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Sediment characterisation and spatial distribution of heavy metals in the sediment of a tropical freshwater wetland of Indo-Burmese province
Kalita, Suravi | Sarma, Hari Prasad | Devi, Arundhuti
The sediment characterisation of wetlands belonging to the Northeastern Region of India particularly regarding the assessment of sediment carbon stock is very scanty. The presently available literature on the wetlands cannot be employed as a common model for managing the wetlands of the Northeastern Region of India as wetlands are a sensitive ecosystem with a different origin or endogenous interventions. Thereby, this research was conducted on Deepor Beel for investigating the spatial and seasonal variation of sediment parameters, the relationship between the parameters and pollution status of the wetland. Results revealed that the study area is of an acidic nature with a sandy clay loam type texture. Organic carbon, total nitrogen and available nitrogen were higher in sediments in the monsoon period. The mean stock of the sediment carbon pool of Deepor Beel is estimated to be 2.5 ± 0.7 kg m−2. The average non-residual fraction percentage (63.2%) of Pb was higher than the residual fraction. Zn content ∼490 mg kg−1 exceeding its effect range medium (ERM) was determined to suggest frequent biological adverse effects. Highest metal enrichment factor (EF) values were shown by Zn and Pb, which ranged between 78 and 255. Risk assessment code (RAC) values of Pb between 21 and 29% indicated its high bio-accessibility risk. Pearson's coefficient matrix revealed a low degree of positive correlation between organic carbon content and metal concentration. Principal component analysis revealed that the first component comprising of EC, basic cations and metals accounted for 62.3% of variance while the second component (OM, OC, TN, AN, AP) and the third component (pH) accounted for 21.8% and 7.0% of the variance, respectively. The present study revealed the adverse impact of human inputs on the Deepor Beel quality status.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Response of benthic macrofauna to multiple anthropogenic pressures in the shallow coastal zone south of Sfax (Tunisia, central Mediterranean Sea)
Mosbahi, Nawfel | Serbaji, Mohamed Moncef | Pezy, Jean-Philippe | Neifar, Lassad | Dauvin, Jean-Claude
Anthropogenic activities including coastal industries, urbanization, extensive agriculture and aquaculture as well as their cumulative impacts represent major sources of perturbation of marine coastal systems. Macrobenthic communities are useful ecological indicators for monitoring the health status of marine environments (or polluted environments). The present study reports, for the first time, the response of benthic macrofauna sampled during two years survey (2015–2016) to multiple anthropogenic pressures on the coastal zone south of Sfax (Tunisia). A total of 12 stations were monitored seasonally at locations downstream from the main potential sources of disturbance. 106 macrobenthos taxa, belonging to six animal phyla and 70 families, were identified with a dominance of polychaetes (42%), crustaceans (35%) and molluscs (18%). We used an ANOVA test and cluster analysis to identify spatial gradient linked to environmental and anthropogenic factors, including depth, sedimentary texture and anthropogenic activities (i.e. phosphogypsum discharges).The macrofauna present lowest species number and abundance on stations undergoing anthropogenic inputs, which are extremely polluted by heavy metals (Cd, Cu, F and N) and excess of organic matter. Univariate parameters reveal a general trend of increasing species diversity with increasing distance from the pollution source. The polluted stations are strongly dominated by carnivores, and selective deposit feeders, and more closely linked to the availability of trophic resources than to anthropogenic constraints. The seasonal changes in macrobenthic abundance, diversity indices and community structure are mainly linked to the biological cycle (e.g. recruitment events) of the dominant species. Biotic indices (AMBI and BO2A) classified the coastal zone south of Sfax as moderate and good ecological status. This study suggests that initiating a long-term monitoring programme would improve our understanding of the temporal changes of macrobenthic communities of this ecosystem, contributing to the assessment of effective management and conservation measures in this disturbed area.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Microstructural characteristics of naturally formed hardpan capping sulfidic copper-lead-zinc tailings
Liu, Yunjia | Wu, Songlin | Nguyen, Tuan A.H. | Southam, Gordon | Chan, Ting-Shan | Lu, Ying-Rui | Huang, Longbin
A massive and dense textured layer (ca. 35–50 cm thick) of hardpan was uncovered at the top layer, which capped the unweathered sulfidic Cu-Pb-Zn tailings in depth and physically supported gravelly soil root zones sustaining native vegetation for more than a decade. For the purpose of understanding functional roles of the hardpan layer in the cover profile, the present study has characterized the microstructures of the hardpan profile at different depth compared with the tailings underneath the hardpans. A suit of microspectroscopic technologies was deployed to examine the hardpan samples, including field emission-scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (FE-SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and synchrotron-based X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS). The XRD and Fe K-edge XAFS analysis revealed that pyrite in the tailings had been largely oxidised, while goethite and ferrihydrite had extensively accumulated in the hardpan. The percentage of Fe-phyllosilicates (e.g., biotite and illite) decreased within the hardpan profile compared to the unweathered tailings beneath the hardpan. The FE-SEM-EDS analysis showed that the fine-grained Ca-sulfate (possibly gypsum) evaporites appeared as platelet-shaped that deposited around pyrite, dolomite, and crystalline gypsum particles, while Fe-Si gels exhibited a needle-like texture that aggregated minerals together and produced contiguous coating on pyrite surfaces. These microstructural findings suggest that the weathering of pyrite and Fe-phyllosilicates coupled with dolomite dissolution may have contributed to the formation of Ca-sulfate/gypsum evaporites and Fe-Si gels. These findings have among the first to uncover the microstructure of hardpan formed at the top layer of sulfidic Cu-Pb-Zn tailings, which physically capped the unweathered tailings in depth and supported root zones and native vegetation under semi-arid climatic conditions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sources of hydrocarbons in urban road dust: Identification, quantification and prediction
Mummullage, Sandya | Egodawatta, Prasanna | Ayoko, G. A. (Godwin A.) | Goonetilleke, Ashantha
Among urban stormwater pollutants, hydrocarbons are a significant environmental concern due to their toxicity and relatively stable chemical structure. This study focused on the identification of hydrocarbon contributing sources to urban road dust and approaches for the quantification of pollutant loads to enhance the design of source control measures. The study confirmed the validity of the use of mathematical techniques of principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) for source identification and principal component analysis/absolute principal component scores (PCA/APCS) receptor model for pollutant load quantification. Study outcomes identified non-combusted lubrication oils, non-combusted diesel fuels and tyre and asphalt wear as the three most critical urban hydrocarbon sources. The site specific variabilities of contributions from sources were replicated using three mathematical models. The models employed predictor variables of daily traffic volume (DTV), road surface texture depth (TD), slope of the road section (SLP), effective population (EPOP) and effective impervious fraction (EIF), which can be considered as the five governing parameters of pollutant generation, deposition and redistribution. Models were developed such that they can be applicable in determining hydrocarbon contributions from urban sites enabling effective design of source control measures.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sediment spiking and equilibration procedures to achieve partitioning of uranium similar to contamination in tropical wetlands near a mine site
Harford, Andrew J. | Simpson, Stuart L. | Humphrey, Christopher L. | Parry, David L. | Kumar, Anu | Chandler, Lisa | Stauber, Jennifer L. | van Dam, Rick A.
The derivation of sediment quality guideline values (SQGVs) presents significant challenges. Arguably the most important challenge is to conduct toxicity tests using contaminated sediments with physico-chemistry that represents real-world scenarios. We used a novel metal spiking method for an experiment that ultimately aims to derive a uranium SQGV. Two pilot studies were conducted to inform the final spiking design, i.e. percolating a uranyl sulfate solution through natural wetland sediments. An initial pilot study that used extended mixing equilibration phases produced hardened sediments not representative of natural sediments. A subsequent percolation method produced sediment with similar texture to natural sediment and was used as the method for spiking the sediments. The range of total recoverable uranium (TR-U) concentrations achieved was 8–3200 mg/kg. This reflected the concentrations found in natural wetlands and water management ponds found on a uranium mine site and was above natural levels. Dilute-acid extractable uranium (AE-U) concentrations were >80% of total concentrations, indicating that much of the uranium in the spiked sediment was labile and potentially bioavailable. The portion of TR-U extractable as AE-U was similar at the start and end of the 4.5-month field-deployment. Porewater uranium (PW–U) analyses indicated that partition coefficients (Kd) were 2000–20,000 L/kg, and PW-U was greater in post- than pre-field-deployed samples when TR-U was ≤1500 mg/kg, indicating the binding became weaker during the field-deployment period. At higher spiked-U concentrations, the PW-U was lower post-field-deployment. Comparing the physico-chemical data of the spiked sediments with environmental monitoring data from sediments in the vicinity of a uranium mining operation indicated that they were representative of sediments contaminated by mining and that the U-spiked sediments had a clear U concentration gradient. This confirmed the suitability of the spiking procedure for preparing sediments that were suitable for deriving a SQGV for uranium.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Sustainable conversion of textile industry cotton waste into P-dopped biochar for removal of dyes from textile effluent and valorisation of spent biochar into soil conditioner towards circular economy
Kar, Susmita | Santra, Bhaskar | Kumar, Sunil | Ghosh, Sourja | Majumdar, Swachchha
Effective immobilization of industrial waste into biochar development could be one of the most promising technologies for solid waste management to achieve circular economy. In this study, post-industrial cotton textile waste (PICTW), a cellulose rich industrial waste, was subjected to slow pyrolysis to develop a surface engineered biochar through phosphoric acid impregnation. Biochar produced at 500 °C designated as PICTWB500 showed a maximum methylene blue number (240 mg g⁻¹) with remarkable specific surface area of 1498 m² g⁻¹. FESEM, FTIR, XRD and Raman spectra analysis were performed to investigate the surface texture and functionalities developed in the biochar. Adsorption efficiency of the biochar was assessed using drimarene red, blue, violet, and black dyes as model dye pollutants in batch mode at different biochar dose, pH and contact time. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity was obtained in the range 285–325 mg g⁻¹ for different dyes, determined from Langmuir adsorption model. The kinetic behaviour was more favourable with the pseudo second-order model. The recycling ability of PICTWB500 was proven to be effective up to 6th cycle without compromising its adsorption efficiency significantly. This study demonstrated an excellent adsorption capability of the biochar in dye laden real textile effluent and recycling of spent biochar as a precursor of bio compost. Hence, this study established a dual win strategy for waste utilization in textile industry using a closed loop approach with substantial techno-economic feasibility that may have potential applications.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Microplastics and trace metals in fish species of the Gulf of Mannar (Indian Ocean) and evaluation of human health
Selvam, S. | Manisha, A. | Roy, Priyadarsi D. | Venkatramanan, S. | Chung, S.Y. | Muthukumar, P. | Jesuraja, K. | Elgorban, Abdallah M. | Ahmed, Bilal | Elzain, Hussam Eldin
The importance of microplastic (MPs) contamination in marine environments is reflected by increasing number of studies in fish species. Some even dedicated to the toxicological effects from the ingestion. Microplastics (MPs) and their trace metal composition were examined in the muscle and intestine of five commercially important fish species (i.e., Sufflamen fraenatus, Heniochus acuminatus, Atropus atropos, Pseudotriacanthus and Leiognathus brevirostris) from Thoothukudi at the Gulf of Mannar coast in south India. The abundance and morphology of MPs (size, shape, and texture) in muscle and intestinal were investigated by micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (μ-FT-IR) and atomic force microscope (AFM). ICP-OES was used to investigate the adsorption/leaching of trace metals in microplastics in order to assess health risk for adults and children. Particles of 100–250 μm and white color dominated, and the mean abundances (items/100 g) of total MPs were more in Pseudotriacanthus (muscle: 51.2; intestine: 50.1) compared to Heniochus acuminatus (muscle: 9.6; intestine: 15), Leiognathus brevirostris (muscle: 12; intestine: 13.2) and Atropus atropus (muscle: 15.2; intestine: 44.1). Polyethylene (35.3%), polypropylene (27.2%), polyamide (nylon) (22.2%) and fiber (15.3%) represented the MPs present in muscles, and polyamide (nylon) (30.2%), polyethylene (28.1%), polypropylene (25.9%), and fiber (15.8%) composed the intestine MPs. We estimated possible consumption of 121–456 items of MPs/week by adults and about 19–68 items of MPs/week by children by considering the sizes of safe meals. Zn, Cu, Mn and Cr in these fish species reflected influence of the sewage waste. However, the non-carcinogenic risk evaluated through EDI, THQ, HI, and CR did not suggest any immediate health problem for the consumers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Heavy metals and metalloids concentrations across UK urban horticultural soils and the factors influencing their bioavailability to food crops
Crispo, Marta | Dobson, Miriam C. | Blevins, Roscoe S. | Meredith, Will | Lake, Janice A. | Edmondson, Jill L.
Urban horticulture (UH) has been proposed as a solution to increase urban sustainability, but the potential risks to human health due to potentially elevated soil heavy metals and metalloids (HM) concentrations represent a major constraint for UH expansion. Here we provide the first UK-wide assessment of soil HM concentrations (total and bioavailable) in UH soils and the factors influencing their bioavailability to crops. Soils from 200 allotments across ten cities in the UK were collected and analysed for HM concentrations, black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations, pH and texture. We found that although HM are widespread across UK UH soils, most concentrations fell below the respective UK soil screening values (C4SLs): 99 % Cr; 98 % As, Cd, Ni; 95 % Cu; 52 % Zn. However, 83 % of Pb concentrations exceeded C4SL, but only 3.5 % were above Pb national background concentration of 820 mg kg⁻¹. The bioavailable HM concentrations represent a small fraction (0.01–1.8 %) of the total concentrations even for those soils that exceeded C4SLs. There was a significant positive relationship between both total and bioavailable HM and soil BC and OC concentrations. This suggest that while contributing to the accumulation of HM concentrations in UH soils, BC and OC may also provide a biding surface for the bioavailable HM concentrations contributing to their immobilisation. These findings have implications for both management of the risk to human health associated with UH growing in urban soils and with management of UH soil. There is a clear need to understand the mechanisms driving soil-to-crop HM transfer in UH to improve potentially restrictive C4SL (e.g. Pb) especially as public demand for UH land is growing. In addition, the UH community would benefit from education programs promoting soil management practices that reduce the risk of HM exposure - particularly in those plots where C4SLs were exceeded.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Desorption kinetics of tetracyclines in soils assessed by diffusive gradients in thin films
Ren, Suyu | Wang, Yi | Cui, Ying | Wang, Yan | Wang, Xiaochun | Chen, Jingwen | Tan, Feng
Tetracyclines (TCs) are frequently detected in agricultural soils worldwide, causing a potential threat to crops and human health. In this study, diffusive gradients in thin films technique (DGT) was used to measure the distribution and exchange rates of three TCs (tetracycline (TC), oxytetracycline (OTC) and chlortetracycline (CTC)) between the solid phase and solution in five farmland soils. The relationship between the accumulated masses with time suggested that TCs consumption in soil solution by DGT would induce the supply from the soil solid phase. The distribution coefficient for the labile antibiotics (Kdl), response time (Tc) and desorption/adsorption rates (kb and kf) between dissolved and sorbed TCs were derived from the dynamic model of DIFS (DGT induced fluxes in soils). The Kdl showed similar sizes of labile solid phase pools for TC and OTC while larger pool sizes were observed for CTC in the soils. Although the concentrations of CTC were lowest in soil solution, the potential hazard caused by continuous release from soil particles could not be ignored. The long response time (>30 min in most cases) suggested that the resupply of TCs from soil solids was limited by their desorption rates (1.26-121 × 10−6 s−1). The soils in finer texture, with higher clay and silt contents (<50 μm) showed a greater potential for TCs release.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Linking the contents of hydrophobic PAHs with the canopy water storage capacity of coniferous trees
Anna, Klamerus-Iwan | Emanuel, Gloor | Anna, Sadowska-Rociek | Błońska, Ewa | Lasota, Jarosław | Łagan, Sylwia
The canopy water storage capacity (S) is an important parameter for the hydrological cycle in forests. One factor which influences the S is leaf texture, which in turn is thought to be affected by the contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In order to improve our understanding of S we simulated rainfall and measured the S of coniferous species growing under various conditions. The contents of 18 PAHs were measured in the needles. The species chosen were: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) and silver fir (Abies Alba Mill.). Sample branches were collected in 3 locations: A - forest; B - housing estate; C - city center. We found that PAHs have a significant impact on the S of tree crowns. The increase in the total content of all of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (SUM.PAH) translates into an increase of S for all species. The S is the highest for the P. abies species, followed by P. sylvestris and A. alba at all locations. Within the same species, an increase in the value of S is associated with an increase in the PAH content in needles measured by gas chromatography. For A.alba, the average S increased from 11.54% of the total amount of simulated rain (ml g⁻¹) at location A, to 17.10% at location B, and 21.02% at location C. Similarly for P. abies the S was 21.78%, 29.06% and 34.36% at locations A, B and C respectively.The study extends the knowledge of the mechanisms of plant surface adhesion and the anthropogenic factors that may modify this process as well as foliage properties.
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