AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Pollution ]
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The ecophysiological indicators of air pollution stress of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Zasavje area, Central Slovenia


Kalpic, A.B. (Ecological Research and Industrial Cooperation, Velenje (Slovenia)) | Lasnik, C.R.: Simoncic, P.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Forests health status as the result of environmental impacts and forestry interventions


Hocevar, M. | Mavsar, R. | Kovac, M. (Slovenian Forestry Institute, Ljubljana (Slovenia))

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

Evaluation of environmental impact on Pinus mugo Turra as bioindicator in Subalpine belt of Julian Alps in Slovenia


Batic, F. (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (Slovenia). Biotechnical Faculty) | Mavsar, R. | Rozman, A. | Sircelj, H. | Simoncic, P. | Turk, B.

Institute of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation - Slovakia - Slovakia

The role of hydrological conditions for riverine Hg species transport in the Idrija mining area


Baptista-Salazar, Carluvy | Biester, Harald

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Impact of changes in climate on air pollution in Slovenia between 2002 and 2017


Faganeli Pucer, Jana | Štrumbelj, Erik

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Potential environmental factors that influence the nitrogen concentration and δ15N values in the moss Hypnum cupressiforme collected inside and outside canopy drip lines


Skudnik, Mitja | Jeran, Z. (Zvonka) | Batič, Franc | Simoncic, Primoz | Kastelec, Damijana

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe


Harmens, H. | Norris, D.A. | Cooper, D.M. | Mills, G. | Steinnes, E. | Kubin, E. | Thöni, L. | Aboal, J.R. | Alber R., | Carballeira, A. | Coşkun, M. | De Temmerman, L. | Frolova, M. | González-Miqueo, L. | Jeran, Z. | Leblond, S. | Liiv, S. | Maňkovská, B. | Pesch, R. | Poikolainen, J. | Rühling, Å | Santamaria, J.M. | Simonèiè, P. | Schröder, W. | Suchara, I. | Yurukova, L. | Zechmeister, H.G.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Seasonal and spatial variations in the occurrence, mass loadings and removal of compounds of emerging concern in the Slovene aqueous environment and environmental risk assessment


Česen, Marjeta | Heath, David | Krivec, Marko | Košmrlj, J. (Janez) | Kosjek, Tina | Heath, Ester

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Chemical and toxicological characterisation of anticancer drugs in hospital and municipal wastewaters from Slovenia and Spain


Isidori, Marina | Lavorgna, Margherita | Russo, Chiara | Kundi, M. (Michael) | Žegura, Bojana | Novak, Matjaž | Filipič, Metka | Mišík, Miroslav | Knasmueller, Siegfried | de Alda, Miren López | Barceló, Damià | Žonja, Božo | Česen, Marjeta | Ščančar, Janez | Kosjek, Tina | Heath, Ester

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Altitude profiles of total chlorinated paraffins in humus and spruce needles from the Alps (MONARPOP)


Iozza, Saverio | Schmid, Peter | Oehme, Michael | Bassan, Rodolfo | Belis, Claudio | Jakobi, Gert | Kirchner, Manfred | Schramm, Karl-Werner | Kräuchi, Norbert | Moche, Wolfgang | Offenthaler, Ivo | Weiss, Peter | Simoncic, Primoz | Knoth, Wilhelm

National Agricultural Library - United States of America