AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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Resultados 1-10 de 11

Growth, photosynthesis and UV-B absorbing compounds of Portuguese Barbela wheat exposed to ultraviolet-B radiation


Correia, C.M. | Torres-Pereira, M.S. | Torres-Pereira, J.M.G. (Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Apartado 202, 5000 Vila Real (Portugal))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Growth, ectomycorrhizae and nonstructural carbohydrates of loblolly pine seedlings exposed to ozone and soil water deficit


Meier, S. | Grand, L.F. | Schoeneberger, M.M. | Reinert, R.A. | Bruck, R.I. (Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7616 (USA))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Physiology, morphology, and ozone uptake of leaves of black cherry seedlings, saplings, and canopy trees


Fredericksen, T.S. | Joyce, B.J. | Skelly, J.M. | Steiner, K.C. | Kolb, T.E. | Kouterick, K.B. | Savage, J.E. | Snyder, K.R. (Environmental Resources Research Institute, 220 Forest Resource Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 (USA))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Stomata and plant water relations: does air pollution create problems?


Mansfield, T.A. (Department of Biological Sciences, Institute of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ (United Kingdom))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom