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Policies related to agriculture and environment in the European Community.
Tunney H.
Economic impact of reductions in exposure of agricultural crops to nitrogen- and sulphuroxides in the Netherlands
Bunte, F.H.J. | Wijnands, J.H.M. | Bremmer, J. | Hoogeveen, M. | Tonneijck, A.E.G. (LEI-DLO, Den Haag and AB-DLO, Wageningen (Netherlands))
Spatial planning as a tool for decreasing nitrogen loads in nature areas
Bleeker, A. | Erisman, J.W. (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven (Netherlands))
Feasibility of national nitrogen balances
Slak, M.F. | Commagnac, L. | Lucas, S. (ENITA de Bordeaux, Laboratoire Sols et Paysages (France))
Agricultural nutrient balances as agri-environmental indicators: an OECD perspective
Parris, K. (Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, OECD, Paris (France))
Policies and instruments for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources in the Netherlands
Jonge, L. de (Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Hague (Netherlands))
Making the link between science and policy: controlling N losses from agriculture in Canada
Kimpe, C.R. de | MacDonald, K.B. (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sir John Carling Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C5 (Canada))
Mineral accounting: the way to combat eutrophication and to achieve the drinking water objective
Brandt, H.M.P. van den | Smit, H.P. (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, Den Haag (Netherlands))
Leaching of nitrate from agriculture to groundwater: the effect of policies and measures in the Netherlands
Oenema, O. | Boers, P.C.M. | Eerdt, M.M. van | Fraters, B. | Meer, H.G. van der | Roest, C.W.J. | Schroder, J.J. | Willems, W.J. (AB-DLO, P.O. Box 14, 6700 AA Wageningen (Netherlands))
Policies to reduce nitrogen surplus in German agriculture
Isermeyer, F. | Schleef, K.H. (Institute of Farm Economics, Federal Agricultural Centre, Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig-Volkenrode (Germany))