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Inter-species differences for polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in marine top predators from the Southern North Sea: Part 1. Accumulation patterns in harbour seals and harbour porpoises
Weijs, Liesbeth | Dirtu, Alin C | Das, Krishna | Gheorghe, Adriana | Reijnders, Peter | Neels, Hugo | Blust, Ronny | Covaci, Adrian | MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège
peer reviewed | Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) are two representative top predator species of the North Sea ecosystem. The median values of sum of 21 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and sum of 10 polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners were 23.1 mg/g lipid weight (lw) and 0.33 mg/g lw in blubber of harbour seals (n ¼ 28) and 12.4 mg/g lw and 0.76 mg/g lw in blubber of harbour porpoises (n¼ 35), respectively. For both species, the highest PCB concentrations were observed in adult males indicating bioaccumulation. On the contrary, the highest PBDE concentrations were measured in juveniles, likely due to better-developed metabolic capacities with age in adults. A higher contribution of lower chlorinated and non-persistent congeners, such as CB 52, CB 95, CB 101, and CB 149, together with higher contributions of other PBDE congeners than BDE 47, indicated that harbour porpoises are unable to metabolize these compounds. Harbour seals showed a higher ability to metabolize PCBs and PBDEs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of edaphic conditions and persistent organic pollutants on earthworms in an infiltration basin
Fernandes, G. | Roques, O. | Lassabatère, L. | Sarles, L. | Venisseau, A. | Marchand, P. | Bedell, Jean-Philippe | LEHNA - Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés [équipe IAPHY] (LEHNA IAPHY) ; Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (LEHNA) ; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ; Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État (ENTPE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ; Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État (ENTPE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | Laboratoire d'étude des Résidus et Contaminants dans les Aliments (LABERCA) ; École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)
International audience | In recent decades, stormwater management has developed to allow stormwater to infiltrate directly into the soils instead of being collected and routed to sewer systems. However, during infiltration, stormwater creates a sediment deposit at the soil surface as the result of high loads of suspended particles (including pollutants), leading to the settlement of sedimentary layers prone to colonization by plants and earthworms. This study aims to investigate the earthworm communities of a peculiar infiltration basin and investigate the influence of edaphic conditions (water content, organic matter content, pH, height of sediment) and of persistent organic pollutants (POPs: PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs) on these earthworms. Attention was paid to their age (juveniles or adults) and their functional group (epigeic, endogeic, anecic). We found that the earthworm abundance was mostly driven by edaphic conditions, with only a slight impact of POPs, with a significant negative impact of PCBDLno for juveniles and endogeic, and PCDDs for epigeic. On the contrary, the height of the sediment and the water content are beneficial for their presence and reproduction. Furthermore, POPs contents are also linked to physicochemical parameters of the sediment. Bioaccumulation was clearly revealed in the studied site but does not differ between juveniles and adults, except for PCDDs. Conversely, BAF values seemed to vary between functional groups, except for PCBDL non-ortho. It strongly varies with the family types (PCBs versus PCCD/Fs) and between congeners within the same family, with specific strong bioaccumulation for a few congeners.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Survival rate and breeding outputs in a high Arctic seabird exposed to legacy persistent organic pollutants and mercury
Goutte, Aurélie | Barbraud, Christophe | Herzke, Dorte | Bustamante, Paco | Angelier, Frédéric | Tartu, Sabrina | Clément-Chastel, Céline | Moe, Børge | Bech, Claus | Gabrielsen, Geir W | Ove Bustnes, Jan | Chastel, Olivier | Milieux Environnementaux, Transferts et Interactions dans les hydrosystèmes et les Sols (METIS) ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) ; Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL)-Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | Centre d'Études Biologiques de Chizé - UMR 7372 (CEBC) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-La Rochelle Université (ULR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) | LIttoral ENvironnement et Sociétés (LIENSs) ; Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-La Rochelle Université (ULR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) | Norwegian Polar Institute
International audience | Chronic exposure to pollutants may represent a threat for wildlife. We tested whether adult survival rate, breeding probability and breeding success the year of sampling and the following year were affected by blood levels of mercury or persistent organic pollutants in Svalbard black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla, by using capture–mark–recapture models over a five-year period. Survival rate was negatively linked to HCB levels in females, to chlordane mixture and oxychlordane, tended to decrease with increasing PCBs or DDE levels, but was unrelated to mercury. Breeding probability decreased with increasing mercury levels during the sampling year and with increasing CHL or HCB levels during the following year, especially in males observed as breeders. Surprisingly, the probability of raising two chicks increased with increasing HCB levels. Although levels of these legacy pollutants are expected to decline, they represent a potential threat for adult survival rate and breeding probability, possibly affecting kittiwake population dynamics.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Concentration dynamics of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in blood of growing Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) chicks in the wild
Valters, Karlis | Olsson, Anders | Vīksne, J. (Jānis) | Rubene, Liga | Bergman, Åke
Organochlorine contaminants (OCs) – organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and industrial products and byproducts – are included in different monitoring programmes and surveys, involving various animal species. Fish-eating birds are suitable indicator species for OCs. Adult birds may be difficult to capture, but chicks can be sampled more easily. Blood of birds is a potentially suitable non-destructive matrix for analysis, as OC levels in blood reflect their concentrations in the body. The study was aimed at investigating how age of fast-growing Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) chicks affects contaminant levels in their blood and thus how important is sampling at exact age for biomonitoring purposes. In 1999 on Lake Engure in Latvia whole blood samples of heron chicks were collected at three different time points, with seven and nine days in between the first and second and second and third sampling points, respectively. Twenty-two chicks were sampled at all three times. In total, 102 samples were analysed for 19 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, DDT metabolites – DDE and DDD, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), α-, β-, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), and trans-nonachlor. Total PCB concentrations averaged around 2000 ng/g dry extracted matter (EM). DDE was the dominant individual contaminant (ca. 800 ng/g EM), followed by CB-153, -138, and −118. Most of the other analysed OCs were below 100 ng/g EM. No significant (p > 0.05) differences in OC concentrations were found between the three sampling occasions, except for trans-nonachlor. This means that blood can safely be sampled for biomonitoring purposes during the 17 days’ time window. The analysed legacy contaminants may serve as model substances for other persistent organic pollutants.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Endocrine disrupting chemicals impact on ovarian aging: Evidence from epidemiological and experimental evidence
Ding, Ting | Yan, Wei | Zhou, Ting | Shen, Wei | Wang, Tian | Li, Milu | Zhou, Su | Wu, Meng | Dai, Jun | Huang, Kecheng | Zhang, Jinjin | Chang, Jiang | Wang, Shixuan
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are ubiquitous in daily life, but their harmful effects on the human body have not been fully explored. Recent studies have shown that EDCs exposure could lead to infertility, menstrual disorder and menopause, resulting in subsequent effects on female health. Therefore, it is of great significance to clarify and summarize the impacts of EDCs on ovarian aging for explaining the etiology of ovarian aging and maintaining female reproductive health. Here in this review, we focused on the impacts of ten typical environmental contaminants on the progression of ovarian aging during adult exposure, including epidemiological data in humans and experimental models in rodents, with their clinical phenotypes and underlying mechanisms. We found that both persistent (polychlorinated biphenyls, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and non-persistent (phthalates) EDCs exposure could increase an overall risk of ovarian aging, leading to the diminish of ovarian reserve, decline of fertility or fecundity, irregularity of the menstrual cycle and an earlier age at menopause, and/or premature ovarian insufficiency/failure in epidemiological studies. Among these, the loss of follicles can also be validated in experimental studies of some EDCs, such as BPA, phthalates, parabens and PCBs. The underlying mechanisms may involve the impaired ovarian follicular development by altering receptor-mediated pro-apoptotic pathways, inducing signal transduction and cell cycle arrest and epigenetic modification. However, there were inconsistent results in the impacts on fertility/fecundity, menstrual/estrous cycle and hormone changes response to different EDCs, and differences between human and animal studies. Our review summarizes the current state of knowledge on ovarian disrupters, highlights their risks to ovarian aging and identifies knowledge gaps in humans and animals. We therefore propose that females adopt healthy lifestyle changes to minimize their exposure to both persistent and non-persistent chemicals, that have the potential damage to their reproductive function.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Distribution and toxicity of persistent organic pollutants and methoxylated polybrominated diphenylethers in different tissues of the green turtle Chelonia mydas
Weltmeyer, Antonia | Dogruer, Gülsah | Hollert, Henner | Ouellet, Jacob D. | Townsend, Kathy | Covaci, Adrian | Weijs, Liesbeth
Investigating environmental pollution is important to understand its impact on endangered species such as green turtles (Chelonia mydas). In this study, we investigated the accumulation and potential toxicity of selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and naturally occurring MeO-PBDEs in liver, fat, kidney and muscle of turtles (n = 30) of different gender, size, year of death, location and health status. Overall, POP concentrations were low and accumulation was highest in liver and lowest in fat which is likely due to the poor health of several animals, causing a remobilization of lipids and associated compounds. PCBs and p,p’-DDE dominated the POP profiles, and relatively high MeO-PBDE concentrations (2′-MeO-BDE 68 up to 192 ng/g lw, 6-MeO-BDE 47 up to 79 ng/g lw) were detected in all tissues. Only few influences of factors such as age, gender and location were found. While concentrations were low compared to other marine wildlife, biological toxicity equivalences obtained by screening the tissue extracts using the micro-EROD assay ranged from 2.8 to 356 pg/g and the highest values were observed in muscle, followed by kidney and liver. This emphazises that pollutant mixtures found in the turtles have the potential to cause dioxin-like effects in these animals and that dioxin-like compounds should not be overlooked in future studies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Persistent organic pollutants in eggs from south Texas Aplomado falcons
Hidalgo, Chelsea M. | Mora, Miguel A. | Sericano, Jose L. | Mutch, Brian D. | Juergens, Paul W.
A program to reintroduce the Northern Aplomado falcon (Falco femoralis septentrionalis) in south Texas and the southwestern United States was initiated in the late 1970s. Fledgling Aplomado falcons were first released in the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in 1993 and the first nesting pair in the area was recorded by 1995. During 2004–2017 we collected addled eggs from nesting pairs in the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge and Matagorda Island in south Texas, to determine if environmental contaminants in Aplomado falcon eggs had decreased over time and if eggshell thickness values were similar to those in the pre-DDT era. We analyzed organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and PBDEs in 60 egg homogenates by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Eggshells were measured to determine thickness and to correlate with contaminant concentrations. Mean concentration in eggs were 244 ng/g ww for p,p’- DDE, 270 ng/g ww for PCBs and 10 ng/g ww for PBDEs. These values were lower than those reported in a previous study for eggs collected between 1999 and 2003, with a mean of 821 ng/g ww for p,p’-DDE and 1228 ng/g ww for total PCBs. Eggshell thickness ranged from 0.206 mm to 0.320 mm (n = 156). Overall, contaminant concentrations in eggs of Aplomado falcons were low, at levels not likely to impact the recovery of the species. Data from this and previous studies indicate that DDE has decreased significantly in eggs of Aplomado falcons over the last 25 years in south Texas. Breeding populations have been steady at over 30 breeding pairs in south Texas since 2011, although they decreased to 24 pairs in 2018 following Hurricane Harvey.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Development of polyoxymethylene passive sampler for assessing air concentrations of PCBs at a confined disposal facility (CDF)
Odetayo, Adesewa A. | Reible, Danny D. | Acevedo-Mackey, Damarys | Price-Glynn, Cynthia | Thai, Le
In this study, 76 μm polyoxymethylene (POM) strips were evaluated as a passive air sampler (PAS) for monitoring the volatile emissions from dredged material placed in confined disposal facilities (CDF). Laboratory evaluations were used to assess the uptake kinetics, average equilibrium time, and estimate the POM-air partition coefficients (KPOM₋A) of 16 PCB congeners. The uptake kinetics defined the effective averaging time for air sampling and ranged from about a week for dichlorobiphenyls to 2 weeks or more for tetra- and pentachlorobiphenyls at ∼20 °C under internal mass transfer resistance control which was applicable for Log KPOM₋A < 8. The measured Log KPOM₋A for PCBs ranged from 5.65 to 9.34 and exhibited an average deviation of 0.19 log unit from the theoretical value of KPOM₋W/KAW. The PAS approach was then tested with a preliminary field application (n = 17) at a CDF allowing equilibration over 42 days. The field application focused on lower congener PCBs as a result of the estimated increase in KPOM₋A and longer uptake times expected at the low ambient temperatures during the field study (average of 3.5 °C). Total PCB air concentrations around the CDF averaged 0.32 ng/m³ and varied according to proximity to placement of the dredged materials and predominant wind directions. Average PAS concentration of low congener number PCBs (15, 18, 20/28, 31) were compared to available high volume air sampler (HVAS) measurements. The PAS concentrations were within 20% of HVAS in the dominant north and south directions and showed similar trends as east and west HVAS samplers although PAS concentrations were as much as an order of magnitude below the west HVAS.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The effect of sewage sludge fertilization on the concentration of PAHs in urban soils
Wołejko, Elżbieta | Wydro, Urszula | Jabłońska-Trypuć, Agata | Butarewicz, Andrzej | Łoboda, Tadeusz
This paper analyses sources of sixteen PAHs – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urbanized areas by using selected diagnostic ratios. Simultaneously, an attempt was made to determine how sewage sludge changes PAHs content in urbanized areas soils. In the experiment three lawns along the main roads in Bialystok with different traffic intensity, three doses of sewage sludge and two years of study were considered. There was no effect of fertilization with sewage sludge on the sum of 16 PAHs in urban soil samples, nevertheless, the sum of 16 PAHs was reduced from 2.6 in 2011 to 2.3 mg/kg in 2012. Among 16 tested PAHs compounds, benzo[a]pyrene was the most dominant compound in samples collected in both years – about 15% of all PAHs. The results suggest that application of sludge into the soil did not influence the concentration of 2-3-ring, 4-ring and 5-6-ring PAHs. For the objects fertilized with a dose 150.0 Mg/ha, of sludge the total sum of potentially carcinogenic PAHs in the urban soil lowered by approximately 68% in comparison with the control plots. PAHs contamination of the urban soil samples resulted from the influence of coal, petroleum and biomass combustion. Moreover, PAHs can enter soil via at mospheric deposition.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Role of black carbon in soil distribution of organochlorines in Lesser Himalayan Region of Pakistan
ʻAlī, ʻUs̲mān | Riaz, Rahat | Sweetman, Andrew James | Jones, K. C. (Kevin C.) | Li, Jun | Zhang, Gan | Malik, Riffat Naseem
Black carbon and total organic carbon (TOC) along with organochlorines (OCs) were analyzed in soils from four sampling zones of Lesser Himalayan Region based on source proximity/anthropogenic influences along the altitude. CTO-375 method was used for BC analysis while OCs were analyzed by GC-MS/MS system. BC and TOC ranged between 0.16–1.77 and 6.8–41.3 mg g−1 while those of OCPs and PCBs ranged between 0.69 and 5.77 and 0.12–2.55 ng g−1, respectively. ∑DDTs were the dominant (87.9%) among OCPs while tri- and tetra- (65.5%) homologue groups among PCBs. Hexa-PCBs, however also showed higher contribution (20.4%) in the region. Source diagnostic ratios of DDE + DDD/DDT (0.1–1.53) indicated both fresh and old input while α-HCH/γ-HCH (0.19–2.49) showed presence of lindane in the region. Higher concentration of OCs were observed in Zone C at altitudinal range of 737–975 masl that are close to the human influences and potential sources of POPs. The results of linear regression analysis revealed potential input of BC in soil distribution of OC concentrations in the region.
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