. The building sector plays a prominent role in driving carbon emissions in high developed regions and medium–high developed regions. The building sector, nonmetallic mineral products sector, metal smelting sector, and rolled processed product sector in medium developed regions and medium–low developed regions have relatively high carbon emission-stimulating effects. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt differentiated emission reduction strategies for regions with different development levels in China to achieve adequate carbon emission reductions. This effort would further promote the construction of China’s ecological civilization.
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