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Polystyrene and Polymethylmethacrylate Microplastics Embedded in Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Deposits of Sewers
Nikpay, Mitra
Fat, oil, and grease (FOG) deposits in the urban sewer system affect the optimal performance of the wastewater collection system and treatment plant, while increasing sewer maintenance costs. The interaction of microplastics (MPs) and FOG in the sewer system could drastically change the quality of deposited materials and the fate of MPs in raw sewage. In this study, the batch experiment was conducted to explain the mechanism of FOG formation by synthetic wastewater and its interaction with polystyrene (PS) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) particles. We found three different segments for FOG deposits in the batch, namely static and buoyant micro-deposits, gel-like, and solid deposits. The average size of micro-deposits adhered to the solid-liquid interface of the container was 25 µm and buoyant deposits with a small size of 3 µm adsorbed onto the MPs at the liquid-air interface. The gel-like formation promoted a virtual liquid phase where PS and PMMA were confined and segregated. Some PMMA particles were entrapped in the self-assembly of biopolymers that formed between the PS particles. This research indicates that FOG deposition in the urban sewers contains high numbers of MPs, such that any plan involving a reuse or disposal program requires a risk assessment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sorption of PAHs to microplastic and their bioavailability and toxicity to marine copepods under co-exposure conditions
Sørensen, Lisbet | Rogers, Emilie | Altin, Dag | Salaberria, Iurgi | Booth, Andy
Organic chemical pollutants associated with microplastic (MP) may represent an alternative exposure route for these chemicals to marine biota. However, the bioavailability of MP-sorbed organic pollutants under conditions where co-exposure occurs from the same compounds dissolved in the water phase has rarely been studied experimentally, especially where pollutant concentrations in the two phases are well characterized. Importantly, higher concentrations of organic pollutants on ingested MP may be less bioavailable to aquatic organisms than the same chemicals present in dissolved form in the surrounding water. In the current study, the sorption kinetics of two model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; fluoranthene and phenanthrene) to MP particles in natural seawater at 10 and 20 °C were studied and the bioavailability of MP-sorbed PAHs to marine copepods investigated. Polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS) microbeads with mean diameters ranging from 10-200 µm were used to identify the role of MP polymer type and size on sorption mechanisms. Additionally, temperature dependence of sorption was investigated. Results indicated that adsorption dominated at lower temperatures and for smaller MP (10 µm), while absorption was the prevailing process for larger MP (100 µm). Monolayer sorption dominated at lower PAH concentrations, while multilayer sorption dominated at higher concentrations. PE particles representing ingestible (10 µm) and non-ingestible (100 µm) MP for the marine copepod species Acartia tonsa and Calanus finmarchicus were used to investigate the availability and toxicity of MP-sorbed PAHs. Studies were conducted under co-exposure conditions where the PAHs were also present in the dissolved phase (Cfree), thereby representing more environmentally relevant exposure scenarios. Cfree reduction through MP sorption was reflected in a corresponding reduction of lethality and bioaccumulation, with no difference observed between ingestible and non-ingestible MP. This indicates that only free dissolved PAHs are significantly bioavailable to copepods under co-exposure conditions with MP-sorbed PAHs. | publishedVersion
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Abundance and distribution of microplastics on sandy beaches of the eastern Moroccan Mediterranean coast
Azaaouaj, S. | Nachite, D. | Anfuso Melfi, Giorgio | Er-Ramy, N. | Ciencias de la Tierra
Microplastics (MPs) were investigated at 19 sandy beaches along the eastern Mediterranean Moroccan coast. Sediment samples (5 mm–63 μ m) were analyzed to identify MPs abundance, size, shape, color and nature. MPs concentration ranged from 40 ± 7.4 to 230 ± 48.6 MPs kg 1 ; fibrous MPs were the most abundant (74.72 %), followed by fragments (20.26 %), films (3.27 %), pellets (1.42 %) and foams (0.33 %). Large MPs (1–5 mm) accounted for 58 %, while small (< 1 mm) for 42 %. The 1–2 mm fraction of sediments presented the greatest amounts (30.67 %) of MPs. Transparent (50 %) and blue (17 %) were most common colors and most of particles were angular and irregularly shaped. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis showed that PE (Polyethylene), PS (Polystyrene) and PP (Polypropylene) and PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) were the most common polymers. These findings revealed a moderate level of microplastic pollution along the beaches of the eastern Moroccan Mediterranean coast.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Combined effects of degradable film fragments and micro/nanoplastics on growth of wheat seedling and rhizosphere microbes
Ren, Xinwei | Wang, Lan | Tang, Jingchun | Sun, Hongwen | Giesy, John P.
Multiple sources of microplastics (MPs) in farmland could result in the changing of microbial community and the plant growth. Most studies of MPs in agricultural system have focused on the effects of single types of MPs on growth of plants, while neglect interactions between multiple types of MPs. In this study a pot-experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of multiple types of MPs, including polystyrene beads: M1, 5 μm, M2, 70 nm and degradable mulching film (DMF) fragments on growth of wheat seedlings and associated rhizosphere microbial community. CKD (adding DMF) significantly reduced plant height and base diameter of wheat seedlings. DMF in combination with M2, significantly increased plant height and aboveground biomass, but decreased the base diameter. Actinobacteria was the dominant taxa in the rhizosphere bacterial community in various treatments. PCoA analysis showed that the bacterial composition in M2HD (100 mg kg⁻¹ M² with DMF) was significantly different from that of CKD and M2LD (10 mg kg⁻¹ M² with DMF). At the level of genera, the dominant fungi in CKD and M2LD were in the genus Fusarium, which is the cause of wheat fusarium blight and Alternaria, which results in decreased base diameter. In CK (control group) and M2HD, Blastobotrys exhibited the greatest abundance, which assisted wheat seedlings in resisting Verticillium disease. Cluster and PCoA analysis showed the fungal composition in CKD was significantly different from CK, M2LD and M2HD. These findings suggest MPs potentially have selective effects on pathogens that affect growth of plants and potentially safety of the food.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparative effects of crystalline, poorly crystalline and freshly formed iron oxides on the colloidal properties of polystyrene microplastics
Vu, Trang T.T. | Nguyen, Phat H. | Pham, Trinh V. | Do, Phuong Q. | Dao, Trang T. | Nguyen, Anh D. | Nguyen-Thanh, Lan | Dinh, Van M. | Nguyen, Minh N.
Colloid-sized microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous in aquatic environments and can share the same transport route together with various crystalline, poorly crystalline and freshly formed iron oxides. However, the colloidal interactions between these colloid constituents are not fully understood. This study was designed to investigate the colloidal properties of polystyrene microplastics (PSMPs) under the influence of haematite, goethite, ferrihydrite and freshly formed Fe oxide (FFFO). Dynamic light scattering was coupled with a test tube method to observe changes in the surface charge and colloidal dynamics of suspensions of PSMPs and Fe oxides. The overall effects on the aggregation of PSMPs are found to decrease in the following order: FFFO > ferrihydrite > goethite > haematite. The effects of these Fe oxides are found to strongly depend on pH. While the crystalline oxides play a dominant role in the acidic environment, poorly crystalline oxides show greater effects on PSMP aggregation in an alkaline environment. Heteroaggregation due to decreasing electrostatic interactions is the major mechanism that governs the colloidal dynamics of PSMPs and Fe oxides. It can be inferred that the copresence of Fe oxides and MPs can delay the transport of MPs or even change the destination for MPs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Materials, surfaces, and interfacial phenomena in nanoplastics toxicology research
Martin, Leisha M.A. | Gan, Nin | Wang, Erica | Merrill, Mackenzie | Xu, Wei
In response to the growing worldwide plastic pollution problem, the field of nanoplastics research is attempting to determine the risk of exposure to nanoparticles amidst their ever-increasing presence in the environment. Since little is known about the attributes of environmental nanoplastics (concentration, composition, morphology, and size) due to fundamental limitations in detection and quantification of smaller plastic particles, researchers often improvise by engineering nanoplastic particles with various surface modifications as models for laboratory toxicological testing. Polystyrene and other commercially available or easily synthesized polymer materials functionalized with surfactants or fluorophores are typically used for these studies. How surfactants, additives, fluorophores, the addition of surface functional groups for conjugation, or other changes to surface attributes alter toxicological profiles remains unclear. Additionally, the limited polymers used in laboratory models do not mimic the vast range of polymer types comprising environmental pollutants. Nanomaterials are tricky materials to investigate due to their high surface area, high surface energies, and their propensity to interact with molecules, proteins, and biological probes. These unique properties can often invalidate common laboratory assays. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that results are not artefactual. We have gathered zeta potential values for various polystyrene nanoparticles with different functionalization, in different solvents, from the reported literature. We also discuss the effects of surface engineering and solvent properties on interparticle interactions, agglomeration, particle-protein interactions, corona formation, nano-bio interfaces, and contemplate how these parameters might confound results. Various toxicological exemplars are critically reviewed, and the relevance and shortfalls of the most popular models used in nanoplastics toxicity studies published in the current literature are considered.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Canidin-3-glucoside prevents nano-plastics induced toxicity via activating autophagy and promoting discharge
Chen, Wen | Chu, Qiang | Ye, Xiang | Sun, Yuhao | Liu, Yangyang | Jia, Ruoyi | Li, Yonglu | Tu, Pengcheng | Pan, Jijiong | Yu, Ting | Chen, Chuan | Zheng, Xiaodong
Increasing attention has been brought to microplastics pollution recently, while emerging evidences indicate that nano-plastics degraded from microplastics are more of research significance owing to stronger toxicity. However, there is little study focused on the prevention of nano-plastics induced toxicity until now. Canidin-3-glucoside (C3G), a natural anthocyanin proved to possess multiple functions like antioxidant and intestinal tissue protection. Thus, we proposed whether C3G could act as a molecular weapon against nano-plastics induced toxicity. In Caco2 cell and Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) models, we found that polystyrene (PS) nano-plastics exposure resulted in physiological toxicity and oxidative damage, which could be restored by C3G. More significantly in Caco2 cells, we observed that autophagy was activated via Sirt1-Foxo1 signaling pathway to attenuate PS induced toxicity after C3G intervention and further verified by adding autophagy inhibitor 3-Methyladenine (3-MA). Meanwhile, PS co-localization with lysosomes was observed, indicating the encapsulation and degradation of PS. In C. elegans, by detecting LGG-1/LC3 expression in GFP-targeted LGG-1 report gene (LGG-1:GFP) labeled transgenic DA2123 strain, the co-localization of LGG-1:GFP with PS was found as well, means that autophagy is involved in C3G’s beneficial effects. Furthermore, we were surprised to find that C3G could promote the discharge of PS from N2 nematodes, which reduces PS toxicity more directly.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Environmental microplastic and nanoplastic: Exposure routes and effects on coagulation and the cardiovascular system
Lett, Zachary | Hall, Abigail | Skidmore, Shelby | Alves, Nathan J.
Plastic pollution has been a growing concern in recent decades due to the proliferation and ease of manufacturing of single use plastic products and inadequate waste and recycling management. Microplastic, and even smaller nanoplastic, particles are persistent pollutants in aquatic and terrestrial systems and are the subject of active and urgent research. This review will explore the current research on how exposure to plastic particles occurs and the risks associated from different exposure routes: ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure. The effects of microplastics on the cardiovascular system are of particular importance due to its sensitivity and ability to transport particles to other organ systems. The effects of microplastics and nanoplastics on the heart, platelet aggregation, and thrombus formation will all be explored with focus on how the particle characteristics modulate their effect. Plastic particle interactions are highly dependent on both their size and their surface chemistry and interesting research is being done with the interaction of particle characteristics and effect on thrombosis and the cardiovascular system. There is significant uncertainty surrounding some of the findings in this field as research in this area is still maturing. There are undoubtedly more physiological consequences than we are currently aware of resulting from environmental plastic exposure and more studies need to be conducted to reveal the full extent of pathologies caused by the various routes of microplastic exposure, with particular emphasis on longitudinal exposure effects. Further research will allow us to recognize the full extent of physiological impact and begin developing viable solutions to reduce plastic pollution and potentially design interventions to mitigate in-vivo plastic effects following significant or prolonged exposure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Treatment of microplastics in water by anodic oxidation: A case study for polystyrene
Kiendrebeogo, Marthe | Karimi Estahbanati, M.R. | Khosravanipour Mostafazadeh, Ali | Drogui, Patrick | Tyagi, R.D.
Water pollution by microplastics (MPs) is a contemporary issue which has recently gained lots of attentions. Despite this, very limited studies were conducted on the degradation of MPs. In this paper, we reported the treatment of synthetic mono-dispersed suspension of MPs by using electrooxidation (EO) process. MPs synthetic solution was prepared with distilled water and a commercial polystyrene solution containing a surfactant. In addition to anode material, different operating parameters were investigated such as current intensity, anode surface, electrolyte type, electrolyte concentration, and reaction time. The obtained results revealed that the EO process can degrade 58 ± 21% of MPs in 1 h. Analysis of the operating parameters showed that the current intensity, anode material, electrolyte type, and electrolyte concentration substantially affected the MPs removal efficiency, whereas anode surface area had a negligible effect. In addition, dynamic light scattering analysis was performed to evaluate the size distribution of MPs during the degradation. The combination of dynamic light scattering, scanning electron microscopy, total organic carbon, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy results suggested that the MPs did not break into smaller particles and they degrade directly into gaseous products. This work demonstrated that EO is a promising process for degradation of MPs in water without production of any wastes or by-products.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Submicro- and nanoplastics: How much can be expected in water bodies?
Annenkov, Vadim V. | Danilovtseva, Elena N. | Zelinskiy, Stanislav N. | Pal’shin, Viktor A.
Plastic particles smaller than 1 μm are considered to be highly dangerous pollutants due to their ability to penetrate living cells. Model experiments on the toxicity of plastics should be correlated with actual concentrations of plastics in natural water. We simulated the natural destruction of polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, and poly(methyl methacrylate) in experiments on the abrasion of plastics with small stones. The plastics were dyed in mass with a fluorescent dye, which made it possible to distinguish plastic particles from stone fragments. We found that less than 1% of polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride were converted to submicron size particles. In the case of more rigid poly(methyl methacrylate), the fraction of such particles reaches 11%. The concentration of particles with a diameter less than 1 μm in the model experiments was from 0.7 (polystyrene) to 13 mg/L (poly(methyl methacrylate)), and when transferring the obtained data to real reservoirs, these values should be reduced by several orders of magnitude. These data explain the difficulties associated with the search for nanoplastics in natural waters. The toxicity of such particles to hydrobionts in model experiments was detected for concentrations greater than 1 mg/L, which is unrealistic in nature. Detectable and toxic amounts of nano- and submicron plastic particles in living organisms can be expected only in the case of filter-feeding organisms, such as molluscs, krill, sponges, etc.
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