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Vertical profiles of the transport fluxes of aerosol and its precursors between Beijing and its southwest cities
Hu, Qihou | Liu, Cheng | Li, Qihua | Liu, Ting | Ji, Xiangguang | Zhu, Yizhi | Xing, Chengzhi | Liu, Haoran | Tan, Wei | Gao, Meng
The influence of regional transport on aerosol pollution has been explored in previous studies based on numerical simulation or surface observation. Nevertheless, owing to inhomogeneous vertical distribution of air pollutants, vertical observations should be conducted for a comprehensive understanding of regional transport. Here we obtained the vertical profiles of aerosol and its precursors using ground-based multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) at the Nancheng site in suburban Beijing on the southwest transport pathway of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region, China, and then estimated the vertical profiles of transport fluxes in the southwest-northeast direction. The maximum net transport fluxes per unit cross-sectional area, calculated as pollutant concentration multiply by wind speed, of aerosol extinction coefficient (AEC), NO₂, SO₂ and HCHO were 0.98 km⁻¹ m s⁻¹, 24, 14 and 8.0 μg m⁻² s⁻¹ from southwest to northeast, which occurred in the 200–300 m, 100–200 m, 500–600 m and 500–600 m layers, respectively, due to much higher pollutant concentrations during southwest transport than during northeast transport in these layers. The average net column transport fluxes were 1200 km⁻¹ m² s⁻¹, 38, 26 and 15 mg m⁻¹ s⁻¹ from southwest to northeast for AEC, NO₂, SO₂ and HCHO, respectively, in which the fluxes in the surface layer (0–100 m) accounted for only 2.3%–4.2%. Evaluation only based on surface observation would underestimate the influence of the transport from southwest cities to Beijing. Northeast or weak southwest transports dominated in clean conditions with PM₂.₅ <75 μg m⁻³ and intense southwest transport dominated in polluted conditions with PM₂.₅ >75 μg m⁻³. Southwest transport through the middle boundary layer was a trigger factor for aerosol pollution events in urban Beijing, because it not only directly bringing air pollutants, but also induced an inverse structure of aerosols, which resulted in stronger atmospheric stability and aggravated air pollution in urban Beijing.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Transfer of elements into boreal forest ants at a former uranium mining site
Roivainen, Päivi | Muurinen, Saara-Maria | Sorvari, Jouni | Juutilainen, Jukka | Naarala, Jonne | Salomaa, Sisko
Ants can influence ecological processes, such as the transfer of elements or radionuclides, in several ways. For example, they redistribute materials while foraging and maintaining their nests and have an important role in terrestrial food webs. Quantitative data of the transfer of elements into ants is needed, e.g., for developing improved radioecological models. In this study, samples of red wood ants (genus Formica), nest material, litter and soil were collected from a former uranium mining site in Eastern Finland. Concentrations of 33 elements were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy/Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Estimated element concentrations in spruce needles were used as a proxy for studying the transfer of elements into ants via aphids because spruces host the most important aphid farms in boreal forests. Empirically determined organism/medium concentration ratios (CRs) are commonly used in radioecological models. Ant/soil CRs were calculated and the validity of the fundamental assumption behind the of use of CRs (linear transfer) was evaluated. Elements that accumulated in ants in comparison to other compartments were cadmium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc. Ant uranium concentrations were low in comparison to soil, litter, or nest material but slightly elevated in comparison to spruce needles. Ant element concentrations were quite constant regardless of the soil concentrations. Non-linear transfer models could therefore describe the soil-to-ant transfer better than conventional CRs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Interplay between arsenic and selenium biomineralization in Shewanella sp. O23S
Staicu, Lucian C. | Wójtowicz, Paulina J. | Molnár, Zsombor | Ruiz-Agudo, Encarnación | Gallego, José Luis R. | Baragaño, Diego | Pósfai, Mihály
Bacteria play crucial roles in the biogeochemical cycle of arsenic (As) and selenium (Se) as these elements are metabolized via detoxification, energy generation (anaerobic respiration) and biosynthesis (e.g. selenocysteine) strategies. To date, arsenic and selenium biomineralization in bacteria were studied separately. In this study, the anaerobic metabolism of As and Se in Shewanella sp. O23S was investigated separately and mixed, with an emphasis put on the biomineralization products of this process. Multiple analytical techniques including ICP-MS, TEM-EDS, XRD, Micro-Raman, spectrophotometry and surface charge (zeta potential) were employed. Shewanella sp. O23S is capable of reducing selenate (SeO₄²⁻) and selenite (SeO₃²⁻) to red Se(-S)⁰, and arsenate (AsO₄³⁻) to arsenite (AsO₃³⁻). The release of H₂S from cysteine led to the precipitation of AsS minerals: nanorod AsS and granular As₂S₃. When As and Se oxyanions were mixed, both As–S and Se(-S)⁰ biominerals were synthesized. All biominerals were extracellular, amorphous and presented a negative surface charge (−24 to −38 mV). Kinetic analysis indicated the following reduction yields: SeO₃²⁻ (90%), AsO₄³⁻ (60%), and SeO₄²⁻ (<10%). The mix of SeO₃²⁻ with AsO₄³⁻ led to a decrease in As removal to 30%, while Se reduction yield was unaffected (88%). Interestingly, SeO₄²⁻ incubated with AsO₄³⁻ boosted the Se removal (71%). The exclusive extracellular formation of As and Se biominerals might indicate an extracellular respiratory process characteristic of various Shewanella species and strains. This is the first study documenting a complex interplay between As and Se oxyanions: selenite decreased arsenate reduction, whereas arsenate stimulated selenate reduction. Further investigation needs to clarify whether Shewanella sp. O23S employs multi-substrate respiratory enzymes or separate, high affinity enzymes for As and Se oxyanion respiration.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Wild fish and seafood species in the western Mediterranean Sea with low safe mercury concentrations
Capodiferro, Marco | Marco, Esther | Grimalt, Joan O.
A total of 1345 specimens belonging to 58 different species of wild fish and seafood from the western Mediterranean Sea were analyzed to assess total mercury levels and to estimate which species meet the EU recommendations for human consumption (0.5 μg g⁻¹ ww) in all cases. All fish species were caught off the Mediterranean coasts and intended for human consumption. All specimens were collected from local markets located in Spain, Italy and France that sell fish caught by local fishermen (Eivissa, Menorca, Mallorca, Alacant, L'Ampolla, Ametlla de Mar, Marseille, Genoa, Civitavecchia, Alghero) at different time periods. Mercury concentrations were measured by thermal decomposition-gold amalgamator-atomic absorption spectrometry. Only thirteen species were found that did not exceed 0.5 μg g⁻¹ ww in any specimen analyzed. These safe species were sardines (Sardina pilchardus), anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), picarel (Spicara smaris), blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), pearly razorfish (Xyrichtys novacula), surmullet (Mullus surmuletus), painted comber (Serranus scriba), brown meagre (Sciaena umbra), salema (Sarpa salpa), common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) and squid (Loligo vulgaris). These species occupy different trophic levels, have different lengths and average weights, but show a low mercury concentration than others living in the same environments. Potential human consumption of these species as sole source of fish would imply estimated weekly intakes representing between 49% and 70% of the recommended provisional tolerable weekly intake of methylmercury in the worst case. Health authorities should pay specific attention to species that do not meet EU thresholds and make appropriate precautionary health recommendations, especially for pregnant women and children.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Three-dimensional model of magnetic susceptibility in forest topsoil: An indirect method to discriminate contaminant migration
Łukasik, Adam | Szuszkiewicz, Marcin | Wanic, Tomasz | Gruba, Piotr
Soil magnetic susceptibility (MS) is an important parameter in pollution studies owing to its relationship with atmospheric deposition, and the concomitance of technogenic magnetic particles (TMPs) with potentially toxic elements (PTEs), Fe and Mn. In this study, we performed a detailed soil study under tree canopies for a forest area with high historical TMP-bearing industrial dust deposition. The technogenic sources of magnetic signals in topsoil were analyzed via scanning electron microscope electron dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), while the minor role of geogenic sources was obtained from soil profile analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show soil TMP distribution in three dimensional (3D) space. In addition, using the data from 275 soil cores and 8250 individual measurements, 3D maps of MS for four tree species were plotted. There is a noticeable difference between coniferous (spruce and pine) and deciduous (beech and oak) species regarding depth of maximum concentration of magnetic particles in the topsoil. For beech and oak, maximum MS values were measured at 3 cm depth; pine and spruce, maximum MS values were measured at 5 cm depth. However, no significant differences were found among tree species in terms of mean MS or PTE contents. This suggests that there is little different among tree species in terms of dust capture over their life span. Significant correlations between MS and other parameters (PTEs and organic matter contents) present new possibilities for spatial 3D analysis of topsoil horizons.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Macro and trace elements in the black pine needles as inorganic indicators of urban traffic emissions
Zsigmond, Andreea Rebeka | Száraz, Alpár | Urák, István
Urban activities intensify air pollution by increasing the amount of particulate matter (PM). The trees collect PM by adsorption on the leaf surface and simultaneously absorb inorganic components. In this research, we investigated the potential of the black pine as bioindicator of road traffic emissions in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). We defined three sites types with different exposure to the road traffic (streets, outskirts, parks) and a control site far from the city. We quantified 17 inorganic components (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, Zn) by MP-AES (microwave-plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) technique in the one-year-old needles and we identified the best candidates for biomonitoring purposes. The concentration of Ba, Cr, Cu and Fe showed the most sensitive variations with the road traffic intensity. While in the streets the Ba, Cu and Fe increased by 2.8–3.5 times in relation to the control site, the Cr varied in the highest degree exhibiting ratios of 2.2 (parks), 3.3 (outskirts) and 6.3 (streets). The success of these elements lies in several characteristics: they are closely related to non-exhaust emissions, they are readily absorbed through the leaves rather than the roots, and they tend to accumulate in the needles instead of being relocated to other organs. The street maintenance activities caused considerable accumulation of Na in the trees from the roadsides, but had no impact over the trees from the parks. The elements originating mainly in the re-suspended urban dust (Ni, Pb, Sr) equally affected the pines from the streets and parks.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Indirect photodegradation of sulfadiazine in the presence of DOM: Effects of DOM components and main seawater constituents
Bai, Ying | Zhou, Yanlei | Che, Xiaowei | Li, Conghe | Cui, Zhengguo | Su, Rongguo | Qu, Keming
The presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in coastal waters has caused concern over the past decade. Sulfadiazine (SD) is a very common antibiotic widely used as human and fishery medicine, and dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a significant role in the indirect photodegradation of SD; however, the influence of DOM compositions on SD indirect photodegradation is poorly understood. The roles of reactive intermediates (RIs) in the indirect photolysis of SD were assessed in this study. The reactive triplet states of DOM (³DOM∗) played a major role, whereas HO· and ¹O₂ played insignificant roles. DOM was divided into four components using excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy combined with parallel factor analysis. The components included three allochthonous humic-like components and one autochthonous humic-like component. The allochthonous humic-like components contributed more to RIs generation and SD indirect photolysis than the autochthonous humic-like component. A significant relationship between the indirect photodegradation of SD and the decay of DOM fluorescent components was found (correlation coefficient, 0.99), and the different indirect photodegradation of SD in various DOM solutions might be ascribed to the different components of DOM. The indirect photolysis rate of SD first increased and then decreased with increasing pH. SD photolysis was enhanced by low salinity but remained stable at high salinity. The increased carbonate concentration inhibited SD photolysis, whereas nitrate showed almost no effect in this study.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A novel approach for long-term spectral monitoring of desert shrubs affected by an oil spill
Ignat, Timea | De Falco, Natalie | Berger-Tal, Reut | Rachmilevitch, Shimon | Karnieli, Arnon
Crude oil pollution is a global environmental concern since it persists in the environment longer than most conventional carbon sources. In December 2014, the hyper-arid Evrona Nature Reserve, Israel, experienced large-scale contamination when crude oil spilled. The overarching goal of the study was to investigate the possible changes, caused by an accidental crude oil spill, in the leaf reflectance and biochemical composition of four natural habitat desert shrubs. The specific objectives were (1) to monitor the biochemical properties of dominant shrub species in the polluted and control areas; (2) to study the long-term consequences of the contamination; (3) to provide information that will assist in planning rehabilitation actions; and (4) to explore the feasibility of vegetation indices (VIs), along with the machine learning (ML) technique, for detecting stressed shrubs based on the full spectral range. Four measurement campaigns were conducted in 2018 and 2019. Along with the various stress indicators, field spectral measurements were performed in the range of 350–2500 nm. A regression analysis to examine the relation of leaf reflectance to biochemical contents was carried out, to reveal the relevant wavelengths in which polluted and control plants differ. Vegetation indices applied in previous studies were found to be less sensitive for indirect detection of long-term oil contamination. A novel spectral index, based on indicative spectral bands, named the “normalized blue-green stress index” (NBGSI), was established. The NBGSI distinguished significantly between shrubs located in the polluted and in the control areas. The NBGSI showed a strong linear correlation with pheophytin a. Machine learning classification algorithms obtained high overall prediction accuracy in distinguishing between shrubs located in the oil-polluted and the control sites, indicating internal component differences. The findings of this study demonstrate the efficacy of indirect and non-destructive spectral tools for detecting and monitoring oil pollution stress in shrubs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Integrated environmental evaluation of heavy metals and metalloids bioaccumulation in invertebrates and seaweeds from different marine coastal areas of sardinia, mediterranean sea
Corrias, Francesco | Atzei, Alessandro | Addis, Piero | Secci, Marco | Russo, Mariateresa | Angioni, Alberto
In this work, three gastropods Patella vulgata, Osilinus turbinata, and Tahis clavigera, one echinoderm Parancetrotus lividus, one coelenterate Anemonia sulcata, and two seaweed Padina pavonica, and Cystoseira mediterranea were collected from three different marine areas of Sardinia in the Mediterranean sea and studied for heavy metals and metalloid content and accumulation trends.Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used for the determination of Al, AS, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Te, Ti, V and Zn in the selected samples. The results showed that gastropods were capable of accumulating Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Sr, and Zn; seaweeds can better concentrate Al, Fe, and Zn than all other species. At the same time, echinoderms and coelenterate had limited ability to store specific metals, showing a much more homogeneous distribution. PCA analysis allowed us to discriminate among the sites and the species. Cala Zafferano was the area with the higher values of accumulation of all metals in all species as expected, considering its proximity to industrial sites. The results of the analysis showed clearly that heavy metal and metalloid accumulation was different for each species studied. Therefore, for a correct environmental assessment of a given area, a comprehensive approach is strongly recommended by exploiting the different properties of both accumulation and concentration of the metals by different aquatic species.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Elucidating the structural variation of membrane concentrated landfill leachate during Fenton oxidation process using spectroscopic analyses
Teng, Chunying | Zhou, Kanggen | Zhang, Zhang | Peng, Changhong | Chen, Wei
Membrane concentrated landfill leachate (MCLL) contains large amounts of recalcitrant organic matter that cause potential hazards to the environment. Knowledge on the compositional variation of MCLL during treatment is important for a better understanding on the degradation pathway of organic pollutants. In this work, the structural change of MCLL during Fenton oxidation process was examined using spectroscopic techniques. The removal rates of COD, TOC and UV254 reached 78.9 ± 1.3%, 70.2 ± 1.4% and 90.64 ± 1.6%, respectively, under the optimal condition (i.e., dosage of H2O2 = 9.0 mL/200 mL, H2O2/Fe(II) molar ratio = 3.0, pH = 3.0, time = 40 min). Spectral analyses suggested that aromatic/CC structure and CO bonds in MCLL can be successfully destroyed by Fenton oxidation, resulting in a decrease in molecular weight. One fulvic-like and one humic-like components were identified in MCLL, both of which can be removed by Fenton treatment. In addition, two-dimensional correlation spectroscopic analyses suggested the oxidative changes of MCLL structure in the order of fulvic-like component/unsaturated conjugated bond > aromatic structure > humic-like component. The results may provide a new insight to the understanding on the structure variation of MCLL during treatment, which is beneficial for the design of cost-effective treatment strategies.
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