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Monitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals in urban soil, compost and vegetation.
Niederer M. | Maschka Selig A. | Hohl C.
Do soil and water conservation practices influence crop productivity and household welfare? Evidence from rural Nigeria
Ogunniyi, Adebayo Isaiah; Omotayo, Abiodun Olusola; Olagunju, Kehinde Oluseyi; Motunrayo, Olyeyemi; Awotide, Bola Amoke; Mavrotas, George; Oladapo, Adeyemi
PR | IFPRI3; ISI; CRP3.2; 4 Transforming Agricultural and Rural Economies | Development Strategies and Governance (DSG); Transformation Strategies | CGIAR Research Program on Maize (MAIZE)
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]New insights on glass industry wasteland ecosystems
Jacquet, Julien | Benizri, Emile | Echevarria, Guillaume | Sirguey, Catherine | ECONICK, 1 rue Granville, 54000 Nancy, France | Laboratoire Sols et Environnement (LSE) ; Université de Lorraine (UL)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) | ANRT convention Cifre n ◦ 2019/1926 | ADEME convention n◦ 1972C0020 | Projet SOLAMET | GISFI research consortium
International audience | Glass manufacturing operations lead to an increasing number of abandoned slag heaps contaminated with metallic trace elements (MTE). However, the relative influence of edaphic factors on the biodiversity of glasswork wastelands is still poorly understood although closely related to sustainable land management practices. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to provide new insights into glasswork wastelands through the investigation of (i) Orthoptera, diurnal Lepidoptera, plant communities, and (ii) abiotic parameters in the topsoils. To that end, biodiversity indices were computed from ecological inventories performed on the herbaceous layer. In addition, soil samples were taken from the topsoil layer (0-10 cm) to assess agronomic properties, actually (CEC-exchangeable) and potentially bioavailable MTE fractions (DTPA-extractable) and pseudo-total MTE contents. On the one hand, the studied site was able to support a substantially higher than excepted biodiversity with orthopteran assemblages similar to grasslands and a diurnal Lepidoptera diversity comparable to urban parks. We also noted a positive influence of plant richness on the diurnal Lepidoptera community structure. On the other hand, topsoil analysis revealed a severe Pb contamination (1800-3100 mg kg − 1) and a high potentially bioavailable Pb fraction (800-1300 mg kg − 1). However, CEC-exchangeable MTE concentrations were all below the analytical quantification limits. Moreover, the site was characterized by a medium soil fertility. From these results, Pb contamination does not appear to be a primary limiting factor for the establishment of these communities. We assume that glasswork wasteland ecosytems are more affected by soil fertility or land management practices. To conclude, these sites are able to provide biodiversity ecosystem services, acting as wildlife sanctuaries for Orthoptera and diurnal Lepidoptera, and strategic metals by phytoextraction in a circular economy model. Thus, wasteland management practices should consider the local-scale drivers of biodiversity in order to reach at least the zero net loss of biodiversity. ☆ This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Amit Bhatnagar.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Harnessing plant microbiome for mitigating arsenic toxicity in sustainable agriculture
Ali, Sajad | Tyagi, Anshika | Mushtaq, Muntazir | Al-Mahmoudi, Henda | Bae, Hanhong
Heavy metal toxicity has become an impediment to agricultural productivity, which presents major human health concerns in terms of food safety. Among them, arsenic (As) a non-essential heavy metal has gained worldwide attention because of its noxious effects on agriculture and public health. The increasing rate of global warming and anthropogenic activities have promptly exacerbated As levels in the agricultural soil, thereby causing adverse effects to crop genetic and phenotypic traits and rendering them vulnerable to other stresses. Conventional breeding and transgenic approaches have been widely adapted for producing heavy metal resilient crops; however, they are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Hence, finding new mitigation strategies for As toxicity would be a game-changer for sustainable agriculture. One such promising approach is harnessing plant microbiome in the era of ‘omics’ which is gaining prominence in recent years. The use of plant microbiome and their cocktails to combat As metal toxicity has gained widespread attention, because of their ability to metabolize toxic elements and offer an array of perquisites to host plants such as increased nutrient availability, stress resilience, soil fertility, and yield. A comprehensive understanding of below-ground plant-microbiome interactions and their underlying molecular mechanisms in exhibiting resilience towards As toxicity will help in identifying elite microbial communities for As mitigation. In this review, we have discussed the effect of As, their accumulation, transportation, signaling, and detoxification in plants. We have also discussed the role of the plant microbiome in mitigating As toxicity which has become an intriguing research frontier in phytoremediation. This review also provides insights on the advancements in constructing the beneficial synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) using microbiome engineering that will facilitate the development of the most advanced As remedial tool kit in sustainable agriculture.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Heavy metal fixation of lead-contaminated soil using Morchella mycelium
Wang, Yazhou | Tan, Renhao | Zhou, Li | Lian, Jie | Wu, Xudong | He, Rong | Yang, Fan | He, Xinsheng | Zhu, Wenkun
With the exploitation of lead-zinc deposits, lead content around mining areas has seriously exceeded the recommended level. The most challenging problem is how to reduce lead contamination in soil efficiently. In this study, we developed a method to remediate lead-contaminated soil by adding Morchella mycelium. First, we compared the repair effects of mycelium and hyperaccumulator by conducting pot experiments. Then, we investigated the mechanism through which mycelium repairs lead-contaminated soil by conducting simulation experiments. Results showed that using mycelium was a more efficient way to repair soil than using hyperaccumulator. Compared with the untreated group, mycelium reduced the lead content of crops by 34.83 % and raised dry biomass by 134.05 % when lead addition was 800 mg/kg. After mycelium fixation, soil catalase, urease, cellulase, and sucrase activities were significantly enhanced, and the bioavailability of lead decreased significantly. The lead solution exposure simulation test showed that Morchella mycelium immobilized lead due to its extracellular secretions. That is, mycelium secreted metabolites and lead to form salt crystals, reducing bioavailable lead content. In addition, Morchella mycelium restoration may effectively improve soil fertility and increase crop yields. Thus, mycelium may be used successfully in alternative green repair methods for environmental heavy metal remediation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Paddy-upland rotation with Chinese milk vetch incorporation reduced the global warming potential and greenhouse gas emissions intensity of double rice cropping system
Zhong, Chuan | Liu, Ying | Xu, Xintong | Yang, Binjuan | Aamer, Muhammad | Zhang, Peng | Huang, Guoqin
It is a common practice to maintain soil fertility based on the paddy-upland rotation with green manure in the subtropical region of China. However, rare studies are known about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the paddy-upland rotation with green manure incorporation. Therefore, we conducted a field experiment of two years to compared with the effect of two kinds of green manure (CV: Chinese milk vetch and OR: Oilseed rape), and two kinds of cropping system (DR: double rice system and PR: paddy-upland rotation) on greenhouse gases emissions. We have found that the annual accumulation of CH₄ of Chinese milk vetch-rice-sweet potato || soybean was significantly reduced by 32.95%∼63.22% compared with other treatments, mainly because Chinese milk vetch reduced the abundance of methanogens by reducing soil C/N ratio. Meanwhile increasing soil permeability resulting from paddy-upland rotation also reduced soil CH₄ emission. However, The annual accumulation of N₂O of Chinese milk vetch-rice-sweet potato || soybean was increased by 17.39%∼870.11% compared with other treatments, mainly attributed to paddy-upland rotation decreased soil pH and nosZ abundance and increased nirK and nirS, thus enhancing N₂O emission, meanwhile the Chinese milk vetch incorporation and its interaction with the paddy-upland rotation has greatly enhanced the contents of NO₃⁻-N and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). The area-scaled global warming potential (GWP) and the biomass-scaled greenhouse gas emissions intensity (GHGI) of Chinese milk vetch-rice-sweet potato || soybean was reduced by 19.01%∼50.69% and 5.38%∼35.77% respectively. Thereby, the Chinese milk vetch-rice-sweet potato || soybean cropping system was suitable for agricultural sustainable development.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of long-term biosolid applications on communities of soil fauna and their metal accumulation: A field study
Li, Simin | Zhu, Li | Li, Jin | Ke, Xin | Wu, Longhua | Luo, Yongming | Christie, Peter
Amendment with sewage sludge or biosolids can increase soil fertility but may also transfer biosolid-borne pollutants to the soil and the possible effects on the soil ecosystem are poorly understood, especially long-term effects. A long-term experiment was therefore established to assess the effects of repeated applications of different types of biosolids (fresh domestic, dried domestic and fresh industrial sludges) in field conditions. Nine years of sludge application led to changes in soil chemical and biological properties and generally contributed little to soil nutrient status. However, soil concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) were elevated by amendment, especially with industrial biosolids. Soil fauna are usually used to decipher the underlying effects of biosolid applications on the soil ecosystem. Here, collembolans (50.9%), nematodes (41.6%) and enchytraeid worms (7.50%) were collected and differentiated into different ecological and trophic groups and their body lengths and PTE concentrations in the body tissues were investigated. The animals showed different responses to the biosolids at population and individual levels. There were substantial changes in epigeic collembolan communities and bacterivorous nematodes increased significantly after biosolid amendment. Biosolid-borne PTEs were major factors and Redundancy (RDA) analysis indicates that collembolan communities were strongly influenced by zinc (Zn). The three groups of soil animals showed similar trends in accumulation of PTEs in the sequence cadmium (Cd) > Zn > copper (Cu), and the bioaccumulation factor (BAF) values of the PTEs were significantly higher in the industrial sludge treatment than in other two treatments with a similar trend of decreasing body length of nematodes. The results indicate that it is potentially risky to use industrial biosolids in the long term, and different species and ecological groups of collembolans and different trophic groups of nematodes should be examined when assessing soil health.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The effect of residual hydrocarbons in soil following oil spillages on the growth of Zea mays plants
Grifoni, M. | Rosellini, I. | Angelini, P. | Petruzzelli, G. | Pezzarossa, B.
Liquid hydrocarbon pipeline accidents, including leaks due to the illegal or unauthorized collection of petroleum from oil pipelines, are a widespread phenomenon that can lead to pollution that may negatively affect soil quality and plant growth. The aim of this study is to evaluate hydrocarbon uptake and accumulation in Zea mays plants grown on soil affected by spills of fossil fuels. The experiments were conducted in microcosm, mesocosm and field tests. The potential transfer of contaminants from soil to plant and their effects on plant growth were investigated. The results from both the laboratory and field experiments showed that the plants grew better in the uncontaminated soil than in the soil polluted by hydrocarbons. Despite their significantly lower aerial biomass, plants grown in contaminated soil did not show any significant differences in C > 12 concentration, either in shoots or roots, compared to the control plants. Thus, the decrease in plant yield might not be attributed to hydrocarbons accumulation in the plant tissues and may rather be due to a reduced soil fertility, which negatively affected plant growth.Under our experimental conditions, the hydrocarbons present in the contaminated soil were not absorbed by the plants and did not accumulate in plant tissue or in grains, thus avoiding the risk of them entering the food chain.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Toxicological effects on earthworms (Eisenia fetida) exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of BDE-47 and BDE-209 from a metabolic point
Liang, Ruoyu | Chen, Juan | Shi, Yajuan | Lü, Yonglong | Sarvajayakesavalu, Suriyanarayanan | Xu, Xiangbo | Zheng, Xiaoqi | Kifāyatullāh, K̲h̲ān | Su, Chao
Earthworms improve the soil fertility and they are also sensitive to soil contaminants. Earthworms (Eisenia fetida), standard reference species, were usually chosen to culture and handle for toxicity tests. Metabolic responses in earthworms exposed to 2, 2′, 4, 4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) and decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) were inhibitory and interfered with basal metabolism. In this study, 1H-NMR based metabolomics was used to identify sensitive biomarkers and explore metabolic responses of earthworms under sub-lethal BDE-47 and BDE-209 concentrations for 14 days. The results revealed that lactate was accumulated in earthworms exposed to BDE-47 and BDE-209. Glutamate increased significantly when the concentration of BDE-47 and BDE-209 reached 10 mg/kg. The BDE-47 exposure above 50 mg/kg concentration decreased the content of fumarate significantly, which was noticed different from that of BDE-209. Whereas, the BDE-207 or BDE-209 exposure increased the protein degradation into amino acids in vivo. The increased betaine content indicated that earthworms may maintain the cell osmotic pressure and protected enzyme activity by metabolic regulation. Moreover, the BDE-47 and BDE-209 exposure at 10 mg/kg changed most of the metabolites significantly, indicating that the metabolic responses were more sensitive than growth inhibition and gene expression. The metabolomics results revealed the toxic modes of BDE-47 and BDE-209 act on the osmoregulation, energy metabolism, nerve activities, tricarboxylic acid cycle and amino acids metabolism. Furthermore, our results highlighted that the 1H-NMR based metabolomics is a strong tool for identifying sensitive biomarkers and eco-toxicological assessment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Status of phthalate esters contamination in agricultural soils across China and associated health risks
Niu, Lili | Xu, Yang | Xu, Chao | Yun, Lingxiang | Liu, Weiping
The extensive utilization of phthalate-containing products has lead to ubiquitous contamination of phthalate esters (PAEs) in various matrices. However, comprehensive knowledge of their pollution in Chinese farmland and associated risks is still limited. In this study, 15 PAEs were determined in soils from agricultural fields throughout the Mainland China. The concentrations of Σ15PAEs were in the range of 75.0–6369 μg kg−1. Three provinces (i.e., Fujian, Guangdong and Xinjiang, China) showed the highest loadings of PAEs. Bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) was found as the most abundant component and contributed 71.5% to the ∑15PAEs. The major source of PAEs in arable soils was associated with the application of agricultural plastic films, followed by the activities for soil fertility. Furthermore, the non-cancer and carcinogenic risks of target PAEs were estimated. The hazard indexes (HIs) of PAEs in all samples were below 1 and the carcinogenic risk levels were all within 10−4. Results from this study will provide valuable information for Chinese agricultural soil management and risk avoidance.
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