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Using fluorescent dyes as proxies to study herbicide removal by sorption in buffer zones
Dollinger, Jeanne | Dagès, Cécile | Voltz, Marc | Laboratoire d'étude des Interactions Sol - Agrosystème - Hydrosystème (UMR LISAH) ; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques (Montpellier SupAgro)-Institut national d’études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro) | Research and development project funded by the French Office for Water and Aquatic Bodies (ONEMA)
The performance of buffer zones for removing pesticides from runoff water varies greatly according to landscape settings, hydraulic regime, and system design. Evaluating the performance of buffers for a range of pesticides and environmental conditions can be very expensive. Recent studies suggested that the fluorescent dyes uranine and sulforhodamine B could be used as cost-effective surrogates of herbicides to evaluate buffer performance. However, while transformation mechanisms in buffers have been extensively documented, sorption processes of both dyes have rarely been investigated. In this study, we measured the adsorption, desorption, and kinetic sorption coefficients of uranine and sulforhodamine B for a diverse range of buffer zone materials (soils, litters, plants) and compared the adsorption coefficients (Kd) to those of selected herbicides. We also compared the global sorption capacity of 6 ditches, characterized by varying proportions of the aforementioned materials, between both dyes and a set of four herbicides using the sorption-induced pesticide retention indicator (SPRI). We found that both the individual Kd of uranine for the diverse buffer materials and the global sorption capacity of the ditches are equivalent to those of the herbicides diuron, isoproturon, and metolachlor. The Kd of sulforhodamine B on plants and soils are equivalent to those of glyphosate, and the global sorption capacities of the ditches are equivalent for both molecules. Hence, we demonstrate for the first time that uranine can be used as a proxy of moderately hydrophobic herbicides to evaluate the performance of buffer systems, whereas sulforhodamine B can serve as a proxy for more strongly sorbing herbicides.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-][Prevention of atmospheric pollution and elaboration of guidelines in the Federal Republic of Germany. Significance and prospects]
Schwarz, O. | Greffen, K.
[General policy of environmental protection in France concerning atmospheric pollution [actions by the Ministry of the Environment, the Air Quality Agency and the Ministry of Health]]
Legrand, H. | Biren, J.M. | Jouan, M.
[Reduction of ammonia emissions] | Reduction des emissions d'ammoniac: inventer la vache nucleaire?
Jagusiewicz, A.
La reduction des emissions d'ammoniac pour atteindre des objectifs environnementaux tels que stopper la diminution de la superficie des ecosystemes non proteges contre l'acidification et l'eutrophisation va occuper une place de plus en plus importante dans la strategie de lutte contre la pollution. En raison de la reduction des emissions d'oxydes de soufre et d'azote operee au cours des 20 dernieres annees dans le cadre de la Convention sur la pollution atmospherique transfrontiere a longue distance, il est fort probable qu'en 2010 c'est l'ammoniac qui contribuera le plus aux emissions gazeuses responsables de l'eutrophisation et de l'acidification. D'ou l'importance de prendre des maintenant des mesures efficaces contre ce polluant, et ce a l'echelle continentale
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-][One year after Rio meeting : works of the sustainable development committee]
Harmonization of technical rules for clean air in view of the European Internal Market
Grefen, K. (Kommission Reihaltung der Luft in VDI und DIN, Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.))
Protective measures of water resources in the Federal Republic of Germany
Lersner, H.L.F. von (Federal Environmental Agency, Berlin (Germany))
Towards integrated national modelling with particular reference to the environmental effects of nutrients
Alkemade, J.R.M. | Grinsven, J.J.M. van | Wiertz, J. | Kros, J. (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven (Netherlands))
Setting international targets for controlling atmospheric emissions of pollutants - now and in the future
Bull, K.R. | Hall, J.R. (ITE Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon PE17 2LS (United Kingdom))
Role of on-site wastewater treatment system in improvement of water environment in the Philippines
Rondo, M.
Rapid urbanization of the Philippines, especially of Metro Manila area, has caused serious water pollution. Main causes of this are categorized into industrial wastewater and domestic wastewater, discharged without sufficient treatment. As for industrial wastewater, it is essential to put strict regulations on effluent standards, and for municipalities to keep a regular check to ensure these regulations are observed. Philippine government has been working on the improvement of the legislation and control of industrial wastewater until now. However, from now on, it is vital to put more efforts in getting domestic wastewater treated properly. It is indeed crucial to put the existing sewerage construction plans into practice, but generally, sewerage systems require; 1) long construction period, 2) effective funding, 3) high-density construction, and 4) human resources to run the systems effectively. Meanwhile, on-site waste water treatment tanks, or what we called purifiers, can play an important role in controlling the pollution of water environment, and they will serve to complement the sewerage system even after the completion of construction. Small-scale on-site wastewater treatment tanks, or small-scale purifiers, developed and used in Japan especially in developing countries, not only in the scope of environmental conservation but also from the viewpoint of utilizing the economic resources in the private sector
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